open Camlcoq open Datatypes open CList open AST open Locations type status = To_move | Being_moved | Moved let parallel_move_order lsrc ldst = let src = array_of_coqlist lsrc and dst = array_of_coqlist ldst in let n = Array.length src in let status = Array.make n To_move in let moves = ref Coq_nil in let rec move_one i = if src.(i) <> dst.(i) then begin status.(i) <- Being_moved; for j = 0 to n - 1 do if src.(j) = dst.(i) then match status.(j) with To_move -> move_one j | Being_moved -> let tmp = match Loc.coq_type src.(j) with | Tint -> R IT2 | Tfloat -> R FT2 in moves := Coq_cons (Coq_pair(src.(j), tmp), !moves); src.(j) <- tmp | Moved -> () done; moves := Coq_cons(Coq_pair(src.(i), dst.(i)), !moves); status.(i) <- Moved end in for i = 0 to n - 1 do if status.(i) = To_move then move_one i done; CList.rev !moves