(* *************************************************************) (* *) (* The Compcert verified compiler *) (* *) (* David Monniaux CNRS, VERIMAG *) (* *) (* Copyright VERIMAG. All rights reserved. *) (* This file is distributed under the terms of the INRIA *) (* Non-Commercial License Agreement. *) (* *) (* *************************************************************) open RTL;; open Camlcoq;; open Maps;; open Kildall;; open HashedSet;; open Inject;; type reg = P.t;; (** get_loop_headers moved from Duplicateaux.ml to LICMaux.ml to prevent cycle dependencies *) let debug_flag = ref false let debug fmt = if !debug_flag then Printf.eprintf fmt else Printf.ifprintf stderr fmt type vstate = Unvisited | Processed | Visited let get_some = function | None -> failwith "Did not get some" | Some thing -> thing let rtl_successors = function | Itailcall _ | Ireturn _ -> [] | Icall(_,_,_,_,n) | Ibuiltin(_,_,_,n) | Inop n | Iop (_,_,_,n) | Iload (_,_,_,_,_,n) | Istore (_,_,_,_,n) -> [n] | Icond (_,_,n1,n2,_) -> [n1; n2] | Ijumptable (_,ln) -> ln (** Getting loop branches with a DFS visit : * Each node is either Unvisited, Visited, or Processed * pre-order: node becomes Processed * post-order: node becomes Visited * * If we come accross an edge to a Processed node, it's a loop! *) let get_loop_headers code entrypoint = begin debug "get_loop_headers\n"; let visited = ref (PTree.map (fun n i -> Unvisited) code) and is_loop_header = ref (PTree.map (fun n i -> false) code) in let rec dfs_visit code = function | [] -> () | node :: ln -> match (get_some @@ PTree.get node !visited) with | Visited -> () | Processed -> begin debug "Node %d is a loop header\n" (P.to_int node); is_loop_header := PTree.set node true !is_loop_header; visited := PTree.set node Visited !visited end | Unvisited -> begin visited := PTree.set node Processed !visited; match PTree.get node code with | None -> failwith "No such node" | Some i -> let next_visits = rtl_successors i in dfs_visit code next_visits; visited := PTree.set node Visited !visited; dfs_visit code ln end in begin dfs_visit code [entrypoint]; !is_loop_header end end module Dominator = struct type t = Unreachable | Dominated of int | Multiple let bot = Unreachable and top = Multiple let beq a b = match a, b with | Unreachable, Unreachable | Multiple, Multiple -> true | (Dominated x), (Dominated y) -> x = y | _ -> false let lub a b = match a, b with | Multiple, _ | _, Multiple -> Multiple | Unreachable, x | x, Unreachable -> x | (Dominated x), (Dominated y) when x=y -> a | (Dominated _), (Dominated _) -> Multiple let pp oc = function | Unreachable -> output_string oc "unreachable" | Multiple -> output_string oc "multiple" | Dominated x -> Printf.fprintf oc "%d" x;; end module Dominator_Solver = Dataflow_Solver(Dominator)(NodeSetForward) let apply_dominator (is_marked : node -> bool) (pc : node) (before : Dominator.t) : Dominator.t = match before with | Dominator.Unreachable -> before | _ -> if is_marked pc then Dominator.Dominated (P.to_int pc) else before;; let dominated_parts1 (f : coq_function) : (bool PTree.t) * (Dominator.t PMap.t option) = let headers = get_loop_headers f.fn_code f.fn_entrypoint in let dominated = Dominator_Solver.fixpoint f.fn_code RTL.successors_instr (apply_dominator (fun pc -> match PTree.get pc headers with | Some x -> x | None -> false)) f.fn_entrypoint Dominator.top in (headers, dominated);; let dominated_parts (f : coq_function) : Dominator.t PMap.t * PSet.t PTree.t = let (headers, dominated) = dominated_parts1 f in match dominated with | None -> failwith "dominated_parts 1" | Some dominated -> let singletons = PTree.fold (fun before pc flag -> if flag then PTree.set pc (PSet.add pc PSet.empty) before else before) headers PTree.empty in (dominated, PTree.fold (fun before pc ii -> match PMap.get pc dominated with | Dominator.Dominated x -> let px = P.of_int x in (match PTree.get px before with | None -> failwith "dominated_parts 2" | Some old -> PTree.set px (PSet.add pc old) before) | _ -> before) f.fn_code singletons);; let graph_traversal (initial_node : P.t) (successor_iterator : P.t -> (P.t -> unit) -> unit) : PSet.t = let seen = ref PSet.empty and stack = Stack.create () in Stack.push initial_node stack; while not (Stack.is_empty stack) do let vertex = Stack.pop stack in if not (PSet.contains !seen vertex) then begin seen := PSet.add vertex !seen; successor_iterator vertex (fun x -> Stack.push x stack) end done; !seen;; let filter_dominated_part (predecessors : P.t list PTree.t) (header : P.t) (dominated_part : PSet.t) = graph_traversal header (fun (vertex : P.t) (f : P.t -> unit) -> match PTree.get vertex predecessors with | None -> () | Some l -> List.iter (fun x -> if PSet.contains dominated_part x then f x) l );; let inner_loops (f : coq_function) = let (dominated, parts) = dominated_parts f and predecessors = Kildall.make_predecessors f.fn_code RTL.successors_instr in (dominated, predecessors, PTree.map (filter_dominated_part predecessors) parts);; let map_reg mapper r = match PTree.get r mapper with | None -> r | Some x -> x;; let rewrite_loop_body (last_alloc : reg ref) (insns : RTL.code) (header : P.t) (loop_body : PSet.t) = let seen = ref PSet.empty and stack = Stack.create () and rewritten = ref [] in let add_inj ii = rewritten := ii::!rewritten in Stack.push (header, PTree.empty) stack; while not (Stack.is_empty stack) do let (pc, mapper) = Stack.pop stack in if not (PSet.contains !seen pc) then begin seen := PSet.add pc !seen; match PTree.get pc insns with | None -> () | Some ii -> let mapper' = match ii with | Iop(op, args, res, pc') when not (Op.is_trapping_op op) -> let new_res = P.succ !last_alloc in last_alloc := new_res; add_inj (INJop(op, (List.map (map_reg mapper) args), new_res)); PTree.set res new_res mapper | Iload(_, chunk, addr, args, v, pc') | Istore(chunk, addr, args, v, pc') when Archi.has_notrap_loads && !Clflags.option_fnontrap_loads -> let new_res = P.succ !last_alloc in last_alloc := new_res; add_inj (INJload(chunk, addr, (List.map (map_reg mapper) args), new_res)); PTree.set v new_res mapper | _ -> mapper in List.iter (fun x -> if PSet.contains loop_body x then Stack.push (x, mapper') stack) (successors_instr ii) end done; List.rev !rewritten;; let pp_inj_instr (oc : out_channel) (ii : inj_instr) = match ii with | INJnop -> output_string oc "nop" | INJop(op, args, res) -> Printf.fprintf oc "%a = %a" PrintRTL.reg res (PrintOp.print_operation PrintRTL.reg) (op, args) | INJload(chunk, addr, args, dst) -> Printf.fprintf oc "%a = %s[%a]" PrintRTL.reg dst (PrintAST.name_of_chunk chunk) (PrintOp.print_addressing PrintRTL.reg) (addr, args);; let pp_inj_list (oc : out_channel) (l : inj_instr list) = List.iter (Printf.fprintf oc "%a; " pp_inj_instr) l;; let pp_injections (oc : out_channel) (injections : inj_instr list PTree.t) = List.iter (fun (pc, injl) -> Printf.fprintf oc "%d : %a\n" (P.to_int pc) pp_inj_list injl) (PTree.elements injections);; let compute_injections1 (f : coq_function) = let (dominated, predecessors, loop_bodies) = inner_loops f and last_alloc = ref (max_reg_function f) in (dominated, predecessors, PTree.map (fun header body -> (body, rewrite_loop_body last_alloc f.fn_code header body)) loop_bodies);; let compute_injections (f : coq_function) : inj_instr list PTree.t = let (dominated, predecessors, injections) = compute_injections1 f in let output_map = ref PTree.empty in List.iter (fun (header, (body, inj)) -> match PTree.get header predecessors with | None -> failwith "compute_injections" | Some l -> List.iter (fun predecessor -> if (PMap.get predecessor dominated)<>Dominator.Unreachable && not (PSet.contains body predecessor) then output_map := PTree.set predecessor inj !output_map) l) (PTree.elements injections); !output_map;; let pp_list pp_item oc l = output_string oc "{ "; let first = ref true in List.iter (fun x -> (if !first then first := false else output_string oc ", "); pp_item oc x) l; output_string oc " }";; let pp_pset oc s = pp_list (fun oc -> Printf.fprintf oc "%d") oc (List.sort (fun x y -> y - x) (List.map P.to_int (PSet.elements s)));; let print_dominated_parts oc f = List.iter (fun (header, nodes) -> Printf.fprintf oc "%d : %a\n" (P.to_int header) pp_pset nodes) (PTree.elements (snd (dominated_parts f)));; let print_inner_loops oc f = List.iter (fun (header, nodes) -> Printf.fprintf oc "%d : %a\n" (P.to_int header) pp_pset nodes) (PTree.elements (let (_,_,l) = (inner_loops f) in l));; let print_dominated_parts1 oc f = match snd (dominated_parts1 f) with | None -> output_string oc "error\n" | Some parts -> List.iter (fun (pc, instr) -> Printf.fprintf oc "%d : %a\n" (P.to_int pc) Dominator.pp (PMap.get pc parts) ) (PTree.elements f.fn_code);; let loop_headers (f : coq_function) : RTL.node list = List.map fst (List.filter snd (PTree.elements (get_loop_headers f.fn_code f.fn_entrypoint)));; let print_loop_headers f = print_endline "Loop headers"; List.iter (fun i -> Printf.printf "%d " (P.to_int i)) (loop_headers f); print_newline ();; let gen_injections (f : coq_function) (coq_max_pc : node) (coq_max_reg : reg): (Inject.inj_instr list) PTree.t = let injections = compute_injections f in (* let () = pp_injections stdout injections in *) injections;;