YAGE ==== ![master-build](https://travis-ci.org/ymherklotz/YAGE.svg?branch=master) Introduction ------------ YAGE stands for Yet Another Game Engine. It is a game engine that is being developed for a game called [Arider](https://github.com/ymherklotz/Arider). It uses OpenGL and GLFW for the window creation and management and graphics. It is also going to be a general game engine for use with other games in the similar style. The inspiration for this game engine is to learn about OpenGL and create an optimised 2D game engine with a simple API that can be used to easily create simple 2D games. The full documentation can be seen [here](https://www.yannherklotz.com/YAGE). Installation and usage ---------------------- To use YAGE for your own game, you should link it as a static library and include the [yage.h](/include/YAGE/yage.h) header in your project. To link the project using cmake, the library has to be added as a subdirectory and then linked with the name `yage`. Build and Testing ----------------- To compile YAGE, create a build directory from the base dirqectory. Then call cmake and point it to the directory containing. [CMakeLists.txt](/CMakeLists.txt). For example, one can use the following commands ``` shell mkdir -p build cd build cmake .. ``` The test suite can then be run using ``` shell cd build/tests && ctest ``` License ------- Copyright (c) 2017 Yann Herklotz Grave -- MIT License, see file [LICENSE](/LICENSE) for more details.