(* *********************************************************************) (* *) (* The Compcert verified compiler *) (* *) (* Xavier Leroy, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt *) (* *) (* Copyright Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en *) (* Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *) (* under the terms of the INRIA Non-Commercial License Agreement. *) (* *) (* *********************************************************************) open Printf open Camlcoq open AST open Registers open Machregs open Locations open Conventions1 open XTL (* Iterated Register Coalescing: George and Appel's graph coloring algorithm *) type var_stats = { mutable cost: int; (* estimated cost of a spill *) mutable usedefs: int (* number of uses and defs *) } (* Representation of the interference graph. Each node of the graph (i.e. each variable) is represented as follows. *) type node = { ident: int; (*r unique identifier *) typ: typ; (*r its type *) var: var; (*r the XTL variable it comes from *) mutable regclass: int; (*r identifier of register class *) mutable accesses: int; (*r number of defs and uses *) mutable spillcost: float; (*r estimated cost of spilling *) mutable adjlist: node list; (*r all nodes it interferes with *) mutable degree: int; (*r number of adjacent nodes *) mutable movelist: move list; (*r list of moves it is involved in *) mutable extra_adj: node list; (*r extra interferences (see below) *) mutable extra_pref: move list; (*r extra preferences (see below) *) mutable alias: node option; (*r [Some n] if coalesced with [n] *) mutable color: loc option; (*r chosen color *) mutable nstate: nodestate; (*r in which set of nodes it is *) mutable nprev: node; (*r for double linking *) mutable nnext: node (*r for double linking *) } (* These are the possible states for nodes. *) and nodestate = | Colored | Initial | SimplifyWorklist | FreezeWorklist | SpillWorklist | CoalescedNodes | SelectStack (* Each move (i.e. wish to be put in the same location) is represented as follows. *) and move = { src: node; (*r source of the move *) dst: node; (*r destination of the move *) mutable mstate: movestate; (*r in which set of moves it is *) mutable mprev: move; (*r for double linking *) mutable mnext: move (*r for double linking *) } (* These are the possible states for moves *) and movestate = | CoalescedMoves | ConstrainedMoves | FrozenMoves | WorklistMoves | ActiveMoves (* Note on "precolored" nodes and how they are handled: The register allocator can express interferences and preferences between any two values of type [var]: either pseudoregisters, to be colored by IRC, or fixed, "precolored" locations. I and P between two pseudoregisters are recorded in the graph that IRC modifies, via the [adjlist] and [movelist] fields. I and P between a pseudoregister and a machine register are also recorded in the IRC graph, but only in the [adjlist] and [movelist] fields of the pseudoregister. This is the special case described in George and Appel's papers. I and P between a pseudoregister and a stack slot are omitted from the IRC graph, as they contribute nothing to the simplification and coalescing process. We record them in the [extra_adj] and [extra_pref] fields, where they can be honored after IRC elimination, when assigning a stack slot to a spilled variable. *) let name_of_loc = function | R r -> begin match Machregsaux.name_of_register r with | None -> "fixed-reg" | Some s -> s end | S (Local, ofs, ty) -> sprintf "L%c%ld" (PrintXTL.short_name_of_type ty) (camlint_of_coqint ofs) | S (Incoming, ofs, ty) -> sprintf "I%c%ld" (PrintXTL.short_name_of_type ty) (camlint_of_coqint ofs) | S (Outgoing, ofs, ty) -> sprintf "O%c%ld" (PrintXTL.short_name_of_type ty) (camlint_of_coqint ofs) let name_of_node n = match n.var with | V(r, ty) -> sprintf "x%ld" (P.to_int32 r) | L l -> name_of_loc l (* The algorithm manipulates partitions of the nodes and of the moves according to their states, frequently moving a node or a move from a state to another, and frequently enumerating all nodes or all moves of a given state. To support these operations efficiently, nodes or moves having the same state are put into imperative doubly-linked lists, allowing for constant-time insertion and removal, and linear-time scanning. We now define the operations over these doubly-linked lists. *) module DLinkNode = struct type t = node let make state = let rec empty = { ident = 0; typ = Tint; var = V(P.one, Tint); regclass = 0; adjlist = []; degree = 0; accesses = 0; spillcost = 0.0; movelist = []; extra_adj = []; extra_pref = []; alias = None; color = None; nstate = state; nprev = empty; nnext = empty } in empty let dummy = make Colored let notempty dl = dl.nnext != dl let insert n dl = n.nstate <- dl.nstate; n.nnext <- dl.nnext; n.nprev <- dl; dl.nnext.nprev <- n; dl.nnext <- n let remove n dl = assert (n.nstate = dl.nstate); n.nnext.nprev <- n.nprev; n.nprev.nnext <- n.nnext let move n dl1 dl2 = remove n dl1; insert n dl2 let pick dl = let n = dl.nnext in remove n dl; n let iter f dl = let rec iter n = if n != dl then (f n; iter n.nnext) in iter dl.nnext let fold f dl accu = let rec fold n accu = if n == dl then accu else fold n.nnext (f n accu) in fold dl.nnext accu end module DLinkMove = struct type t = move let make state = let rec empty = { src = DLinkNode.dummy; dst = DLinkNode.dummy; mstate = state; mprev = empty; mnext = empty } in empty let dummy = make CoalescedMoves let notempty dl = dl.mnext != dl let insert m dl = m.mstate <- dl.mstate; m.mnext <- dl.mnext; m.mprev <- dl; dl.mnext.mprev <- m; dl.mnext <- m let remove m dl = assert (m.mstate = dl.mstate); m.mnext.mprev <- m.mprev; m.mprev.mnext <- m.mnext let move m dl1 dl2 = remove m dl1; insert m dl2 let pick dl = let m = dl.mnext in remove m dl; m end (* Auxiliary data structures *) module IntSet = Set.Make(struct type t = int let compare (x:int) (y:int) = compare x y end) module IntPairs = Hashtbl.Make(struct type t = int * int let equal ((x1, y1): (int * int)) (x2, y2) = x1 = x2 && y1 = y2 let hash = Hashtbl.hash end) (* The global state of the algorithm *) type graph = { (* Machine registers available for allocation *) caller_save_registers: mreg array array; callee_save_registers: mreg array array; num_available_registers: int array; start_points: int array; allocatable_registers: mreg list; (* Costs for pseudo-registers *) stats_of_reg: reg -> var_stats; (* Mapping from XTL variables to nodes *) varTable: (var, node) Hashtbl.t; mutable nextIdent: int; (* The adjacency set *) mutable adjSet: unit IntPairs.t; (* Low-degree, non-move-related nodes *) simplifyWorklist: DLinkNode.t; (* Low-degree, move-related nodes *) freezeWorklist: DLinkNode.t; (* High-degree nodes *) spillWorklist: DLinkNode.t; (* Nodes that have been coalesced *) coalescedNodes: DLinkNode.t; (* Moves that have been coalesced *) coalescedMoves: DLinkMove.t; (* Moves whose source and destination interfere *) constrainedMoves: DLinkMove.t; (* Moves that will no longer be considered for coalescing *) frozenMoves: DLinkMove.t; (* Moves enabled for possible coalescing *) worklistMoves: DLinkMove.t; (* Moves not yet ready for coalescing *) activeMoves: DLinkMove.t } (* Register classes and reserved registers *) (* We have two main register classes: 0 for integer registers 1 for floating-point registers plus a third pseudo-class 2 that has no registers and forces stack allocation. XTL variables are mapped to classes 0 and 1 according to their types. A variable can be forced into class 2 by giving it a negative spill cost. *) let class_of_type = function | Tint | Tlong -> 0 | Tfloat | Tsingle -> 0 (* normal: 1 *) | Tany32 | Tany64 -> assert false let class_of_reg r = 0 (* normal: if Conventions1.is_float_reg r then 1 else 0 *) let class_of_loc = function | R r -> class_of_reg r | S(_, _, ty) -> class_of_type ty let no_spill_class = 2 let reserved_registers = ref ([]: mreg list) let rec remove_reserved = function | [] -> [] | hd :: tl -> if List.mem hd !reserved_registers then remove_reserved tl else hd :: remove_reserved tl (* Initialize and return an empty graph *) let init costs = let int_caller_save = remove_reserved int_caller_save_regs and float_caller_save = remove_reserved float_caller_save_regs and int_callee_save = remove_reserved int_callee_save_regs and float_callee_save = remove_reserved float_callee_save_regs in { caller_save_registers = [| Array.of_list int_caller_save; Array.of_list float_caller_save; [||] |]; callee_save_registers = [| Array.of_list int_callee_save; Array.of_list float_callee_save; [||] |]; num_available_registers = [| List.length int_caller_save + List.length int_callee_save; List.length float_caller_save + List.length float_callee_save; 0 |]; start_points = [| 0; 0; 0 |]; allocatable_registers = int_caller_save @ int_callee_save @ float_caller_save @ float_callee_save; stats_of_reg = costs; varTable = Hashtbl.create 253; nextIdent = 0; adjSet = IntPairs.create 997; simplifyWorklist = DLinkNode.make SimplifyWorklist; freezeWorklist = DLinkNode.make FreezeWorklist; spillWorklist = DLinkNode.make SpillWorklist; coalescedNodes = DLinkNode.make CoalescedNodes; coalescedMoves = DLinkMove.make CoalescedMoves; constrainedMoves = DLinkMove.make ConstrainedMoves; frozenMoves = DLinkMove.make FrozenMoves; worklistMoves = DLinkMove.make WorklistMoves; activeMoves = DLinkMove.make ActiveMoves } (* Create nodes corresponding to XTL variables *) let weightedSpillCost st = if st.cost < max_int then float_of_int st.cost else infinity let newNodeOfReg g r ty = let st = g.stats_of_reg r in g.nextIdent <- g.nextIdent + 1; { ident = g.nextIdent; typ = ty; var = V(r, ty); regclass = if st.cost >= 0 then class_of_type ty else no_spill_class; accesses = st.usedefs; spillcost = weightedSpillCost st; adjlist = []; degree = if st.cost >= 0 then 0 else 1; movelist = []; extra_adj = []; extra_pref = []; alias = None; color = None; nstate = Initial; nprev = DLinkNode.dummy; nnext = DLinkNode.dummy } let newNodeOfLoc g l = let ty = Loc.coq_type l in g.nextIdent <- g.nextIdent + 1; { ident = g.nextIdent; typ = ty; var = L l; regclass = class_of_loc l; accesses = 0; spillcost = 0.0; adjlist = []; degree = 0; movelist = []; extra_adj = []; extra_pref = []; alias = None; color = Some l; nstate = Colored; nprev = DLinkNode.dummy; nnext = DLinkNode.dummy } let nodeOfVar g v = try Hashtbl.find g.varTable v with Not_found -> let n = match v with V(r, ty) -> newNodeOfReg g r ty | L l -> newNodeOfLoc g l in Hashtbl.add g.varTable v n; n (* Determine if two nodes interfere *) let interfere g n1 n2 = let i1 = n1.ident and i2 = n2.ident in let p = if i1 < i2 then (i1, i2) else (i2, i1) in IntPairs.mem g.adjSet p (* Add an edge to the graph. *) let recordInterf n1 n2 = match n2.color with | None | Some (R _) -> if n1.regclass = n2.regclass then begin n1.adjlist <- n2 :: n1.adjlist; n1.degree <- 1 + n1.degree end else begin n1.extra_adj <- n2 :: n1.extra_adj end | Some (S _) -> (*i printf "extra adj %s to %s\n" (name_of_node n1) (name_of_node n2); *) n1.extra_adj <- n2 :: n1.extra_adj let addEdge g n1 n2 = (*i printf "edge %s -- %s;\n" (name_of_node n1) (name_of_node n2);*) assert (n1 != n2); if not (interfere g n1 n2) then begin let i1 = n1.ident and i2 = n2.ident in let p = if i1 < i2 then (i1, i2) else (i2, i1) in IntPairs.add g.adjSet p (); if n1.nstate <> Colored then recordInterf n1 n2; if n2.nstate <> Colored then recordInterf n2 n1 end (* Add a move preference. *) let recordMove g n1 n2 = let m = { src = n1; dst = n2; mstate = WorklistMoves; mnext = DLinkMove.dummy; mprev = DLinkMove.dummy } in n1.movelist <- m :: n1.movelist; n2.movelist <- m :: n2.movelist; DLinkMove.insert m g.worklistMoves let recordExtraPref n1 n2 = let m = { src = n1; dst = n2; mstate = FrozenMoves; mnext = DLinkMove.dummy; mprev = DLinkMove.dummy } in n1.extra_pref <- m :: n1.extra_pref let recordExtraPref2 n1 n2 = let m = { src = n1; dst = n2; mstate = FrozenMoves; mnext = DLinkMove.dummy; mprev = DLinkMove.dummy } in n1.extra_pref <- m :: n1.extra_pref; n2.extra_pref <- m :: n2.extra_pref let addMovePref g n1 n2 = match n1.color, n2.color with | None, None -> if n1.regclass = n2.regclass then recordMove g n1 n2 else recordExtraPref2 n1 n2 | Some (R mr1), None -> if List.mem mr1 g.allocatable_registers then recordMove g n1 n2 | None, Some (R mr2) -> if List.mem mr2 g.allocatable_registers then recordMove g n1 n2 | Some (S _), None -> recordExtraPref n2 n1 | None, Some (S _) -> recordExtraPref n1 n2 | _, _ -> () (* Apply the given function to the relevant adjacent nodes of a node *) let iterAdjacent f n = List.iter (fun n -> match n.nstate with | SelectStack | CoalescedNodes -> () | _ -> f n) n.adjlist (* Determine the moves affecting a node *) let moveIsActiveOrWorklist m = match m.mstate with | ActiveMoves | WorklistMoves -> true | _ -> false let nodeMoves n = List.filter moveIsActiveOrWorklist n.movelist (* Determine whether a node is involved in a move *) let moveRelated n = List.exists moveIsActiveOrWorklist n.movelist (* Initial partition of nodes into spill / freeze / simplify *) let initialNodePartition g = let part_node n = match n.nstate with | Initial -> let k = g.num_available_registers.(n.regclass) in if n.degree >= k then DLinkNode.insert n g.spillWorklist else if moveRelated n then DLinkNode.insert n g.freezeWorklist else DLinkNode.insert n g.simplifyWorklist | Colored -> () | _ -> assert false in Hashtbl.iter (fun _ a -> part_node a) g.varTable (* Check invariants *) let _degreeInvariant _ n = let c = ref 0 in iterAdjacent (fun n -> incr c) n; if !c <> n.degree then failwith("degree invariant violated by " ^ name_of_node n) let _simplifyWorklistInvariant g n = if n.degree < g.num_available_registers.(n.regclass) && not (moveRelated n) then () else failwith("simplify worklist invariant violated by " ^ name_of_node n) let _freezeWorklistInvariant g n = if n.degree < g.num_available_registers.(n.regclass) && moveRelated n then () else failwith("freeze worklist invariant violated by " ^ name_of_node n) let _spillWorklistInvariant g n = if n.degree >= g.num_available_registers.(n.regclass) then () else failwith("spill worklist invariant violated by " ^ name_of_node n) let _checkInvariants g = DLinkNode.iter (fun n -> _degreeInvariant g n; _simplifyWorklistInvariant g n) g.simplifyWorklist; DLinkNode.iter (fun n -> _degreeInvariant g n; _freezeWorklistInvariant g n) g.freezeWorklist; DLinkNode.iter (fun n -> _degreeInvariant g n; _spillWorklistInvariant g n) g.spillWorklist (* Enable moves that have become low-degree related *) let enableMoves g n = List.iter (fun m -> if m.mstate = ActiveMoves then DLinkMove.move m g.activeMoves g.worklistMoves) (nodeMoves n) (* Simulate the removal of a node from the graph *) let decrementDegree g n = let k = g.num_available_registers.(n.regclass) in let d = n.degree in n.degree <- d - 1; if d = k then begin enableMoves g n; iterAdjacent (enableMoves g) n; if moveRelated n then DLinkNode.move n g.spillWorklist g.freezeWorklist else DLinkNode.move n g.spillWorklist g.simplifyWorklist end (* Simulate the effect of combining nodes [n1] and [n3] on [n2], where [n2] is a node adjacent to [n3]. *) let combineEdge g n1 n2 = assert (n1 != n2); if interfere g n1 n2 then begin (* The two edges n2--n3 and n2--n1 become one, so degree of n2 decreases *) decrementDegree g n2 end else begin (* Add new edge *) let i1 = n1.ident and i2 = n2.ident in let p = if i1 < i2 then (i1, i2) else (i2, i1) in IntPairs.add g.adjSet p (); if n1.nstate <> Colored then begin n1.adjlist <- n2 :: n1.adjlist; n1.degree <- 1 + n1.degree end; if n2.nstate <> Colored then begin n2.adjlist <- n1 :: n2.adjlist; (* n2's degree stays the same because the old edge n2--n3 disappears and becomes the new edge n2--n1 *) end end (* Simplification of a low-degree node *) let simplify g = let n = DLinkNode.pick g.simplifyWorklist in (*i printf "Simplifying %s\n" (name_of_node n); *) n.nstate <- SelectStack; iterAdjacent (decrementDegree g) n; n (* Briggs's conservative coalescing criterion. In the terminology of Hailperin, "Comparing Conservative Coalescing Criteria", TOPLAS 27(3) 2005, this is the full Briggs criterion, slightly more powerful than the one in George and Appel's paper. *) let canCoalesceBriggs g u v = let seen = ref IntSet.empty in let k = g.num_available_registers.(u.regclass) in let c = ref 0 in let consider other n = if not (IntSet.mem n.ident !seen) then begin seen := IntSet.add n.ident !seen; (* if n interferes with both u and v, its degree will decrease by one after coalescing *) let degree_after_coalescing = if interfere g n other then n.degree - 1 else n.degree in if degree_after_coalescing >= k || n.nstate = Colored then begin incr c; if !c >= k then raise Exit end end in try iterAdjacent (consider v) u; iterAdjacent (consider u) v; (*i printf " Briggs: OK for %s and %s\n" (name_of_node u) (name_of_node v); *) true with Exit -> (*i printf " Briggs: no\n"; *) false (* George's conservative coalescing criterion: all high-degree neighbors of [v] are neighbors of [u]. *) let canCoalesceGeorge g u v = let k = g.num_available_registers.(u.regclass) in let isOK t = if t.nstate = Colored then if u.nstate = Colored || interfere g t u then () else raise Exit else if t.degree < k || interfere g t u then () else raise Exit in try iterAdjacent isOK v; (*i printf " George: OK for %s and %s\n" (name_of_node u) (name_of_node v); *) true with Exit -> (*i printf " George: no\n"; *) false (* The combined coalescing criterion. [u] can be precolored, but [v] is not. According to George and Appel's paper: - If [u] is precolored, use George's criterion. - If [u] is not precolored, use Briggs's criterion. As noted by Hailperin, for non-precolored nodes, George's criterion is incomparable with Briggs's: there are cases where G says yes and B says no. Typically, [u] is a long-lived variable with many interferences, and [v] is a short-lived temporary copy of [u] that has no more interferences than [u]. Coalescing [u] and [v] is "weakly safe" in Hailperin's terminology: [u] is no harder to color, [u]'s neighbors are no harder to color either, but if we end up spilling [u], we'll spill [v] as well. So, we restrict this heuristic to [v] having a small number of uses. *) let thresholdGeorge = 3 let canCoalesce g u v = (*i printf "canCoalesce %s[%.2f] %s[%.2f]\n" (name_of_node u) u.spillcost (name_of_node v) v.spillcost; *) if u.nstate = Colored then canCoalesceGeorge g u v else canCoalesceBriggs g u v || (u.spillcost < infinity && v.spillcost < infinity && ((v.accesses <= thresholdGeorge && canCoalesceGeorge g u v) || (u.accesses <= thresholdGeorge && canCoalesceGeorge g v u))) (* Update worklists after a move was processed *) let addWorkList g u = if (not (u.nstate = Colored)) && u.degree < g.num_available_registers.(u.regclass) && (not (moveRelated u)) then DLinkNode.move u g.freezeWorklist g.simplifyWorklist (* Return the canonical representative of a possibly coalesced node *) let rec getAlias n = match n.alias with None -> n | Some n' -> getAlias n' (* Combine two nodes *) let combine g u v = (*i printf "Combining %s and %s\n" (name_of_node u) (name_of_node v); *) (*i if u.spillcost = infinity then printf "Warning: combining unspillable %s\n" (name_of_node u); if v.spillcost = infinity then printf "Warning: combining unspillable %s\n" (name_of_node v);*) if v.nstate = FreezeWorklist then DLinkNode.move v g.freezeWorklist g.coalescedNodes else DLinkNode.move v g.spillWorklist g.coalescedNodes; v.alias <- Some u; (* Precolored nodes often have big movelists, and if one of [u] and [v] is precolored, it is [u]. So, append [v.movelist] to [u.movelist] instead of the other way around. *) u.movelist <- List.rev_append v.movelist u.movelist; u.spillcost <- u.spillcost +. v.spillcost; iterAdjacent (combineEdge g u) v; (*r original code using [decrementDegree] is buggy *) if u.nstate <> Colored then begin u.extra_adj <- List.rev_append v.extra_adj u.extra_adj; u.extra_pref <- List.rev_append v.extra_pref u.extra_pref end; enableMoves g v; (*r added as per Appel's book erratum *) if u.degree >= g.num_available_registers.(u.regclass) && u.nstate = FreezeWorklist then DLinkNode.move u g.freezeWorklist g.spillWorklist (* Attempt coalescing *) let coalesce g = let m = DLinkMove.pick g.worklistMoves in let x = getAlias m.src and y = getAlias m.dst in let (u, v) = if y.nstate = Colored then (y, x) else (x, y) in (*i printf "Attempt coalescing %s and %s\n" (name_of_node u) (name_of_node v);*) if u == v then begin DLinkMove.insert m g.coalescedMoves; addWorkList g u end else if v.nstate = Colored || interfere g u v then begin DLinkMove.insert m g.constrainedMoves; addWorkList g u; addWorkList g v end else if canCoalesce g u v then begin DLinkMove.insert m g.coalescedMoves; combine g u v; addWorkList g u end else begin DLinkMove.insert m g.activeMoves end (* Freeze moves associated with node [u] *) let freezeMoves g u = let u' = getAlias u in let freeze m = let y = getAlias m.src in let v = if y == u' then getAlias m.dst else y in DLinkMove.move m g.activeMoves g.frozenMoves; if not (moveRelated v) && v.degree < g.num_available_registers.(v.regclass) && v.nstate <> Colored then DLinkNode.move v g.freezeWorklist g.simplifyWorklist in List.iter freeze (nodeMoves u) (* Pick a move and freeze it *) let freeze g = let u = DLinkNode.pick g.freezeWorklist in (*i printf "Freezing %s\n" (name_of_node u); *) DLinkNode.insert u g.simplifyWorklist; freezeMoves g u (* This is the original spill cost function from Chaitin 1982 *) (* let spillCost n = n.spillcost /. float n.degree *) (* This is spill cost function h_0 from Bernstein et al 1989. It performs slightly better than Chaitin's and than functions h_1 and h_2. *) (* let spillCost n = let deg = float n.degree in n.spillcost /. (deg *. deg) *) (* Spill a node *) let selectSpill g = (*i printf "Attempt spilling\n"; *) (* Find a spillable node of minimal cost *) let (n, cost) = DLinkNode.fold (fun n (best_node, best_cost as best) -> (* Manual inlining of [spillCost] above plus algebraic simplif *) let deg = float n.degree in let deg2 = deg *. deg in (* if n.spillcost /. deg2 <= best_cost *) if n.spillcost <= best_cost *. deg2 then (n, n.spillcost /. deg2) else best) g.spillWorklist (DLinkNode.dummy, infinity) in assert (n != DLinkNode.dummy); if cost = infinity then begin printf "Warning: spilling unspillable %s\n" (name_of_node n); printf " spill queue is:"; DLinkNode.iter (fun n -> printf " %s" (name_of_node n)) g.spillWorklist; printf "\n" end; DLinkNode.remove n g.spillWorklist; (*i printf "Spilling %s\n" (name_of_node n); *) freezeMoves g n; n.nstate <- SelectStack; iterAdjacent (decrementDegree g) n; n (* Produce the order of nodes that we'll use for coloring *) let rec nodeOrder g stack = (*i checkInvariants g; *) if DLinkNode.notempty g.simplifyWorklist then (let n = simplify g in nodeOrder g (n :: stack)) else if DLinkMove.notempty g.worklistMoves then (coalesce g; nodeOrder g stack) else if DLinkNode.notempty g.freezeWorklist then (freeze g; nodeOrder g stack) else if DLinkNode.notempty g.spillWorklist then (let n = selectSpill g in nodeOrder g (n :: stack)) else stack (* Assign a color (i.e. a hardware register or a stack location) to a node. The color is chosen among the colors that are not assigned to nodes with which this node interferes. The choice is guided by the following heuristics: consider first caller-save hardware register of the correct type; second, callee-save registers; third, a stack location. Callee-save registers and stack locations are ``expensive'' resources, so we try to minimize their number by picking the smallest available callee-save register or stack location. In contrast, caller-save registers are ``free'', so we pick an available one pseudo-randomly. *) module Regset = Set.Make(struct type t = mreg let compare = compare end) let find_reg g conflicts regclass = let rec find avail curr last = if curr >= last then None else begin let r = avail.(curr) in if Regset.mem r conflicts then find avail (curr + 1) last else Some (R r) end in let caller_save = g.caller_save_registers.(regclass) and callee_save = g.callee_save_registers.(regclass) and start = g.start_points.(regclass) in match find caller_save start (Array.length caller_save) with | Some _ as res -> g.start_points.(regclass) <- (if start + 1 < Array.length caller_save then start + 1 else 0); res | None -> match find caller_save 0 start with | Some _ as res -> g.start_points.(regclass) <- (if start + 1 < Array.length caller_save then start + 1 else 0); res | None -> find callee_save 0 (Array.length callee_save) (* Aggressive coalescing of stack slots. When assigning a slot, try first the slots assigned to the pseudoregs for which we have a preference, provided no conflict occurs. *) let rec reuse_slot conflicts n mvlist = match mvlist with | [] -> None | mv :: rem -> let attempt_reuse n' = match n'.color with | Some(S(Local, _, _) as l) when List.for_all (Loc.diff_dec l) conflicts -> Some l | _ -> reuse_slot conflicts n rem in let src = getAlias mv.src and dst = getAlias mv.dst in if n == src then attempt_reuse dst else if n == dst then attempt_reuse src else reuse_slot conflicts n rem (* should not happen? *) (* If no reuse possible, assign lowest nonconflicting stack slot. *) let compare_slots s1 s2 = match s1, s2 with | S(_, ofs1, _), S(_, ofs2, _) -> Z.compare ofs1 ofs2 | _, _ -> assert false let align a b = (a + b - 1) land (-b) (* assuming b is a power of 2 *) let find_slot conflicts typ = let sz = Z.to_int (Locations.typesize typ) in let al = Z.to_int (Locations.typealign typ) in let rec find curr = function | [] -> S(Local, Z.of_uint curr, typ) | S(Local, ofs, typ') :: l -> let ofs = Z.to_int ofs in if curr + sz <= ofs then S(Local, Z.of_uint curr, typ) else begin let sz' = Z.to_int (Locations.typesize typ') in let ofs' = align (ofs + sz') al in find (if ofs' <= curr then curr else ofs') l end | _ :: l -> find curr l in find 0 (List.stable_sort compare_slots conflicts) (* Record locations assigned to interfering nodes *) let record_reg_conflict cnf n = match (getAlias n).color with | Some (R r) -> Regset.add r cnf | _ -> cnf let record_slot_conflict cnf n = match (getAlias n).color with | Some (S _ as l) -> l :: cnf | _ -> cnf (* Assign a location, the best we can *) let assign_color g n = let reg_conflicts = List.fold_left record_reg_conflict Regset.empty n.adjlist in (* First, try to assign a register *) match find_reg g reg_conflicts n.regclass with | Some loc -> n.color <- Some loc | None -> (* Add extra conflicts for nonallocatable and preallocated stack slots *) let slot_conflicts = List.fold_left record_slot_conflict (List.fold_left record_slot_conflict [] n.adjlist) n.extra_adj in (* Second, try to coalesce stack slots *) match reuse_slot slot_conflicts n (n.extra_pref @ n.movelist) with | Some loc -> n.color <- Some loc | None -> (* Last, pick a Local stack slot *) n.color <- Some (find_slot slot_conflicts n.typ) (* Extract the location of a variable *) let location_of_var g v = match v with | L l -> l | V(r, ty) -> try let n = Hashtbl.find g.varTable v in let n' = getAlias n in match n'.color with | None -> assert false | Some l -> l with Not_found -> match class_of_type ty with | 0 -> R dummy_int_reg | 1 -> R dummy_float_reg | _ -> assert false (* The exported interface *) let add_interf g v1 v2 = addEdge g (nodeOfVar g v1) (nodeOfVar g v2) let add_pref g v1 v2 = addMovePref g (nodeOfVar g v1) (nodeOfVar g v2) let coloring g = initialNodePartition g; List.iter (assign_color g) (nodeOrder g []); location_of_var g (* total function var -> location *)