#include "../../include/mips.h" #include "test_mips_ymh15.hpp" #include using namespace std; int main(int argc, char** argv) { mips_mem_h ram = mips_mem_create_ram(4096); mips_cpu_h cpu = mips_cpu_create(ram); srand(time(NULL)); if(argc == 2) { mips_cpu_set_debug_level(cpu, argv[1][0]-'0', stdout); } else { mips_cpu_set_debug_level(cpu, 0, NULL); } mips_test_begin_suite(); int testId = mips_test_begin_test("ADD"); mips_test_end_test(testId, test_add(ram, cpu, ADD, 0x3fffffff, 0, 10), "Testing the adder without overflow"); testId = mips_test_begin_test("ADD"); mips_test_end_test(testId, !test_add(ram, cpu, ADD, 0x7fffffff, 1, 1), "Testing the adder with overflow"); testId = mips_test_begin_test("ADDU"); mips_test_end_test(testId, test_add(ram, cpu, ADDU, 0x3fffffff, 0, 10), "testing without overflow"); testId = mips_test_begin_test("ADDU"); mips_test_end_test(testId, test_add(ram, cpu, ADDU, 0x7fffffff, 1, 1), "Testing the adder with overflow"); testId = mips_test_begin_test("SUB"); mips_test_end_test(testId, test_add(ram, cpu, SUB, 0x3fffffff, 0, 10), "Testing the adder without overflow"); testId = mips_test_begin_test("SUB"); mips_test_end_test(testId, !test_add(ram, cpu, SUB, 0x7fffffff, 1, 1), "Testing the adder with overflow"); testId = mips_test_begin_test("SUBU"); mips_test_end_test(testId, test_add(ram, cpu, SUBU, 0x3fffffff, 0, 10), "Testing the adder without overflow"); testId = mips_test_begin_test("SUBU"); mips_test_end_test(testId, test_add(ram, cpu, SUBU, 0x7fffffff, 1, 1), "Testing the adder with overflow"); testId = mips_test_begin_test("AND"); mips_test_end_test(testId, test_bitwise(ram, cpu, AND), "Testing bitwise and"); testId = mips_test_begin_test("OR"); mips_test_end_test(testId, test_bitwise(ram, cpu, OR), "Testing bitwise or"); testId = mips_test_begin_test("XOR"); mips_test_end_test(testId, test_bitwise(ram, cpu, XOR), "Testing bitwise xor"); testId = mips_test_begin_test("ADDI"); mips_test_end_test(testId, test_I(ram, cpu, ADDI, 20, 10), "Testing addi"); testId = mips_test_begin_test("ADDIU"); mips_test_end_test(testId, test_I(ram, cpu, ADDIU, 20, 10), "Testing addiu"); testId = mips_test_begin_test("ANDI"); mips_test_end_test(testId, test_I(ram, cpu, ANDI, 20, 10), "Testing addi"); testId = mips_test_begin_test("ORI"); mips_test_end_test(testId, test_I(ram, cpu, ORI, 20, 10), "Testing addi"); testId = mips_test_begin_test("XORI"); mips_test_end_test(testId, test_I(ram, cpu, XORI, 20, 10), "Testing addi"); testId = mips_test_begin_test("BEQ"); mips_test_end_test(testId, test_branch(ram, cpu, 4, 4, 0, 9, 4), "Testing BEQ"); testId = mips_test_begin_test("BNE"); mips_test_end_test(testId, test_branch(ram, cpu, 5, 4, 0, 9, 10), "Testing BNE"); testId = mips_test_begin_test("BGEZ"); mips_test_end_test(testId, test_branch(ram, cpu, 1, 4, 0, 1, 20), "Testing BGEZ"); testId = mips_test_begin_test("BLEZ"); mips_test_end_test(testId, test_branch(ram, cpu, 6, -1, 0, 0, 20), "Testing BGEZ"); testId = mips_test_begin_test("BGTZ"); mips_test_end_test(testId, test_branch(ram, cpu, 7, 4, 0, 0, 20), "Testing BGEZ"); testId = mips_test_begin_test("BGEZAL"); mips_test_end_test(testId, test_branch(ram, cpu, 1, 4, 1, 17, 20), "Testing BGEZ"); testId = mips_test_begin_test("BLTZAL"); mips_test_end_test(testId, test_branch(ram, cpu, 1, -1, 1, 16, 20), "Testing BGEZ"); testId = mips_test_begin_test("BLTZ"); mips_test_end_test(testId, test_branch(ram, cpu, 1, -1, 0, 16, 20), "Testing BGEZ"); testId = mips_test_begin_test("J"); mips_test_end_test(testId, test_branch(ram, cpu, 1, -1, 0, 16, 20), "Testing BGEZ"); testId = mips_test_begin_test("JAL"); mips_test_end_test(testId, test_branch(ram, cpu, 1, -1, 0, 16, 20), "Testing BGEZ"); testId = mips_test_begin_test("JALR"); mips_test_end_test(testId, test_branch(ram, cpu, 1, -1, 0, 16, 20), "Testing BGEZ"); testId = mips_test_begin_test("JR"); mips_test_end_test(testId, test_branch(ram, cpu, 1, -1, 0, 16, 20), "Testing BGEZ"); testId = mips_test_begin_test("LB"); mips_test_end_test(testId, test_load(ram, cpu, LB, 0xff), "Testing LB"); testId = mips_test_begin_test("LBU"); mips_test_end_test(testId, test_load(ram, cpu, LBU, 0xff), "Testing LB"); mips_test_end_suite(); return 0; } // R Type uint32_t gen_instruction(uint32_t src1, uint32_t src2, uint32_t dest, uint32_t shift, uint32_t function) { uint32_t inst = 0; inst = inst | src1 << 21 | src2 << 16 | dest << 11 | shift << 6 | function; return inst; } // I Type uint32_t gen_instruction(uint32_t opcode, uint32_t src, uint32_t dest, uint32_t Astart) { uint32_t inst = 0; inst = inst | opcode << 26 | src << 21 | dest << 16 | Astart; return inst; } // J Type uint32_t gen_instruction(uint32_t opcode, uint32_t memory) { uint32_t inst = 0; inst = inst | opcode << 26 | memory; return inst; } uint32_t change_endianness(uint32_t inst) { inst = (inst << 24 | ((inst << 8)&0xff0000) | ((inst >> 8)&0xff00) |inst >> 24); return inst; } int test_add(mips_mem_h ram, mips_cpu_h cpu, uint32_t type, uint32_t max, uint8_t value, unsigned i_t) { uint32_t inst, ans, a, b; for(unsigned i = 0; i < i_t; ++i) { mips_error mips_err; mips_cpu_reset(cpu); inst = change_endianness(gen_instruction(9, 10, 8, 0, type)); if(value) { a = max; if(type > 0x21) { b = -max; } else { b = max; } } else { a = rand() % max; b = rand() % max; } mips_mem_write(ram, 0, 4, (uint8_t*)&inst); mips_cpu_set_register(cpu, 9, a); mips_cpu_set_register(cpu, 10, b); mips_err = mips_cpu_step(cpu); mips_cpu_get_register(cpu, 8, &ans); if(type < 0x22) { //printf("%#10x + %#10x = %#10x\t%#10x\n", a, b, ans, mips_err); if(mips_err == mips_ExceptionArithmeticOverflow || a+b!=ans) { return 0; } } else { //printf("%#10x - %#10x = %#10x\t%#10x\n", a, b, ans, mips_err); if(mips_err == mips_ExceptionArithmeticOverflow || a-b!=ans) { return 0; } } } return 1; } int test_bitwise(mips_mem_h ram, mips_cpu_h cpu, uint8_t op) { uint32_t a, b, ans, inst; int passed; for(unsigned i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { passed = 0; mips_cpu_reset(cpu); inst = change_endianness(gen_instruction(8, 9, 7, 0, op)); a = rand() % 0xffffffff; b = rand() % 0xffffffff; mips_mem_write(ram, 0, 4, (uint8_t*)&inst); mips_cpu_set_register(cpu, 8, a); mips_cpu_set_register(cpu, 9, b); mips_error mips_err = mips_cpu_step(cpu); mips_cpu_get_register(cpu, 7, &ans); if(op == AND) { //printf("%#10x & %#10x = %#10x\t%#10x\n", a, b, ans, mips_err); if((a & b) == ans) { passed = 1; } } else if(op == OR) { //printf("%#10x | %#10x = %#10x\t%#10x\n", a, b, ans, mips_err); if((a | b) == ans) { passed = 1; } } else { //printf("%#10x ^ %#10x = %#10x\t%#10x\n", a, b, ans, mips_err); if((a ^ b) == ans) { passed = 1; } } if(mips_err != mips_Success || !passed) { return 0; } } return 1; } int test_I(mips_mem_h ram, mips_cpu_h cpu, uint32_t type, uint32_t num1, uint32_t num2) { int passed = 0; uint32_t result, inst; mips_cpu_reset(cpu); inst = change_endianness(gen_instruction(type, 8, 7, num1)); mips_mem_write(ram, 0, 4, (uint8_t*)&inst); mips_cpu_set_register(cpu, 8, num2); mips_cpu_step(cpu); mips_cpu_get_register(cpu, 7, &result); switch(type) { case 8: if(result == num1 + num2) { passed = 1; } case 9: if(result == num1 + num2) { passed = 1; } case 12: if(result == (num1 & num2)) { passed = 1; } case 13: if(result == (num1 | num2)) { passed = 1; } case 14: if(result == (num1 ^ num2)) { passed = 1; } default:; } return passed; } int test_branch(mips_mem_h ram, mips_cpu_h cpu, uint32_t opcode, uint32_t a, uint8_t l, uint32_t opc2, uint32_t b) { int passed = 0; int pass = 0; uint32_t reg10, reg11, reg31, pc_set; pc_set = 32; mips_cpu_reset(cpu); mips_cpu_set_pc(cpu, pc_set); uint32_t inst = change_endianness(gen_instruction(opcode, 8, opc2, 3)); mips_mem_write(ram, pc_set, 4, (uint8_t*)&inst); inst = change_endianness(gen_instruction(8, 9, 10, 0, ADDU)); mips_mem_write(ram, pc_set+4, 4, (uint8_t*)&inst); inst = change_endianness(gen_instruction(8, 12, 11, 0, ADDU)); mips_mem_write(ram, pc_set+16, 4, (uint8_t*)&inst); inst = change_endianness(gen_instruction(8, 13, 10, 0, ADDU)); mips_mem_write(ram, pc_set+8, 4, (uint8_t*)&inst); mips_cpu_set_register(cpu, 8, a); mips_cpu_set_register(cpu, 9, b); mips_cpu_set_register(cpu, 12, 30); mips_cpu_set_register(cpu, 13, 100); mips_cpu_step(cpu); mips_cpu_step(cpu); mips_cpu_step(cpu); mips_cpu_get_register(cpu, 10, ®10); mips_cpu_get_register(cpu, 11, ®11); if(l == 1) { mips_cpu_get_register(cpu, 31, ®31); if(reg31 == pc_set+8) { pass = 1; } } else { pass = 1; } if(reg10 == a+b && reg11 == a+30 && pass) { passed = 1; } else { passed = 0; } return passed; } int test_jump(mips_mem_h ram, mips_cpu_h cpu, uint32_t opcode) { int passed = 0; uint32_t inst; mips_cpu_reset(cpu); if(opcode == 2 || opcode == 3) { inst = change_endianness(gen_instruction(opcode, 0x20)); } return passed; } int test_load(mips_mem_h ram, mips_cpu_h cpu, uint32_t opcode, uint8_t num) { int passed = 0; uint32_t res; mips_cpu_reset(cpu); uint32_t inst = change_endianness(gen_instruction(opcode, 8, 9, 4)); mips_mem_write(ram, 0, 4, (uint8_t*)&inst); mips_mem_write(ram, 0x30, 1, &num); mips_cpu_set_register(cpu, 8, 0x2c); mips_cpu_step(cpu); mips_cpu_get_register(cpu, 9, &res); if((res == (uint32_t)(int8_t)num && opcode == LB) || (res == (uint32_t)num && opcode == LBU)) { passed = 1; } return passed; }