#+TITLE: Notes #+DATE: <2017-02-20 Mon> #+AUTHOR: Yann Herklotz #+EMAIL: ymherklotz@gmail.com #+DESCRIPTION: These are notes about the Compiler project. * Lexer ** DONE Lab (calculate statistics over text) DEADLINE: <2017-01-31 Tue> ** DONE Coursework (c lexer) DEADLINE: <2017-02-07 Tue> * Parser ** DONE Lab (parse maths) DEADLINE: <2017-02-14 Tue> ** TODO Coursework (c parser) DEADLINE: <2017-03-07 Tue> *** AST (Abstract Syntax Tree) Finsihed the AST for now, using polymorphism to achieve this. Right now it achieves the goal of this coursework as it does print out the AST in xml format and supports all the features that the parser should support. The expressions branch of the AST is completely bare because they are not needed for this parser. I will continue working on this AST in the compiler section so that it supports all the other constructs that I need for the compiler. *** Grammar The grammar is not completely done yet as I dont support all of the declartions that are possible. * Compiler ** DONE Lab (codegen) DEADLINE: <2017-02-28 Tue> ** TODO Coursework (c compiler) DEADLINE: <2017-03-28 Tue>