(* *********************************************************************) (* *) (* The Compcert verified compiler *) (* *) (* Xavier Leroy, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt *) (* *) (* Copyright Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en *) (* Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *) (* under the terms of the INRIA Non-Commercial License Agreement. *) (* *) (* *********************************************************************) (** Elimination of unreferenced static definitions *) Require Import FSets Coqlib Maps Ordered Iteration Errors. Require Import AST Linking. Require Import Op Registers RTL. Local Open Scope string_scope. (** * Determination of global identifiers that are referenced *) (** The working set *) Module IS := FSetAVL.Make(OrderedPositive). Record workset := mk_workset { w_seen :> IS.t; w_todo: list ident }. Definition add_workset (id: ident) (w: workset) : workset := if IS.mem id w.(w_seen) then w else {| w_seen := IS.add id w.(w_seen); w_todo := id :: w.(w_todo) |}. Fixpoint addlist_workset (l: list ident) (w: workset) : workset := match l with | nil => w | id :: l' => addlist_workset l' (add_workset id w) end. (** Global symbols referenced in a function or variable definition *) Definition ref_instruction (i: instruction) : list ident := match i with | Inop _ => nil | Iop op _ _ _ => globals_operation op | Iload _ _ addr _ _ _ => globals_addressing addr | Istore _ addr _ _ _ => globals_addressing addr | Icall _ (inl r) _ _ _ => nil | Icall _ (inr id) _ _ _ => id :: nil | Itailcall _ (inl r) _ => nil | Itailcall _ (inr id) _ => id :: nil | Ibuiltin _ args _ _ => globals_of_builtin_args args | Icond cond _ _ _ _ => nil | Ijumptable _ _ => nil | Ireturn _ => nil end. Definition add_ref_instruction (w: workset) (pc: node) (i: instruction) : workset := addlist_workset (ref_instruction i) w. Definition add_ref_function (f: function) (w: workset): workset := PTree.fold add_ref_instruction f.(fn_code) w. Definition add_ref_init_data (w: workset) (i: init_data) : workset := match i with | Init_addrof id _ => add_workset id w | _ => w end. Definition add_ref_globvar (gv: globvar unit) (w: workset): workset := List.fold_left add_ref_init_data gv.(gvar_init) w. Definition prog_map : Type := PTree.t (globdef fundef unit). Definition add_ref_definition (pm: prog_map) (id: ident) (w: workset): workset := match pm!id with | None => w | Some (Gfun (Internal f)) => add_ref_function f w | Some (Gfun (External ef)) => w | Some (Gvar gv) => add_ref_globvar gv w end. (** The initial workset is composed of all public definitions of the compilation unit, plus the "main" entry point. *) Definition initial_workset (p: program): workset := add_workset p.(prog_main) (List.fold_left (fun w id => add_workset id w) p.(prog_public) {| w_seen := IS.empty; w_todo := nil |}). (** Traversal of the dependency graph. *) Definition iter_step (pm: prog_map) (w: workset) : IS.t + workset := match w.(w_todo) with | nil => inl _ w.(w_seen) | id :: rem => inr _ (add_ref_definition pm id {| w_seen := w.(w_seen); w_todo := rem |}) end. Definition used_globals (p: program) (pm: prog_map) : option IS.t := PrimIter.iterate _ _ (iter_step pm) (initial_workset p). (** * Elimination of unreferenced global definitions *) (** We also eliminate multiple definitions of the same global name, keeping only the last definition (in program definition order). *) Fixpoint filter_globdefs (used: IS.t) (accu defs: list (ident * globdef fundef unit)) := match defs with | nil => accu | (id, gd) :: defs' => if IS.mem id used then filter_globdefs (IS.remove id used) ((id, gd) :: accu) defs' else filter_globdefs used accu defs' end. (** To ensure compatibility with linking, we must ensure that all the global names referenced are defined in the compilation unit, with the possible exception of the [prog_main] name. *) Definition global_defined (p: program) (pm: prog_map) (id: ident) : bool := match pm!id with Some _ => true | None => ident_eq id (prog_main p) end. Definition transform_program (p: program) : res program := let pm := prog_defmap p in match used_globals p pm with | None => Error (msg "Unusedglob: analysis failed") | Some used => if IS.for_all (global_defined p pm) used then OK {| prog_defs := filter_globdefs used nil (List.rev p.(prog_defs)); prog_public := p.(prog_public); prog_main := p.(prog_main) |} else Error (msg "Unusedglob: reference to undefined global") end.