Require Import Coq.Structures.Equalities. Require Import TVSMT.Coqlib. Require Import TVSMT.Maps. Require Import TVSMT.Errors. Require Import TVSMT.Sat. Require Import TVSMT.Common. Require Import TVSMT.Hashtree. Local Open Scope error_monad_scope. Local Open Scope positive. (** The [predicate] type defines the path predicates that are used in the [Ieta] and [Igamma] instructions. *) Inductive pred {A}: Type := | Ptrue : pred | Pfalse : pred | Pundef : pred | Pbase : A -> pred | Pand : pred -> pred -> pred | Por : pred -> pred -> pred | Pimp : pred -> pred -> pred | Pnot : pred -> pred. Module PredicateNotation. Declare Scope predicate. Notation "A ∧ B" := (Pand A B) (at level 20, left associativity) : predicate. Notation "A ∨ B" := (Por A B) (at level 25, left associativity) : predicate. Notation "A → B" := (Pimp A B) (at level 30, right associativity) : predicate. Notation "¬ A" := (Pnot A) (at level 15) : predicate. Notation "⟂" := (Pfalse) : predicate. Notation "'T'" := (Ptrue) : predicate. Notation "○" := (Pundef) : predicate. End PredicateNotation. Import PredicateNotation. Local Open Scope predicate. Local Open Scope bool. Local Open Scope positive. Module ThreeValued(Base: UsualDecidableTypeBoth). Definition A := Base.t. Definition el_dec: forall a b: A, {a = b} + {a <> b} := Base.eq_dec. Module Import AH := HashTree(Base). Module Import AH_Prop := HashTreeProperties(Base). Section EVAL. Context (eval: A -> option bool). Definition predicate := @pred A. (* This evaluation follows Łukasiewicz logic. *) Fixpoint eval_predicate (p: predicate) : option bool := match p with | T => Some true | ⟂ => Some false | ○ => None | ¬ p => match eval_predicate p with | None => None | Some b => Some (negb b) end | Pbase c => match eval c with | Some p => Some p | None => None end | p1 ∧ p2 => match eval_predicate p1, eval_predicate p2 with | Some p1', Some p2' => Some (p1' && p2') | Some false, None => Some false | None, Some false => Some false | _, _ => None end | p1 ∨ p2 => match eval_predicate p1, eval_predicate p2 with | Some p1', Some p2' => Some (p1' || p2') | Some true, None => Some true | None, Some true => Some true | _, _ => None end | p1 → p2 => match eval_predicate p1, eval_predicate p2 with | Some p1', Some p2' => Some (negb p1' || p2') | None, Some false => None | Some true, None => None | _, _ => Some true end end. Definition equiv {A} (a b: @pred A) := Pand (Pimp a b) (Pimp b a). Definition hash_pred := @pred positive. Definition hash_tree := PTree.t A. Lemma comp_list_dec : forall (a b: list positive), {a = b} + {a <> b}. Proof. generalize Pos.eq_dec. decide equality. Defined. Lemma hash_pred_dec : forall (a b: hash_pred), {a = b} + {a <> b}. Proof. generalize Pos.eq_dec. generalize bool_dec. repeat decide equality. Defined. Lemma predicate_dec : forall (a b: predicate), {a = b} + {a <> b}. Proof. generalize el_dec. generalize bool_dec. repeat decide equality. Defined. Definition find_tree (el: A) (h: hash_tree) : option positive := match filter (fun x => match x with (a, b) => if el_dec el b then true else false end) (PTree.elements h) with | (p, _) :: nil => Some p | _ => None end. Definition combine_option {A} (a b: option A) : option A := match a, b with | Some a', _ => Some a' | _, Some b' => Some b' | _, _ => None end. Definition max_key {A} (t: PTree.t A) := fold_right Pos.max 1 (map fst (PTree.elements t)). Fixpoint hash_predicate (p: predicate) (h: PTree.t A) : hash_pred * PTree.t A := match p with | T => (T, h) | ⟂ => (⟂, h) | ○ => (○, h) | ¬ p => let (p', t) := hash_predicate p h in (¬ p', t) | Pbase c => match find_tree c h with | Some p => (Pbase p, h) | None => let nkey := max_key h + 1 in (Pbase nkey, PTree.set nkey c h) end | p1 ∧ p2 => let (p1', t1) := hash_predicate p1 h in let (p2', t2) := hash_predicate p2 t1 in (p1' ∧ p2', t2) | p1 ∨ p2 => let (p1', t1) := hash_predicate p1 h in let (p2', t2) := hash_predicate p2 t1 in (p1' ∨ p2', t2) | p1 → p2 => let (p1', t1) := hash_predicate p1 h in let (p2', t2) := hash_predicate p2 t1 in (p1' → p2', t2) end. Fixpoint eval_hash_pred (p: hash_pred) (a: PTree.t bool) : option bool := match p with | T => Some true | ⟂ => Some false | ○ => None | ¬ p => match eval_hash_pred p a with | Some b => Some (negb b) | None => None end | Pbase k => a ! k | p1 ∧ p2 => match eval_hash_pred p1 a, eval_hash_pred p2 a with | Some p1', Some p2' => Some (p1' && p2') | Some false, None => Some false | None, Some false => Some false | _, _ => None end | p1 ∨ p2 => match eval_hash_pred p1 a, eval_hash_pred p2 a with | Some p1', Some p2' => Some (p1' || p2') | Some true, None => Some true | None, Some true => Some true | _, _ => None end | p1 → p2 => match eval_hash_pred p1 a, eval_hash_pred p2 a with | Some p1', Some p2' => Some (negb p1' || p2') | None, Some false => None | Some true, None => None | _, _ => Some true end end. (** The [predicate] type defines the path predicates that are used in the [Ieta] and [Igamma] instructions. *) Inductive pred_bin {A}: Type := | PBtrue : pred_bin | PBfalse : pred_bin | PBbase : (bool * A) -> pred_bin | PBand : pred_bin -> pred_bin -> pred_bin | PBor : pred_bin -> pred_bin -> pred_bin. Definition hash_pred_bin : Type := @pred_bin positive * @pred_bin positive. Fixpoint eval_hash_pred_bin1 (p1: @pred_bin positive) (m: PMap.t bool) : bool := match p1 with | PBtrue => true | PBfalse => false | PBbase (b, p) => if b then m!!p else negb m!!p | PBand p1 p2 => eval_hash_pred_bin1 p1 m && eval_hash_pred_bin1 p2 m | PBor p1 p2 => eval_hash_pred_bin1 p1 m || eval_hash_pred_bin1 p2 m end. Definition eval_hash_pred_bin (p1: hash_pred_bin) (m: PMap.t bool) : (bool * bool) := (eval_hash_pred_bin1 (fst p1) m, eval_hash_pred_bin1 (snd p1) m). Fixpoint negate (h: @pred_bin positive) : @pred_bin positive := match h with | PBtrue => PBfalse | PBfalse => PBtrue | PBbase (b, p) => PBbase (negb b, p) | PBand p1 p2 => PBor (negate p1) (negate p2) | PBor p1 p2 => PBand (negate p1) (negate p2) end. Fixpoint conv_hash_pred (p: hash_pred) (h: PTree.t positive) (fresh: positive): (hash_pred_bin * PTree.t positive * positive) := match p with | Ptrue => ((PBfalse, PBtrue), h, fresh) | Pfalse => ((PBfalse, PBfalse), h, fresh) | Pundef => ((PBtrue, PBfalse), h, fresh) | Pnot p => let '((p1, p2), h', fresh') := conv_hash_pred p h fresh in ((p1, negate p2), h', fresh') | Pand p1 p2 => let '((p1s, p1'), h', fresh') := conv_hash_pred p1 h fresh in let '((p2s, p2'), h'', fresh'') := conv_hash_pred p2 h' fresh' in ((PBor (PBand p1' p2s) (PBor (PBand p1s p2s) (PBand p1s p2')), PBand p1' p2'), h'', fresh'') | Por p1 p2 => let '((p1s, p1'), h', fresh') := conv_hash_pred p1 h fresh in let '((p2s, p2'), h'', fresh'') := conv_hash_pred p2 h' fresh' in ((PBor (PBand (negate p1') p2s) (PBor (PBand (negate p2') p1s) (PBand p1s p2s)), PBor p1' p2'), h'', fresh'') | Pimp p1 p2 => let '((p1s, p1'), h', fresh') := conv_hash_pred p1 h fresh in let '((p2s, p2'), h'', fresh'') := conv_hash_pred p2 h' fresh' in ((PBor (PBand (negate p1s) (PBand p1' p2s)) (PBand (negate p2s) (PBand (negate p2') p1s)), PBor p1s (PBor (negate p1') p2')), h'', fresh'') | Pbase k => ((PBbase (true, fresh), PBbase (true, k)), PTree.set k fresh h, fresh+1) end. Fixpoint mult {A: Type} (a b: list (list A)) : list (list A) := match a with | nil => nil | l :: ls => mult ls b ++ ( (fun x => l ++ x) b) end. Definition simplify' {A} (p: @pred A) := match p with | A ∧ T => A | T ∧ A => A | _ ∧ ⟂ => ⟂ | ⟂ ∧ _ => ⟂ | ○ ∧ ○ => ○ | A ∨ ⟂ => A | ⟂ ∨ A => A | _ ∨ T => T | T ∨ _ => T | ○ ∨ ○ => ○ | T → A => A | ⟂ → _ => T | _ → T => T | ○ → ○ => T | ¬ T => ⟂ | ¬ ⟂ => T | ¬ ○ => ○ | A => A end. Fixpoint simplify {A} (dec: forall a b: @pred A, {a = b} + {a <> b} ) (p: @pred A) := match p with | A ∧ B => let A' := simplify dec A in let B' := simplify dec B in if dec A' B' then A' else simplify' (A' ∧ B') | A ∨ B => let A' := simplify dec A in let B' := simplify dec B in if dec A' B' then A' else simplify' (A' ∨ B') | A → B => let A' := simplify dec A in let B' := simplify dec B in if dec A' B' then A' else simplify' (A' → B') | ¬ p => simplify' (¬ (simplify dec p)) | T => T | ⟂ => ⟂ | ○ => ○ | Pbase a => Pbase a end. Fixpoint sat_hash_pred_bin1' (p: @pred_bin positive) (a: asgn) : bool := match p with | PBtrue => true | PBfalse => false | PBbase (b, p') => if b then a (Pos.to_nat p') else negb (a (Pos.to_nat p')) | PBand p1 p2 => sat_hash_pred_bin1' p1 a && sat_hash_pred_bin1' p2 a | PBor p1 p2 => sat_hash_pred_bin1' p1 a || sat_hash_pred_bin1' p2 a end. Fixpoint sat_hash_pred_bin1 (p: @pred_bin positive) (a: PMap.t bool) : bool := match p with | PBtrue => true | PBfalse => false | PBbase (b, p') => if b then a !! p' else negb (a !! p') | PBand p1 p2 => sat_hash_pred_bin1 p1 a && sat_hash_pred_bin1 p2 a | PBor p1 p2 => sat_hash_pred_bin1 p1 a || sat_hash_pred_bin1 p2 a end. Definition sat_hash_pred_bin (p: hash_pred_bin) (a: PMap.t bool) : bool := negb (sat_hash_pred_bin1 (fst p) a) && sat_hash_pred_bin1 (snd p) a. Definition conv_tree (p: PTree.t positive) (assigns: PTree.t bool) : PMap.t bool := PTree.fold (fun m i a => match assigns ! i with | Some true => PMap.set a false (PMap.set i true m) | Some false => PMap.set a false (PMap.set i false m) | None => PMap.set a true (PMap.set i false m) end) p (PMap.init false). Definition interp_bin (b: bool * bool): option bool := match b with | (true, _) => None | (_, b) => Some b end. Fixpoint max_hash_pred (p: hash_pred) := match p with | T | ⟂ | ○ => 1 | Pbase k => k | p1 ∧ p2 | p1 ∨ p2 | p1 → p2 => Pos.max (max_hash_pred p1) (max_hash_pred p2) | ¬ p' => max_hash_pred p' end. Definition eval_through_bin (p: hash_pred) (a: PTree.t bool) := let '(p', h, f) := conv_hash_pred p (PTree.empty _) (max_hash_pred p + 1) in let m := conv_tree h a in interp_bin (sat_hash_pred_bin1 (fst p') m, sat_hash_pred_bin1 (snd p') m). (*Compute eval_hash_pred (Pand (Por (Pbase 1) (Pbase 2)) (Pbase 3)) (PTree.set 1 true (PTree.set 3 true (PTree.empty _))). Compute eval_through_bin (Pand (Por (Pbase 1) (Pbase 2)) (Pbase 3)) (PTree.set 1 true (PTree.set 3 true (PTree.empty _))).*) Lemma satFormula_concat: forall a b agn, satFormula a agn -> satFormula b agn -> satFormula (a ++ b) agn. Proof. induction a; crush. Qed. Lemma satFormula_concat2: forall a b agn, satFormula (a ++ b) agn -> satFormula a agn /\ satFormula b agn. Proof. induction a; simplify; try apply IHa in H1; crush. Qed. Lemma satClause_concat: forall a a1 a0, satClause a a1 -> satClause (a0 ++ a) a1. Proof. induction a0; crush. Qed. Lemma satClause_concat2: forall a a1 a0, satClause a0 a1 -> satClause (a0 ++ a) a1. Proof. induction a0; crush. inv H; crush. Qed. Lemma satClause_concat3: forall a b c, satClause (a ++ b) c -> satClause a c \/ satClause b c. Proof. induction a; crush. inv H; crush. apply IHa in H0; crush. inv H0; crush. Qed. Lemma satFormula_mult': forall p2 a a0, satFormula p2 a0 \/ satClause a a0 -> satFormula (map (fun x : list lit => a ++ x) p2) a0. Proof. induction p2; crush. - inv H. inv H0. apply satClause_concat. auto. apply satClause_concat2; auto. - apply IHp2. inv H; crush; inv H0; crush. Qed. Lemma satFormula_mult2': forall p2 a a0, satFormula (map (fun x : list lit => a ++ x) p2) a0 -> satClause a a0 \/ satFormula p2 a0. Proof. induction p2; crush. apply IHp2 in H1. inv H1; crush. apply satClause_concat3 in H0. inv H0; crush. Qed. Lemma satFormula_mult: forall p1 p2 a, satFormula p1 a \/ satFormula p2 a -> satFormula (mult p1 p2) a. Proof. induction p1; crush. apply satFormula_concat; crush. inv H. inv H0. apply IHp1. auto. apply IHp1. auto. apply satFormula_mult'; inv H; crush. Qed. Lemma satFormula_mult2: forall p1 p2 a, satFormula (mult p1 p2) a -> satFormula p1 a \/ satFormula p2 a. Proof. induction p1; crush. apply satFormula_concat2 in H; crush. apply IHp1 in H0. inv H0; crush. apply satFormula_mult2' in H1. inv H1; crush. Qed. Fixpoint trans_pred (p: @pred_bin positive) : {fm: formula | forall a, sat_hash_pred_bin1' p a = true <-> satFormula fm a}. refine (match p with | PBtrue => exist _ nil _ | PBfalse => exist _ (nil :: nil) _ | PBbase (b, p') => exist _ (((b, Pos.to_nat p') :: nil) :: nil) _ | PBand p1 p2 => match trans_pred p1, trans_pred p2 with | exist p1' _, exist p2' _ => exist _ (p1' ++ p2') _ end | PBor p1 p2 => match trans_pred p1, trans_pred p2 with | exist p1' _, exist p2' _ => exist _ (mult p1' p2') _ end end); split; crush. - destruct_match; subst. tauto. simplify. tauto. - inv H0; crush. destruct_match; crush. subst. apply negb_true_iff. crush. - apply satFormula_concat. apply i; auto. apply i0; auto. - apply satFormula_concat2 in H. simplify. apply andb_true_intro. split. apply i in H0. auto. apply i0 in H1. auto. - apply orb_prop in H. inv H; apply satFormula_mult. apply i in H0. auto. apply i0 in H0. auto. - apply orb_true_intro. apply satFormula_mult2 in H. inv H. apply i in H0. auto. apply i0 in H0. auto. Qed. Definition sat_pred (bound: nat) (p: @pred_bin positive) : option ({al : alist | sat_hash_pred_bin1' p (interp_alist al) = true} + {forall a : asgn, sat_hash_pred_bin1' p a = false}). refine ( match trans_pred p with | exist fm _ => match boundedSat bound fm with | Some (inleft (exist a _)) => Some (inleft (exist _ a _)) | Some (inright _) => Some (inright _) | None => None end end ). - apply i in s1. auto. - intros. specialize (n a). specialize (i a). destruct (sat_hash_pred_bin1' p a). exfalso. apply n. apply i. auto. auto. Qed. Lemma negate_correct : forall h a, sat_hash_pred_bin1' (negate h) a = negb (sat_hash_pred_bin1' h a). Proof. induction h; crush. - repeat destruct_match; subst; crush; symmetry; apply negb_involutive. - rewrite negb_andb; crush. - rewrite negb_orb; crush. Qed. Lemma sat_implication : forall h h' a, sat_hash_pred_bin1' (PBand (negate h) h') a = false -> sat_hash_pred_bin1' h' a = true -> sat_hash_pred_bin1' h a = true. Proof. intros. simplify. rewrite negate_correct in H. rewrite H0 in H. rewrite andb_true_r in H. crush. Qed. Fixpoint trans_pred_simple (p: @pred_bin positive) := match p with | PBtrue => nil | PBfalse => nil :: nil | PBbase (b, p') => ((b, Pos.to_nat p') :: nil) :: nil | PBand p1 p2 => match trans_pred_simple p1, trans_pred_simple p2 with | p1', p2' => (p1' ++ p2') end | PBor p1 p2 => match trans_pred_simple p1, trans_pred_simple p2 with | p1', p2' => (mult p1' p2') end end. (*Compute trans_pred_simple (PBand (PBbase (false, 1)) (PBbase (true, 3))).*) Definition sat_pred_simple (bound: nat) (p: @pred_bin positive) := boundedSatSimple bound (trans_pred_simple p). Definition sat_hash_pred_simple (bound: nat) (p: hash_pred_bin) := match sat_pred_simple bound (PBor (fst p) (negate (snd p))) with | Some None => Some None | Some (Some a) => Some (Some a) | None => None end. Definition sat_hpred_simple bound (p: hash_pred) := let '(p', h, f) := conv_hash_pred p (PTree.empty _) (max_hash_pred p + 1) in sat_hash_pred_simple bound p'. Lemma max_key_correct' : forall l hi, In hi l -> hi <= fold_right Pos.max 1 l. Proof. induction l; crush. inv H. lia. destruct (Pos.max_dec a (fold_right Pos.max 1 l)); rewrite e. - apply Pos.max_l_iff in e. assert (forall a b c, a <= c -> c <= b -> a <= b) by lia. eapply H; eauto. - apply IHl; auto. Qed. Definition bar (p1: lit): lit := (negb (fst p1), (snd p1)). Definition stseytin_or (cur p1 p2: lit) : formula := (bar cur :: p1 :: p2 :: nil) :: (cur :: bar p1 :: nil) :: (cur :: bar p2 :: nil) :: nil. Definition stseytin_and (cur p1 p2: lit) : formula := (cur :: bar p1 :: bar p2 :: nil) :: (bar cur :: p1 :: nil) :: (bar cur :: p2 :: nil) :: nil. Fixpoint xtseytin (next: nat) (p: @pred_bin positive) {struct p} : (nat * lit * formula) := match p with | PBbase (b, p') => (next, (b, Pos.to_nat p'), nil) | PBtrue => ((next+1)%nat, (true, next), ((true, next)::nil)::nil) | PBfalse => ((next+1)%nat, (true, next), ((false, next)::nil)::nil) | PBor p1 p2 => let '(m1, n1, f1) := xtseytin next p1 in let '(m2, n2, f2) := xtseytin m1 p2 in ((m2+1)%nat, (true, m2), stseytin_or (true, m2) n1 n2 ++ f1 ++ f2) | PBand p1 p2 => let '(m1, n1, f1) := xtseytin next p1 in let '(m2, n2, f2) := xtseytin m1 p2 in ((m2+1)%nat, (true, m2), stseytin_and (true, m2) n1 n2 ++ f1 ++ f2) end. Lemma stseytin_and_correct : forall cur p1 p2 fm c, stseytin_and cur p1 p2 = fm -> satLit cur c -> satLit p1 c /\ satLit p2 c -> satFormula fm c. Proof. intros. unfold stseytin_and in *. rewrite <- H. unfold satLit in *. destruct p1. destruct p2. destruct cur. simpl in *|-. cbn. unfold satLit. cbn. crush. Qed. Lemma stseytin_or_correct : forall cur p1 p2 fm c, stseytin_or cur p1 p2 = fm -> satLit cur c -> satLit p1 c \/ satLit p2 c -> satFormula fm c. Proof. intros. unfold stseytin_or in *. rewrite <- H. inv H1. unfold satLit in *. destruct p1. destruct p2. destruct cur. simpl in *|-. cbn. unfold satLit. cbn. crush. unfold satLit in *. destruct p1. destruct p2. destruct cur. simpl in *|-. cbn. unfold satLit. cbn. crush. Qed. Fixpoint max_predicate (p: @pred_bin positive) : positive := match p with | PBbase (b, p) => p | PBtrue => 1 | PBfalse => 1 | PBand a b => Pos.max (max_predicate a) (max_predicate b) | PBor a b => Pos.max (max_predicate a) (max_predicate b) end. Definition tseytin_simple (p: @pred_bin positive) : formula := let m := Pos.to_nat (max_predicate p + 1) in let '(m, n, fm) := xtseytin m p in (n::nil) :: fm. Definition sat_pred_simple_tseytin (p: @pred_bin positive) : option (option alist) := match boundedSatSimple 10000%nat (tseytin_simple p) with | Some (Some a) => Some (Some a) | Some None => Some None | None => None end. Definition sat_hash_pred_simple_tseytin (p: hash_pred_bin) := match sat_pred_simple_tseytin (PBor (fst p) (negate (snd p))) with | Some None => Some None | Some (Some a) => Some (Some a) | None => None end. Definition sat_hpred_simple_tseytin (p: hash_pred) := let '(p', h, f) := conv_hash_pred p (PTree.empty _) (max_hash_pred p + 1) in sat_hash_pred_simple_tseytin p'. (*Compute sat_hpred_simple_tseytin ((Pbase 1 ∨ Pbase 2) → (Pbase 1 ∨ Pbase 2)). Compute sat_hpred_simple 1000%nat (simplify ((Pbase 1 ∨ Pbase 2) → (Pbase 1 ∨ Pbase 2))).*) Lemma max_key_correct : forall A h_tree hi (c: A), h_tree ! hi = Some c -> hi <= max_key h_tree. Proof. unfold max_key. intros. apply PTree.elements_correct in H. apply max_key_correct'. eapply in_map with (f := fst) in H. auto. Qed. Lemma hash_constant : forall p h h_tree hi c h_tree', h_tree ! hi = Some c -> hash_predicate p h_tree = (h, h_tree') -> h_tree' ! hi = Some c. Proof. induction p; crush. - repeat (destruct_match; crush); subst. pose proof H as X. apply max_key_correct in X. rewrite PTree.gso by lia; auto. - repeat (destruct_match; crush). exploit IHp1; eauto. - repeat (destruct_match; crush). exploit IHp1; eauto. - repeat (destruct_match; crush). exploit IHp1; eauto. - repeat (destruct_match; crush). exploit IHp; eauto. Qed. Lemma find_tree_correct : forall c h_tree p, find_tree c h_tree = Some p -> h_tree ! p = Some c. Proof. intros. unfold find_tree in H. destruct_match; crush. destruct_match; simplify. destruct_match; crush. assert (In (p, a) (filter (fun x : positive * A => let (_, b) := x in if el_dec c b then true else false) (PTree.elements h_tree))). { rewrite Heql. constructor. auto. } apply filter_In in H. simplify. destruct_match; crush. subst. apply PTree.elements_complete; auto. Qed. Lemma find_tree_unique : forall c h_tree p p', find_tree c h_tree = Some p -> h_tree ! p' = Some c -> p = p'. Proof. intros. unfold find_tree in H. repeat (destruct_match; crush; []). assert (In (p, a) (filter (fun x : positive * A => let (_, b) := x in if el_dec c b then true else false) (PTree.elements h_tree))). { rewrite Heql. constructor. auto. } apply filter_In in H. simplify. destruct (Pos.eq_dec p p'); auto. exfalso. destruct_match; subst; crush. assert (In (p', a) (PTree.elements h_tree) /\ (fun x : positive * A => let (_, b) := x in if el_dec a b then true else false) (p', a) = true). { split. apply PTree.elements_correct. auto. rewrite Heqs. auto. } apply filter_In in H. rewrite Heql in H. inv H. simplify. crush. crush. Qed. Lemma hash_predicate_hash_le : forall p n p' n', hash_predicate p n = (p', n') -> (PTree_Properties.cardinal n <= PTree_Properties.cardinal n')%nat. Proof. induction p; crush. - repeat (destruct_match; crush). assert (n ! (max_key n + 1) = None). { destruct (n ! (max_key n + 1)) eqn:?; auto. apply max_key_correct in Heqo0. lia. } exploit PTree_Properties.cardinal_set; eauto. instantiate (1 := a); intros. lia. - repeat (destruct_match; crush). apply IHp1 in Heqp. apply IHp2 in Heqp0. lia. - repeat (destruct_match; crush). apply IHp1 in Heqp. apply IHp2 in Heqp0. lia. - repeat (destruct_match; crush). apply IHp1 in Heqp. apply IHp2 in Heqp0. lia. - repeat (destruct_match; crush). apply IHp in Heqp0. lia. Qed. Lemma hash_predicate_hash_len : forall p n p' n', hash_predicate p n = (p', n') -> PTree_Properties.cardinal n = PTree_Properties.cardinal n' -> n = n'. Proof. induction p; crush. - repeat (destruct_match; crush). assert (n ! (max_key n + 1) = None). { destruct (n ! (max_key n + 1)) eqn:?; auto. apply max_key_correct in Heqo0. lia. } exploit PTree_Properties.cardinal_set; eauto. instantiate (1 := a); intros. lia. - repeat (destruct_match; crush). pose proof Heqp as X; apply hash_predicate_hash_le in X. pose proof Heqp0 as X0; apply hash_predicate_hash_le in X0. exploit IHp1; eauto. lia. intros; subst. exploit IHp2; eauto. - repeat (destruct_match; crush). pose proof Heqp as X; apply hash_predicate_hash_le in X. pose proof Heqp0 as X0; apply hash_predicate_hash_le in X0. exploit IHp1; eauto. lia. intros; subst. exploit IHp2; eauto. - repeat (destruct_match; crush). pose proof Heqp as X; apply hash_predicate_hash_le in X. pose proof Heqp0 as X0; apply hash_predicate_hash_le in X0. exploit IHp1; eauto. lia. intros; subst. exploit IHp2; eauto. - repeat (destruct_match; crush). pose proof Heqp0 as X; apply hash_predicate_hash_le in X. exploit IHp; eauto. Qed. Inductive pred_In {A} : A -> @pred A -> Prop := | pred_In_Pbase : forall a, pred_In a (Pbase a) | pred_In_Pand1 : forall c p1 p2, pred_In c p1 -> pred_In c (p1 ∧ p2) | pred_In_Pand2 : forall c p1 p2, pred_In c p2 -> pred_In c (p1 ∧ p2) | pred_In_Por1 : forall c p1 p2, pred_In c p1 -> pred_In c (p1 ∨ p2) | pred_In_Por2 : forall c p1 p2, pred_In c p2 -> pred_In c (p1 ∨ p2) | pred_In_Pimp1 : forall c p1 p2, pred_In c p1 -> pred_In c (p1 → p2) | pred_In_Pimp2 : forall c p1 p2, pred_In c p2 -> pred_In c (p1 → p2) | pred_In_Pnot : forall c p, pred_In c p -> pred_In c (¬ p). Lemma pred_In_dec : forall A (c: A) p, (forall a b : A, { a = b } + { a <> b }) -> { pred_In c p } + { ~ pred_In c p }. Proof. induction p; crush. - right. unfold not. intros. inv H. - right. unfold not. intros. inv H. - right. unfold not. intros. inv H. - destruct (X c a); subst. { left. constructor. } { right. unfold not. intros. inv H. auto. } - pose proof X as X1. pose proof X as X2. apply IHp1 in X1. apply IHp2 in X2. inv X1; inv X2. left. constructor. tauto. left. constructor. auto. left. apply pred_In_Pand2. auto. right. unfold not. intros. inv H1; auto. - pose proof X as X1. pose proof X as X2. apply IHp1 in X1. apply IHp2 in X2. inv X1; inv X2. left. constructor. tauto. left. constructor. auto. left. apply pred_In_Por2. auto. right. unfold not. intros. inv H1; auto. - pose proof X as X1. pose proof X as X2. apply IHp1 in X1. apply IHp2 in X2. inv X1; inv X2. left. constructor. tauto. left. constructor. auto. left. apply pred_In_Pimp2. auto. right. unfold not. intros. inv H1; auto. - pose proof X as X1. apply IHp in X1. inv X1. left. constructor. tauto. right. unfold not. intros. inv H0; auto. Qed. Lemma pred_In_hash : forall p n p' n' c, hash_predicate p n = (p', n') -> pred_In c p -> exists t, n' ! t = Some c /\ pred_In t p'. Proof. induction p; simplify. - inv H0. - inv H0. - inv H0. - repeat (destruct_match; crush; []); subst. destruct_match; simplify. { inv H0. apply find_tree_correct in Heqo. econstructor; ecrush core. constructor. } { inv H0. econstructor. rewrite PTree.gss. crush. constructor. } - repeat (destruct_match; crush; []). inv H0. exploit IHp1; eauto. simplify. econstructor. simplify. eapply hash_constant; eauto. constructor; auto. exploit IHp2; eauto. simplify. econstructor; ecrush core. apply pred_In_Pand2. auto. - repeat (destruct_match; crush; []). inv H0. exploit IHp1; eauto. simplify. econstructor. simplify. eapply hash_constant; eauto. constructor; auto. exploit IHp2; eauto. simplify. econstructor; ecrush core. apply pred_In_Por2. auto. - repeat (destruct_match; crush; []). inv H0. exploit IHp1; eauto. simplify. econstructor. simplify. eapply hash_constant; eauto. constructor; auto. exploit IHp2; eauto. simplify. econstructor; ecrush core. apply pred_In_Pimp2. auto. - repeat (destruct_match; crush; []). inv H0. exploit IHp; eauto; simplify. econstructor; simplify; eauto. econstructor; auto. Qed. Lemma hash_pred_In' : forall p h t c n n', hash_predicate p n = (h, n') -> n ! t = None -> n' ! t = Some c -> pred_In c p. Proof. induction p; crush. - repeat (destruct_match); subst; crush. destruct (Pos.eq_dec t (max_key n + 1)); subst. { rewrite PTree.gss in H1. simplify. constructor. } { rewrite PTree.gso in H1; crush. } - repeat (destruct_match); subst; crush. destruct (t0 ! t) eqn:?. { pose proof Heqo as X. eapply hash_constant in X; eauto. simplify. constructor. eapply IHp1; eauto. } { apply pred_In_Pand2; eapply IHp2; eauto. } - repeat (destruct_match); subst; crush. destruct (t0 ! t) eqn:?. { pose proof Heqo as X. eapply hash_constant in X; eauto. simplify. constructor. eapply IHp1; eauto. } { apply pred_In_Por2; eapply IHp2; eauto. } - repeat (destruct_match); subst; crush. destruct (t0 ! t) eqn:?. { pose proof Heqo as X. eapply hash_constant in X; eauto. simplify. constructor. eapply IHp1; eauto. } { apply pred_In_Pimp2; eapply IHp2; eauto. } - repeat (destruct_match); subst; crush. exploit IHp; eauto; intros. econstructor; auto. Qed. Lemma hash_pred_In : forall p h p' h' c n, hash_predicate p (PTree.empty _) = (h, n) -> hash_predicate p' n = (h', n) -> pred_In c p' -> pred_In c p. Proof. intros. exploit pred_In_hash; eauto. simplify. eapply hash_pred_In'; eauto. apply PTree.gempty. Qed. Lemma pred_In_hash2 : forall p h n n' t, hash_predicate p n = (h, n') -> pred_In t h -> exists c, n' ! t = Some c /\ pred_In c p. Proof. induction p; simplify. - inv H0. - inv H0. - inv H0. - repeat (destruct_match; crush; []); subst. destruct_match; simplify. { inv H0. apply find_tree_correct in Heqo. econstructor; ecrush core. constructor. } { inv H0. econstructor. rewrite PTree.gss. crush. constructor. } - repeat (destruct_match; crush; []). inv H0. exploit IHp1; eauto. simplify. econstructor. simplify. eapply hash_constant; eauto. constructor; auto. exploit IHp2; eauto. simplify. econstructor; ecrush core. apply pred_In_Pand2. auto. - repeat (destruct_match; crush; []). inv H0. exploit IHp1; eauto. simplify. econstructor. simplify. eapply hash_constant; eauto. constructor; auto. exploit IHp2; eauto. simplify. econstructor; ecrush core. apply pred_In_Por2. auto. - repeat (destruct_match; crush; []). inv H0. exploit IHp1; eauto. simplify. econstructor. simplify. eapply hash_constant; eauto. constructor; auto. exploit IHp2; eauto. simplify. econstructor; ecrush core. apply pred_In_Pimp2. auto. - repeat (destruct_match; crush; []). inv H0. exploit IHp; eauto; simplify; repeat econstructor; ecrush core. Qed. Lemma hash_constant2 : forall p n h n' v c c', hash_predicate p n = (h, n') -> n ! v = Some c -> n' ! v = Some c' -> c = c'. Proof. intros. eapply hash_constant in H; eauto. rewrite H1 in H. crush. Qed. Lemma pred_not_in_Pand : forall A (c: A) p1 p2, ~ pred_In c (p1 ∧ p2) -> ~ pred_In c p1 /\ ~ pred_In c p2. Proof. intros. split. - unfold not in *. intros. apply H. constructor. auto. - unfold not in *. intros. apply H. apply pred_In_Pand2. auto. Qed. Lemma pred_not_in_Por : forall A (c: A) p1 p2, ~ pred_In c (p1 ∨ p2) -> ~ pred_In c p1 /\ ~ pred_In c p2. Proof. intros. split. - unfold not in *. intros. apply H. constructor. auto. - unfold not in *. intros. apply H. apply pred_In_Por2. auto. Qed. Lemma simplify'_correct : forall h a, eval_hash_pred (simplify' h) a = eval_hash_pred h a. Proof. destruct h; crush; repeat (destruct_match; crush). Qed. Lemma eval_hash_pred_Pand_destr : forall p1 p2 p1' p2' a, eval_hash_pred p1 a = eval_hash_pred p1' a -> eval_hash_pred p2 a = eval_hash_pred p2' a -> eval_hash_pred (Pand p1 p2) a = eval_hash_pred (Pand p1' p2') a. Proof. intros. simpl. rewrite H in *. rewrite H0 in *. auto. Qed. Lemma eval_hash_pred_Pand_symm : forall p1 p2 a, eval_hash_pred (Pand p1 p2) a = eval_hash_pred (Pand p2 p1) a. Proof. simplify. repeat destruct_match; auto. Qed. Lemma eval_hash_pred_Por_symm : forall p1 p2 a, eval_hash_pred (Por p1 p2) a = eval_hash_pred (Por p2 p1) a. Proof. simplify. repeat destruct_match; auto. Qed. Lemma eval_hash_pred_Por_destr : forall p1 p2 p1' p2' a, eval_hash_pred p1 a = eval_hash_pred p1' a -> eval_hash_pred p2 a = eval_hash_pred p2' a -> eval_hash_pred (Por p1 p2) a = eval_hash_pred (Por p1' p2') a. Proof. intros. simpl. rewrite H in *. rewrite H0 in *. auto. Qed. Lemma eval_hash_pred_Pand_refl : forall p1 a, eval_hash_pred (Pand p1 p1) a = eval_hash_pred p1 a. Proof. intros. simpl. repeat destruct_match; auto. Qed. Lemma eval_hash_pred_Por_refl : forall p1 a, eval_hash_pred (Por p1 p1) a = eval_hash_pred p1 a. Proof. intros. simpl. repeat destruct_match; auto. Qed. Lemma pand_false : forall a b l, eval_hash_pred (Pand a b) l <> Some true -> eval_hash_pred b l = Some true -> eval_hash_pred a l <> Some true. Proof. simplify. repeat destruct_match; crush. Qed. Lemma pand_true : forall a b l, eval_hash_pred (Pand a b) l = Some true -> eval_hash_pred a l = Some true /\ eval_hash_pred b l = Some true. Proof. simplify; repeat destruct_match; crush. Qed. Lemma pand_true2 : forall a b l, eval_hash_pred b l = Some true -> eval_hash_pred a l = Some true -> eval_hash_pred (Pand a b) l = Some true. Proof. simplify; repeat destruct_match; crush. Qed. Lemma eval_hash_pred_fold_Pand : forall l x la, eval_hash_pred (fold_left Pand l x) la = Some true -> eval_hash_pred x la = Some true. Proof. induction l as [| el l' IHl ]; [tauto|]. intros * EVAL. cbn in *. eapply IHl in EVAL. eapply pand_true in EVAL; tauto. Qed. Lemma eval_hash_pred_fold_Pand2 : forall l x la y, eval_hash_pred (fold_left Pand l x) la = Some true -> eval_hash_pred y la = Some true -> eval_hash_pred (fold_left Pand l y) la = Some true. Proof. induction l as [| el l' IHl ]; [tauto|]. intros * EVAL EVALY. cbn in *. pose proof EVAL as EVAL2. apply eval_hash_pred_fold_Pand in EVAL. eapply IHl; eauto. apply pand_true2; apply pand_true in EVAL; tauto. Qed. Lemma eval_hash_pred_fold_Pand3 : forall l x la, eval_hash_pred (fold_left Pand l x) la = Some true -> eval_hash_pred (fold_left Pand l T) la = Some true. Proof. eauto using eval_hash_pred_fold_Pand2. Qed. Lemma eval_hash_pred_fold_Pand4 : forall l x la, eval_hash_pred (fold_left Pand l x) la = Some true -> eval_hash_pred (fold_left Pand l T) la = Some true /\ eval_hash_pred x la = Some true. Proof. intros; split; eauto using eval_hash_pred_fold_Pand3, eval_hash_pred_fold_Pand. Qed. Lemma eval_equiv2 : forall a b la, eval_hash_pred a la = eval_hash_pred b la -> eval_hash_pred (equiv a b) la = Some true. Proof. unfold equiv; intros. unfold eval_hash_pred in *. fold eval_hash_pred in *. repeat destruct_match; try discriminate; crush. Qed. Lemma eval_equiv : forall a b la, eval_hash_pred (equiv a b) la = Some true -> eval_hash_pred a la = eval_hash_pred b la. Proof. unfold equiv; intros. unfold eval_hash_pred in *. fold eval_hash_pred in *. repeat destruct_match; try discriminate; crush. Qed. Lemma eval_hash_pred_T_Pand : forall a l, eval_hash_pred (Pand T a) l = eval_hash_pred a l. Proof. intros; unfold eval_hash_pred; fold eval_hash_pred; destruct_match; auto. Qed. Lemma fold_and_forall : forall p a pt, eval_hash_pred (fold_left Pand p pt) a = Some true -> Forall (fun x => eval_hash_pred x a = Some true) p. Proof. induction p; crush. constructor. - apply eval_hash_pred_fold_Pand in H. eapply pand_true; eauto. - eapply IHp. eauto. Qed. Lemma fold_and_forall2 : forall p a pt, eval_hash_pred pt a = Some true -> Forall (fun x => eval_hash_pred x a = Some true) p -> eval_hash_pred (fold_left Pand p pt) a = Some true. Proof. induction p; crush. inv H0. eapply IHp; eauto. apply pand_true2; eauto. Qed. Lemma fold_and_forall3 : forall p a, Forall (fun x => eval_hash_pred x a = Some true) p <-> eval_hash_pred (fold_left Pand p T) a = Some true. Proof. intros; split; intros. eapply fold_and_forall2; eauto. eapply fold_and_forall; eauto. Qed. Lemma eval_hash_pred_gso2 : forall p x y b, ~ pred_In y p -> eval_hash_pred p (PTree.set y b x) = eval_hash_pred p x. Proof. induction p; try solve [crush]. - intros * MAX. cbn in *. rewrite PTree.gso; auto. unfold not; intros. apply MAX; subst; constructor. - intros. cbn in H. simplify. erewrite !IHp1. erewrite !IHp2. auto. unfold not in *; intros; apply H; now apply pred_In_Pand2. unfold not in *; intros; apply H; now constructor. - intros. cbn in H. simplify. erewrite !IHp1. erewrite !IHp2. auto. unfold not in *; intros; apply H; now apply pred_In_Por2. unfold not in *; intros; apply H; now constructor. - intros. cbn in H. simplify. erewrite !IHp1. erewrite !IHp2. auto. unfold not in *; intros; apply H; now apply pred_In_Pimp2. unfold not in *; intros; apply H; now constructor. - intros. cbn in H. simplify. erewrite !IHp. auto. unfold not in *; intros; apply H; now constructor. Qed. Lemma eval_hash_pred_gso : forall p x y b, (max_hash_pred p < y)%positive -> eval_hash_pred p (PTree.set y b x) = eval_hash_pred p x. Proof. induction p; try solve [crush]. - intros * MAX. cbn in *. now rewrite PTree.gso by lia. - intros. cbn in H. simplify. erewrite !IHp1 by lia. now erewrite !IHp2 by lia. - intros. cbn in H. simplify. erewrite !IHp1 by lia. now erewrite !IHp2 by lia. - intros. cbn in H. simplify. erewrite !IHp1 by lia. now erewrite !IHp2 by lia. - intros. cbn in H. simplify. now erewrite !IHp by lia. Qed. Lemma eval_hash_pred_get : forall p a, eval_hash_pred (Pbase p) a = a ! p. Proof. crush. Qed. Lemma eval_hash_pred_except : forall p a a0 a0', ~ pred_In a p -> (forall x : positive, x <> a -> a0 ! x = a0' ! x) -> eval_hash_pred p a0 = eval_hash_pred p a0'. Proof. induction p; crush. - destruct (peq a0 a); subst. + exfalso. apply H. constructor. + now rewrite H0 by auto. - erewrite IHp1; eauto. erewrite IHp2; eauto. unfold not; intros; apply H. apply pred_In_Pand2; auto. unfold not; intros; apply H. constructor; auto. - erewrite IHp1; eauto. erewrite IHp2; eauto. unfold not; intros; apply H. apply pred_In_Por2; auto. unfold not; intros; apply H. constructor; auto. - erewrite IHp1; eauto. erewrite IHp2; eauto. unfold not; intros; apply H. apply pred_In_Pimp2; auto. unfold not; intros; apply H. constructor; auto. - erewrite IHp; eauto. unfold not; intros; apply H. constructor; auto. Qed. Lemma eval_hash_pred_pand : forall p p1 p2 p3 a a', eval_hash_pred p1 a = eval_hash_pred p a' -> eval_hash_pred p2 a = eval_hash_pred p3 a' -> eval_hash_pred (p1 ∧ p2) a = eval_hash_pred (p ∧ p3) a'. Proof. simplify; rewrite !H; now rewrite !H0. Qed. Lemma eval_hash_pred_por : forall p p1 p2 p3 a a', eval_hash_pred p1 a = eval_hash_pred p a' -> eval_hash_pred p2 a = eval_hash_pred p3 a' -> eval_hash_pred (p1 ∨ p2) a = eval_hash_pred (p ∨ p3) a'. Proof. simplify; rewrite !H; now rewrite !H0. Qed. Lemma eval_hash_pred_pimp : forall p p1 p2 p3 a a', eval_hash_pred p1 a = eval_hash_pred p a' -> eval_hash_pred p2 a = eval_hash_pred p3 a' -> eval_hash_pred (p1 → p2) a = eval_hash_pred (p → p3) a'. Proof. simplify; rewrite !H; now rewrite !H0. Qed. Lemma eval_hash_pred_pnot : forall p p' a a', eval_hash_pred p a = eval_hash_pred p' a' -> eval_hash_pred (¬ p) a = eval_hash_pred (¬ p') a'. Proof. simplify; now rewrite !H. Qed. Lemma fold_left_Pand_rev : forall l b, eval_hash_pred (fold_left Pand (rev l) T) b = Some true -> eval_hash_pred (fold_left Pand l T) b = Some true. Proof. intros. apply fold_and_forall3. apply fold_and_forall3 in H. apply Forall_forall; intros. now eapply Forall_forall in H; [|rewrite <- in_rev; eassumption]. Qed. Lemma fold_left_Pand_rev2 : forall l b, eval_hash_pred (fold_left Pand l T) b = Some true -> eval_hash_pred (fold_left Pand (rev l) T) b = Some true. Proof. intros. apply fold_and_forall3. apply fold_and_forall3 in H. apply Forall_forall; intros. now eapply Forall_forall in H; [|rewrite in_rev; eassumption]. Qed. Lemma eval_hash_pred_T_Pand2 : forall a b l, eval_hash_pred b l = Some true -> eval_hash_pred (Pand a b) l = eval_hash_pred a l. Proof. intros; unfold eval_hash_pred; fold eval_hash_pred. repeat (destruct_match; crush). Qed. Lemma eval_hash_pred_T_Pand3: forall b a, eval_hash_pred (b ∧ T) a = eval_hash_pred b a. Proof. unfold eval_hash_pred; crush. repeat (destruct_match; crush). Qed. End EVAL. End ThreeValued.