(****************************************************************************) (* *) (* Menhir *) (* *) (* Jacques-Henri Jourdan, CNRS, LRI, Université Paris Sud *) (* *) (* Copyright Inria. All rights reserved. This file is distributed under *) (* the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the *) (* Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your *) (* option) any later version, as described in the file LICENSE. *) (* *) (****************************************************************************) From Coq Require Import List Syntax. Require Import Alphabet. Require Grammar Automaton Interpreter. From Coq.ssr Require Import ssreflect. Module Make(Import A:Automaton.T) (Import Inter:Interpreter.T A). (** * Correctness of the interpreter **) (** We prove that, in any case, if the interpreter accepts returning a semantic value, then this is a semantic value of the input **) Section Init. Variable init:initstate. (** [word_has_stack_semantics] relates a word with a stack, stating that the word is a concatenation of words that have the semantic values stored in the stack. **) Inductive word_has_stack_semantics: forall (word:list token) (stack:stack), Prop := | Nil_stack_whss: word_has_stack_semantics [] [] | Cons_stack_whss: forall (wordq:list token) (stackq:stack), word_has_stack_semantics wordq stackq -> forall (wordt:list token) (s:noninitstate) (pt:parse_tree (last_symb_of_non_init_state s) wordt), word_has_stack_semantics (wordq++wordt) (existT noninitstate_type s (pt_sem pt)::stackq). (** [pop] preserves the invariant **) Lemma pop_spec_ptl A symbols_to_pop action word_stk stk (res : A) stk' : pop_spec symbols_to_pop stk action stk' res -> word_has_stack_semantics word_stk stk -> exists word_stk' word_res (ptl:parse_tree_list symbols_to_pop word_res), (word_stk' ++ word_res = word_stk)%list /\ word_has_stack_semantics word_stk' stk' /\ ptl_sem ptl action = res. Proof. intros Hspec. revert word_stk. induction Hspec as [stk sem|symbols_to_pop st stk action sem stk' res Hspec IH]; intros word_stk Hword_stk. - exists word_stk, [], Nil_ptl. rewrite -app_nil_end. eauto. - inversion Hword_stk. subst_existT. edestruct IH as (word_stk' & word_res & ptl & ? & Hword_stk'' & ?); [eassumption|]. subst. eexists word_stk', (word_res ++ _)%list, (Cons_ptl ptl _). split; [|split]=>//. rewrite app_assoc //. Qed. (** [reduce_step] preserves the invariant **) Lemma reduce_step_invariant (stk:stack) (prod:production) Hv Hi word buffer : word_has_stack_semantics word stk -> match reduce_step init stk prod buffer Hv Hi with | Accept_sr sem buffer_new => exists pt : parse_tree (NT (start_nt init)) word, buffer = buffer_new /\ pt_sem pt = sem | Progress_sr stk' buffer_new => buffer = buffer_new /\ word_has_stack_semantics word stk' | Fail_sr => True end. Proof. intros Hword_stk. unfold reduce_step. match goal with | |- context [pop_state_valid init ?stp stk ?x1 ?x2 ?x3 ?x4 ?x5] => generalize (pop_state_valid init stp stk x1 x2 x3 x4 x5) end. destruct pop as [stk' sem] eqn:Hpop=>/= Hv'. apply pop_spec_ok in Hpop. apply pop_spec_ptl with (word_stk := word) in Hpop=>//. destruct Hpop as (word1 & word2 & ptl & <- & Hword1 & <-). generalize (reduce_step_subproof1 init stk prod Hv stk' (fun _ : True => Hv')). destruct goto_table as [[st' EQ]|]. - intros _. split=>//. change (ptl_sem ptl (prod_action prod)) with (pt_sem (Non_terminal_pt prod ptl)). generalize (Non_terminal_pt prod ptl). rewrite ->EQ. intros pt. by constructor. - intros Hstk'. destruct Hword1; [|by destruct Hstk']. generalize (reduce_step_subproof0 init prod [] (fun _ : True => Hstk')). simpl in Hstk'. rewrite -Hstk' // => EQ. rewrite cast_eq. exists (Non_terminal_pt prod ptl). by split. Qed. (** [step] preserves the invariant **) Lemma step_invariant stk word buffer safe Hi : word_has_stack_semantics word stk -> match step safe init stk buffer Hi with | Accept_sr sem buffer_new => exists word_new (pt:parse_tree (NT (start_nt init)) word_new), (word ++ buffer = word_new ++ buffer_new)%buf /\ pt_sem pt = sem | Progress_sr stk_new buffer_new => exists word_new, (word ++ buffer = word_new ++ buffer_new)%buf /\ word_has_stack_semantics word_new stk_new | Fail_sr => True end. Proof. intros Hword_stk. unfold step. generalize (reduce_ok safe (state_of_stack init stk)). destruct action_table as [prod|awt]. - intros Hv. apply (reduce_step_invariant stk prod (fun _ => Hv) Hi word buffer) in Hword_stk. destruct reduce_step=>//. + destruct Hword_stk as (pt & <- & <-); eauto. + destruct Hword_stk as [<- ?]; eauto. - destruct buffer as [tok buffer]=>/=. move=> /(_ (token_term tok)) Hv. destruct (awt (token_term tok)) as [st EQ|prod|]=>//. + eexists _. split; [by apply app_buf_assoc with (l2 := [_])|]. change (token_sem tok) with (pt_sem (Terminal_pt tok)). generalize (Terminal_pt tok). generalize [tok]. rewrite -> EQ=>word' pt /=. by constructor. + apply (reduce_step_invariant stk prod (fun _ => Hv) Hi word (tok::buffer)) in Hword_stk. destruct reduce_step=>//. * destruct Hword_stk as (pt & <- & <-); eauto. * destruct Hword_stk as [<- ?]; eauto. Qed. (** [step] preserves the invariant **) Lemma parse_fix_invariant stk word buffer safe log_n_steps Hi : word_has_stack_semantics word stk -> match proj1_sig (parse_fix safe init stk buffer log_n_steps Hi) with | Accept_sr sem buffer_new => exists word_new (pt:parse_tree (NT (start_nt init)) word_new), (word ++ buffer = word_new ++ buffer_new)%buf /\ pt_sem pt = sem | Progress_sr stk_new buffer_new => exists word_new, (word ++ buffer = word_new ++ buffer_new)%buf /\ word_has_stack_semantics word_new stk_new | Fail_sr => True end. Proof. revert stk word buffer Hi. induction log_n_steps as [|log_n_steps IH]=>/= stk word buffer Hi Hstk; [by apply step_invariant|]. assert (IH1 := IH stk word buffer Hi Hstk). destruct parse_fix as [[] Hi']=>/=; try by apply IH1. destruct IH1 as (word' & -> & Hstk')=>//. by apply IH. Qed. (** The interpreter is correct : if it returns a semantic value, then the input word has this semantic value. **) Theorem parse_correct safe buffer log_n_steps: match parse safe init buffer log_n_steps with | Parsed_pr sem buffer_new => exists word_new (pt:parse_tree (NT (start_nt init)) word_new), buffer = (word_new ++ buffer_new)%buf /\ pt_sem pt = sem | _ => True end. Proof. unfold parse. assert (Hparse := parse_fix_invariant [] [] buffer safe log_n_steps (parse_subproof init)). destruct proj1_sig=>//. apply Hparse. constructor. Qed. End Init. End Make.