#include "expression.hpp" #include #include // Expression definition void Expression::print() const {} void Expression::printXml() const {} void Expression::countArguments(unsigned& argument_count) const { // by default don't do anything to the count (void)argument_count; } void Expression::expressionDepth(unsigned& depth_count) const { (void)depth_count; } int Expression::postfixStackPosition(VariableStackBindings bindings) const { // call this if the expression is not a postfix expression std::cerr << "Error : Can't call 'getPostfixStackPosition(VariableStackBindings " << "bindings)' on this type of expression" << std::endl; (void)bindings; return -1; } void Expression::setPostfixExpression(Expression *postfix_expression) { // do nothing if expression isn't a postfix expression (void)postfix_expression; } std::string Expression::id() const { // by default return empty id, which cannot be valid. return ""; } void Expression::linkExpression(Expression *next_expression) { ExpressionPtr expression_ptr(next_expression); next_expression_ = expression_ptr; } ExpressionPtr Expression::nextExpression() const { return next_expression_; } // OperationExpression definition OperationExpression::OperationExpression(Expression* lhs, Expression* rhs) : lhs_(lhs), rhs_(rhs) {} void OperationExpression::expressionDepth(unsigned& depth_count) const { unsigned lhs_depth_count = depth_count; unsigned rhs_depth_count = depth_count+1; lhs_->expressionDepth(lhs_depth_count); rhs_->expressionDepth(rhs_depth_count); if(lhs_depth_count > rhs_depth_count) depth_count = lhs_depth_count; else depth_count = rhs_depth_count; } void OperationExpression::evaluateExpression(VariableStackBindings bindings, unsigned& label_count) const { // I can just evaluate the lhs with the same entry stack position lhs_->printAsm(bindings, label_count); // store this stack position int lhs_stack_position = bindings.currentExpressionStackPosition(); // now have to increase the expression stack position for the rhs bindings.nextExpressionStackPosition(); rhs_->printAsm(bindings, label_count); // now I have them evaluated at two positions in the stack and can load both into registers // $2 and $3 std::cout << "\tlw\t$2," << lhs_stack_position << "($fp)" << std::endl; std::cout << "\tlw\t$3," << bindings.currentExpressionStackPosition() << "($fp)" << std::endl; } // PostfixExpression definition PostfixExpression::PostfixExpression() {} VariableStackBindings PostfixExpression::printAsm(VariableStackBindings bindings, unsigned& label_count) const { return bindings; } // PostfixArrayElement PostfixArrayElement::PostfixArrayElement() {} VariableStackBindings PostfixArrayElement::printAsm(VariableStackBindings bindings, unsigned& label_count) const { return bindings; } // PostfixFunctionCall PostfixFunctionCall::PostfixFunctionCall(Expression* argument_expression_list) : argument_expression_list_(argument_expression_list) {} VariableStackBindings PostfixFunctionCall::printAsm(VariableStackBindings bindings, unsigned& label_count) const { std::vector argument_vector; ExpressionPtr current_argument = argument_expression_list_; unsigned argument_counter = 0; while(current_argument != nullptr) { argument_vector.push_back(current_argument); current_argument = current_argument->nextExpression(); } for(auto itr = argument_vector.rbegin(); itr != argument_vector.rend(); ++itr) { (*itr)->printAsm(bindings, label_count); if(argument_counter < 4) std::cout << "\tmove\t$" << 4+argument_counter << ",$2\n"; else std::cout << "\tsw\t$2," << 4*argument_counter << "($fp)\n"; argument_counter++; } std::cout << "\tjal\t" << postfix_expression_->id() << "\n\tnop\n"; std::cout << "\tsw\t$2," << bindings.currentExpressionStackPosition() << "($fp)\n"; return bindings; } void PostfixFunctionCall::countArguments(unsigned int &argument_count) const { ExpressionPtr current_argument = argument_expression_list_; argument_count = 0; while(current_argument != nullptr) { argument_count++; current_argument = current_argument->nextExpression(); } } void PostfixFunctionCall::setPostfixExpression(Expression* postfix_expression) { ExpressionPtr expression_ptr(postfix_expression); postfix_expression_ = expression_ptr; } // UnaryExpression definition UnaryExpression::UnaryExpression() {} VariableStackBindings UnaryExpression::printAsm(VariableStackBindings bindings, unsigned& label_count) const { return bindings; } // CastExpression definition CastExpression::CastExpression(Type* type, Expression* expression) : type_(type), expression_(expression) {} VariableStackBindings CastExpression::printAsm(VariableStackBindings bindings, unsigned& label_count) const { return bindings; } // Additive Expression definition AdditiveExpression::AdditiveExpression(Expression* lhs, const std::string& _operator, Expression* rhs) : OperationExpression(lhs, rhs), operator_(_operator) {} VariableStackBindings AdditiveExpression::printAsm(VariableStackBindings bindings, unsigned& label_count) const { evaluateExpression(bindings, label_count); // TODO currently using signed and sub because I only have signed numbers implemented // must update this as I add more types if(operator_ == "+") std::cout << "\tadd\t$2,$2,$3" << std::endl; else if(operator_ == "-") std::cout << "\tsub\t$2,$2,$3" << std::endl; else std::cerr << "Don't recognize symbol: '" << operator_ << "'" << std::endl; // now I have to store it back into the original stack position std::cout << "\tsw\t$2," << bindings.currentExpressionStackPosition() << "($fp)" << std::endl; return bindings; } // Multiplicative Expression definition MultiplicativeExpression::MultiplicativeExpression(Expression* lhs, const std::string& _operator, Expression* rhs) : OperationExpression(lhs, rhs), operator_(_operator) {} VariableStackBindings MultiplicativeExpression::printAsm(VariableStackBindings bindings, unsigned& label_count) const { evaluateExpression(bindings, label_count); // then perform the right operation if(operator_ == "*") std::cout << "\tmul\t$2,$2,$3" << std::endl; else if(operator_ == "/" || operator_ == "%") { std::cout << "\tdiv\t$2,$3" << std::endl; if(operator_ == "/") std::cout << "\tmflo\t$2" << std::endl; else std::cout << "\tmfhi\t$2" << std::endl; } else std::cerr << "Error : don't recognize symbol '" << operator_ << "'\n"; // finally store result back into the stack position std::cout << "\tsw\t$2," << bindings.currentExpressionStackPosition() << "($fp)\n"; return bindings; } // ShiftExpression definition ShiftExpression::ShiftExpression(Expression* lhs, const std::string& _operator, Expression* rhs) : OperationExpression(lhs, rhs), operator_(_operator) {} VariableStackBindings ShiftExpression::printAsm(VariableStackBindings bindings, unsigned& label_count) const { evaluateExpression(bindings, label_count); if(operator_ == "<<") { std::cout << "\tsll\t$2,$2,$3\n"; } else if(operator_ == ">>") { std::cout << "\tsra\t$2,$2,$3\n"; } else { std::cerr << "Error : don't recognize symbol '" << operator_ << "'\n"; } std::cout << "\tsw\t$2," << bindings.currentExpressionStackPosition() << "($fp)\n"; return bindings; } // RelationalExpression definition RelationalExpression::RelationalExpression(Expression* lhs, const std::string& _operator, Expression* rhs) : OperationExpression(lhs, rhs), operator_(_operator) {} VariableStackBindings RelationalExpression::printAsm(VariableStackBindings bindings, unsigned& label_count) const { evaluateExpression(bindings, label_count); if(operator_ == "<") { std::cout << "\tslt\t$2,$2,$3\n"; } else if(operator_ == ">") { std::cout << "\tslt\t$2,$3,$2\n"; } else if(operator_ == "<=") { std::cout << "\tslt\t$2,$3,$2\n\txori\t$2,$2,0x1\n"; } else if(operator_ == ">=") { std::cout << "\tslt\t$2,$2,$3\n\txori\t$2,$2,0x1\n"; } else { std::cerr << "Error : don't recognize symbol '" << operator_ << "'\n"; } // TODO might get rid of this std::cout << "\tandi\t$2,$2,0x00ff\n"; std::cout << "\tsw\t$2," << bindings.currentExpressionStackPosition() << "($fp)\n"; return bindings; } // EqualityExpression definition EqualityExpression::EqualityExpression(Expression* lhs, const std::string& _operator, Expression* rhs) : OperationExpression(lhs, rhs), operator_(_operator) {} VariableStackBindings EqualityExpression::printAsm(VariableStackBindings bindings, unsigned& label_count) const { evaluateExpression(bindings, label_count); std::cout << "\txor\t$2,$2,$3\n"; if(operator_ == "==") { std::cout << "\tsltiu\t$2,$2,1\n"; } else if(operator_ == "!="){ std::cout << "\tsltu\t$2,$0,$2\n"; } else { std::cerr << "Error : no instruction found for operator '" << operator_ << "'\n"; } // TODO Work out why it is necessary to remove bytes 3 and 2. std::cout << "\tandi\t$2,$2,0x00ff\n"; std::cout << "\tsw\t$2," << bindings.currentExpressionStackPosition() << "($fp)\n"; return bindings; } // AndExpression definition AndExpression::AndExpression(Expression* lhs, Expression* rhs) : OperationExpression(lhs, rhs) {} VariableStackBindings AndExpression::printAsm(VariableStackBindings bindings, unsigned& label_count) const { evaluateExpression(bindings, label_count); std::cout << "\tand\t$2,$2,$3\n"; std::cout << "\tsw\t$2," << bindings.currentExpressionStackPosition() << "($fp)\n"; return bindings; } // ExclusiveOrExpression definition ExclusiveOrExpression::ExclusiveOrExpression(Expression* lhs, Expression* rhs) : OperationExpression(lhs, rhs) {} VariableStackBindings ExclusiveOrExpression::printAsm(VariableStackBindings bindings, unsigned& label_count) const { evaluateExpression(bindings, label_count); std::cout << "\txor\t$2,$2,$3\n"; std::cout << "\tsw\t$2," << bindings.currentExpressionStackPosition() << "($fp)\n"; return bindings; } // InclusiveOrExpression definition InclusiveOrExpression::InclusiveOrExpression(Expression* lhs, Expression* rhs) : OperationExpression(lhs, rhs) {} VariableStackBindings InclusiveOrExpression::printAsm(VariableStackBindings bindings, unsigned& label_count) const { evaluateExpression(bindings, label_count); std::cout << "\tor\t$2,$2,$3\n"; std::cout << "\tsw\t$2," << bindings.currentExpressionStackPosition() << "($fp)\n"; return bindings; } // LogicalAndExpression definition LogicalAndExpression::LogicalAndExpression(Expression* lhs, Expression* rhs) : OperationExpression(lhs, rhs) {} VariableStackBindings LogicalAndExpression::printAsm(VariableStackBindings bindings, unsigned& label_count) const { return bindings; } // LogicalOrExpression definition LogicalOrExpression::LogicalOrExpression(Expression* lhs, Expression* rhs) : OperationExpression(lhs, rhs) {} VariableStackBindings LogicalOrExpression::printAsm(VariableStackBindings bindings, unsigned& label_count) const { return bindings; } // ConditionalExpression definition ConditionalExpression::ConditionalExpression(Expression* logical_or, Expression* expression, Expression* conditional_expression) : logical_or_(logical_or), expression_(expression), conditional_expression_(conditional_expression) {} VariableStackBindings ConditionalExpression::printAsm(VariableStackBindings bindings, unsigned& label_count) const { return bindings; } // Assignment Expression definition AssignmentExpression::AssignmentExpression(Expression* lhs, Expression* rhs) : OperationExpression(lhs, rhs) {} VariableStackBindings AssignmentExpression::printAsm(VariableStackBindings bindings, unsigned& label_count) const { // TODO add stack and store results in there, also for addition and multiplication. // get the current location of lhs in the stack so that I can store result there int store_stack_position = lhs_->postfixStackPosition(bindings); // get the current available stack position int expression_stack_position = bindings.currentExpressionStackPosition(); // evaluate rhs and get the result back at the stack position I assigned // don't have to change the stack position as there is no lhs to evaluate rhs_->printAsm(bindings, label_count); // now the result of the rhs will be in that stack position, so we can load it into $2 std::cout << "\tlw\t$2," << expression_stack_position << "($fp)" << std::endl; // we are assigning so we don't have to evaluate the lhs as it will be overwritten anyways std::cout << "\tsw\t$2," << store_stack_position << "($fp)" << std::endl; return bindings; } // Identifier definition Identifier::Identifier(const std::string& id) : id_(id) {} VariableStackBindings Identifier::printAsm(VariableStackBindings bindings, unsigned& label_count) const { (void)label_count; if(bindings.bindingExists(id_)) { std::cout << "\tlw\t$2," << bindings.stackPosition(id_) << "($fp)" << std::endl; } else std::cerr << "Can't find identifier '" << id_ << "' in current scope binding" << std::endl; std::cout << "\tsw\t$2," << bindings.currentExpressionStackPosition() << "($fp)" << std::endl; return bindings; } int Identifier::postfixStackPosition(VariableStackBindings bindings) const { if(bindings.bindingExists(id_)) { return bindings.stackPosition(id_); } return -1; } std::string Identifier::id() const { return id_; } // Constant definition Constant::Constant(const int32_t& constant) : constant_(constant) {} VariableStackBindings Constant::printAsm(VariableStackBindings bindings, unsigned& label_count) const { (void)label_count; // constant only has to load to $2 because the other expression will take care of the rest std::cout << "\tli\t$2," << constant_ << std::endl; std::cout << "\tsw\t$2," << bindings.currentExpressionStackPosition() << "($fp)" << std::endl; return bindings; }