open Op open Integers let opcode_heuristic code cond ifso ifnot is_loop_header = match cond with | Ccompimm (c, n) | Ccompuimm (c, n) -> if n == then (match c with | Clt | Cle -> Some false | Cgt | Cge -> Some true | _ -> None ) else None | Ccomplimm (c, n) | Ccompluimm (c, n) -> if n == then (match c with | Clt | Cle -> Some false | Cgt | Cge -> Some true | _ -> None ) else None | Ccompf c | Ccompfs c -> (match c with | Ceq -> Some false | Cne -> Some true | _ -> None ) | Cnotcompf c | Cnotcompfs c -> (match c with | Ceq -> Some true | Cne -> Some false | _ -> None ) | _ -> None