#!/usr/bin/env bash # check compiler versions $CC --version $CXX --version # go to correct directory cd $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR # start building mkdir -p build cd build cmake .. make cd tests ctest cd ../.. # update docs if we are on the master branch if [[ $TRAVIS_BRANCH = "master" && $BUILD_DOCS -eq 1 ]]; then if [[ -d "build/doc_doxygen/html" ]]; then git clone -b gh-pages "https://$GH_TOKEN@github.com/ymherklotz/YAGE.git" YAGE_gh-pages cd YAGE_gh-pages git config user.name "TravisBot" git config user.email "" rm -rf * cp -r build/doc_doxygen/html/* . git add -A . git commit -m "[Travis] Rebuilding documentation" git push -q origin gh-pages cd .. fi fi