Require Export Coq.Bool.Bool. Require Export Coq.Lists.List. Require Export Coq.Strings.String. Require Export Coq.ZArith.ZArith. Require Export Coq.ZArith.Znumtheory. Require Import Coq.micromega.Lia. Require Export TVSMT.Coqlib. (* Require Import compcert.lib.Integers. *) Require Export TVSMT.Errors. (* This tactic due to Clement Pit-Claudel with some minor additions by JDP to allow the result to be named: *) Inductive Learnt {A: Type} (a: A) := | AlreadyKnown : Learnt a. Ltac learn_tac fact name := lazymatch goal with | [ H: Learnt fact |- _ ] => fail 0 "fact" fact "has already been learnt" | _ => let type := type of fact in lazymatch goal with | [ H: @Learnt type _ |- _ ] => fail 0 "fact" fact "of type" type "was already learnt through" H | _ => let learnt := fresh "Learn" in pose proof (AlreadyKnown fact) as learnt; pose proof fact as name end end. Tactic Notation "learn" constr(fact) := let name := fresh "H" in learn_tac fact name. Tactic Notation "learn" constr(fact) "as" simple_intropattern(name) := learn_tac fact name. Ltac unfold_rec c := unfold c; fold c. Ltac solve_by_inverts n := match goal with | H : ?T |- _ => match type of T with Prop => inversion H; match n with S (S (?n')) => subst; try constructor; solve_by_inverts (S n') end end end. Ltac solve_by_invert := solve_by_inverts 1. Ltac invert x := inversion x; subst; clear x. Ltac destruct_match := match goal with | [ |- context[match ?x with | _ => _ end ] ] => destruct x eqn:? | [ H: context[match ?x with | _ => _ end] |- _ ] => destruct x eqn:? end. Ltac auto_destruct x := destruct x eqn:?; simpl in *; try discriminate; try congruence. Ltac nicify_hypotheses := repeat match goal with | [ H : ex _ |- _ ] => invert H | [ H : Some _ = Some _ |- _ ] => invert H | [ H : OK _ = OK _ |- _ ] => invert H | [ H : ?x = ?x |- _ ] => clear H | [ H : _ /\ _ |- _ ] => invert H | [ H : (_, _) = (_, _) |- _ ] => invert H end. Ltac nicify_goals := repeat match goal with | [ |- _ /\ _ ] => split | [ |- Some _ = Some _ ] => f_equal | [ |- OK _ = OK _ ] => f_equal | [ |- S _ = S _ ] => f_equal end. Ltac kill_bools := repeat match goal with | [ H : _ && _ = true |- _ ] => apply andb_prop in H | [ H : _ || _ = false |- _ ] => apply orb_false_elim in H | [ H : negb _ = true |- _ ] => apply negb_true_iff in H | [ H : negb _ = false |- _ ] => apply negb_false_iff in H | [ H : _ <=? _ = true |- _ ] => apply Z.leb_le in H | [ H : _ <=? _ = false |- _ ] => apply Z.leb_gt in H | [ H : _ apply Z.ltb_lt in H | [ H : _ apply Z.ltb_ge in H | [ H : _ >=? _ = _ |- _ ] => rewrite Z.geb_leb in H | [ H : _ >? _ = _ |- _ ] => rewrite Z.gtb_ltb in H | [ H : _ =? _ = true |- _ ] => apply Z.eqb_eq in H | [ H : _ =? _ = false |- _ ] => apply Z.eqb_neq in H | [ H : (_ <=? _)%positive = true |- _ ] => apply Pos.leb_le in H | [ H : (_ <=? _)%positive = false |- _ ] => apply Pos.leb_gt in H | [ H : (_ apply Pos.ltb_lt in H | [ H : (_ apply Pos.ltb_ge in H | [ H : (_ =? _)%positive = true |- _ ] => apply Pos.eqb_eq in H | [ H : (_ =? _)%positive = false |- _ ] => apply Pos.eqb_neq in H end. Ltac substpp := repeat match goal with | [ H1 : ?x = Some _, H2 : ?x = Some _ |- _ ] => let EQ := fresh "EQ" in learn H1 as EQ; rewrite H2 in EQ; invert EQ | _ => idtac end. Ltac simplify := intros; simpl in *; repeat progress (try nicify_hypotheses; try nicify_goals; try kill_bools; substpp); simpl in *. Ltac crush := simplify; try discriminate; try congruence; try (zify; lia); try assumption; try (solve [auto]). Ltac ecrush m := simplify; try discriminate; try congruence; try (zify; lia); try assumption; try (solve [eauto with m]).