Yet Another Game Engine
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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
oNyageCore includes
||\CGlyphGlyph with information of the texture
|oNmatrixNamespace containing functions that operate on matrices
|oCEngineMain engine class that contains a systems, the main loop and the update function that updates all the systems
|oCEntityEntity convenience class
|oCEntityManagerManages entities in a space
|oCSpaceSpace that keeps track of all the entities, componenets and runs the systems on the data to update them
|oCSystemSystem interface for the different systems in the engine
|oCMatrixBase Matrix class used by other similar classes
|oCVector22D Vector class
|oCVector33D Vector class
|oCVector44D Vector class
|oCBatchWill be the base class for all the different batching processes that might use different shaders and attributes