open Camlcoq open RTL type identifier = Digest.t let function_id (f : coq_function) : identifier = Digest.string (Marshal.to_string f []);; let branch_id (f_id : identifier) (node : P.t) : identifier = Digest.string (f_id ^ (Int64.to_string (P.to_int64 node)));; let pp_id channel (x : identifier) = for i=0 to 15 do Printf.fprintf channel "%02x" (Char.code (String.get x i)) done let spp_id () (x : identifier) : string = let s = ref "" in for i=0 to 15 do s := Printf.sprintf "%02x%s" (Char.code (String.get x i)) !s done; !s;; let profiling_counts : (identifier, (Int64.t*Int64.t)) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 1000;; let get_counts id = match Hashtbl.find_opt profiling_counts id with | Some x -> x | None -> (0L, 0L);; let add_profiling_counts id counter0 counter1 = let (old0, old1) = get_counts id in Hashtbl.replace profiling_counts id (Int64.add old0 counter0, Int64.add old1 counter1);; let input_counter (ic : in_channel) : Int64.t = let r = ref in for i=0 to 7 do r := Int64.add !r (Int64.shift_left (Int64.of_int (input_byte ic)) (8*i)) done; !r;; let load_profiling_info (filename : string) : unit = let ic = open_in filename in try while true do let id : identifier = really_input_string ic 16 in let counter0 = input_counter ic in let counter1 = input_counter ic in (* Printf.fprintf stderr "%a : %Ld %Ld\n" pp_id id counter0 counter1 *) add_profiling_counts id counter0 counter1 done with End_of_file -> close_in ic;; let condition_oracle (id : identifier) : bool option = let (count0, count1) = get_counts id in (if count0 <> 0L || count1 <> 0L then Printf.fprintf stderr "%a : %Ld %Ld\n" pp_id id count0 count1); if count0 = count1 then None else Some(count1 > count0);;