%code requires{ #include "ast.hpp" extern const Expression *g_root; // A way of getting the AST out //! This is to fix problems when generating C++ // We are declaring the functions provided by Flex, so // that Bison generated code can call them. int yylex(void); void yyerror(const char *); } // Represents the value associated with any kind of // AST node. %union{ const Expression *expr; double number; std::string *string; } %token T_KEYWORD T_IDENTIFIER T_CONSTANT T_OPERATOR T_LCBRACKET T_RCBRACKET %type STMNT_LIST STMNT COMP_STMNT EXPR_STMNT SLCT_STMNT ITR_STMNT JMP_STMNT %type T_CONSTANT %type T_KEYWORD T_IDENTIFIER T_OPERATOR %start ROOT %% ROOT : STMNT_LIST { g_root = $1; } STMNT_LIST : STMNT | STMNT_LIST STMNT STMNT : COMP_STMNT | EXPR_STMNT | SLCT_STMNT | ITR_STMNT | JMP_STMNT COMP_STMNT : STMNT_LIST %% const Expression *g_root; // Definition of variable (to match declaration earlier) const Expression *parseAST() { g_root = 0; yyparse(); return g_root; }