%code requires{ #include "ast.hpp" extern const BaseList* g_root; // A way of getting the AST out //! This is to fix problems when generating C++ // We are declaring the functions provided by Flex, so // that Bison generated code can call them. int yylex(void); void yyerror(const char *); } // Represents the value associated with any kind of // AST node. %union{ const BaseNode* base_node; const BaseList* base_list; const BasePrimitive* base_prim; const BaseType* base_type; double number; std::string *string; } %token T_TYPE_SPEC T_TYPE_QUAL T_STRG_SPEC T_IDENTIFIER T_SC T_CMA T_LRB T_LCB T_RCB T_LSB T_RSB T_QU T_COL T_LOG_OR T_LOG_AND T_OR T_XOR T_AND T_EQUALITY_OP T_REL_OP T_SHIFT_OP T_MULT T_DIV T_REM T_TILDE T_NOT T_DOT T_ARROW T_INCDEC T_ADDSUB_OP T_ASSIGN_OPER T_EQ T_SIZEOF T_INT_CONST T_IF T_WHILE T_DO T_FOR T_RETURN %nonassoc T_RRB %nonassoc T_ELSE %type ExtDef ParameterList DeclarationList InitDeclaratorList IdentifierList StatementList ArgumentExpressionList %type ExtDeclaration FuncDef Declaration DeclarationSpec DeclarationSpec_T Statement CompoundStatement CompoundStatement_2 PrimaryExpression SelectionStatement ExpressionStatement JumpStatement IterationStatement Expression AssignmentExpression ConditionalExpression LogicalOrExpression LogicalAndExpression InclusiveOrExpression ExclusiveOrExpression AndExpression EqualityExpression RelationalExpression ShiftExpression AdditiveExpression MultiplicativeExpression CastExpression UnaryExpression PostfixExpression PostfixExpression2 %type Parameter ParamDeclarator Declarator DirectDeclarator InitDeclarator Constant %type T_INT_CONST %type T_IDENTIFIER ASSIGN_OPER T_ASSIGN_OPER T_EQ T_AND T_ADDSUB_OP T_TILDE T_NOT T_MULT T_DIV T_REM MultDivRemOP UnaryOperator %start ROOT %% ROOT: ExtDef { g_root = $1; } ; // EXTERNAL DEFINITION ExtDef: ExtDeclaration { $$ = new ExternalDefinition($1); } | ExtDef ExtDeclaration { $$->push($2); } ; ExtDeclaration: Declaration { $$ = $1; } | FuncDef { $$ = $1; } ; // FUNCTION DEFINITION FuncDef: DeclarationSpec T_IDENTIFIER T_LRB ParameterList T_RRB CompoundStatement { $$ = new Function(*$2, $4, $6); } ; ParameterList: %empty { $$ = new ParamList(); } | Parameter { $$ = new ParamList($1); } | ParameterList T_CMA Parameter { $$->push($3); } ; Parameter: DeclarationSpec ParamDeclarator { $$ = $2; } ; ParamDeclarator: T_IDENTIFIER { $$ = new Parameter(*$1);} ; // Declaration DeclarationList: Declaration { $$ = new DeclarationList($1); } | DeclarationList Declaration { $$->push($2); } ; Declaration: DeclarationSpec InitDeclaratorList T_SC { $$ = new Declaration($2); } ; DeclarationSpec: DeclarationSpec_T { ; } | DeclarationSpec_T DeclarationSpec { ; } ; DeclarationSpec_T: T_TYPE_SPEC { ; } | T_TYPE_QUAL { ; } | T_STRG_SPEC { ; } ; InitDeclaratorList: InitDeclarator { $$ = new InitDeclaratorList($1); } | InitDeclaratorList T_CMA InitDeclarator { $$->push($3); } ; InitDeclarator: Declarator { $$ = $1; } | Declarator T_EQ AssignmentExpression { $$ = $1; } ; Declarator: DirectDeclarator { $$ = $1; } | T_MULT DirectDeclarator { $$ = $2; } ; DirectDeclarator: T_IDENTIFIER { $$ = new Declarator(*$1); } | T_LRB Declarator T_RRB { $$ = $2; } | DirectDeclarator T_LSB ConditionalExpression T_RSB { $$ = $1; } | DirectDeclarator T_LSB T_RSB { $$ = $1; } | DirectDeclarator T_LRB ParameterList T_RRB { $$ = $1; } | DirectDeclarator T_LRB IdentifierList T_RRB { $$ = $1; } ; IdentifierList: T_IDENTIFIER { $$ = new BaseList(); } | IdentifierList T_CMA T_IDENTIFIER { $$ = new BaseList(); } ; // Statement StatementList: Statement { $$ = new StatementList($1); } | StatementList Statement { $$->push($2); } ; Statement: CompoundStatement { $$ = $1; } | SelectionStatement { $$ = $1; } | ExpressionStatement { $$ = $1; } | JumpStatement { $$ = $1; } | IterationStatement { $$ = $1; } ; CompoundStatement: T_LCB CompoundStatement_2 { $$ = $2; } ; CompoundStatement_2: T_RCB { $$ = new CompoundStatement; } | DeclarationList T_RCB { $$ = new CompoundStatement($1); } | DeclarationList StatementList T_RCB { $$ = new CompoundStatement($1, $2); } | StatementList T_RCB { $$ = new CompoundStatement($1); } ; SelectionStatement: T_IF T_LRB Expression T_RRB Statement { $$ = new SelectionStatement($5); } | T_IF T_LRB Expression T_RRB Statement T_ELSE Statement { $$ = new SelectionStatement($5, $7); } ; ExpressionStatement: T_SC { $$ = new ExpressionStatement(); } | Expression T_SC { $$ = $1; } ; JumpStatement: T_RETURN ExpressionStatement { $$ = new JumpStatement($2); } ; IterationStatement: T_WHILE T_LRB Expression T_RRB Statement { $$ = $5; } | T_DO Statement T_WHILE T_LRB Expression T_RRB T_SC { $$ = $2; } | T_FOR T_LRB Expression T_SC Expression T_SC Expression T_RRB Statement { $$ = $9; } ; // Expressions Expression: AssignmentExpression { $$ = $1; } ; AssignmentExpression: ConditionalExpression { $$ = $1; } | UnaryExpression ASSIGN_OPER AssignmentExpression { $$ = $1; } ; ASSIGN_OPER: T_ASSIGN_OPER { ; } | T_EQ { ; } ; ConditionalExpression: LogicalOrExpression { $$ = $1; } | LogicalOrExpression T_QU Expression T_COL ConditionalExpression { $$ = $1; } ; LogicalOrExpression: LogicalAndExpression { $$ = $1; } | LogicalOrExpression T_LOG_OR LogicalAndExpression { $$ = $3; } ; LogicalAndExpression: InclusiveOrExpression { $$ = $1; } | LogicalAndExpression T_LOG_AND InclusiveOrExpression { $$ = $3; } ; InclusiveOrExpression: ExclusiveOrExpression { $$ = $1; } | InclusiveOrExpression T_OR ExclusiveOrExpression { $$ = $3; } ; ExclusiveOrExpression: AndExpression { $$ = $1; } | ExclusiveOrExpression T_XOR AndExpression { $$ = $3; } ; AndExpression: EqualityExpression { $$ = $1; } | AndExpression T_AND EqualityExpression { $$ = $3; } ; EqualityExpression: RelationalExpression { $$ = $1; } | EqualityExpression T_EQUALITY_OP RelationalExpression { $$ = $3; } ; RelationalExpression: ShiftExpression { $$ = $1; } | RelationalExpression T_REL_OP ShiftExpression { $$ = $3; } ; ShiftExpression: AdditiveExpression { $$ = $1; } | ShiftExpression T_SHIFT_OP AdditiveExpression { $$ = $3; } ; AdditiveExpression: MultiplicativeExpression { $$ = $1; } | AdditiveExpression T_ADDSUB_OP MultiplicativeExpression { $$ = $3; } ; MultiplicativeExpression: CastExpression { $$ = $1; } | MultiplicativeExpression MultDivRemOP CastExpression { $$ = $3; } ; MultDivRemOP: T_MULT { $$ = $1; } | T_DIV { $$ = $1; } | T_REM { $$ = $1; } ; CastExpression: UnaryExpression { $$ = $1; } | T_LRB T_TYPE_SPEC T_RRB CastExpression { $$ = $4; } ; UnaryExpression: PostfixExpression { $$ = $1; } | T_INCDEC UnaryExpression { $$ = $2; } | UnaryOperator CastExpression { $$ = $2; } | T_SIZEOF UnaryExpression { $$ = $2; } | T_SIZEOF T_LRB T_TYPE_SPEC T_RRB { $$ = new Expression(); } ; UnaryOperator: T_AND { $$ = $1; } | T_ADDSUB_OP { $$ = $1; } | T_MULT { $$ = $1; } | T_TILDE { $$ = $1; } | T_NOT { $$ = $1; } ; PostfixExpression: PrimaryExpression { $$ = $1; } | PostfixExpression T_LSB Expression T_RSB { $$ = $3; } | PostfixExpression T_LRB PostfixExpression2 { $$ = $3; } | PostfixExpression T_DOT T_IDENTIFIER { $$ = new Expression(); } | PostfixExpression T_ARROW T_IDENTIFIER { $$ = new Expression(); } | PostfixExpression T_INCDEC { $$ = new Expression(); } ; PostfixExpression2: T_RRB { $$ = new Expression(); } | ArgumentExpressionList T_RRB { $$ = new BaseNode; } ; ArgumentExpressionList: AssignmentExpression { $$ = new BaseList; } | ArgumentExpressionList T_CMA AssignmentExpression { $$ = new BaseList; } ; PrimaryExpression: T_IDENTIFIER { $$ = new Expression(); } | Constant { $$ = new Expression($1); } | T_LRB Expression T_RRB { $$ = $2; } ; Constant: T_INT_CONST { $$ = new Immediate($1); } ; %% const BaseList* g_root; // Definition of variable (to match declaration earlier) const BaseList* parseAST() { g_root = 0; yyparse(); return g_root; }