Documentation ============= In total the documentation burden is (at most) 1000 words plus one diagram. Assesment of the documentation is not relative to compiler functionality, it just requires a description of the compiler as-is, and a realistic assessment of the compiler's strengths and weaknesses. AST === Overview Diagram ---------------- _Add a diagram of your AST, which is designed to *usefully* communicate the *important* properties of the AST._ - _Use whatever level of detail you feel is appropriate_. - _You do not need to include every part of the AST, and you don't need to include every class_. - _Zooming should not be necessary to understand it_. The file should be called `my-ast.png`. The software used to generate the png is up to you, or you can draw it by hand and scan it if you wish (though beware the eventual file-size). ![my-ast.png](my-ast.png) Description ----------- _Describe the structure and organisation of your AST in 200 words or fewer_. - _Feel free to refer to your diagram_. - _Try to capture the most important properties_. - _You can use code, but it is included in your budget_. I used a pure abstract Node class as an entry point to the AST, so that I could print it out using the `Bindings printAsm(Bindings, int &)` method. Strengths --------- _Give two strengths or capabilites of your AST, using 50 words or less for each one_. ### Strength 1 _50 words or less_ ### Strength 2 _50 words or less_ Limitations ----------- _Give two limitations of your AST, using 50 words or less for each one_. ### Limitation 1 _50 words or less_ ### Limitation 2 _50 words or less_ Variable binding ================ General approach ---------------- _Describe your overall approach to mapping variable, parameters, etc. into registers or memory locations at exection time, using 200 words or less_. - _how did you manage registers?_ - _did you use the stack?_ - _is there a function or API for managing and looking up bindings?_ _200 words or less_ Strengths --------- _Give two strengths or capabilites of your binding approach, using 50 words or less for each one_. ### Strength 1 _50 words or less_ ### Strength 2 _50 words or less_ Limitations ----------- _Give two limitations of your binding approach, using 50 words or less for each one_. ### Limitation 1 _50 words or less_ ### Limitation 2 _50 words or less_ Reflection ========== Strengths --------- _What two aspects of your compiler do you think work well (beyond those identified in the AST and binding parts)?_ ### Strength 1 _50 words or fewer_ ### Strength 2 _50 words or fewer_ Scope for Improvment --------------------- _What parts of your compiler do you think could be improved?_ - _This is not looking for things like "It should support more C constructs". What would you need to do or change in order to support those things?_ ### Improvement 1 _50 words or fewer_ ### Improvement 2 _50 words or fewer_ Functionality (not assessed) ============================ Which of these features does your compiler support (insert an `x` to check a box): 1 - [x] Local variables 2 - [x] Integer arithmetic 3 - [x] While 4 - [x] IfElse 5 - [x] For 6 - [x] Function calls 7 - [x] Arrays 8 - [x] Pointers 9 - [x] Strings 10 - [ ] Structures 11 - [ ] Floating-point Note that all features will be tested, regardless of what appears here. This is documentation of what you expect to work, versus what doesn't work. Feedback (not assessed) ======================= _What aspects of your compiler would you like feedback on. Be specific, as "what could I have done differently" is too general to answer._ ### Feedback 1 _20 words or fewer_ ### Feedback 2 _20 words or fewer_