(* *********************************************************************) (* *) (* The Compcert verified compiler *) (* *) (* Xavier Leroy, Collège de France and INRIA Paris *) (* *) (* Copyright Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en *) (* Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *) (* under the terms of the INRIA Non-Commercial License Agreement. *) (* *) (* *********************************************************************) (** Correctness of instruction selection for 64-bit integer operators *) Require Import Coqlib Zbits. Require Import AST Integers Floats Values Memory Globalenvs. Require Import Cminor Op CminorSel. Require Import SelectOp SelectLong SelectOpproof. Require Import OpHelpers OpHelpersproof. Local Open Scope cminorsel_scope. Local Transparent Archi.ptr64. (** * Correctness of the smart constructors *) Section CMCONSTR. Variable prog: program. Variable hf: helper_functions. Hypothesis HELPERS: helper_functions_declared prog hf. Let ge := Genv.globalenv prog. Variable sp: val. Variable e: env. Variable m: mem. Definition unary_constructor_sound (cstr: expr -> expr) (sem: val -> val) : Prop := forall le a x, eval_expr ge sp e m le a x -> exists v, eval_expr ge sp e m le (cstr a) v /\ Val.lessdef (sem x) v. Definition binary_constructor_sound (cstr: expr -> expr -> expr) (sem: val -> val -> val) : Prop := forall le a x b y, eval_expr ge sp e m le a x -> eval_expr ge sp e m le b y -> exists v, eval_expr ge sp e m le (cstr a b) v /\ Val.lessdef (sem x y) v. Definition partial_unary_constructor_sound (cstr: expr -> expr) (sem: val -> option val) : Prop := forall le a x y, eval_expr ge sp e m le a x -> sem x = Some y -> exists v, eval_expr ge sp e m le (cstr a) v /\ Val.lessdef y v. Definition partial_binary_constructor_sound (cstr: expr -> expr -> expr) (sem: val -> val -> option val) : Prop := forall le a x b y z, eval_expr ge sp e m le a x -> eval_expr ge sp e m le b y -> sem x y = Some z -> exists v, eval_expr ge sp e m le (cstr a b) v /\ Val.lessdef z v. (** ** Constants *) Theorem eval_longconst: forall le n, eval_expr ge sp e m le (longconst n) (Vlong n). Proof. intros; EvalOp. Qed. (** ** Conversions *) Theorem eval_intoflong: unary_constructor_sound intoflong Val.loword. Proof. unfold intoflong; red; intros until x; destruct (intoflong_match a); intros; InvEval; subst. - TrivialExists. - TrivialExists. Qed. Theorem eval_longofintu: unary_constructor_sound longofintu Val.longofintu. Proof. unfold longofintu; red; intros until x; destruct (longofintu_match a); intros; InvEval; subst. - TrivialExists. - TrivialExists. simpl. unfold eval_extend. rewrite mk_amount64_eq by reflexivity. destruct x; simpl; auto. rewrite Int64.shl'_zero. auto. Qed. Theorem eval_longofint: unary_constructor_sound longofint Val.longofint. Proof. unfold longofint; red; intros until x; destruct (longofint_match a); intros; InvEval; subst. - TrivialExists. - TrivialExists. simpl. unfold eval_extend. rewrite mk_amount64_eq by reflexivity. destruct x; simpl; auto. rewrite Int64.shl'_zero. auto. Qed. (** ** Addition, opposite, subtraction *) Theorem eval_addlimm: forall n, unary_constructor_sound (addlimm n) (fun x => Val.addl x (Vlong n)). Proof. red; unfold addlimm; intros until x. predSpec Int64.eq Int64.eq_spec n Int64.zero. - subst n. intros. exists x; split; auto. destruct x; simpl; auto. rewrite Int64.add_zero; auto. rewrite Ptrofs.add_zero; auto. - case (addlimm_match a); intros; InvEval; subst. + rewrite Int64.add_commut; TrivialExists. + TrivialExists. simpl. rewrite Ptrofs.add_commut, Genv.shift_symbol_address_64; auto. + econstructor; split. EvalOp. destruct sp; simpl; auto. rewrite Ptrofs.add_assoc, (Ptrofs.add_commut m0); auto. + rewrite Val.addl_assoc, Int64.add_commut; TrivialExists. + TrivialExists. Qed. Theorem eval_addl: binary_constructor_sound addl Val.addl. Proof. red; intros until y. unfold addl; case (addl_match a b); intros; InvEval; subst. - rewrite Val.addl_commut. apply eval_addlimm; auto. - apply eval_addlimm; auto. - replace (Val.addl (Val.addl v1 (Vlong n1)) (Val.addl v0 (Vlong n2))) with (Val.addl (Val.addl v1 v0) (Val.addl (Vlong n1) (Vlong n2))). apply eval_addlimm. EvalOp. repeat rewrite Val.addl_assoc. decEq. apply Val.addl_permut. - TrivialExists. simpl. rewrite Val.addl_commut, Val.addl_assoc. f_equal; f_equal. destruct sp; simpl; auto. rewrite Ptrofs.add_assoc, (Ptrofs.add_commut n2). auto. - TrivialExists. simpl. rewrite <- (Val.addl_commut v1), <- (Val.addl_commut (Val.addl v1 (Vlong n2))). rewrite Val.addl_assoc. f_equal; f_equal. destruct sp; simpl; auto. rewrite Ptrofs.add_assoc. auto. - replace (Val.addl (Val.addl v1 (Vlong n1)) y) with (Val.addl (Val.addl v1 y) (Vlong n1)). apply eval_addlimm. EvalOp. repeat rewrite Val.addl_assoc. decEq. apply Val.addl_commut. - rewrite <- Val.addl_assoc. apply eval_addlimm. EvalOp. - rewrite Val.addl_commut. TrivialExists. - TrivialExists. - rewrite Val.addl_commut. TrivialExists. - TrivialExists. - rewrite Val.addl_commut. TrivialExists. - TrivialExists. - TrivialExists. Qed. Theorem eval_negl: unary_constructor_sound negl (fun v => Val.subl (Vlong Int64.zero) v). Proof. red; intros until x; unfold negl. case (negl_match a); intros; InvEval; subst. - TrivialExists. - TrivialExists. - TrivialExists. Qed. Theorem eval_subl: binary_constructor_sound subl Val.subl. Proof. red; intros until y; unfold subl; case (subl_match a b); intros; InvEval; subst. - rewrite Val.subl_addl_opp. apply eval_addlimm; auto. - rewrite Val.subl_addl_l. rewrite Val.subl_addl_r. rewrite Val.addl_assoc. simpl. rewrite Int64.add_commut. rewrite <- Int64.sub_add_opp. apply eval_addlimm; EvalOp. - rewrite Val.subl_addl_l. apply eval_addlimm; EvalOp. - rewrite Val.subl_addl_r. apply eval_addlimm; EvalOp. - TrivialExists. - TrivialExists. - TrivialExists. - TrivialExists. Qed. (** ** Immediate shifts *) Remark eval_shllimm_base: forall le a n x, eval_expr ge sp e m le a x -> Int.ltu n Int64.iwordsize' = true -> eval_expr ge sp e m le (shllimm_base a n) (Val.shll x (Vint n)). Proof. Local Opaque mk_amount64. unfold shlimm_base; intros; EvalOp. simpl. rewrite mk_amount64_eq by auto. auto. Qed. Theorem eval_shllimm: forall n, unary_constructor_sound (fun a => shllimm a n) (fun x => Val.shll x (Vint n)). Proof. red; intros until x; unfold shllimm. predSpec Int.eq Int.eq_spec n Int.zero; [| destruct (Int.ltu n Int64.iwordsize') eqn:L]; simpl. - intros; subst. exists x; split; auto. destruct x; simpl; auto. rewrite Int64.shl'_zero; auto. - destruct (shllimm_match a); intros; InvEval; subst. + TrivialExists. simpl; rewrite L; auto. + destruct (Int.ltu (Int.add a n) Int64.iwordsize') eqn:L2. * econstructor; split. eapply eval_shllimm_base; eauto. destruct v1; simpl; auto. rewrite a64_range; simpl. rewrite L, L2. rewrite Int64.shl'_shl'; auto using a64_range. * econstructor; split; [|eauto]. apply eval_shllimm_base; auto. EvalOp. + TrivialExists. simpl. rewrite mk_amount64_eq; auto. + TrivialExists. simpl. rewrite mk_amount64_eq; auto. + destruct (Int.ltu (Int.add a n) Int64.iwordsize') eqn:L2. * TrivialExists. simpl. rewrite mk_amount64_eq by auto. destruct (Val.zero_ext_l s v1); simpl; auto. rewrite a64_range; simpl; rewrite L, L2. rewrite Int64.shl'_shl'; auto using a64_range. * econstructor; split. eapply eval_shllimm_base; eauto. EvalOp; simpl; eauto. auto. + destruct (Int.ltu (Int.add a n) Int64.iwordsize') eqn:L2. * TrivialExists. simpl. rewrite mk_amount64_eq by auto. destruct (Val.sign_ext_l s v1); simpl; auto. rewrite a64_range; simpl; rewrite L, L2. rewrite Int64.shl'_shl'; auto using a64_range. * econstructor; split. eapply eval_shllimm_base; eauto. EvalOp; simpl; eauto. auto. + destruct (Int.ltu (Int.add a n) Int64.iwordsize') eqn:L2. * TrivialExists. simpl. unfold eval_extend. rewrite mk_amount64_eq by auto. destruct (match x0 with Xsgn32 => Val.longofint v1 | Xuns32 => Val.longofintu v1 end); simpl; auto. rewrite a64_range; simpl; rewrite L, L2. rewrite Int64.shl'_shl'; auto using a64_range. * econstructor; split. eapply eval_shllimm_base; eauto. EvalOp; simpl; eauto. auto. + econstructor; eauto using eval_shllimm_base. - intros; TrivialExists. Qed. Remark eval_shrluimm_base: forall le a n x, eval_expr ge sp e m le a x -> Int.ltu n Int64.iwordsize' = true -> eval_expr ge sp e m le (shrluimm_base a n) (Val.shrlu x (Vint n)). Proof. unfold shrluimm_base; intros; EvalOp. simpl. rewrite mk_amount64_eq by auto. auto. Qed. Remark sub_shift_amount: forall y z, Int.ltu y Int64.iwordsize' = true -> Int.ltu z Int64.iwordsize' = true -> Int.unsigned y <= Int.unsigned z -> Int.ltu (Int.sub z y) Int64.iwordsize' = true. Proof. intros. unfold Int.ltu; apply zlt_true. apply Int.ltu_inv in H. apply Int.ltu_inv in H0. change (Int.unsigned Int64.iwordsize') with Int64.zwordsize in *. unfold Int.sub; rewrite Int.unsigned_repr. omega. assert (Int64.zwordsize < Int.max_unsigned) by reflexivity. omega. Qed. Theorem eval_shrluimm: forall n, unary_constructor_sound (fun a => shrluimm a n) (fun x => Val.shrlu x (Vint n)). Proof. Local Opaque Int64.zwordsize. red; intros until x; unfold shrluimm. predSpec Int.eq Int.eq_spec n Int.zero; [| destruct (Int.ltu n Int64.iwordsize') eqn:L]; simpl. - intros; subst. exists x; split; auto. destruct x; simpl; auto. rewrite Int64.shru'_zero; auto. - destruct (shrluimm_match a); intros; InvEval; subst. + TrivialExists. simpl; rewrite L; auto. + destruct (Int.ltu n a) eqn:L2. * assert (L3: Int.ltu (Int.sub a n) Int64.iwordsize' = true). { apply sub_shift_amount; auto using a64_range. apply Int.ltu_inv in L2. omega. } econstructor; split. EvalOp. destruct v1; simpl; auto. rewrite mk_amount64_eq, L3, a64_range by auto. simpl. rewrite L. rewrite Int64.shru'_shl', L2 by auto using a64_range. auto. * assert (L3: Int.ltu (Int.sub n a) Int64.iwordsize' = true). { apply sub_shift_amount; auto using a64_range. unfold Int.ltu in L2. destruct zlt in L2; discriminate || omega. } econstructor; split. EvalOp. destruct v1; simpl; auto. rewrite mk_amount64_eq, L3, a64_range by auto. simpl. rewrite L. rewrite Int64.shru'_shl', L2 by auto using a64_range. auto. + destruct (Int.ltu (Int.add a n) Int64.iwordsize') eqn:L2. * econstructor; split. eapply eval_shrluimm_base; eauto. destruct v1; simpl; auto. rewrite a64_range; simpl. rewrite L, L2. rewrite Int64.shru'_shru'; auto using a64_range. * econstructor; split; [|eauto]. apply eval_shrluimm_base; auto. EvalOp. + destruct (zlt (Int.unsigned n) s). * econstructor; split. EvalOp. rewrite mk_amount64_eq by auto. destruct v1; simpl; auto. rewrite ! L; simpl. set (s' := s - Int.unsigned n). replace s with (s' + Int.unsigned n) by (unfold s'; omega). rewrite Int64.shru'_zero_ext. auto. unfold s'; omega. * econstructor; split. EvalOp. destruct v1; simpl; auto. rewrite ! L; simpl. rewrite Int64.shru'_zero_ext_0 by omega. auto. + econstructor; eauto using eval_shrluimm_base. - intros; TrivialExists. Qed. Remark eval_shrlimm_base: forall le a n x, eval_expr ge sp e m le a x -> Int.ltu n Int64.iwordsize' = true -> eval_expr ge sp e m le (shrlimm_base a n) (Val.shrl x (Vint n)). Proof. unfold shrlimm_base; intros; EvalOp. simpl. rewrite mk_amount64_eq by auto. auto. Qed. Theorem eval_shrlimm: forall n, unary_constructor_sound (fun a => shrlimm a n) (fun x => Val.shrl x (Vint n)). Proof. red; intros until x; unfold shrlimm. predSpec Int.eq Int.eq_spec n Int.zero; [| destruct (Int.ltu n Int64.iwordsize') eqn:L]; simpl. - intros; subst. exists x; split; auto. destruct x; simpl; auto. rewrite Int64.shr'_zero; auto. - destruct (shrlimm_match a); intros; InvEval; subst. + TrivialExists. simpl; rewrite L; auto. + destruct (Int.ltu n a) eqn:L2. * assert (L3: Int.ltu (Int.sub a n) Int64.iwordsize' = true). { apply sub_shift_amount; auto using a64_range. apply Int.ltu_inv in L2. omega. } econstructor; split. EvalOp. destruct v1; simpl; auto. rewrite mk_amount64_eq, L3, a64_range by auto. simpl. rewrite L. rewrite Int64.shr'_shl', L2 by auto using a64_range. auto. * assert (L3: Int.ltu (Int.sub n a) Int64.iwordsize' = true). { apply sub_shift_amount; auto using a64_range. unfold Int.ltu in L2. destruct zlt in L2; discriminate || omega. } econstructor; split. EvalOp. destruct v1; simpl; auto. rewrite mk_amount64_eq, L3, a64_range by auto. simpl. rewrite L. rewrite Int64.shr'_shl', L2 by auto using a64_range. auto. + destruct (Int.ltu (Int.add a n) Int64.iwordsize') eqn:L2. * econstructor; split. eapply eval_shrlimm_base; eauto. destruct v1; simpl; auto. rewrite a64_range; simpl. rewrite L, L2. rewrite Int64.shr'_shr'; auto using a64_range. * econstructor; split; [|eauto]. apply eval_shrlimm_base; auto. EvalOp. + destruct (zlt (Int.unsigned n) s && zlt s Int64.zwordsize) eqn:E. * InvBooleans. econstructor; split. EvalOp. rewrite mk_amount64_eq by auto. destruct v1; simpl; auto. rewrite ! L; simpl. set (s' := s - Int.unsigned n). replace s with (s' + Int.unsigned n) by (unfold s'; omega). rewrite Int64.shr'_sign_ext. auto. unfold s'; omega. unfold s'; omega. * econstructor; split; [|eauto]. apply eval_shrlimm_base; auto. EvalOp. + econstructor; eauto using eval_shrlimm_base. - intros; TrivialExists. Qed. (** ** Multiplication *) Lemma eval_mullimm_base: forall n, unary_constructor_sound (mullimm_base n) (fun x => Val.mull x (Vlong n)). Proof. intros; red; intros; unfold mullimm_base. assert (DFL: exists v, eval_expr ge sp e m le (Eop Omull (Eop (Olongconst n) Enil ::: a ::: Enil)) v /\ Val.lessdef (Val.mull x (Vlong n)) v). { rewrite Val.mull_commut; TrivialExists. } generalize (Int64.one_bits'_decomp n); generalize (Int64.one_bits'_range n); destruct (Int64.one_bits' n) as [ | i [ | j []]]; intros P Q. - apply DFL. - replace (Val.mull x (Vlong n)) with (Val.shll x (Vint i)). apply eval_shllimm; auto. simpl in Q. destruct x; auto; simpl. rewrite P by auto with coqlib. rewrite Q, Int64.add_zero, Int64.shl'_mul. auto. - exploit (eval_shllimm i (x :: le) (Eletvar 0) x). constructor; auto. intros [v1 [A1 B1]]. exploit (eval_shllimm j (x :: le) (Eletvar 0) x). constructor; auto. intros [v2 [A2 B2]]. exploit (eval_addl (x :: le)). eexact A1. eexact A2. intros [v [A B]]. exists v; split. econstructor; eauto. simpl in Q. rewrite Q, Int64.add_zero. eapply Val.lessdef_trans; [|eexact B]. eapply Val.lessdef_trans; [|eapply Val.addl_lessdef; eauto]. destruct x; simpl; auto; rewrite ! P by auto with coqlib. rewrite Int64.mul_add_distr_r, <- ! Int64.shl'_mul. auto. - apply DFL. Qed. Theorem eval_mullimm: forall n, unary_constructor_sound (mullimm n) (fun x => Val.mull x (Vlong n)). Proof. intros; red; intros until x; unfold mullimm. predSpec Int64.eq Int64.eq_spec n Int64.zero. intros. exists (Vlong Int64.zero); split. EvalOp. destruct x; simpl; auto. subst n. rewrite Int64.mul_zero. auto. predSpec Int64.eq Int64.eq_spec n Int64.one. intros. exists x; split; auto. destruct x; simpl; auto. subst n. rewrite Int64.mul_one. auto. case (mullimm_match a); intros; InvEval; subst. - TrivialExists. simpl. rewrite Int64.mul_commut; auto. - rewrite Val.mull_addl_distr_l. exploit eval_mullimm_base; eauto. instantiate (1 := n). intros [v' [A1 B1]]. exploit (eval_addlimm (Int64.mul n n2) le (mullimm_base n t2) v'). auto. intros [v'' [A2 B2]]. exists v''; split; auto. eapply Val.lessdef_trans. eapply Val.addl_lessdef; eauto. rewrite Val.mull_commut; auto. - apply eval_mullimm_base; auto. Qed. Theorem eval_mull: binary_constructor_sound mull Val.mull. Proof. red; intros until y; unfold mull; case (mull_match a b); intros; InvEval; subst. - rewrite Val.mull_commut. apply eval_mullimm; auto. - apply eval_mullimm; auto. - TrivialExists. Qed. Theorem eval_mullhu: forall n, unary_constructor_sound (fun a => mullhu a n) (fun v => Val.mullhu v (Vlong n)). Proof. unfold mullhu; red; intros; TrivialExists. Qed. Theorem eval_mullhs: forall n, unary_constructor_sound (fun a => mullhs a n) (fun v => Val.mullhs v (Vlong n)). Proof. unfold mullhs; red; intros; TrivialExists. Qed. (** Integer conversions *) Theorem eval_zero_ext_l: forall sz, 0 <= sz -> unary_constructor_sound (zero_ext_l sz) (Val.zero_ext_l sz). Proof. intros; red; intros until x; unfold zero_ext_l; case (zero_ext_l_match a); intros; InvEval; subst. - TrivialExists. - TrivialExists. - destruct (zlt (Int.unsigned a0) sz). + econstructor; split. EvalOp. destruct v1; simpl; auto. rewrite a64_range; simpl. apply Val.lessdef_same. f_equal. rewrite Int64.shl'_zero_ext by omega. f_equal. omega. + TrivialExists. - TrivialExists. Qed. (** Bitwise not, and, or, xor *) Theorem eval_notl: unary_constructor_sound notl Val.notl. Proof. assert (INV: forall v, Val.lessdef (Val.notl (Val.notl v)) v). { destruct v; auto. simpl; rewrite Int64.not_involutive; auto. } unfold notl; red; intros until x; case (notl_match a); intros; InvEval; subst. - TrivialExists. - TrivialExists. - exists v1; auto. - exists (eval_shiftl s v1 a0); split; auto. EvalOp. - econstructor; split. EvalOp. destruct v1; simpl; auto; destruct v0; simpl; auto. rewrite Int64.not_and_or_not, Int64.not_involutive, Int64.or_commut. auto. - econstructor; split. EvalOp. destruct v1; simpl; auto; destruct v0; simpl; auto. rewrite Int64.not_or_and_not, Int64.not_involutive, Int64.and_commut. auto. - econstructor; split. EvalOp. destruct v1; simpl; auto; destruct v0; simpl; auto. unfold Int64.not; rewrite ! Int64.xor_assoc. auto. - econstructor; split. EvalOp. destruct v1; simpl; auto; destruct v0; simpl; auto. unfold Int64.not; rewrite ! Int64.xor_assoc, Int64.xor_idem, Int64.xor_zero. auto. - TrivialExists. Qed. Lemma eval_andlimm_base: forall n, unary_constructor_sound (andlimm_base n) (fun x => Val.andl x (Vlong n)). Proof. intros; red; intros. unfold andlimm_base. predSpec Int64.eq Int64.eq_spec n Int64.zero. exists (Vlong Int64.zero); split. EvalOp. destruct x; simpl; auto. subst n. rewrite Int64.and_zero. auto. predSpec Int64.eq Int64.eq_spec n Int64.mone. exists x; split; auto. subst. destruct x; simpl; auto. rewrite Int64.and_mone; auto. destruct (Z_is_power2m1 (Int64.unsigned n)) as [s|] eqn:P. assert (0 <= s) by (eapply Z_is_power2m1_nonneg; eauto). rewrite <- (Int64.repr_unsigned n), (Z_is_power2m1_sound _ _ P), <- Val.zero_ext_andl by auto. apply eval_zero_ext_l; auto. TrivialExists. Qed. Theorem eval_andlimm: forall n, unary_constructor_sound (andlimm n) (fun x => Val.andl x (Vlong n)). Proof. intros; red; intros until x. unfold andlimm. case (andlimm_match a); intros; InvEval; subst. - rewrite Int64.and_commut; TrivialExists. - rewrite Val.andl_assoc, Int64.and_commut. apply eval_andlimm_base; auto. - destruct (zle 0 s). + replace (Val.zero_ext_l s v1) with (Val.andl v1 (Vlong (Int64.repr (two_p s - 1)))). rewrite Val.andl_assoc, Int64.and_commut. apply eval_andlimm_base; auto. destruct v1; simpl; auto. rewrite Int64.zero_ext_and by auto. auto. + apply eval_andlimm_base. EvalOp. - apply eval_andlimm_base; auto. Qed. Theorem eval_andl: binary_constructor_sound andl Val.andl. Proof. red; intros until y; unfold andl; case (andl_match a b); intros; InvEval; subst. - rewrite Val.andl_commut; apply eval_andlimm; auto. - apply eval_andlimm; auto. - rewrite Val.andl_commut; TrivialExists. - TrivialExists. - rewrite Val.andl_commut; TrivialExists. - TrivialExists. - rewrite Val.andl_commut; TrivialExists. - TrivialExists. - TrivialExists. Qed. Theorem eval_orlimm: forall n, unary_constructor_sound (orlimm n) (fun x => Val.orl x (Vlong n)). Proof. intros; red; intros until x. unfold orlimm. predSpec Int64.eq Int64.eq_spec n Int64.zero. intros. subst. exists x; split; auto. destruct x; simpl; auto. rewrite Int64.or_zero; auto. predSpec Int64.eq Int64.eq_spec n Int64.mone. intros. exists (Vlong Int64.mone); split. EvalOp. destruct x; simpl; auto. subst n. rewrite Int64.or_mone. auto. destruct (orlimm_match a); intros; InvEval; subst. - rewrite Int64.or_commut; TrivialExists. - rewrite Val.orl_assoc, Int64.or_commut; TrivialExists. - TrivialExists. Qed. Theorem eval_orl: binary_constructor_sound orl Val.orl. Proof. red; intros until y; unfold orl; case (orl_match a b); intros; InvEval; subst. - rewrite Val.orl_commut. apply eval_orlimm; auto. - apply eval_orlimm; auto. - rewrite Val.orl_commut; TrivialExists. - TrivialExists. - rewrite Val.orl_commut; TrivialExists. - TrivialExists. - (* shl - shru *) destruct (Int.eq (Int.add a1 a2) Int64.iwordsize' && same_expr_pure t1 t2) eqn:?. + InvBooleans. apply Int.same_if_eq in H. exploit eval_same_expr; eauto. intros [EQ1 EQ2]. subst. econstructor; split. EvalOp. destruct v0; simpl; auto. rewrite ! a64_range. simpl. rewrite <- Int64.or_ror'; auto using a64_range. + TrivialExists. - (* shru - shl *) destruct (Int.eq (Int.add a2 a1) Int64.iwordsize' && same_expr_pure t1 t2) eqn:?. + InvBooleans. apply Int.same_if_eq in H. exploit eval_same_expr; eauto. intros [EQ1 EQ2]. subst. econstructor; split. EvalOp. destruct v0; simpl; auto. rewrite ! a64_range. simpl. rewrite Int64.or_commut, <- Int64.or_ror'; auto using a64_range. + TrivialExists. - rewrite Val.orl_commut; TrivialExists. - TrivialExists. - TrivialExists. Qed. Lemma eval_xorlimm_base: forall n, unary_constructor_sound (xorlimm_base n) (fun x => Val.xorl x (Vlong n)). Proof. intros; red; intros. unfold xorlimm_base. predSpec Int64.eq Int64.eq_spec n Int64.zero. intros. exists x; split. auto. destruct x; simpl; auto. subst n. rewrite Int64.xor_zero. auto. predSpec Int64.eq Int64.eq_spec n Int64.mone. subst n. change (Val.xorl x (Vlong Int64.mone)) with (Val.notl x). apply eval_notl; auto. TrivialExists. Qed. Theorem eval_xorlimm: forall n, unary_constructor_sound (xorlimm n) (fun x => Val.xorl x (Vlong n)). Proof. intros; red; intros until x. unfold xorlimm. destruct (xorlimm_match a); intros; InvEval; subst. - rewrite Int64.xor_commut; TrivialExists. - rewrite Val.xorl_assoc; simpl. rewrite (Int64.xor_commut n2). apply eval_xorlimm_base; auto. - apply eval_xorlimm_base; auto. Qed. Theorem eval_xorl: binary_constructor_sound xorl Val.xorl. Proof. red; intros until y; unfold xorl; case (xorl_match a b); intros; InvEval; subst. - rewrite Val.xorl_commut; apply eval_xorlimm; auto. - apply eval_xorlimm; auto. - rewrite Val.xorl_commut; TrivialExists. - TrivialExists. - rewrite Val.xorl_commut; TrivialExists. - TrivialExists. - rewrite Val.xorl_commut; TrivialExists. - TrivialExists. - TrivialExists. Qed. (** ** Integer division and modulus *) Theorem eval_divls_base: partial_binary_constructor_sound divls_base Val.divls. Proof. red; intros; unfold divls_base; TrivialExists. Qed. Theorem eval_modls_base: partial_binary_constructor_sound modls_base Val.modls. Proof. red; intros; unfold modls_base, modl_aux. exploit Val.modls_divls; eauto. intros (q & A & B). subst z. TrivialExists. repeat (econstructor; eauto with evalexpr). exact A. Qed. Theorem eval_divlu_base: partial_binary_constructor_sound divlu_base Val.divlu. Proof. red; intros; unfold divlu_base; TrivialExists. Qed. Theorem eval_modlu_base: partial_binary_constructor_sound modlu_base Val.modlu. Proof. red; intros; unfold modlu_base, modl_aux. exploit Val.modlu_divlu; eauto. intros (q & A & B). subst z. TrivialExists. repeat (econstructor; eauto with evalexpr). exact A. Qed. Theorem eval_shrxlimm: forall le a n x z, eval_expr ge sp e m le a x -> Val.shrxl x (Vint n) = Some z -> exists v, eval_expr ge sp e m le (shrxlimm a n) v /\ Val.lessdef z v. Proof. intros; unfold shrxlimm. predSpec Int.eq Int.eq_spec n Int.zero. - subst n. exists x; split; auto. destruct x; simpl in H0; try discriminate. change (Int.ltu Int.zero (Int.repr 63)) with true in H0; inv H0. rewrite Int64.shrx'_zero. auto. - TrivialExists. Qed. (** General shifts *) Theorem eval_shll: binary_constructor_sound shll Val.shll. Proof. red; intros until y; unfold shll; case (shll_match b); intros. InvEval. apply eval_shllimm; auto. TrivialExists. Qed. Theorem eval_shrl: binary_constructor_sound shrl Val.shrl. Proof. red; intros until y; unfold shrl; case (shrl_match b); intros. InvEval. apply eval_shrlimm; auto. TrivialExists. Qed. Theorem eval_shrlu: binary_constructor_sound shrlu Val.shrlu. Proof. red; intros until y; unfold shrlu; case (shrlu_match b); intros. InvEval. apply eval_shrluimm; auto. TrivialExists. Qed. (** Comparisons *) Remark option_map_of_bool_inv: forall ov w, option_map Val.of_bool ov = Some w -> Val.of_optbool ov = w. Proof. intros. destruct ov; inv H; auto. Qed. Section COMP_IMM. Variable default: comparison -> int64 -> condition. Variable intsem: comparison -> int64 -> int64 -> bool. Variable sem: comparison -> val -> val -> option val. Hypothesis sem_int: forall c x y, sem c (Vlong x) (Vlong y) = Some (Val.of_bool (intsem c x y)). Hypothesis sem_undef: forall c v, sem c Vundef v = None. Hypothesis sem_eq: forall x y, sem Ceq (Vlong x) (Vlong y) = Some (Val.of_bool (Int64.eq x y)). Hypothesis sem_ne: forall x y, sem Cne (Vlong x) (Vlong y) = Some (Val.of_bool (negb (Int64.eq x y))). Hypothesis sem_default: forall c v n, sem c v (Vlong n) = option_map Val.of_bool (eval_condition (default c n) (v :: nil) m). Lemma eval_complimm_default: forall le a x c n2 v, sem c x (Vlong n2) = Some v -> eval_expr ge sp e m le a x -> eval_expr ge sp e m le (Eop (Ocmp (default c n2)) (a:::Enil)) v. Proof. intros. EvalOp. simpl. rewrite sem_default in H. apply option_map_of_bool_inv in H. congruence. Qed. Lemma eval_complimm: forall le c a n2 x v, eval_expr ge sp e m le a x -> sem c x (Vlong n2) = Some v -> eval_expr ge sp e m le (complimm default intsem c a n2) v. Proof. intros until x; unfold complimm; case (complimm_match c a); intros; InvEval; subst. - (* constant *) rewrite sem_int in H0; inv H0. EvalOp. destruct (intsem c0 n1 n2); auto. - (* mask zero *) predSpec Int64.eq Int64.eq_spec n2 Int64.zero. + subst n2. destruct v1; simpl in H0; rewrite ? sem_undef, ? sem_eq in H0; inv H0. EvalOp. + eapply eval_complimm_default; eauto. EvalOp. - (* mask not zero *) predSpec Int64.eq Int64.eq_spec n2 Int64.zero. + subst n2. destruct v1; simpl in H0; rewrite ? sem_undef, ? sem_ne in H0; inv H0. EvalOp. + eapply eval_complimm_default; eauto. EvalOp. - (* default *) eapply eval_complimm_default; eauto. Qed. Hypothesis sem_swap: forall c x y, sem (swap_comparison c) x y = sem c y x. Lemma eval_complimm_swap: forall le c a n2 x v, eval_expr ge sp e m le a x -> sem c (Vlong n2) x = Some v -> eval_expr ge sp e m le (complimm default intsem (swap_comparison c) a n2) v. Proof. intros. eapply eval_complimm; eauto. rewrite sem_swap; auto. Qed. End COMP_IMM. Theorem eval_cmpl: forall c le a x b y v, eval_expr ge sp e m le a x -> eval_expr ge sp e m le b y -> Val.cmpl c x y = Some v -> eval_expr ge sp e m le (cmpl c a b) v. Proof. intros until y; unfold cmpl; case (cmpl_match a b); intros; InvEval; subst. - apply eval_complimm_swap with (sem := Val.cmpl) (x := y); auto. intros; unfold Val.cmpl; rewrite Val.swap_cmpl_bool; auto. - apply eval_complimm with (sem := Val.cmpl) (x := x); auto. - EvalOp. simpl. rewrite Val.swap_cmpl_bool. apply option_map_of_bool_inv in H1. congruence. - EvalOp. simpl. apply option_map_of_bool_inv in H1. congruence. - EvalOp. simpl. apply option_map_of_bool_inv in H1. congruence. Qed. Theorem eval_cmplu: forall c le a x b y v, eval_expr ge sp e m le a x -> eval_expr ge sp e m le b y -> Val.cmplu (Mem.valid_pointer m) c x y = Some v -> eval_expr ge sp e m le (cmplu c a b) v. Proof. intros until y; unfold cmplu; case (cmplu_match a b); intros; InvEval; subst. - apply eval_complimm_swap with (sem := Val.cmplu (Mem.valid_pointer m)) (x := y); auto. intros; unfold Val.cmplu; rewrite Val.swap_cmplu_bool; auto. - apply eval_complimm with (sem := Val.cmplu (Mem.valid_pointer m)) (x := x); auto. - EvalOp. simpl. rewrite Val.swap_cmplu_bool. apply option_map_of_bool_inv in H1. congruence. - EvalOp. simpl. apply option_map_of_bool_inv in H1. congruence. - EvalOp. simpl. apply option_map_of_bool_inv in H1. congruence. Qed. (** Floating-point conversions *) Theorem eval_longoffloat: partial_unary_constructor_sound longoffloat Val.longoffloat. Proof. red; intros; TrivialExists. Qed. Theorem eval_longuoffloat: partial_unary_constructor_sound longuoffloat Val.longuoffloat. Proof. red; intros; TrivialExists. Qed. Theorem eval_floatoflong: partial_unary_constructor_sound floatoflong Val.floatoflong. Proof. red; intros; TrivialExists. Qed. Theorem eval_floatoflongu: partial_unary_constructor_sound floatoflongu Val.floatoflongu. Proof. red; intros; TrivialExists. Qed. Theorem eval_longofsingle: partial_unary_constructor_sound longofsingle Val.longofsingle. Proof. red; intros; TrivialExists. Qed. Theorem eval_longuofsingle: partial_unary_constructor_sound longuofsingle Val.longuofsingle. Proof. red; intros; TrivialExists. Qed. Theorem eval_singleoflong: partial_unary_constructor_sound singleoflong Val.singleoflong. Proof. red; intros; TrivialExists. Qed. Theorem eval_singleoflongu: partial_unary_constructor_sound singleoflongu Val.singleoflongu. Proof. red; intros; TrivialExists. Qed. End CMCONSTR.