Require Import Coqlib Maps Errors Integers Floats Lattice Kildall. Require Import AST Linking. Require Import Memory Registers Op RTL. Local Open Scope positive. Inductive inj_instr : Type := | INJnop | INJop: operation -> list reg -> reg -> inj_instr | INJload: memory_chunk -> addressing -> list reg -> reg -> inj_instr. Definition inject_instr (i : inj_instr) (pc' : node) : instruction := match i with | INJnop => Inop pc' | INJop op args dst => Iop op args dst pc' | INJload chunk addr args dst => Iload NOTRAP chunk addr args dst pc' end. Fixpoint inject_list (prog : code) (pc : node) (dst : node) (l : list inj_instr) : node * code := let pc' := Pos.succ pc in match l with | nil => (pc', PTree.set pc (Inop dst) prog) | h::t => inject_list (PTree.set pc (inject_instr h pc') prog) pc' dst t end. Definition successor (i : instruction) : node := match i with | Inop pc' => pc' | Iop _ _ _ pc' => pc' | Iload _ _ _ _ _ pc' => pc' | Istore _ _ _ _ pc' => pc' | Icall _ _ _ _ pc' => pc' | Ibuiltin _ _ _ pc' => pc' | Icond _ _ pc' _ _ => pc' | Itailcall _ _ _ | Ijumptable _ _ | Ireturn _ => 1 end. Definition alter_successor (i : instruction) (pc' : node) : instruction := match i with | Inop _ => Inop pc' | Iop op args dst _ => Iop op args dst pc' | Iload trap chunk addr args dst _ => Iload trap chunk addr args dst pc' | Istore chunk addr args src _ => Istore chunk addr args src pc' | Ibuiltin ef args res _ => Ibuiltin ef args res pc' | Icond cond args _ pc2 expected => Icond cond args pc' pc2 expected | Icall sig ros args res _ => Icall sig ros args res pc' | Itailcall _ _ _ | Ijumptable _ _ | Ireturn _ => i end. Definition inject_at (prog : code) (pc extra_pc : node) (l : list inj_instr) : node * code := match PTree.get pc prog with | Some i => inject_list (PTree.set pc (alter_successor i extra_pc) prog) extra_pc (successor i) l | None => inject_list prog extra_pc 1 l (* does not happen *) end. Definition inject_at' (already : node * code) pc l := let (extra_pc, prog) := already in inject_at prog pc extra_pc l. Definition inject_l (prog : code) extra_pc injections := List.fold_left (fun already (injection : node * (list inj_instr)) => inject_at' already (fst injection) (snd injection)) injections (extra_pc, prog). (* Definition inject' (prog : code) (extra_pc : node) (injections : PTree.t (list inj_instr)) := PTree.fold inject_at' injections (extra_pc, prog). Definition inject prog extra_pc injections : code := snd (inject' prog extra_pc injections). *) Section INJECTOR. Variable gen_injections : function -> node -> reg -> PTree.t (list inj_instr). Definition valid_injection_instr (max_reg : reg) (i : inj_instr) := match i with | INJnop => true | INJop op args res => (max_reg max_reg ((fst injection) <=? max_pc) && (List.forallb (valid_injection_instr max_reg) (snd injection)) ). Definition valid_injections f := valid_injections1 (max_pc_function f) (max_reg_function f). Definition transf_function (f : function) : res function := let max_pc := max_pc_function f in let max_reg := max_reg_function f in let injections := PTree.elements (gen_injections f max_pc max_reg) in if valid_injections1 max_pc max_reg injections then OK {| fn_sig := f.(fn_sig); fn_params := f.(fn_params); fn_stacksize := f.(fn_stacksize); fn_code := snd (inject_l (fn_code f) (Pos.succ max_pc) injections); fn_entrypoint := f.(fn_entrypoint) |} else Error (msg "Inject.transf_function: injections at bad locations"). Definition transf_fundef (fd: fundef) : res fundef := AST.transf_partial_fundef transf_function fd. Definition transf_program (p: program) : res program := transform_partial_program transf_fundef p. End INJECTOR.