(* MODIF: Loop constructor replaced by 3 constructors: While, DoWhile, For. *) (* * * Copyright (c) 2001-2002, * John Kodumal * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * 3. The names of the contributors may not be used to endorse or promote * products derived from this software without specific prior written * permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS * IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED * TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A * PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER * OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * *) exception Bad_return exception Bad_function open Cil module H = Hashtbl module A = Olf exception UnknownLocation = A.UnknownLocation type access = A.lvalue * bool type access_map = (lval, access) H.t (** a mapping from varinfo's back to fundecs *) module VarInfoKey = struct type t = varinfo let compare v1 v2 = v1.vid - v2.vid end module F = Map.Make (VarInfoKey) (***********************************************************************) (* *) (* Global Variables *) (* *) (***********************************************************************) let model_strings = ref false let print_constraints = A.print_constraints let debug_constraints = A.debug_constraints let debug_aliases = A.debug_aliases let smart_aliases = A.smart_aliases let debug = A.debug let analyze_mono = A.analyze_mono let no_flow = A.no_flow let no_sub = A.no_sub let fun_ptrs_as_funs = ref false let show_progress = ref false let debug_may_aliases = ref false let found_undefined = ref false let conservative_undefineds = ref false let current_fundec : fundec option ref = ref None let fun_access_map : (fundec, access_map) H.t = H.create 64 (* A mapping from varinfos to fundecs *) let fun_varinfo_map = ref F.empty let current_ret : A.tau option ref = ref None let lvalue_hash : (varinfo,A.lvalue) H.t = H.create 64 let expressions : (exp,A.tau) H.t = H.create 64 let lvalues : (lval,A.lvalue) H.t = H.create 64 let fresh_index : (unit -> int) = let count = ref 0 in fun () -> incr count; !count let alloc_names = [ "malloc"; "calloc"; "realloc"; "xmalloc"; "__builtin_alloca"; "alloca"; "kmalloc" ] let all_globals : varinfo list ref = ref [] let all_functions : fundec list ref = ref [] (***********************************************************************) (* *) (* Utility Functions *) (* *) (***********************************************************************) let is_undefined_fun = function Lval (lh, o) -> if isFunctionType (typeOfLval (lh, o)) then match lh with Var v -> v.vstorage = Extern | _ -> false else false | _ -> false let is_alloc_fun = function Lval (lh, o) -> if isFunctionType (typeOfLval (lh, o)) then match lh with Var v -> List.mem v.vname alloc_names | _ -> false else false | _ -> false let next_alloc = function Lval (Var v, o) -> let name = Printf.sprintf "%s@%d" v.vname (fresh_index ()) in A.address (A.make_lvalue false name (Some v)) (* check *) | _ -> raise Bad_return let is_effect_free_fun = function Lval (lh, o) when isFunctionType (typeOfLval (lh, o)) -> begin match lh with Var v -> begin try ("CHECK_" = String.sub v.vname 0 6) with Invalid_argument _ -> false end | _ -> false end | _ -> false (***********************************************************************) (* *) (* AST Traversal Functions *) (* *) (***********************************************************************) (* should do nothing, might need to worry about Index case *) (* let analyzeOffset (o : offset ) : A.tau = A.bottom () *) let analyze_var_decl (v : varinfo ) : A.lvalue = try H.find lvalue_hash v with Not_found -> let lv = A.make_lvalue false v.vname (Some v) in H.add lvalue_hash v lv; lv let isFunPtrType (t : typ) : bool = match t with TPtr (t, _) -> isFunctionType t | _ -> false let rec analyze_lval (lv : lval ) : A.lvalue = let find_access (l : A.lvalue) (is_var : bool) : A.lvalue = match !current_fundec with None -> l | Some f -> let accesses = H.find fun_access_map f in if H.mem accesses lv then l else begin H.add accesses lv (l, is_var); l end in let result = match lv with Var v, _ -> (* instantiate every syntactic occurrence of a function *) let alv = if isFunctionType (typeOfLval lv) then A.instantiate (analyze_var_decl v) (fresh_index ()) else analyze_var_decl v in find_access alv true | Mem e, _ -> (* assert (not (isFunctionType(typeOf(e))) ); *) let alv = if !fun_ptrs_as_funs && isFunPtrType (typeOf e) then analyze_expr_as_lval e else A.deref (analyze_expr e) in find_access alv false in H.replace lvalues lv result; result and analyze_expr_as_lval (e : exp) : A.lvalue = match e with Lval l -> analyze_lval l | _ -> assert false (* todo -- other kinds of expressions? *) and analyze_expr (e : exp ) : A.tau = let result = match e with Const (CStr s) -> if !model_strings then A.address (A.make_lvalue false s (Some (makeVarinfo false s charConstPtrType))) else A.bottom () | Const c -> A.bottom () | Lval l -> A.rvalue (analyze_lval l) | SizeOf _ -> A.bottom () | SizeOfStr _ -> A.bottom () | AlignOf _ -> A.bottom () | UnOp (op, e, t) -> analyze_expr e | BinOp (op, e, e', t) -> A.join (analyze_expr e) (analyze_expr e') | CastE (t, e) -> analyze_expr e | AddrOf l -> if !fun_ptrs_as_funs && isFunctionType (typeOfLval l) then A.rvalue (analyze_lval l) else A.address (analyze_lval l) | StartOf l -> A.address (analyze_lval l) | AlignOfE _ -> A.bottom () | SizeOfE _ -> A.bottom () in H.add expressions e result; result (* check *) let rec analyze_init (i : init ) : A.tau = match i with SingleInit e -> analyze_expr e | CompoundInit (t, oi) -> A.join_inits (List.map (function (_, i) -> analyze_init i) oi) let analyze_instr (i : instr ) : unit = match i with Set (lval, rhs, l) -> A.assign (analyze_lval lval) (analyze_expr rhs) | Call (res, fexpr, actuals, l) -> if not (isFunctionType (typeOf fexpr)) then () (* todo : is this a varargs? *) else if is_alloc_fun fexpr then begin if !debug then print_string "Found allocation function...\n"; match res with Some r -> A.assign (analyze_lval r) (next_alloc fexpr) | None -> () end else if is_effect_free_fun fexpr then List.iter (fun e -> ignore (analyze_expr e)) actuals else (* todo : check to see if the thing is an undefined function *) let fnres, site = if is_undefined_fun fexpr & !conservative_undefineds then A.apply_undefined (List.map analyze_expr actuals) else A.apply (analyze_expr fexpr) (List.map analyze_expr actuals) in begin match res with Some r -> begin A.assign_ret site (analyze_lval r) fnres; found_undefined := true; end | None -> () end | Asm _ -> () let rec analyze_stmt (s : stmt ) : unit = match s.skind with Instr il -> List.iter analyze_instr il | Return (eo, l) -> begin match eo with Some e -> begin match !current_ret with Some ret -> A.return ret (analyze_expr e) | None -> raise Bad_return end | None -> () end | Goto (s', l) -> () (* analyze_stmt(!s') *) | If (e, b, b', l) -> (* ignore the expression e; expressions can't be side-effecting *) analyze_block b; analyze_block b' | Switch (e, b, sl, l) -> analyze_block b; List.iter analyze_stmt sl (* | Loop (b, l, _, _) -> analyze_block b *) | While (_, b, _) -> analyze_block b | DoWhile (_, b, _) -> analyze_block b | For (bInit, _, bIter, b, _) -> analyze_block bInit; analyze_block bIter; analyze_block b | Block b -> analyze_block b | TryFinally (b, h, _) -> analyze_block b; analyze_block h | TryExcept (b, (il, _), h, _) -> analyze_block b; List.iter analyze_instr il; analyze_block h | Break l -> () | Continue l -> () and analyze_block (b : block ) : unit = List.iter analyze_stmt b.bstmts let analyze_function (f : fundec ) : unit = let oldlv = analyze_var_decl f.svar in let ret = A.make_fresh (f.svar.vname ^ "_ret") in let formals = List.map analyze_var_decl f.sformals in let newf = A.make_function f.svar.vname formals ret in if !show_progress then Printf.printf "Analyzing function %s\n" f.svar.vname; fun_varinfo_map := F.add f.svar f (!fun_varinfo_map); current_fundec := Some f; H.add fun_access_map f (H.create 8); A.assign oldlv newf; current_ret := Some ret; analyze_block f.sbody let analyze_global (g : global ) : unit = match g with GVarDecl (v, l) -> () (* ignore (analyze_var_decl(v)) -- no need *) | GVar (v, init, l) -> all_globals := v :: !all_globals; begin match init.init with Some i -> A.assign (analyze_var_decl v) (analyze_init i) | None -> ignore (analyze_var_decl v) end | GFun (f, l) -> all_functions := f :: !all_functions; analyze_function f | _ -> () let analyze_file (f : file) : unit = iterGlobals f analyze_global (***********************************************************************) (* *) (* High-level Query Interface *) (* *) (***********************************************************************) (* Same as analyze_expr, but no constraints. *) let rec traverse_expr (e : exp) : A.tau = H.find expressions e and traverse_expr_as_lval (e : exp) : A.lvalue = match e with | Lval l -> traverse_lval l | _ -> assert false (* todo -- other kinds of expressions? *) and traverse_lval (lv : lval ) : A.lvalue = H.find lvalues lv let may_alias (e1 : exp) (e2 : exp) : bool = let tau1,tau2 = traverse_expr e1, traverse_expr e2 in let result = A.may_alias tau1 tau2 in if !debug_may_aliases then begin let doc1 = d_exp () e1 in let doc2 = d_exp () e2 in let s1 = Pretty.sprint ~width:30 doc1 in let s2 = Pretty.sprint ~width:30 doc2 in Printf.printf "%s and %s may alias? %s\n" s1 s2 (if result then "yes" else "no") end; result let resolve_lval (lv : lval) : varinfo list = A.points_to (traverse_lval lv) let resolve_exp (e : exp) : varinfo list = A.epoints_to (traverse_expr e) let resolve_funptr (e : exp) : fundec list = let varinfos = A.epoints_to (traverse_expr e) in List.fold_left (fun fdecs -> fun vinf -> try F.find vinf !fun_varinfo_map :: fdecs with Not_found -> fdecs) [] varinfos let count_hash_elts h = let result = ref 0 in H.iter (fun _ -> fun _ -> incr result) lvalue_hash; !result let compute_may_aliases (b : bool) : unit = let rec compute_may_aliases_aux (exps : exp list) = match exps with [] -> () | h :: t -> ignore (List.map (may_alias h) t); compute_may_aliases_aux t and exprs : exp list ref = ref [] in H.iter (fun e -> fun _ -> exprs := e :: !exprs) expressions; compute_may_aliases_aux !exprs let compute_results (show_sets : bool) : unit = let total_pointed_to = ref 0 and total_lvalues = H.length lvalue_hash and counted_lvalues = ref 0 and lval_elts : (string * (string list)) list ref = ref [] in let print_result (name, set) = let rec print_set s = match s with [] -> () | h :: [] -> print_string h | h :: t -> print_string (h ^ ", "); print_set t and ptsize = List.length set in total_pointed_to := !total_pointed_to + ptsize; if ptsize > 0 then begin print_string (name ^ "(" ^ (string_of_int ptsize) ^ ") -> "); print_set set; print_newline () end in (* Make the most pessimistic assumptions about globals if an undefined function is present. Such a function can write to every global variable *) let hose_globals () : unit = List.iter (fun vd -> A.assign_undefined (analyze_var_decl vd)) !all_globals in let show_progress_fn (counted : int ref) (total : int) : unit = incr counted; if !show_progress then Printf.printf "Computed flow for %d of %d sets\n" !counted total in if !conservative_undefineds && !found_undefined then hose_globals (); A.finished_constraints (); if show_sets then begin print_endline "Computing points-to sets..."; Hashtbl.iter (fun vinf -> fun lv -> show_progress_fn counted_lvalues total_lvalues; try lval_elts := (vinf.vname, A.points_to_names lv) :: !lval_elts with A.UnknownLocation -> ()) lvalue_hash; List.iter print_result !lval_elts; Printf.printf "Total number of things pointed to: %d\n" !total_pointed_to end; if !debug_may_aliases then begin Printf.printf "Printing may alias relationships\n"; compute_may_aliases true end let print_types () : unit = print_string "Printing inferred types of lvalues...\n"; Hashtbl.iter (fun vi -> fun lv -> Printf.printf "%s : %s\n" vi.vname (A.string_of_lvalue lv)) lvalue_hash (** Alias queries. For each function, gather sets of locals, formals, and globals. Do n^2 work for each of these functions, reporting whether or not each pair of values is aliased. Aliasing is determined by taking points-to set intersections. *) let compute_aliases = compute_may_aliases (***********************************************************************) (* *) (* Abstract Location Interface *) (* *) (***********************************************************************) type absloc = A.absloc let rec lvalue_of_varinfo (vi : varinfo) : A.lvalue = H.find lvalue_hash vi let lvalue_of_lval = traverse_lval let tau_of_expr = traverse_expr (** return an abstract location for a varinfo, resp. lval *) let absloc_of_varinfo vi = A.absloc_of_lvalue (lvalue_of_varinfo vi) let absloc_of_lval lv = A.absloc_of_lvalue (lvalue_of_lval lv) let absloc_e_points_to e = A.absloc_epoints_to (tau_of_expr e) let absloc_lval_aliases lv = A.absloc_points_to (lvalue_of_lval lv) (* all abslocs that e transitively points to *) let absloc_e_transitive_points_to (e : Cil.exp) : absloc list = let rec lv_trans_ptsto (worklist : varinfo list) (acc : varinfo list) : absloc list = match worklist with [] -> List.map absloc_of_varinfo acc | vi :: wklst'' -> if List.mem vi acc then lv_trans_ptsto wklst'' acc else lv_trans_ptsto (List.rev_append (A.points_to (lvalue_of_varinfo vi)) wklst'') (vi :: acc) in lv_trans_ptsto (A.epoints_to (tau_of_expr e)) [] let absloc_eq a b = A.absloc_eq (a, b) let d_absloc: unit -> absloc -> Pretty.doc = A.d_absloc let ptrAnalysis = ref false let ptrResults = ref false let ptrTypes = ref false (** Turn this into a CIL feature *) let feature : featureDescr = { fd_name = "ptranal"; fd_enabled = ptrAnalysis; fd_description = "alias analysis"; fd_extraopt = [ ("--ptr_may_aliases", Arg.Unit (fun _ -> debug_may_aliases := true), "Print out results of may alias queries"); ("--ptr_unify", Arg.Unit (fun _ -> no_sub := true), "Make the alias analysis unification-based"); ("--ptr_model_strings", Arg.Unit (fun _ -> model_strings := true), "Make the alias analysis model string constants"); ("--ptr_conservative", Arg.Unit (fun _ -> conservative_undefineds := true), "Treat undefineds conservatively in alias analysis"); ("--ptr_results", Arg.Unit (fun _ -> ptrResults := true), "print the results of the alias analysis"); ("--ptr_mono", Arg.Unit (fun _ -> analyze_mono := true), "run alias analysis monomorphically"); ("--ptr_types",Arg.Unit (fun _ -> ptrTypes := true), "print inferred points-to analysis types") ]; fd_doit = (function (f: file) -> analyze_file f; compute_results !ptrResults; if !ptrTypes then print_types ()); fd_post_check = false (* No changes *) }