(* *************************************************************) (* *) (* The Compcert verified compiler *) (* *) (* Sylvain Boulmé Grenoble-INP, VERIMAG *) (* David Monniaux CNRS, VERIMAG *) (* Cyril Six Kalray *) (* *) (* Copyright Kalray. Copyright VERIMAG. All rights reserved. *) (* This file is distributed under the terms of the INRIA *) (* Non-Commercial License Agreement. *) (* *) (* *************************************************************) (* Oracle for Duplicate pass. * - Add static prediction information to Icond nodes * - Performs tail duplication on interesting traces to form superblocks * - (TODO: perform partial loop unrolling inside innermost loops) *) open RTL open Maps open Camlcoq let debug_flag = ref false let debug fmt = if !debug_flag then Printf.eprintf fmt else Printf.ifprintf stderr fmt let get_some = function | None -> failwith "Did not get some" | Some thing -> thing let rtl_successors = function | Itailcall _ | Ireturn _ -> [] | Icall(_,_,_,_,n) | Ibuiltin(_,_,_,n) | Inop n | Iop (_,_,_,n) | Iload (_,_,_,_,_,n) | Istore (_,_,_,_,n) -> [n] | Icond (_,_,n1,n2,_) -> [n1; n2] | Ijumptable (_,ln) -> ln let bfs code entrypoint = begin debug "bfs\n"; let visited = ref (PTree.map (fun n i -> false) code) and bfs_list = ref [] and to_visit = Queue.create () and node = ref entrypoint in begin Queue.add entrypoint to_visit; while not (Queue.is_empty to_visit) do node := Queue.pop to_visit; if not (get_some @@ PTree.get !node !visited) then begin visited := PTree.set !node true !visited; match PTree.get !node code with | None -> failwith "No such node" | Some i -> bfs_list := !node :: !bfs_list; let succ = rtl_successors i in List.iter (fun n -> Queue.add n to_visit) succ end done; List.rev !bfs_list end end let optbool o = match o with Some _ -> true | None -> false let ptree_get_some n ptree = get_some @@ PTree.get n ptree let get_predecessors_rtl code = begin debug "get_predecessors_rtl\n"; let preds = ref (PTree.map (fun n i -> []) code) in let process_inst (node, i) = let succ = rtl_successors i in List.iter (fun s -> let previous_preds = ptree_get_some s !preds in if optbool @@ List.find_opt (fun e -> e == node) previous_preds then () else preds := PTree.set s (node::previous_preds) !preds) succ in begin List.iter process_inst (PTree.elements code); !preds end end module PInt = struct type t = P.t let compare x y = compare (P.to_int x) (P.to_int y) end module PSet = Set.Make(PInt) let print_intlist l = let rec f = function | [] -> () | n::ln -> (Printf.printf "%d " (P.to_int n); f ln) in begin if !debug_flag then begin Printf.printf "["; f l; Printf.printf "]" end end let print_intset s = let seq = PSet.to_seq s in begin if !debug_flag then begin Printf.printf "{"; Seq.iter (fun n -> Printf.printf "%d " (P.to_int n) ) seq; Printf.printf "}" end end type vstate = Unvisited | Processed | Visited (** Getting loop branches with a DFS visit : * Each node is either Unvisited, Visited, or Processed * pre-order: node becomes Processed * post-order: node becomes Visited * * If we come accross an edge to a Processed node, it's a loop! *) let get_loop_headers code entrypoint = begin debug "get_loop_headers\n"; let visited = ref (PTree.map (fun n i -> Unvisited) code) and is_loop_header = ref (PTree.map (fun n i -> false) code) in let rec dfs_visit code = function | [] -> () | node :: ln -> match (get_some @@ PTree.get node !visited) with | Visited -> () | Processed -> begin debug "Node %d is a loop header\n" (P.to_int node); is_loop_header := PTree.set node true !is_loop_header; visited := PTree.set node Visited !visited end | Unvisited -> begin visited := PTree.set node Processed !visited; match PTree.get node code with | None -> failwith "No such node" | Some i -> let next_visits = rtl_successors i in dfs_visit code next_visits; visited := PTree.set node Visited !visited; dfs_visit code ln end in begin dfs_visit code [entrypoint]; !is_loop_header end end let ptree_printbool pt = let elements = PTree.elements pt in begin if !debug_flag then begin Printf.printf "["; List.iter (fun (n, b) -> if b then Printf.printf "%d, " (P.to_int n) else () ) elements; Printf.printf "]" end end (* Looks ahead (until a branch) to see if a node further down verifies * the given predicate *) let rec look_ahead code node is_loop_header predicate = if (predicate node) then true else match (rtl_successors @@ get_some @@ PTree.get node code) with | [n] -> if (predicate n) then true else ( if (get_some @@ PTree.get n is_loop_header) then false else look_ahead code n is_loop_header predicate ) | _ -> false let do_call_heuristic code cond ifso ifnot is_loop_header = begin debug "\tCall heuristic..\n"; let predicate n = (function | Icall _ -> true | _ -> false) @@ get_some @@ PTree.get n code in let ifso_call = look_ahead code ifso is_loop_header predicate in let ifnot_call = look_ahead code ifnot is_loop_header predicate in if ifso_call && ifnot_call then None else if ifso_call then Some false else if ifnot_call then Some true else None end let do_opcode_heuristic code cond ifso ifnot is_loop_header = begin debug "\tOpcode heuristic..\n"; DuplicateOpcodeHeuristic.opcode_heuristic code cond ifso ifnot is_loop_header end let do_return_heuristic code cond ifso ifnot is_loop_header = begin debug "\tReturn heuristic..\n"; let predicate n = (function | Ireturn _ -> true | _ -> false) @@ get_some @@ PTree.get n code in let ifso_return = look_ahead code ifso is_loop_header predicate in let ifnot_return = look_ahead code ifnot is_loop_header predicate in if ifso_return && ifnot_return then None else if ifso_return then Some false else if ifnot_return then Some true else None end let do_store_heuristic code cond ifso ifnot is_loop_header = begin debug "\tStore heuristic..\n"; let predicate n = (function | Istore _ -> true | _ -> false) @@ get_some @@ PTree.get n code in let ifso_store = look_ahead code ifso is_loop_header predicate in let ifnot_store = look_ahead code ifnot is_loop_header predicate in if ifso_store && ifnot_store then None else if ifso_store then Some false else if ifnot_store then Some true else None end let do_loop_heuristic code cond ifso ifnot is_loop_header = begin debug "\tLoop heuristic..\n"; let predicate n = get_some @@ PTree.get n is_loop_header in let ifso_loop = look_ahead code ifso is_loop_header predicate in let ifnot_loop = look_ahead code ifnot is_loop_header predicate in if ifso_loop && ifnot_loop then None (* TODO - take the innermost loop ? *) else if ifso_loop then Some true else if ifnot_loop then Some false else None end let do_loop2_heuristic loop_info n code cond ifso ifnot is_loop_header = begin debug "\tLoop2 heuristic..\n"; match get_some @@ PTree.get n loop_info with | None -> None | Some b -> Some b end (* Returns a PTree of either None or Some b where b determines the node following the loop, for a cb instruction *) (* It uses the fact that loops in CompCert are done by a branch (backedge) instruction followed by a cb *) let get_loop_info is_loop_header bfs_order code = let loop_info = ref (PTree.map (fun n i -> None) code) in let mark_path s n = let visited = ref (PTree.map (fun n i -> false) code) in let rec explore src dest = if (get_some @@ PTree.get src !visited) then false else if src == dest then true else begin visited := PTree.set src true !visited; match rtl_successors @@ get_some @@ PTree.get src code with | [] -> false | [s] -> explore s dest | [s1; s2] -> (explore s1 dest) || (explore s2 dest) | _ -> false end in let rec advance_to_cb src = if (get_some @@ PTree.get src !visited) then None else begin visited := PTree.set src true !visited; match get_some @@ PTree.get src code with | Inop s | Iop (_, _, _, s) | Iload (_,_,_,_,_,s) | Istore (_,_,_,_,s) | Icall (_,_,_,_,s) | Ibuiltin (_,_,_,s) -> advance_to_cb s | Icond _ -> Some src | Ijumptable _ | Itailcall _ | Ireturn _ -> None end in begin debug "Marking path from %d to %d\n" (P.to_int n) (P.to_int s); match advance_to_cb s with | None -> (debug "Nothing found\n") | Some s -> ( debug "Advancing to %d\n" (P.to_int s); match get_some @@ PTree.get s !loop_info with | None | Some _ -> begin match get_some @@ PTree.get s code with | Icond (_, _, n1, n2, _) -> let b1 = explore n1 n in let b2 = explore n2 n in if (b1 && b2) then (debug "both true\n") else if b1 then (debug "true privileged\n"; loop_info := PTree.set s (Some true) !loop_info) else if b2 then (debug "false privileged\n"; loop_info := PTree.set s (Some false) !loop_info) else (debug "none true\n") | _ -> ( debug "not an icond\n" ) end (* | Some _ -> ( debug "already loop info there\n" ) FIXME - we don't know yet whether a branch to a loop head is a backedge or not *) ) end in begin List.iter (fun n -> match get_some @@ PTree.get n code with | Inop s | Iop (_,_,_,s) | Iload (_,_,_,_,_,s) | Istore (_,_,_,_,s) | Icall (_,_,_,_,s) | Ibuiltin (_, _, _, s) -> if get_some @@ PTree.get s is_loop_header then mark_path s n | Icond _ -> () (* loop backedges are never Icond in CompCert RTL.3 *) | Ijumptable _ -> () | Itailcall _ | Ireturn _ -> () ) bfs_order; !loop_info end (* Remark - compared to the original paper, we don't use the store heuristic *) let get_directions code entrypoint = begin debug "get_directions\n"; let bfs_order = bfs code entrypoint in let is_loop_header = get_loop_headers code entrypoint in let loop_info = get_loop_info is_loop_header bfs_order code in let directions = ref (PTree.map (fun n i -> None) code) in (* None <=> no predicted direction *) begin (* ptree_printbool is_loop_header; *) (* debug "\n"; *) List.iter (fun n -> match (get_some @@ PTree.get n code) with | Icond (cond, lr, ifso, ifnot, pred) -> (match pred with Some _ -> debug "RTL node %d already has prediction information\n" (P.to_int n) | None -> (* debug "Analyzing %d.." (P.to_int n); *) let heuristics = [ do_opcode_heuristic; do_return_heuristic; do_loop2_heuristic loop_info n; do_loop_heuristic; do_call_heuristic; (* do_store_heuristic *) ] in let preferred = ref None in begin debug "Deciding condition for RTL node %d\n" (P.to_int n); List.iter (fun do_heur -> match !preferred with | None -> preferred := do_heur code cond ifso ifnot is_loop_header | Some _ -> () ) heuristics; directions := PTree.set n !preferred !directions; (match !preferred with | Some false -> debug "\tFALLTHROUGH\n" | Some true -> debug "\tBRANCH\n" | None -> debug "\tUNSURE\n"); debug "---------------------------------------\n" end ) | _ -> () ) bfs_order; !directions end end let update_direction direction = function | Icond (cond, lr, n, n', pred) -> (* only update if there is no prior existing branch prediction *) (match pred with | None -> Icond (cond, lr, n, n', direction) | Some _ -> Icond (cond, lr, n, n', pred) ) | i -> i let rec update_direction_rec directions = function | [] -> PTree.empty | m::lm -> let (n, i) = m in let direction = get_some @@ PTree.get n directions in PTree.set n (update_direction direction i) (update_direction_rec directions lm) (* Uses branch prediction to write prediction annotations in Icond *) let update_directions code entrypoint = begin debug "Update_directions\n"; let directions = get_directions code entrypoint in begin (* debug "Ifso directions: "; ptree_printbool directions; debug "\n"; *) update_direction_rec directions (PTree.elements code) end end (** Trace selection *) let rec exists_false_rec = function | [] -> false | m::lm -> let (_, b) = m in if b then exists_false_rec lm else true let exists_false boolmap = exists_false_rec (PTree.elements boolmap) (* DFS using prediction info to guide the exploration *) let dfs code entrypoint = begin debug "dfs\n"; let visited = ref (PTree.map (fun n i -> false) code) in let rec dfs_list code = function | [] -> [] | node :: ln -> if get_some @@ PTree.get node !visited then dfs_list code ln else begin visited := PTree.set node true !visited; let next_nodes = (match get_some @@ PTree.get node code with | Icall(_, _, _, _, n) | Ibuiltin (_, _, _, n) | Iop (_, _, _, n) | Iload (_, _, _, _, _, n) | Istore (_, _, _, _, n) | Inop n -> [n] | Ijumptable (_, ln) -> ln | Itailcall _ | Ireturn _ -> [] | Icond (_, _, n1, n2, info) -> (match info with | Some false -> [n2; n1] | _ -> [n1; n2] ) ) in node :: dfs_list code (next_nodes @ ln) end in dfs_list code [entrypoint] end let rec select_unvisited_node is_visited = function | [] -> failwith "Empty list" | n :: ln -> if not (ptree_get_some n is_visited) then n else select_unvisited_node is_visited ln let best_successor_of node code is_visited = match (PTree.get node code) with | None -> failwith "No such node in the code" | Some i -> let next_node = match i with | Inop n | Iop (_,_,_,n) | Iload (_,_,_,_,_,n) | Istore(_,_,_,_,n) | Icall (_,_,_,_,n) | Ibuiltin (_,_,_,n) -> Some n | Icond (_, _, n1, n2, ob) -> (match ob with None -> None | Some false -> Some n2 | Some true -> Some n1) | _ -> None in match next_node with | None -> None | Some n -> if not (ptree_get_some n is_visited) then Some n else None (* FIXME - could be improved by selecting in priority the predicted paths *) let best_predecessor_of node predecessors code order is_visited = match (PTree.get node predecessors) with | None -> failwith "No predecessor list found" | Some lp -> try Some (List.find (fun n -> if (List.mem n lp) && (not (ptree_get_some n is_visited)) then match ptree_get_some n code with | Icond (_, _, n1, n2, ob) -> (match ob with | None -> false | Some false -> n == n2 | Some true -> n == n1 ) | _ -> true else false ) order) with Not_found -> None let print_trace t = print_intlist t let print_traces traces = let rec f = function | [] -> () | t::lt -> Printf.printf "\n\t"; print_trace t; Printf.printf ",\n"; f lt in begin if !debug_flag then begin Printf.printf "Traces: {"; f traces; Printf.printf "}\n"; end end (* Dumb (but linear) trace selection *) let select_traces_linear code entrypoint = let is_visited = ref (PTree.map (fun n i -> false) code) in let bfs_order = bfs code entrypoint in let rec go_through node = begin is_visited := PTree.set node true !is_visited; let next_node = match (get_some @@ PTree.get node code) with | Icall(_, _, _, _, n) | Ibuiltin (_, _, _, n) | Iop (_, _, _, n) | Iload (_, _, _, _, _, n) | Istore (_, _, _, _, n) | Inop n -> Some n | Ijumptable _ | Itailcall _ | Ireturn _ -> None | Icond (_, _, n1, n2, info) -> (match info with | Some false -> Some n2 | Some true -> Some n1 | None -> None ) in match next_node with | None -> [node] | Some n -> if not (get_some @@ PTree.get n !is_visited) then node :: go_through n else [node] end in let traces = ref [] in begin List.iter (fun n -> if not (get_some @@ PTree.get n !is_visited) then traces := (go_through n) :: !traces ) bfs_order; !traces end (* Algorithm mostly inspired from Chang and Hwu 1988 * "Trace Selection for Compiling Large C Application Programs to Microcode" *) let select_traces_chang code entrypoint = begin debug "select_traces\n"; let order = dfs code entrypoint in let predecessors = get_predecessors_rtl code in let traces = ref [] in let is_visited = ref (PTree.map (fun n i -> false) code) in begin (* mark all nodes visited *) debug "Length: %d\n" (List.length order); while exists_false !is_visited do (* while (there are unvisited nodes) *) let seed = select_unvisited_node !is_visited order in let trace = ref [seed] in let current = ref seed in begin is_visited := PTree.set seed true !is_visited; (* mark seed visited *) let quit_loop = ref false in begin while not !quit_loop do let s = best_successor_of !current code !is_visited in match s with | None -> quit_loop := true (* if (s==0) exit loop *) | Some succ -> begin trace := !trace @ [succ]; is_visited := PTree.set succ true !is_visited; (* mark s visited *) current := succ end done; current := seed; quit_loop := false; while not !quit_loop do let s = best_predecessor_of !current predecessors code order !is_visited in match s with | None -> quit_loop := true (* if (s==0) exit loop *) | Some pred -> begin trace := pred :: !trace; is_visited := PTree.set pred true !is_visited; (* mark s visited *) current := pred end done; traces := !trace :: !traces; end end done; (* debug "DFS: \t"; print_intlist order; debug "\n"; *) debug "Traces: "; print_traces !traces; !traces end end let select_traces code entrypoint = let length = List.length @@ PTree.elements code in if (length < 5000) then select_traces_chang code entrypoint else select_traces_linear code entrypoint let rec make_identity_ptree_rec = function | [] -> PTree.empty | m::lm -> let (n, _) = m in PTree.set n n (make_identity_ptree_rec lm) let make_identity_ptree code = make_identity_ptree_rec (PTree.elements code) (* Change the pointers of preds nodes to point to n' instead of n *) let rec change_pointers code n n' = function | [] -> code | pred :: preds -> let new_pred_inst = match ptree_get_some pred code with | Icall(a, b, c, d, n0) -> assert (n0 == n); Icall(a, b, c, d, n') | Ibuiltin(a, b, c, n0) -> assert (n0 == n); Ibuiltin(a, b, c, n') | Ijumptable(a, ln) -> assert (optbool @@ List.find_opt (fun e -> e == n) ln); Ijumptable(a, List.map (fun e -> if (e == n) then n' else e) ln) | Icond(a, b, n1, n2, i) -> assert (n1 == n || n2 == n); let n1' = if (n1 == n) then n' else n1 in let n2' = if (n2 == n) then n' else n2 in Icond(a, b, n1', n2', i) | Inop n0 -> assert (n0 == n); Inop n' | Iop (a, b, c, n0) -> assert (n0 == n); Iop (a, b, c, n') | Iload (a, b, c, d, e, n0) -> assert (n0 == n); Iload (a, b, c, d, e, n') | Istore (a, b, c, d, n0) -> assert (n0 == n); Istore (a, b, c, d, n') | Itailcall _ | Ireturn _ -> failwith "That instruction cannot be a predecessor" in let new_code = PTree.set pred new_pred_inst code in change_pointers new_code n n' preds (* parent: parent of n to keep as parent * preds: all the other parents of n * n': the integer which should contain the duplicate of n * returns: new code, new ptree *) let duplicate code ptree parent n preds n' = debug "Duplicating node %d into %d..\n" (P.to_int n) (P.to_int n'); match PTree.get n' code with | Some _ -> failwith "The PTree already has a node n'" | None -> let c' = change_pointers code n n' preds in let new_code = PTree.set n' (ptree_get_some n code) c' and new_ptree = PTree.set n' n ptree in (new_code, new_ptree) let rec maxint = function | [] -> 0 | i :: l -> assert (i >= 0); let m = maxint l in if i > m then i else m let is_empty = function | [] -> true | _ -> false (* code: RTL code * preds: mapping node -> predecessors * ptree: the revmap * trace: the trace to follow tail duplication on *) let tail_duplicate code preds ptree trace = (* next_int: unused integer that can be used for the next duplication *) let next_int = ref (maxint (List.map (fun e -> let (n, _) = e in P.to_int n) (PTree.elements code)) + 1) (* last_node and last_duplicate store resp. the last processed node of the trace, and its duplication *) in let last_node = ref None in let last_duplicate = ref None in let nb_duplicated = ref 0 (* recursive function on a trace *) in let rec f code ptree is_first = function | [] -> (code, ptree) | n :: t -> let (new_code, new_ptree) = if is_first then (code, ptree) (* first node is never duplicated regardless of its inputs *) else let node_preds = ptree_get_some n preds in let node_preds_nolast = List.filter (fun e -> e <> get_some !last_node) node_preds in let final_node_preds = match !last_duplicate with | None -> node_preds_nolast | Some n' -> n' :: node_preds_nolast in if not (is_empty final_node_preds) then let n' = !next_int in let (newc, newp) = duplicate code ptree !last_node n final_node_preds (P.of_int n') in begin next_int := !next_int + 1; nb_duplicated := !nb_duplicated + 1; last_duplicate := Some (P.of_int n'); (newc, newp) end else (code, ptree) in begin last_node := Some n; f new_code new_ptree false t end in let new_code, new_ptree = f code ptree true trace in (new_code, new_ptree, !nb_duplicated) let superblockify_traces code preds traces = let max_nb_duplicated = !Clflags.option_fduplicate (* FIXME - should be architecture dependent *) in let ptree = make_identity_ptree code in let rec f code ptree = function | [] -> (code, ptree, 0) | trace :: traces -> let new_code, new_ptree, nb_duplicated = tail_duplicate code preds ptree trace in if (nb_duplicated < max_nb_duplicated) then (debug "End duplication\n"; f new_code new_ptree traces) else (debug "Too many duplicated nodes, aborting tail duplication\n"; (code, ptree, 0)) in let new_code, new_ptree, _ = f code ptree traces in (new_code, new_ptree) let rec invert_iconds_trace code = function | [] -> code | n :: ln -> let code' = match ptree_get_some n code with | Icond (c, lr, ifso, ifnot, info) -> (match info with | Some true -> begin (* debug "Reversing ifso/ifnot for node %d\n" (P.to_int n); *) PTree.set n (Icond (Op.negate_condition c, lr, ifnot, ifso, Some false)) code end | _ -> code) | _ -> code in invert_iconds_trace code' ln let rec invert_iconds code = function | [] -> code | t :: ts -> let code' = if !Clflags.option_finvertcond then invert_iconds_trace code t else code in invert_iconds code' ts let duplicate_aux f = let entrypoint = f.fn_entrypoint in if !Clflags.option_fduplicate < 0 then ((f.fn_code, entrypoint), make_identity_ptree f.fn_code) else let code = update_directions (f.fn_code) entrypoint in let traces = select_traces code entrypoint in let icond_code = invert_iconds code traces in let preds = get_predecessors_rtl icond_code in if !Clflags.option_fduplicate >= 1 then let (new_code, pTreeId) = ((* print_traces traces; *) superblockify_traces icond_code preds traces) in ((new_code, f.fn_entrypoint), pTreeId) else ((icond_code, entrypoint), make_identity_ptree code)