(* *********************************************************************) (* *) (* The Compcert verified compiler *) (* *) (* Xavier Leroy, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt *) (* *) (* Copyright Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en *) (* Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *) (* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *) (* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or *) (* (at your option) any later version. This file is also distributed *) (* under the terms of the INRIA Non-Commercial License Agreement. *) (* *) (* *********************************************************************) (* Elaboration from Cabs parse tree to C simplified, typed syntax tree *) (* Numbered references are to sections of the ISO C99 standard *) open Machine open Cabs open C open Diagnostics open !Cutil (** * Utility functions *) (* Error reporting *) let fatal_error loc fmt = fatal_error (loc.filename,loc.lineno) fmt let error loc fmt = error (loc.filename,loc.lineno) fmt let warning loc = warning (loc.filename,loc.lineno) let print_typ env fmt ty = match ty with | TNamed _ -> Format.fprintf fmt "'%a' (aka '%a')" Cprint.typ_raw ty Cprint.typ_raw (unroll env ty) | _ -> Format.fprintf fmt "'%a'" Cprint.typ_raw ty let pp_field fmt id = Format.fprintf fmt "%s" (if id <> "" then id else "") (* Error reporting for Env functions *) let wrap fn loc env arg = try fn env arg with Env.Error msg -> fatal_error loc "%s" (Env.error_message msg) let wrap2 fn loc env arg1 arg2 = try fn env arg1 arg2 with Env.Error msg -> fatal_error loc "%s" (Env.error_message msg) (* Translation of locations *) let elab_loc l = (l.filename, l.lineno) (* Buffering of the result (a list of topdecl *) let top_declarations = ref ([] : globdecl list) (* Environment that records the top declarations of functions and variables with external or internal linkage. Used for analyzing "extern" declarations. *) let top_environment = ref Env.empty (* Set of all globals with a definitions *) module StringSet = Set.Make(String) let global_defines = ref StringSet.empty let add_global_define loc name = if StringSet.mem name !global_defines then error loc "redefinition of '%s'" name; global_defines := StringSet.add name !global_defines let is_global_defined name = StringSet.mem name !global_defines let emit_elab ?(debuginfo = true) ?(linkage = false) env loc td = let loc = elab_loc loc in let dec ={ gdesc = td; gloc = loc } in if debuginfo then Debug.insert_global_declaration env dec; top_declarations := dec :: !top_declarations; if linkage then begin match td with | Gdecl(sto, id, ty, init) -> top_environment := Env.add_ident !top_environment id sto ty | Gfundef f -> top_environment := Env.add_ident !top_environment f.fd_name f.fd_storage (fundef_typ f) | _ -> () end let reset() = top_declarations := []; top_environment := Env.empty; global_defines := StringSet.empty let elaborated_program () = let p = !top_declarations in top_declarations := []; (* Reverse it and eliminate unreferenced declarations *) Cleanup.program p (* Monadic map for functions env -> 'a -> 'b * env *) let rec mmap f env = function | [] -> ([], env) | hd :: tl -> let (hd', env1) = f env hd in let (tl', env2) = mmap f env1 tl in (hd' :: tl', env2) let rec mmap2 f env l1 l2 = match l1,l2 with | [],[] -> [],env | a1::l1,a2::l2 -> let hd,env1 = f env a1 a2 in let tl,env2 = mmap2 f env1 l1 l2 in (hd::tl,env2) | _, _ -> invalid_arg "mmap2" (* To detect redefinitions within the same scope *) let previous_def fn env arg = try Some (fn env arg) with Env.Error _ -> None let redef fn env arg = match previous_def fn env arg with | None -> false | Some(id, info) -> Env.in_current_scope env id (* Auxiliaries for handling declarations and redeclarations *) let name_of_storage_class = function | Storage_default -> "" | Storage_extern -> "'extern'" | Storage_static -> "'static'" | Storage_auto -> "'auto'" | Storage_register -> "'register'" let combine_toplevel_definitions loc env s old_sto old_ty sto ty = let new_ty = match combine_types AttrCompat env old_ty ty with | Some new_ty -> new_ty | None -> error loc "redefinition of '%s' with a different type: %a vs %a" s (print_typ env) old_ty (print_typ env) ty; ty in if is_global_defined s then begin let old_attrs = attributes_of_type env old_ty and new_attrs = attributes_of_type env ty in if not (Cutil.incl_attributes new_attrs old_attrs) then warning loc Ignored_attributes "attribute declaration must precede definition" end; let new_sto = (* The only case not allowed is removing static *) match old_sto,sto with | Storage_static,Storage_static | Storage_extern,Storage_extern | Storage_default,Storage_default -> sto | _,Storage_static -> error loc "static declaration of '%s' follows non-static declaration" s; sto | Storage_static,_ -> Storage_static (* Static stays static *) | Storage_extern,_ -> sto | Storage_default,Storage_extern -> if is_global_defined s && is_function_type env ty then warning loc Extern_after_definition "this extern declaration follows a non-extern definition and is ignored"; Storage_extern | _,Storage_extern -> old_sto (* "auto" and "register" don't appear in toplevel definitions. Normally this was checked earlier. Generate error message instead of "assert false", just in case. *) | _,Storage_auto | Storage_auto,_ | _,Storage_register | Storage_register,_ -> error loc "unexpected %s declaration of '%s'" (name_of_storage_class sto) s; sto in (new_sto, new_ty) let enter_or_refine_ident_base local loc env new_id sto ty = let s = new_id.C.name in (* Check for illegal redefinitions: - a name that was previously a typedef - a variable that was already declared in the same local scope (unless both old and new declarations are extern) - an enum that was already declared in the same scope. Redefinition of a variable at global scope (or extern) is treated below. *) if redef Env.lookup_typedef env s then error loc "redefinition of '%s' as different kind of symbol" s; begin match previous_def Env.lookup_ident env s with | Some(old_id, Env.II_ident(old_sto, old_ty)) when local && Env.in_current_scope env old_id && not (sto = Storage_extern && old_sto = Storage_extern) -> error loc "redefinition of '%s'" s | Some(old_id, Env.II_enum _) when Env.in_current_scope env old_id -> error loc "redefinition of '%s' as different kind of symbol" s; | _ -> () end; (* For a block-scoped, "static" or "auto" or "register" variable, a new declaration is entered, and it has no linkage. *) if local && (sto = Storage_auto || sto = Storage_register || sto = Storage_static) then begin (new_id, sto, Env.add_ident env new_id sto ty, ty, false) end else begin (* For a file-scoped or "extern" variable, we need to check against prior declarations of this variable with internal or external linkage. The variable has linkage. *) match previous_def Env.lookup_ident !top_environment s with | Some(old_id, Env.II_ident(old_sto, old_ty)) -> let (new_sto, new_ty) = combine_toplevel_definitions loc env s old_sto old_ty sto ty in (old_id, new_sto, Env.add_ident env old_id new_sto new_ty, new_ty, true) | _ -> (new_id, sto, Env.add_ident env new_id sto ty, ty, true) end (* We use two variants of [enter_or_refine]: - [enter_or_refine_ident] is to be used for all declarations, block-scoped ([local = true]) or top-level ([local = false]). The name of the declared thing is given as a string [s]. If a previous declaration with this name exists in the current scope, its unique identifier is returned. Otherwise a fresh identifier named [s] is created in the current scope of [env] and returned. - [enter_or_refine_function] is to be used for function definitions. Such definitions are always global, hence the [local] parameter defaults to [false] and is omitted. The function name is given as an identifier, created in advance by the caller. This identifier is used if no previous declaration exists for the function. Otherwise, the identifier of the previous declaration is used. By creating the identifier in advance, [elab_fundef] makes sure that it is properly scoped to file scope and not to the local scope of function parameters. *) let enter_or_refine_ident local loc env s sto ty = enter_or_refine_ident_base local loc env (Env.fresh_ident s) sto ty let enter_or_refine_function loc env id sto ty = enter_or_refine_ident_base false loc env id sto ty (* Forward declarations *) let elab_expr_f : (cabsloc -> Env.t -> Cabs.expression -> C.exp * Env.t) ref = ref (fun _ _ _ -> assert false) let elab_funbody_f : (C.typ -> bool -> bool -> Env.t -> statement -> C.stmt) ref = ref (fun _ _ _ _ _ -> assert false) (** * Elaboration of constants - C99 section 6.4.4 *) let has_suffix s suff = let ls = String.length s and lsuff = String.length suff in ls >= lsuff && String.sub s (ls - lsuff) lsuff = suff let chop_last s n = assert (String.length s >= n); String.sub s 0 (String.length s - n) let has_prefix s pref = let ls = String.length s and lpref = String.length pref in ls >= lpref && String.sub s 0 lpref = pref let chop_first s n = assert (String.length s >= n); String.sub s n (String.length s - n) exception Overflow exception Bad_digit let parse_int base s = let max_val = (* (2^64-1) / base, unsigned *) match base with | 8 -> 2305843009213693951L | 10 -> 1844674407370955161L | 16 -> 1152921504606846975L | _ -> assert false in let v = ref 0L in for i = 0 to String.length s - 1 do if !v < 0L || !v > max_val then raise Overflow; v := Int64.mul !v (Int64.of_int base); let c = s.[i] in let digit = if c >= '0' && c <= '9' then Char.code c - 48 else if c >= 'A' && c <= 'F' then Char.code c - 55 else raise Bad_digit in if digit >= base then raise Bad_digit; v := Int64.add !v (Int64.of_int digit) done; !v let integer_representable v ik = let bitsize = sizeof_ikind ik * 8 and signed = is_signed_ikind ik in if bitsize >= 64 then (not signed) || (v >= 0L && v <= 0x7FFF_FFFF_FFFF_FFFFL) else if not signed then v >= 0L && v < Int64.shift_left 1L bitsize else v >= 0L && v < Int64.shift_left 1L (bitsize - 1) let elab_int_constant loc s0 = let s = String.map (fun d -> match d with | '0'..'9' | 'A'..'F' | 'L' | 'U' | 'X' -> d | 'a'..'f' | 'l' | 'u' | 'x' -> Char.chr (Char.code d - 32) | _ -> error loc "bad digit '%c' in integer literal '%s'" d s0; d) s0 in (* Determine possible types and chop type suffix *) let (s, dec_kinds, hex_kinds) = if has_suffix s "ULL" || has_suffix s "LLU" then (chop_last s 3, [IULongLong], [IULongLong]) else if has_suffix s "LL" then (chop_last s 2, [ILongLong], [ILongLong; IULongLong]) else if has_suffix s "UL" || has_suffix s "LU" then (chop_last s 2, [IULong; IULongLong], [IULong; IULongLong]) else if has_suffix s "L" then (chop_last s 1, [ILong; ILongLong], [ILong; IULong; ILongLong; IULongLong]) else if has_suffix s "U" then (chop_last s 1, [IUInt; IULong; IULongLong], [IUInt; IULong; IULongLong]) else (s, [IInt; ILong; ILongLong], [IInt; IUInt; ILong; IULong; ILongLong; IULongLong]) in (* Determine base *) let (s, base) = if has_prefix s "0X" then (chop_first s 2, 16) else if has_prefix s "0" then (chop_first s 1, 8) else (s, 10) in (* Parse digits *) let v = try parse_int base s with | Overflow -> error loc "integer literal '%s' is too large to be represented in any integer type" s0; 0L | Bad_digit -> (*error loc "bad digit in integer literal '%s'" s0;*) (* Is caught earlier *) 0L in (* Find smallest allowable type that fits *) let ty = try List.find (fun ty -> integer_representable v ty) (if base = 10 then dec_kinds else hex_kinds) with Not_found -> error loc "integer literal '%s' cannot be represented" s0; IInt in (v, ty) let elab_float_constant f = let ty = match f.suffix_FI with | Some ("l"|"L") -> FLongDouble | Some ("f"|"F") -> FFloat | None -> FDouble | _ -> assert false (* The lexer should not accept anything else. *) in let v = { hex=f.isHex_FI; intPart=begin match f.integer_FI with Some s -> s | None -> "0" end; fracPart=begin match f.fraction_FI with Some s -> s | None -> "0" end; exp=begin match f.exponent_FI with Some s -> s | None -> "0" end } in (v, ty) let elab_char_constant loc wide chars = let nbits = if wide then 8 * !config.sizeof_wchar else 8 in (* Treat multi-char constants as a number in base 2^nbits *) let max_digit = Int64.shift_left 1L nbits in let max_val = Int64.shift_left 1L (64 - nbits) in let v,_ = List.fold_left (fun (acc,err) d -> if not err then begin let overflow = acc < 0L || acc >= max_val and out_of_range = d < 0L || d >= max_digit in if overflow then error loc "character constant too long for its type"; if out_of_range then error loc "escape sequence is out of range (code 0x%LX)" d; Int64.add (Int64.shift_left acc nbits) d,overflow || out_of_range end else Int64.add (Int64.shift_left acc nbits) d,true ) (0L,false) chars in if not (integer_representable v IInt) then warning loc Unnamed "character constant too long for its type"; (* C99 item 10: single character -> represent at type char or wchar_t *) Ceval.normalize_int v (if List.length chars = 1 then if wide then wchar_ikind() else IChar else IInt) let elab_string_literal loc wide chars = let nbits = if wide then 8 * !config.sizeof_wchar else 8 in let char_max = Int64.shift_left 1L nbits in List.iter (fun c -> if c < 0L || c >= char_max then error loc "escape sequence is out of range (code 0x%LX)" c) chars; if wide then CWStr chars else begin let res = Bytes.create (List.length chars) in List.iteri (fun i c -> Bytes.set res i (Char.unsafe_chr (Int64.to_int c))) chars; CStr (Bytes.to_string res) end let elab_constant loc = function | CONST_INT s -> let (v, ik) = elab_int_constant loc s in CInt(v, ik, s) | CONST_FLOAT f -> let (v, fk) = elab_float_constant f in CFloat(v, fk) | CONST_CHAR(wide, s) -> CInt(elab_char_constant loc wide s, IInt, "") | CONST_STRING(wide, s) -> elab_string_literal loc wide s let elab_simple_string loc wide chars = match elab_string_literal loc wide chars with | CStr s -> s | _ -> error loc "cannot use wide string literal in 'asm'"; "" (** * Elaboration of type expressions, type specifiers, name declarations *) (* Elaboration of attributes *) exception Wrong_attr_arg let elab_attr_arg loc env a = match a with | VARIABLE s -> begin try match Env.lookup_ident env s with | (id, Env.II_ident(sto, ty)) -> AIdent s | (id, Env.II_enum v) -> AInt v with Env.Error _ -> AIdent s end | _ -> let b,env = !elab_expr_f loc env a in match Ceval.constant_expr env b.etyp b with | Some(CInt(n, _, _)) -> AInt n | Some(CStr s) -> AString s | _ -> raise Wrong_attr_arg let elab_gcc_attr_word = function | GCC_ATTR_IDENT s -> s | GCC_ATTR_CONST -> "const" | GCC_ATTR_PACKED -> "__packed__" let elab_gcc_attr loc env = function | GCC_ATTR_EMPTY -> [] | GCC_ATTR_NOARGS w -> let v = elab_gcc_attr_word w in [Attr(v, [])] | GCC_ATTR_ARGS (w, args) -> let v = elab_gcc_attr_word w in begin try [Attr(v, List.map (elab_attr_arg loc env) args)] with Wrong_attr_arg -> warning loc Unknown_attribute "unknown attribute '%s' ignored" v; [] end let is_power_of_two n = n > 0L && Int64.logand n (Int64.pred n) = 0L (* Check alignment parameter *) let check_alignment loc n = if not (is_power_of_two n || n = 0L) then begin error loc "requested alignment %Ld is not a power of 2" n; false end else if n <> Int64.of_int (Int64.to_int n) then begin error loc "requested alignment %Ld is too large" n; false end else true (* Process GCC attributes that have special significance. Currently we have two: "aligned" and "packed". *) let enter_gcc_attr loc a = match a with | Attr(("aligned"|"__aligned__"), args) -> begin match args with | [AInt n] -> if check_alignment loc n then [a] else [] | [_] -> error loc "requested alignment is not an integer constant"; [] | [] -> [] (* Use default alignment, like gcc does *) | _ -> error loc "'aligned' attribute takes no more than 1 argument"; [] end | Attr(("packed"|"__packed__"), args) -> begin match args with | [] -> [a] | [AInt n] -> if check_alignment loc n then [a] else [] | [AInt n; AInt p] -> if check_alignment loc n && check_alignment loc p then [a] else [] | [AInt n; AInt p; AInt q] when q = 0L || q = 1L -> if check_alignment loc n && check_alignment loc p then [a] else [] | _ -> error loc "ill-formed 'packed' attribute"; [] end | _ -> [a] let elab_attribute env = function | GCC_ATTR (l, loc) -> List.fold_left add_attributes [] (List.map (enter_gcc_attr loc) (List.flatten (List.map (elab_gcc_attr loc env) l))) | PACKED_ATTR (args, loc) -> begin try enter_gcc_attr loc (Attr("__packed__", List.map (elab_attr_arg loc env) args)) with Wrong_attr_arg -> error loc "ill-formed 'packed' attribute"; [] end | ALIGNAS_ATTR ([a], loc) -> warning loc Celeven_extension "'_Alignas' is a C11 extension"; begin match elab_attr_arg loc env a with | AInt n -> if check_alignment loc n then [AAlignas (Int64.to_int n)] else [] | _ -> error loc "requested alignment is not an integer constant"; [] | exception Wrong_attr_arg -> error loc "bad _Alignas value"; [] end | ALIGNAS_ATTR (_, loc) -> error loc "_Alignas takes no more than 1 argument"; [] let elab_attributes env al = List.fold_left add_attributes [] (List.map (elab_attribute env) al) (* Warning for alignment requests that reduce the alignment below the natural alignment. *) let warn_if_reduced_alignment loc ~actual ~natural = match actual, natural with | Some act, Some nat when act < nat -> warning loc Reduced_alignment "requested alignment (%d) is less than natural alignment (%d)" act nat | _, _ -> () let check_reduced_alignment loc env typ = warn_if_reduced_alignment loc ~actual: (wrap alignof loc env typ) ~natural: (wrap alignof loc env (erase_attributes_type env typ)) (* Auxiliary for typespec elaboration *) let typespec_rank = function (* Don't change this *) | Cabs.Tvoid -> 0 | Cabs.Tsigned -> 1 | Cabs.Tunsigned -> 2 | Cabs.Tchar -> 3 | Cabs.Tshort -> 4 | Cabs.Tlong -> 5 | Cabs.Tint -> 6 | Cabs.Tfloat -> 8 | Cabs.Tdouble -> 9 | Cabs.T_Bool -> 10 | _ -> 11 (* There should be at most one of the others *) let typespec_order t1 t2 = compare (typespec_rank t1) (typespec_rank t2) (* Auxiliary for type declarator elaboration. Remove the non-type-related attributes from the given type and return those attributes separately. If the type is a function type, keep function-related attributes attached to the type. *) let get_nontype_attrs env ty = let to_be_removed a = match class_of_attribute a with | Attr_type -> false | Attr_function -> not (is_function_type env ty) | _ -> true in let nta = List.filter to_be_removed (attributes_of_type_no_expand ty) in (remove_attributes_type env nta ty, nta) (* Elaboration of a type specifier. Returns 6-tuple: (storage class, "inline" flag, "noreturn" flag, "typedef" flag, elaborated type, new env) Optional argument "only" is true if this is a standalone struct or union declaration, without variable names. C99 section 6.7.2. *) let rec elab_specifier ?(only = false) loc env specifier = (* We first divide the parts of the specifier as follows: - a storage class - a set of attributes (const, volatile, restrict) - a list of type specifiers *) let sto = ref Storage_default and inline = ref false and noreturn = ref false and restrict = ref false and attr = ref [] and tyspecs = ref [] and typedef = ref false in let do_specifier = function | SpecCV cv -> restrict := cv = CV_RESTRICT; attr := add_attributes (elab_cvspec env cv) !attr | SpecStorage st -> if !sto <> Storage_default && st <> TYPEDEF then error loc "multiple storage classes in declaration specifier"; begin match st with | AUTO -> sto := Storage_auto | STATIC -> sto := Storage_static | EXTERN -> sto := Storage_extern | REGISTER -> sto := Storage_register | TYPEDEF -> if !typedef then error loc "multiple uses of 'typedef'"; typedef := true end | SpecFunction INLINE -> inline := true | SpecFunction NORETURN -> noreturn := true | SpecType tys -> tyspecs := tys :: !tyspecs in let restrict_check ty = if !restrict then if not (is_pointer_type env ty) then error loc "restrict requires a pointer type (%a is invalid)" (print_typ env) ty else if is_function_pointer_type env ty then error loc "pointer to function type %a may not be 'restrict' qualified" (print_typ env) ty in List.iter do_specifier specifier; let simple ty = restrict_check ty; (!sto, !inline, !noreturn ,!typedef, add_attributes_type !attr ty, env) in (* Partition !attr into name- and struct-related attributes, which are returned, and other attributes, which are left in !attr. The returned name-or-struct-related attributes are applied to the struct/union/enum being defined. The leftover attributes (e.g. object attributes) will be applied to the variable being defined. *) let get_definition_attrs () = let (ta, nta) = List.partition (fun a -> match class_of_attribute a with | Attr_struct | Attr_name -> true | _ -> false) !attr in attr := nta; ta in (* Now interpret the list of type specifiers. Much of this code is stolen from CIL. *) match List.stable_sort typespec_order (List.rev !tyspecs) with | [Cabs.Tvoid] -> simple (TVoid []) | [Cabs.T_Bool] -> simple (TInt(IBool, [])) | [Cabs.Tchar] -> simple (TInt(IChar, [])) | [Cabs.Tsigned; Cabs.Tchar] -> simple (TInt(ISChar, [])) | [Cabs.Tunsigned; Cabs.Tchar] -> simple (TInt(IUChar, [])) | [Cabs.Tshort] -> simple (TInt(IShort, [])) | [Cabs.Tsigned; Cabs.Tshort] -> simple (TInt(IShort, [])) | [Cabs.Tshort; Cabs.Tint] -> simple (TInt(IShort, [])) | [Cabs.Tsigned; Cabs.Tshort; Cabs.Tint] -> simple (TInt(IShort, [])) | [Cabs.Tunsigned; Cabs.Tshort] -> simple (TInt(IUShort, [])) | [Cabs.Tunsigned; Cabs.Tshort; Cabs.Tint] -> simple (TInt(IUShort, [])) | [] -> simple (TInt(IInt, [])) | [Cabs.Tint] -> simple (TInt(IInt, [])) | [Cabs.Tsigned] -> simple (TInt(IInt, [])) | [Cabs.Tsigned; Cabs.Tint] -> simple (TInt(IInt, [])) | [Cabs.Tunsigned] -> simple (TInt(IUInt, [])) | [Cabs.Tunsigned; Cabs.Tint] -> simple (TInt(IUInt, [])) | [Cabs.Tlong] -> simple (TInt(ILong, [])) | [Cabs.Tsigned; Cabs.Tlong] -> simple (TInt(ILong, [])) | [Cabs.Tlong; Cabs.Tint] -> simple (TInt(ILong, [])) | [Cabs.Tsigned; Cabs.Tlong; Cabs.Tint] -> simple (TInt(ILong, [])) | [Cabs.Tunsigned; Cabs.Tlong] -> simple (TInt(IULong, [])) | [Cabs.Tunsigned; Cabs.Tlong; Cabs.Tint] -> simple (TInt(IULong, [])) | [Cabs.Tlong; Cabs.Tlong] -> simple (TInt(ILongLong, [])) | [Cabs.Tsigned; Cabs.Tlong; Cabs.Tlong] -> simple (TInt(ILongLong, [])) | [Cabs.Tlong; Cabs.Tlong; Cabs.Tint] -> simple (TInt(ILongLong, [])) | [Cabs.Tsigned; Cabs.Tlong; Cabs.Tlong; Cabs.Tint] -> simple (TInt(ILongLong, [])) | [Cabs.Tunsigned; Cabs.Tlong; Cabs.Tlong] -> simple (TInt(IULongLong, [])) | [Cabs.Tunsigned; Cabs.Tlong; Cabs.Tlong; Cabs.Tint] -> simple (TInt(IULongLong, [])) | [Cabs.Tfloat] -> simple (TFloat(FFloat, [])) | [Cabs.Tdouble] -> simple (TFloat(FDouble, [])) | [Cabs.Tlong; Cabs.Tdouble] -> simple (TFloat(FLongDouble, [])) (* Now the other type specifiers *) | [Cabs.Tnamed id] -> let (id', info) = wrap Env.lookup_typedef loc env id in simple (TNamed(id', [])) | [Cabs.Tstruct_union(STRUCT, id, optmembers, a)] -> let a' = add_attributes (get_definition_attrs()) (elab_attributes env a) in let (id', env') = elab_struct_or_union only Struct loc id optmembers a' env in let ty = TStruct(id', !attr) in restrict_check ty; (!sto, !inline, !noreturn, !typedef, ty, env') | [Cabs.Tstruct_union(UNION, id, optmembers, a)] -> let a' = add_attributes (get_definition_attrs()) (elab_attributes env a) in let (id', env') = elab_struct_or_union only Union loc id optmembers a' env in let ty = TUnion(id', !attr) in restrict_check ty; (!sto, !inline, !noreturn, !typedef, ty, env') | [Cabs.Tenum(id, optmembers, a)] -> let a' = add_attributes (get_definition_attrs()) (elab_attributes env a) in let (id', env') = elab_enum only loc id optmembers a' env in let ty = TEnum (id', !attr) in restrict_check ty; (!sto, !inline, !noreturn, !typedef, ty, env') (* Specifier doesn't make sense *) | _ -> fatal_error loc "illegal combination of type specifiers" (* Elaboration of a type qualifier. *) and elab_cvspec env = function | CV_CONST -> [AConst] | CV_VOLATILE -> [AVolatile] | CV_RESTRICT -> [ARestrict] | CV_ATTR attr -> elab_attribute env attr and elab_cvspecs env cv_specs = List.fold_left add_attributes [] (List.map (elab_cvspec env) cv_specs) (* Elaboration of a type declarator. C99 section 6.7.5. *) and elab_return_type loc env ty = match unroll env ty with | TArray _ -> error loc "function cannot return array type %a" (print_typ env) ty | TFun _ -> error loc "function cannot return function type %a" (print_typ env) ty | _ -> () (* The [?fundef] parameter is true if we're elaborating a function definition and false otherwise. When [fundef = true], K&R function declarators are allowed, and the returned environment includes bindings for the function parameters and the struct/unions they may define. When [fundef = false], K&R function declarators are rejected and declarations in parameters are not returned. *) and elab_type_declarator ?(fundef = false) loc env ty = function | Cabs.JUSTBASE -> ((ty, None), env) | Cabs.ARRAY(d, cv_specs, sz) -> let (ty, a) = get_nontype_attrs env ty in let a = add_attributes a (elab_cvspecs env cv_specs) in if wrap incomplete_type loc env ty then error loc "array type has incomplete element type %a" (print_typ env) ty; if wrap contains_flex_array_mem loc env ty then warning loc Flexible_array_extensions "%a may not be used as an array element due to flexible array member" (print_typ env) ty; let sz' = match sz with | None -> None | Some sz -> let expr,env = (!elab_expr_f loc env sz) in match Ceval.integer_expr env expr with | Some n -> if n < 0L then error loc "size of array is negative"; if n = 0L then warning loc Zero_length_array "zero size arrays are an extension"; if not (Cutil.valid_array_size env ty n) then error loc "size of array is too large"; Some n | None -> error loc "size of array is not a compile-time constant"; Some 1L in (* produces better error messages later *) elab_type_declarator ~fundef loc env (TArray(ty, sz', a)) d | Cabs.PTR(cv_specs, d) -> let (ty, a) = get_nontype_attrs env ty in let a = add_attributes a (elab_cvspecs env cv_specs) in if is_function_type env ty && incl_attributes [ARestrict] a then error loc "pointer to function type %a may not be 'restrict' qualified" (print_typ env) ty; elab_type_declarator ~fundef loc env (TPtr(ty, a)) d | Cabs.PROTO(d, (params, vararg)) -> elab_return_type loc env ty; let (ty, a) = get_nontype_attrs env ty in let (params', env') = elab_parameters env params in (* For a function declaration (fundef = false), the scope introduced to treat parameters ends here, so we discard the extended environment env' returned by elab_parameters. For a function definition (fundef = true) we return the extended environment env' so that it can serve as the basis to elaborating the function body. *) let env'' = if fundef then env' else env in elab_type_declarator ~fundef loc env'' (TFun(ty, Some params', vararg, a)) d | Cabs.PROTO_OLD(d, params) -> elab_return_type loc env ty; let (ty, a) = get_nontype_attrs env ty in (* For consistency with the PROTO case above, for a function definition (fundef = true) we open a new scope, even though we do not add any bindings for the parameters. *) let env'' = if fundef then Env.new_scope env else env in match params with | [] -> elab_type_declarator ~fundef loc env'' (TFun(ty, None, false, a)) d | _ -> if not fundef || d <> Cabs.JUSTBASE then fatal_error loc "illegal old-style K&R function definition"; ((TFun(ty, None, false, a), Some params), env'') (* Elaboration of parameters in a prototype *) and elab_parameters env params = (* Prototype introduces a new scope *) let (vars, env) = mmap elab_parameter (Env.new_scope env) params in (* Catch special case f(t) where t is void or a typedef to void *) match vars with | [ ( {C.name=""}, t) ] when is_void_type env t -> [],env | _ -> vars,env (* Elaboration of a function parameter *) and elab_parameter env (PARAM (spec, id, decl, attr, loc)) = let (sto, inl, noret, tydef, bty, env1) = elab_specifier loc env spec in if tydef then error loc "'typedef' used in function parameter"; let ((ty, _), _) = elab_type_declarator loc env1 bty decl in let ty = add_attributes_type (elab_attributes env attr) ty in if sto <> Storage_default && sto <> Storage_register then error loc (* NB: 'auto' not allowed *) "invalid storage class %s for function parameter" (name_of_storage_class sto); if inl then error loc "'inline' can only appear on functions"; if noret then error loc "'_Noreturn' can only appear on functions"; let id = match id with None -> "" | Some id -> id in if id <> "" && is_void_type env1 ty then error loc "argument '%s' may not have 'void' type" id; if id <> "" && redef Env.lookup_ident env id then error loc "redefinition of parameter '%s'" id; (* replace array and function types by pointer types *) let ty1 = argument_conversion env1 ty in if is_qualified_array ty1 then error loc "type qualifier used in non-outermost array type derivation"; if has_std_alignas env ty then begin if id <> "" then error loc "alignment specified for parameter '%s'" id else error loc "alignment specified for unnamed parameter" end; let (id', env2) = Env.enter_ident env1 id sto ty1 in ( (id', ty1) , env2) (* Elaboration of a (specifier, Cabs "name") pair as found in a function definition. Returns two environments: the first is [env] enriched with struct/union definitions from the return type, as usual; the second is like the first, plus a new scope. For a prototyped function ([kr_params = None]) the new scope includes bindings for the function parameters and the struct/unions they may define. For a K&R function ([kr_params <> None]) the new scope is empty. *) and elab_fundef_name env spec (Name (s, decl, attr, loc)) = let (sto, inl, noret, tydef, bty, env') = elab_specifier loc env spec in if tydef then error loc "'typedef' is forbidden here"; let id = Env.fresh_ident s in let ((ty, kr_params), env'') = elab_type_declarator ~fundef:true loc env' bty decl in let a = elab_attributes env attr in (id, sto, inl, noret, add_attributes_type a ty, kr_params, env', env'') (* Elaboration of a name group. C99 section 6.7.6 *) and elab_name_group loc env (spec, namelist) = let (sto, inl, noret, tydef, bty, env') = elab_specifier loc env spec in if tydef then error loc "'typedef' is forbidden here"; if inl then error loc "'inline' is forbidden here"; if noret then error loc "'_Noreturn' is forbidden here"; let elab_one_name env (Name (id, decl, attr, loc)) = let ((ty, _), env1) = elab_type_declarator loc env bty decl in let a = elab_attributes env attr in ((id, add_attributes_type a ty), env1) in (mmap elab_one_name env' namelist, sto) (* Elaboration of an init-name group *) and elab_init_name_group loc env (spec, namelist) = let (sto, inl, noret, tydef, bty, env') = elab_specifier ~only:(namelist=[]) loc env spec in if noret && tydef then error loc "'_Noreturn' can only appear on functions"; let elab_one_name env (Init_name (Name (id, decl, attr, loc), init)) = let ((ty, _), env1) = elab_type_declarator loc env bty decl in let a = elab_attributes env attr in let has_fun_typ = is_function_type env ty in if inl && not has_fun_typ then error loc "'inline' can only appear on functions"; let a' = if noret then begin warning loc Celeven_extension "_Noreturn functions are a C11 extension"; if not has_fun_typ then error loc "'_Noreturn' can only appear on functions"; add_attributes [Attr("noreturn",[])] a end else a in if has_std_alignas env ty && has_fun_typ then error loc "alignment specified for function '%s'" id; ((id, add_attributes_type a' ty, init), env1) in (mmap elab_one_name env' namelist, sto, tydef) (* Elaboration of a field group *) and elab_field_group env (Field_group (spec, fieldlist, loc)) = let fieldlist = List.map (function (None, x) -> (Name ("", JUSTBASE, [], loc), x) | (Some n, x) -> (n, x)) fieldlist in let ((names, env'), sto) = elab_name_group loc env (spec, List.map fst fieldlist) in if sto <> Storage_default then error loc "non-default storage in struct or union"; if fieldlist = [] then (* This should actually never be triggered, empty structs are captured earlier *) warning loc Missing_declarations "declaration does not declare anything"; let elab_bitfield env (Name (_, _, _, loc), optbitsize) (id, ty) = let optbitsize',env' = match optbitsize with | None -> None,env | Some sz -> let ik = match unroll env' ty with | TInt(ik, _) -> ik | TEnum(_, _) -> enum_ikind | _ -> ILongLong (* trigger next error message *) in if integer_rank ik > integer_rank IInt then begin error loc "the type of bit-field '%a' must be an integer type no bigger than 'int'" pp_field id; None,env end else if has_std_alignas env' ty then begin error loc "alignment specified for bit-field '%a'" pp_field id; None, env end else begin let expr,env' =(!elab_expr_f loc env sz) in match Ceval.integer_expr env' expr with | Some n -> if n < 0L then begin error loc "bit-field '%a' has negative width (%Ld)" pp_field id n; None,env end else let max = Int64.of_int(sizeof_ikind ik * 8) in if n > max then begin error loc "size of bit-field '%a' (%Ld bits) exceeds its type (%Ld bits)" pp_field id n max; None,env end else if n = 0L && id <> "" then begin error loc "named bit-field '%a' has zero width" pp_field id; None,env end else Some(Int64.to_int n),env' | None -> error loc "bit-field '%a' width not an integer constant" pp_field id; None,env end in if is_qualified_array ty then error loc "type qualifier used in array declarator outside of function prototype"; let anon_composite = is_anonymous_composite ty in if id = "" && not anon_composite && optbitsize = None then warning loc Missing_declarations "declaration does not declare anything"; { fld_name = id; fld_typ = ty; fld_bitfield = optbitsize'; fld_anonymous = id = "" && anon_composite},env' in (mmap2 elab_bitfield env' fieldlist names) (* Elaboration of a struct or union. C99 section *) and elab_struct_or_union_info kind loc env members attrs = let (m, env') = mmap elab_field_group env members in let m = List.flatten m in let m,_ = mmap (fun c fld -> if fld.fld_anonymous then let name = Printf.sprintf "_%d" c in {fld with fld_name = name},c+1 else fld,c) 0 m in let rec duplicate acc = function | [] -> () | fld::rest -> if fld.fld_anonymous then begin let rest = match unroll env fld.fld_typ with | TStruct (id,_) -> warning loc Celeven_extension "anonymous structs/unions are a C11 extension"; let str = Env.find_struct env' id in str.Env.ci_members@rest | TUnion (id,_) -> warning loc Celeven_extension "anonymous structs/unions are a C11 extension"; let union = Env.find_union env' id in union.Env.ci_members@rest | _ -> rest in duplicate acc rest end else if fld.fld_name <> "" then begin if List.exists ((=) fld.fld_name) acc then error loc "duplicate member '%a'" pp_field fld.fld_name; duplicate (fld.fld_name::acc) rest end else duplicate acc rest in duplicate [] m; (* Check for incomplete types *) let rec check_incomplete only = function | [] -> () | [ { fld_typ = TArray(ty_elt, None, _) as typ; fld_name = name } ] when kind = Struct -> (* C99: ty[] allowed as last field of a struct, provided this is not the only field *) if only then error loc "flexible array member '%a' not allowed in otherwise empty struct" pp_field name; check_reduced_alignment loc env' typ | fld :: rem -> if wrap incomplete_type loc env' fld.fld_typ then (* Must be fatal otherwise we get problems constructing the init *) fatal_error loc "member '%a' has incomplete type" pp_field fld.fld_name; if wrap contains_flex_array_mem loc env' fld.fld_typ && kind = Struct then warning loc Flexible_array_extensions "%a may not be used as a struct member due to flexible array member" (print_typ env) fld.fld_typ; check_reduced_alignment loc env' fld.fld_typ; check_incomplete false rem in check_incomplete true m; (* Warn for empty structs or unions *) if m = [] then if kind = Struct then begin warning loc Gnu_empty_struct "empty struct is a GNU extension" end else begin fatal_error loc "empty union is a GNU extension" end; let ci = composite_info_def env' kind attrs m in (* Warn for reduced alignment *) if attrs <> [] then begin let ci_nat = composite_info_def env' kind [] m in warn_if_reduced_alignment loc ~actual:ci.Env.ci_alignof ~natural:ci_nat.Env.ci_alignof end; (* Final result *) (composite_info_def env' kind attrs m, env') and elab_struct_or_union only kind loc tag optmembers attrs env = let warn_attrs () = if attrs <> [] then warning loc Ignored_attributes "attribute declaration must precede definition" in let optbinding, tag = match tag with | None -> None, "" | Some s -> if redef Env.lookup_enum env s then error loc "'%s' redeclared as different kind of symbol" s; Env.lookup_composite env s, s in match optbinding, optmembers with | Some(tag', ci), None when (not only) || Env.in_current_scope env tag' -> (* Reference to an already declared struct or union. Special case: if this is an "only" declaration (without variable names) and the composite was bound in another scope, create a new incomplete composite instead via the case "_, None" below. *) if ci.Env.ci_kind <> kind then fatal_error loc "use of '%s' with tag type that does not match previous declaration" tag; warn_attrs(); (tag', env) | Some(tag', ({Env.ci_sizeof = None} as ci)), Some members when Env.in_current_scope env tag' -> if ci.Env.ci_kind <> kind then fatal_error loc "use of '%s' with tag type that does not match previous declaration" tag; (* finishing the definition of an incomplete struct or union *) let (ci', env') = elab_struct_or_union_info kind loc env members attrs in (* Emit a global definition for it *) emit_elab env' loc (Gcompositedef(kind, tag', attrs, ci'.Env.ci_members)); (* Replace infos but keep same ident *) (tag', Env.add_composite env' tag' ci') | Some(tag', {Env.ci_sizeof = Some _}), Some _ when Env.in_current_scope env tag' -> fatal_error loc "redefinition of struct or union '%s'" tag | _, None -> (* declaration of an incomplete struct or union *) if tag = "" then error loc "anonymous, incomplete struct or union"; let ci = composite_info_decl kind attrs in (* enter it with a new name *) let (tag', env') = Env.enter_composite env tag ci in (* emit it *) emit_elab env' loc (Gcompositedecl(kind, tag', attrs)); (tag', env') | _, Some members -> (* definition of a complete struct or union *) let ci1 = composite_info_decl kind attrs in (* enter it, incomplete, with a new name *) let (tag', env') = Env.enter_composite env tag ci1 in (* emit a declaration so that inner structs and unions can refer to it *) emit_elab env' loc (Gcompositedecl(kind, tag', attrs)); (* elaborate the members *) let (ci2, env'') = elab_struct_or_union_info kind loc env' members attrs in (* emit a definition *) emit_elab env'' loc (Gcompositedef(kind, tag', attrs, ci2.Env.ci_members)); (* Replace infos but keep same ident *) (tag', Env.add_composite env'' tag' ci2) (* Elaboration of an enum item. C99 section *) and elab_enum_item env ((s, exp), loc) nextval = let (v, exp') = match exp with | None -> (nextval, None) | Some exp -> let exp',env = !elab_expr_f loc env exp in match Ceval.integer_expr env exp' with | Some n -> (n, Some exp') | None -> error loc "value of enumerator '%s' is not an integer constant" s; (nextval, Some exp') in if redef Env.lookup_ident env s then error loc "'%s' redeclared as different kind of symbol" s; if redef Env.lookup_typedef env s then error loc "'%s' redeclared as different kind of symbol" s; if not (int_representable v (8 * sizeof_ikind enum_ikind) (is_signed_ikind enum_ikind)) then warning loc Constant_conversion "integer literal '%Ld' is too large to be represented in the enumeration integer type" v; let (id, env') = Env.enter_enum_item env s v in ((id, v, exp'), Int64.succ v, env') (* Elaboration of an enumeration declaration. C99 section *) and elab_enum only loc tag optmembers attrs env = let tag = match tag with | None -> "" | Some s -> if redef Env.lookup_struct env s || redef Env.lookup_union env s then error loc "'%s' redeclared as different kind of symbol" s; s in match optmembers with | None -> if only && not (redef Env.lookup_enum env tag) then fatal_error loc "forward declaration of 'enum %s' is not allowed in ISO C" tag; let (tag', info) = wrap Env.lookup_enum loc env tag in (tag', env) | Some members -> if tag <> "" && redef Env.lookup_enum env tag then error loc "redefinition of 'enum %s'" tag; let rec elab_members env nextval = function | [] -> ([], env) | hd :: tl -> let (dcl1, nextval1, env1) = elab_enum_item env hd nextval in let (dcl2, env2) = elab_members env1 nextval1 tl in (dcl1 :: dcl2, env2) in let (dcls, env') = elab_members env 0L members in let info = { Env.ei_members = dcls; ei_attr = attrs } in let (tag', env'') = Env.enter_enum env' tag info in emit_elab env' loc (Genumdef(tag', attrs, dcls)); (tag', env'') (* Elaboration of a naked type, e.g. in a cast *) let elab_type loc env spec decl = let (sto, inl, noret, tydef, bty, env') = elab_specifier loc env spec in let ((ty, _), env'') = elab_type_declarator loc env' bty decl in (* NB: it seems the parser doesn't accept any of the specifiers below. We keep the error message as extra safety. *) if sto <> Storage_default || inl || noret || tydef then error loc "'typedef', 'extern', 'static', 'auto', 'register' and 'inline' are meaningless in cast"; (ty, env'') (* Elaboration of initializers. C99 section 6.7.8 *) let init_char_array_string opt_size s = let len = Int64.of_int (String.length s) in let size = match opt_size with | Some sz -> sz | None -> Int64.succ len (* include final 0 character *) in let rec add_chars i init = if i < 0L then init else begin let c = if i < len then Int64.of_int (Char.code s.[Int64.to_int i]) else 0L in add_chars (Int64.pred i) (Init_single (intconst c IInt) :: init) end in Init_array (add_chars (Int64.pred size) []) let init_int_array_wstring opt_size s = let a = Array.of_list s in let len = Int64.of_int (Array.length a) in let size = match opt_size with | Some sz -> sz | None -> Int64.succ len (* include final 0 character *) in let rec add_chars i init = if i < 0L then init else begin let c = if i < len then a.(Int64.to_int i) else 0L in add_chars (Int64.pred i) (Init_single (intconst c IInt) :: init) end in Init_array (add_chars (Int64.pred size) []) let check_init_type loc env a ty = if wrap2 valid_assignment loc env a ty then () else if wrap2 valid_cast loc env a.etyp ty then if wrap2 int_pointer_conversion loc env a.etyp ty then warning loc Int_conversion "incompatible integer-pointer conversion: initializer has type %a instead of the expected type %a" (print_typ env) a.etyp (print_typ env) ty else warning loc Unnamed "incompatible conversion: initializer has type %a instead of the expected type %a" (print_typ env) a.etyp (print_typ env) ty else error loc "initializer has type %a instead of the expected type %a" (print_typ env) a.etyp (print_typ env) ty (* Representing initialization state using zippers *) module I = struct type zipinit = | Ztop of string * typ | Zarray of zipinit (* ancestor *) * typ (* type of elements *) * int64 option (* size *) * init (* default initializer *) * init list (* elements before point, reversed *) * int64 (* position of point *) * init list (* elements after point *) | Zstruct of zipinit (* ancestor *) * ident (* struct type *) * (field * init) list (* elements before current, reversed *) * field (* current field *) * (field * init) list (* elements after current *) | Zunion of zipinit (* ancestor *) * ident (* union type *) * field (* current member *) type 'a result = | OK of 'a | NotFound | Unsupported (* The initial state: default initialization, current point at top *) let top env name ty = (Ztop(name, ty), default_init env ty) (* Change the initializer for the current point *) let set (z, i) i' = (z, i') (* Is the current point at top? *) let at_top = function Ztop(_, _), _ -> true | _, _ -> false (* Put the current point back to the top *) let rec to_top = function | Ztop(name, ty), i as zi -> zi | Zarray(z, ty, sz, dfl, before, idx, after), i -> to_top (z, Init_array (List.rev_append before (i :: after))) | Zstruct(z, id, before, fld, after), i -> to_top (z, Init_struct(id, List.rev_append before ((fld, i) :: after))) | Zunion(z, id, fld), i -> to_top (z, Init_union(id, fld, i)) (* Extract the initializer corresponding to the current state *) let to_init zi = snd (to_top zi) (* The type of the current point *) let typeof = function | Ztop(name, ty), i -> ty | Zarray(z, ty, sz, dfl, before, idx, after), i -> ty | Zstruct(z, id, before, fld, after), i -> fld.fld_typ | Zunion(z, id, fld), i -> fld.fld_typ (* The name of the path leading to the current point, for error reporting *) let rec zipname = function | Ztop(name, ty) -> name | Zarray(z, ty, sz, dfl, before, idx, after) -> Printf.sprintf "%s[%Ld]" (zipname z) idx | Zstruct(z, id, before, fld, after) -> Printf.sprintf "%s.%s" (zipname z) fld.fld_name | Zunion(z, id, fld) -> Printf.sprintf "%s.%s" (zipname z) fld.fld_name let name (z, i) = zipname z (* Auxiliary functions to deal with arrays *) let index_below (idx: int64) (sz: int64 option) = match sz with None -> true | Some sz -> idx < sz let il_head dfl = function [] -> dfl | i1 :: il -> i1 let il_tail = function [] -> [] | i1 :: il -> il (* Advance the current point to the next point in right-up order. Return NotFound if no next point, i.e. we are at top *) let rec next = function | Ztop(name, ty), i -> NotFound | Zarray(z, ty, sz, dfl, before, idx, after), i -> let idx' = Int64.succ idx in if index_below idx' sz then OK(Zarray(z, ty, sz, dfl, i :: before, idx', il_tail after), il_head dfl after) else next (z, Init_array (List.rev_append before (i :: after))) | Zstruct(z, id, before, fld, []), i -> next (z, Init_struct(id, List.rev_append before [(fld, i)])) | Zstruct(z, id, before, fld, (fld1, i1) :: after), i -> OK(Zstruct(z, id, (fld, i) :: before, fld1, after), i1) | Zunion(z, id, fld), i -> next (z, Init_union(id, fld, i)) (* Move the current point "down" to the first component of an array, struct, or union. No effect if the current point is a scalar. *) let first env (z, i as zi) = let ty = typeof zi in match unroll env ty, i with | TArray(ty, sz, _), Init_array il -> if index_below 0L sz then begin let dfl = default_init env ty in OK(Zarray(z, ty, sz, dfl, [], 0L, il_tail il), il_head dfl il) end else NotFound | TStruct(id, _), Init_struct(id', []) -> NotFound | TStruct(id, _), Init_struct(id', (fld1, i1) :: flds) -> OK(Zstruct(z, id, [], fld1, flds), i1) | TUnion(id, _), Init_union(id', fld, i) -> begin match (Env.find_union env id).Env.ci_members with | [] -> NotFound | fld1 :: _ -> OK(Zunion(z, id, fld1), if fld.fld_name = fld1.fld_name then i else default_init env fld1.fld_typ) end | (TStruct _ | TUnion _), Init_single a -> (* This is a previous whole-struct initialization that we are going to overwrite. Hard to support correctly and without code duplication, so turn it into an error. *) Unsupported | _ -> OK (z, i) (* Move to the [n]-th element of the current point, which must be an array. *) let index env (z, i as zi) n = match unroll env (typeof zi), i with | TArray(ty, sz, _), Init_array il -> if n >= 0L && index_below n sz then begin let dfl = default_init env ty in let rec loop p before after = if p = n then OK (Zarray(z, ty, sz, dfl, before, n, il_tail after), il_head dfl after) else loop (Int64.succ p) (il_head dfl after :: before) (il_tail after) in loop 0L [] il end else NotFound | _, _ -> NotFound let has_member env name ty = let mem f id = try ignore(f env (id,name)); true with Env.Error _ -> false in match ty with | TStruct (id,_) -> mem Env.find_struct_member id | TUnion (id,_) -> mem Env.find_union_member id | _ -> false (* Move to the member named [name] of the current point, which must be a struct or a union. *) let rec member env (z, i as zi) name = let ty = typeof zi in match unroll env ty, i with | TStruct(id, _), Init_struct(id', flds) -> let rec find before = function | [] -> NotFound | (fld, i as f_i) :: after -> if fld.fld_name = name then OK(Zstruct(z, id, before, fld, after), i) else if fld.fld_anonymous && has_member env name fld.fld_typ then let zi = (Zstruct(z, id, before, fld, after), i) in member env zi name else find (f_i :: before) after in find [] flds | TUnion(id, _), Init_union(id', fld, i) -> if fld.fld_name = name then OK(Zunion(z, id, fld), i) else begin let rec find = function | [] -> NotFound | fld1 :: rem -> if fld1.fld_name = name then OK(Zunion(z, id, fld1), default_init env fld1.fld_typ) else if fld.fld_anonymous && has_member env name fld.fld_typ then let zi = (Zunion(z, id, fld1),i) in member env zi name else find rem in find (Env.find_union env id).Env.ci_members end | (TStruct _ | TUnion _), Init_single a -> (* This is a previous whole-struct initialization that we are going to overwrite. Hard to support correctly and without code duplication, so turn it into an error. *) Unsupported | _, _ -> NotFound end (* Interpret the given designator, moving the initialization state [zi] "down" accordingly. *) let rec elab_designator loc env zi desig = match desig with | [] -> zi | INFIELD_INIT name :: desig' -> begin match I.member env zi name with | I.OK zi' -> elab_designator loc env zi' desig' | I.NotFound -> error loc "%s has no member named %s" (I.name zi) name; raise Exit | I.Unsupported -> error loc "unsupported reinitialization of %s that was previously initialized as a whole" (I.name zi); raise Exit end | ATINDEX_INIT a :: desig' -> let expr,env = (!elab_expr_f loc env a) in begin match Ceval.integer_expr env expr with | None -> error loc "array element designator for %s is not an integer constant expression" (I.name zi); raise Exit | Some n -> match I.index env zi n with | I.OK zi' -> elab_designator loc env zi' desig' | I.NotFound -> error loc "array index %Ld within %s exceeds array bounds" n (I.name zi); raise Exit | I.Unsupported -> assert false end (* Elaboration of an initialization expression. Return the corresponding initializer. *) let elab_init loc env root ty_root ie = (* Perform the initializations described by the list [il] over the initialization state [zi]. [first] is true if we are at the beginning of a braced initializer. Returns the final initializer. *) let rec elab_list zi il first = match il with | [] -> (* All initialization items consumed. *) I.to_init zi | (desig, item) :: il' -> if desig = [] then begin match (if first then I.first env zi else I.next zi) with | I.NotFound -> warning loc Unnamed "excess elements in initializer for %s" (I.name zi); I.to_init zi | I.OK zi' -> elab_item zi' item il' | I.Unsupported -> error loc "unsupported reinitialization of %s that was previously initialized as a whole" (I.name zi); raise Exit end else elab_item (elab_designator loc env (I.to_top zi) desig) item il' (* Perform the initialization described by [item] for the current subobject of state [zi]. Continue initializing with the list [il]. *) and elab_item zi item il = let ty = I.typeof zi in match item, unroll env ty with (* Special case char array = "string literal" or wchar array = L"wide string literal" *) | (SINGLE_INIT (CONSTANT (CONST_STRING(w, s))) | COMPOUND_INIT [_, SINGLE_INIT(CONSTANT (CONST_STRING(w, s)))]), TArray(ty_elt, sz, _) when is_integer_type env ty_elt -> begin match elab_string_literal loc w s, unroll env ty_elt with | CStr s, TInt((IChar | ISChar | IUChar), _) -> if not (I.index_below (Int64.of_int(String.length s - 1)) sz) then warning loc Unnamed "initializer string for array of chars %s is too long" (I.name zi); elab_list (I.set zi (init_char_array_string sz s)) il false | CStr _, _ -> error loc "initialization of an array of non-char elements with a string literal"; elab_list zi il false | CWStr s, TInt(_, _) when compatible_types AttrIgnoreTop env ty_elt (TInt(wchar_ikind(), [])) -> if not (I.index_below (Int64.of_int(List.length s - 1)) sz) then warning loc Unnamed "initializer string for array of wide chars %s is too long" (I.name zi); elab_list (I.set zi (init_int_array_wstring sz s)) il false | CWStr _, _ -> error loc "initialization of an array of non-wchar_t elements with a wide string literal"; elab_list zi il false | _ -> assert false end (* Brace-enclosed compound initializer *) | COMPOUND_INIT il', _ -> (* Process the brace-enclosed stuff, obtaining its initializer *) let ini' = elab_list (I.top env (I.name zi) ty) il' true in (* Initialize current subobject with this state, and continue *) elab_list (I.set zi ini') il false (* Single expression *) | SINGLE_INIT a, _ -> let a',_ = !elab_expr_f loc env a in elab_single zi a' il (* No initializer: can this happen? *) | NO_INIT, _ -> elab_list zi il false (* Perform initialization by a single expression [a] for the current subobject of state [zi], Continue initializing with the list [il']. *) and elab_single zi a il = let ty = I.typeof zi in match unroll env ty with | TInt _ | TEnum _ | TFloat _ | TPtr _ -> (* This is a scalar: do direct initialization and continue *) check_init_type loc env a ty; elab_list (I.set zi (Init_single a)) il false | TStruct _ | TUnion _ when compatible_types AttrIgnoreTop env ty a.etyp -> (* This is a composite that can be initialized directly from the expression: do as above *) elab_list (I.set zi (Init_single a)) il false | TStruct _ | TUnion _ | TArray _ -> (* This is an aggregate. At top, explicit { } are required. *) if I.at_top zi then begin error loc "invalid initializer, an initializer list was expected"; raise Exit end; (* Otherwise we need to drill into the aggregate, recursively *) begin match I.first env zi with | I.OK zi' -> elab_single zi' a il | I.NotFound -> error loc "initializer for aggregate %s with no elements requires explicit braces" (I.name zi); raise Exit | I.Unsupported -> error loc "unsupported reinitialization of %s that was previously initialized as a whole" (I.name zi); raise Exit end | _ -> error loc "impossible to initialize %s of type %a" (I.name zi) (print_typ env) ty; raise Exit (* Start with top-level object initialized to default *) in if is_function_type env ty_root then begin error loc "illegal initializer (only variables can be initialized)"; raise Exit end; try elab_item (I.top env root ty_root) ie [] with No_default_init -> error loc "variable has incomplete type %a" Cprint.typ ty_root; raise Exit (* Elaboration of a top-level initializer *) let elab_initial loc env root ty ie = match ie with | NO_INIT -> None | _ -> try Some (elab_init loc env root ty ie) with | Exit -> None (* error was already reported *) | Env.Error msg -> error loc "%s" (Env.error_message msg); None (* Complete an array type with the size obtained from the initializer: "int x[] = { 1, 2, 3 }" becomes "int x[3] = ..." *) let fixup_typ loc env ty init = match unroll env ty, init with | TArray(ty_elt, None, attr), Init_array il -> if il = [] then warning loc Zero_length_array "zero size arrays are an extension"; TArray(ty_elt, Some(Int64.of_int(List.length il)), attr) | _ -> ty (* Entry point *) let elab_initializer loc env root ty ie = match elab_initial loc env root ty ie with | None -> (ty, None) | Some init -> (fixup_typ loc env ty init, Some init) (* Contexts for elaborating statements and expressions *) type elab_context = { ctx_return_typ: typ; (**r return type for the function *) ctx_labels: StringSet.t; (**r all labels defined in the function *) ctx_break: bool; (**r is 'break' allowed? *) ctx_continue: bool; (**r is 'continue' allowed? *) ctx_in_switch: bool; (**r are 'case' and 'default' allowed? *) ctx_vararg: bool; (**r is this a vararg function? *) ctx_nonstatic_inline: bool (**r is this a nonstatic inline function? *) } (* Context for evaluating compile-time constant expressions. Only the [ctx_vararg] and [ctx_nonstatic_inline] fields matter. *) let ctx_constexp = { ctx_return_typ = TVoid []; ctx_labels = StringSet.empty; ctx_break = false; ctx_continue = false; ctx_in_switch = false; ctx_vararg = false; ctx_nonstatic_inline = false } (* Elaboration of expressions *) let elab_expr ctx loc env a = let error fmt = error loc fmt in let fatal_error fmt = fatal_error loc fmt in let warning t fmt = warning loc t fmt in let check_ptr_arith env ty s = match unroll env ty with | TVoid _ -> error "illegal arithmetic on a pointer to void in binary '%c'" s | TFun _ -> error "illegal arithmetic on a pointer to the function type %a in binary '%c'" (print_typ env) ty s | _ -> if incomplete_type env ty then error "arithmetic on a pointer to an incomplete type %a in binary '%c'" (print_typ env) ty s in let check_static_var id sto ty = if ctx.ctx_nonstatic_inline && sto = Storage_static && List.mem AConst (attributes_of_type env ty) then warning Static_in_inline "static variable '%s' is used in an inline function with external linkage" id.C.name in let rec elab env = function (* 6.5.1 Primary expressions *) | VARIABLE s -> begin match wrap Env.lookup_ident loc env s with | (id, Env.II_ident(sto, ty)) -> check_static_var id sto ty; { edesc = EVar id; etyp = ty },env | (id, Env.II_enum v) -> { edesc = EConst(CEnum(id, v)); etyp = TInt(enum_ikind, []) },env end | CONSTANT cst -> let cst' = elab_constant loc cst in { edesc = EConst cst'; etyp = type_of_constant cst' },env (* 6.5.2 Postfix expressions *) | INDEX(a1, a2) -> (* e1[e2] *) let b1,env = elab env a1 in let b2,env = elab env a2 in let tres = match (unroll env b1.etyp, unroll env b2.etyp) with | (TPtr(t, _) | TArray(t, _, _)), (TInt _ | TEnum _) -> t | (TInt _ | TEnum _), (TPtr(t, _) | TArray(t, _, _)) -> t | t1, t2 -> fatal_error "subscripted value is neither an array nor pointer" in { edesc = EBinop(Oindex, b1, b2, TPtr(tres, [])); etyp = tres },env | MEMBEROF(a1, fieldname) -> let b1,env = elab env a1 in let (fld, attrs) = match unroll env b1.etyp with | TStruct(id, attrs) -> (wrap Env.find_struct_member loc env (id, fieldname), attrs) | TUnion(id, attrs) -> (wrap Env.find_union_member loc env (id, fieldname), attrs) | _ -> fatal_error "request for member '%s' in something not a structure or union" fieldname in (* A field of a const/volatile struct or union is itself const/volatile *) let rec access = function | [] -> b1 | fld::rest -> let b1 = access rest in { edesc = EUnop(Odot fld.fld_name, b1); etyp = add_attributes_type (List.filter attr_inherited_by_members attrs) (type_of_member env fld) } in access fld,env | MEMBEROFPTR(a1, fieldname) -> let b1,env = elab env a1 in let (fld, attrs) = match unroll env b1.etyp with | TPtr(t, _) | TArray(t,_,_) -> begin match unroll env t with | TStruct(id, attrs) -> (wrap Env.find_struct_member loc env (id, fieldname), attrs) | TUnion(id, attrs) -> (wrap Env.find_union_member loc env (id, fieldname), attrs) | _ -> fatal_error "request for member '%s' in something not a structure or union" fieldname end | _ -> fatal_error "member reference type %a is not a pointer" (print_typ env) b1.etyp in let rec access = function | [] -> assert false | [fld] -> { edesc = EUnop(Oarrow fld.fld_name, b1); etyp = add_attributes_type (List.filter attr_inherited_by_members attrs) (type_of_member env fld) } | fld::rest -> let b1 = access rest in { edesc = EUnop(Odot fld.fld_name, b1); etyp = add_attributes_type (List.filter attr_inherited_by_members attrs) (type_of_member env fld) } in access fld,env (* Hack to treat vararg.h functions the GCC way. Helps with testing. va_start(ap,n) (preprocessing) --> __builtin_va_start(ap, arg) (elaboration) --> __builtin_va_start(ap) va_arg(ap, ty) (preprocessing) --> __builtin_va_arg(ap, ty) (elaboration) --> __builtin_va_arg(ap, sizeof(ty)) *) | CALL((VARIABLE "__builtin_va_start" as a1), [a2; a3]) -> if not ctx.ctx_vararg then error "'va_start' used in function with fixed args"; let b1,env = elab env a1 in let b2,env = elab env a2 in let _b3,env = elab env a3 in { edesc = ECall(b1, [b2]); etyp = TVoid [] },env | BUILTIN_VA_ARG (a2, a3) -> let ident = match wrap Env.lookup_ident loc env "__builtin_va_arg" with | (id, Env.II_ident(sto, ty)) -> { edesc = EVar id; etyp = ty } | _ -> assert false in let b2,env = elab env a2 in let b3,env = elab env (TYPE_SIZEOF a3) in let ty = match b3.edesc with ESizeof ty -> ty | _ -> assert false in let ty' = default_argument_conversion env ty in if not (compatible_types AttrIgnoreTop env ty ty') then warning Varargs "%a is promoted to %a when passed through '...'. You should pass %a, not %a, to 'va_arg'" (print_typ env) ty (print_typ env) ty' (print_typ env) ty' (print_typ env) ty; { edesc = ECall(ident, [b2; b3]); etyp = ty },env | CALL(a1, al) -> let b1,env = (* Catch the old-style usage of calling a function without having declared it *) match a1 with | VARIABLE n when not (Env.ident_is_bound env n) -> warning Implicit_function_declaration "implicit declaration of function '%s' is invalid in C99" n; let ty = TFun(TInt(IInt, []), None, false, []) in (* Check against other definitions and enter in env *) let (id, sto, env, ty, linkage) = enter_or_refine_ident true loc env n Storage_extern ty in (* Emit an extern declaration for it *) emit_elab ~linkage env loc (Gdecl(sto, id, ty, None)); { edesc = EVar id; etyp = ty },env | _ -> elab env a1 in let bl = mmap elab env al in (* Extract type information *) let (res, args, vararg) = match unroll env b1.etyp with | TFun(res, args, vararg, a) -> (res, args, vararg) | TPtr(ty, a) -> begin match unroll env ty with | TFun(res, args, vararg, a) -> (res, args, vararg) | _ -> fatal_error "called object type %a is neither a function nor function pointer" (print_typ env) b1.etyp end | _ -> fatal_error "called object type %a is neither a function nor function pointer" (print_typ env) b1.etyp in (* Type-check the arguments against the prototype *) let bl',env = match args with | None -> bl | Some proto -> elab_arguments 1 bl proto vararg in { edesc = ECall(b1, bl'); etyp = res },env | UNARY(POSINCR, a1) -> elab_pre_post_incr_decr Opostincr "increment" a1 | UNARY(POSDECR, a1) -> elab_pre_post_incr_decr Opostdecr "decrement" a1 (* 6.5.4 Cast operators *) | CAST ((spec, dcl), SINGLE_INIT a1) -> let (ty, env) = elab_type loc env spec dcl in let b1,env = elab env a1 in if not (wrap2 valid_cast loc env b1.etyp ty) then begin match unroll env b1.etyp, unroll env ty with | _, (TStruct _|TUnion _ | TVoid _) -> error "used type %a where arithmetic or pointer type is required" (print_typ env) ty | (TStruct _| TUnion _ | TVoid _),_ -> error "operand of type %a where arithmetic or pointer type is required" (print_typ env) b1.etyp | TFloat _, TPtr _ -> error "operand of type %a cannot be cast to a pointer type" (print_typ env) b1.etyp | TPtr _ , TFloat _ -> error "pointer cannot be cast to type %a" (print_typ env) ty | _ -> error "illegal cast from %a to %a" (print_typ env) b1.etyp (print_typ env) ty end; { edesc = ECast(ty, b1); etyp = ty },env (* Compound literals *) | CAST ((spec, dcl), ie) -> let (ty, env) = elab_type loc env spec dcl in begin match elab_initializer loc env "" ty ie with | (ty', Some i) -> { edesc = ECompound(ty', i); etyp = ty' },env | (ty', None) -> fatal_error "ill-formed compound literal" end (* 6.5.3 Unary expressions *) | EXPR_SIZEOF a1 -> let b1,env = elab env a1 in if wrap incomplete_type loc env b1.etyp then fatal_error "invalid application of 'sizeof' to an incomplete type %a" (print_typ env) b1.etyp; if wrap is_bitfield loc env b1 then fatal_error "invalid application of 'sizeof' to a bit-field"; { edesc = ESizeof b1.etyp; etyp = TInt(size_t_ikind(), []) },env | TYPE_SIZEOF (spec, dcl) -> let (ty, env') = elab_type loc env spec dcl in if wrap incomplete_type loc env' ty then fatal_error "invalid application of 'sizeof' to an incomplete type %a" (print_typ env) ty; { edesc = ESizeof ty; etyp = TInt(size_t_ikind(), []) },env' | ALIGNOF (spec, dcl) -> let (ty, env') = elab_type loc env spec dcl in warning Celeven_extension "'_Alignof' is a C11 extension"; if wrap incomplete_type loc env' ty then fatal_error "invalid application of 'alignof' to an incomplete type %a" (print_typ env) ty; { edesc = EAlignof ty; etyp = TInt(size_t_ikind(), []) },env' | BUILTIN_OFFSETOF ((spec,dcl), mem) -> let (ty,env) = elab_type loc env spec dcl in if incomplete_type env ty then fatal_error "offsetof of incomplete type %a" (print_typ env) ty; let members env ty mem = match ty with | TStruct (id,_) -> wrap Env.find_struct_member loc env (id,mem) | TUnion (id,_) -> wrap Env.find_union_member loc env (id,mem) | _ -> fatal_error "request for member '%s' in something not a structure or union" mem in let rec offset_of_list acc env ty = function | [] -> acc,ty | fld::rest -> if fld.fld_bitfield <> None then fatal_error "cannot compute offset of bit-field '%s'" fld.fld_name; let off = offsetof env ty fld in offset_of_list (acc+off) env fld.fld_typ rest in let offset_of_member (env,off_accu,ty) mem = match mem,unroll env ty with | INFIELD_INIT mem,ty -> let flds = members env ty mem in let flds = List.rev flds in let off,ty = offset_of_list 0 env ty flds in env,off_accu + off,ty | ATINDEX_INIT e,TArray (sub_ty,_,_) -> let e,env = elab env e in let e = match Ceval.integer_expr env e with | None -> fatal_error "array element designator is not an integer constant expression" | Some n-> n in let size = match sizeof env sub_ty with | None -> assert false (* We expect only complete types *) | Some s -> s in let off_accu = match cautious_mul e size with | None -> fatal_error "'offsetof' overflows" | Some s -> off_accu + s in env,off_accu,sub_ty | ATINDEX_INIT _,_ -> fatal_error "subscripted value is not an array" in let env,offset,_ = List.fold_left offset_of_member (env,0,ty) mem in let size_t = size_t_ikind () in let offset = Ceval.normalize_int (Int64.of_int offset) size_t in let offsetof_const = EConst (CInt(offset,size_t,"")) in { edesc = offsetof_const; etyp = TInt(size_t, []) },env | UNARY(PLUS, a1) -> let b1,env = elab env a1 in if not (is_arith_type env b1.etyp) then fatal_error "invalid argument type %a to unary '+'" (print_typ env) b1.etyp; { edesc = EUnop(Oplus, b1); etyp = unary_conversion env b1.etyp },env | UNARY(MINUS, a1) -> let b1,env = elab env a1 in if not (is_arith_type env b1.etyp) then fatal_error "invalid argument type %a to unary '-'" (print_typ env) b1.etyp; { edesc = EUnop(Ominus, b1); etyp = unary_conversion env b1.etyp },env | UNARY(BNOT, a1) -> let b1,env = elab env a1 in if not (is_integer_type env b1.etyp) then fatal_error "invalid argument type %a to unary '~'" (print_typ env) b1.etyp; { edesc = EUnop(Onot, b1); etyp = unary_conversion env b1.etyp },env | UNARY(NOT, a1) -> let b1,env = elab env a1 in if not (is_scalar_type env b1.etyp) then fatal_error "invalid argument type %a to unary '!'" (print_typ env) b1.etyp; { edesc = EUnop(Olognot, b1); etyp = TInt(IInt, []) },env | UNARY(ADDROF, a1) -> let b1,env = elab env a1 in if not (is_lvalue b1 || is_function_type env b1.etyp) then error "argument of '&' is not an lvalue (invalid %a)" (print_typ env) b1.etyp; begin match b1.edesc with | EVar id -> begin match wrap Env.find_ident loc env id with | Env.II_ident(Storage_register, _) -> error "address of register variable '%s' requested" id.C.name | _ -> () end | EUnop(Odot f, b2) -> let fld = wrap2 field_of_dot_access loc env b2.etyp f in if fld.fld_bitfield <> None then error "address of bit-field '%s' requested" f | EUnop(Oarrow f, b2) -> let fld = wrap2 field_of_arrow_access loc env b2.etyp f in if fld.fld_bitfield <> None then error "address of bit-field '%s' requested" f | _ -> () end; { edesc = EUnop(Oaddrof, b1); etyp = TPtr(b1.etyp, []) },env | UNARY(MEMOF, a1) -> let b1,env = elab env a1 in begin match unroll env b1.etyp with (* '*' applied to a function type has no effect *) | TFun _ -> b1,env | TPtr(ty, _) | TArray(ty, _, _) -> { edesc = EUnop(Oderef, b1); etyp = ty },env | _ -> fatal_error "argument of unary '*' is not a pointer (%a invalid)" (print_typ env) b1.etyp end | UNARY(PREINCR, a1) -> elab_pre_post_incr_decr Opreincr "increment" a1 | UNARY(PREDECR, a1) -> elab_pre_post_incr_decr Opredecr "decrement" a1 (* 6.5.5 to 6.5.12 Binary operator expressions *) | BINARY(MUL, a1, a2) -> elab_binary_arithmetic "*" Omul a1 a2 | BINARY(DIV, a1, a2) -> elab_binary_arithmetic "/" Odiv a1 a2 | BINARY(MOD, a1, a2) -> elab_binary_integer "%" Omod a1 a2 | BINARY(ADD, a1, a2) -> let b1,env = elab env a1 in let b2,env = elab env a2 in let tyres = if is_arith_type env b1.etyp && is_arith_type env b2.etyp then binary_conversion env b1.etyp b2.etyp else begin let ty = match unroll env b1.etyp, unroll env b2.etyp with | (TPtr(ty, a) | TArray(ty, _, a)), (TInt _ | TEnum _) -> ty | (TInt _ | TEnum _), (TPtr(ty, a) | TArray(ty, _, a)) -> ty | _, _ -> fatal_error "invalid operands to binary '+' (%a and %a)" (print_typ env) b1.etyp (print_typ env) b2.etyp in check_ptr_arith env ty '+'; TPtr(ty, []) end in { edesc = EBinop(Oadd, b1, b2, tyres); etyp = tyres },env | BINARY(SUB, a1, a2) -> let b1,env = elab env a1 in let b2,env = elab env a2 in let (tyop, tyres) = if is_arith_type env b1.etyp && is_arith_type env b2.etyp then begin let tyres = binary_conversion env b1.etyp b2.etyp in (tyres, tyres) end else begin match wrap unroll loc env b1.etyp, wrap unroll loc env b2.etyp with | (TPtr(ty, a) | TArray(ty, _, a)), (TInt _ | TEnum _) -> if not (wrap pointer_arithmetic_ok loc env ty) then error "illegal pointer arithmetic in binary '-'"; (TPtr(ty, []), TPtr(ty, [])) | (TPtr(ty1, a1) | TArray(ty1, _, a1)), (TPtr(ty2, a2) | TArray(ty2, _, a2)) -> if not (compatible_types AttrIgnoreAll env ty1 ty2) then error "%a and %a are not pointers to compatible types" (print_typ env) b1.etyp (print_typ env) b1.etyp; check_ptr_arith env ty1 '-'; check_ptr_arith env ty2 '-'; if wrap sizeof loc env ty1 = Some 0 then error "subtraction between two pointers to zero-sized objects"; (TPtr(ty1, []), TInt(ptrdiff_t_ikind(), [])) | _, _ -> fatal_error "invalid operands to binary '-' (%a and %a)" (print_typ env) b1.etyp (print_typ env) b2.etyp end in { edesc = EBinop(Osub, b1, b2, tyop); etyp = tyres },env | BINARY(SHL, a1, a2) -> elab_shift "<<" Oshl a1 a2 | BINARY(SHR, a1, a2) -> elab_shift ">>" Oshr a1 a2 | BINARY(EQ, a1, a2) -> elab_comparison Oeq a1 a2 | BINARY(NE, a1, a2) -> elab_comparison One a1 a2 | BINARY(LT, a1, a2) -> elab_comparison Olt a1 a2 | BINARY(GT, a1, a2) -> elab_comparison Ogt a1 a2 | BINARY(LE, a1, a2) -> elab_comparison Ole a1 a2 | BINARY(GE, a1, a2) -> elab_comparison Oge a1 a2 | BINARY(BAND, a1, a2) -> elab_binary_integer "&" Oand a1 a2 | BINARY(BOR, a1, a2) -> elab_binary_integer "|" Oor a1 a2 | BINARY(XOR, a1, a2) -> elab_binary_integer "^" Oxor a1 a2 (* 6.5.13 and 6.5.14 Logical operator expressions *) | BINARY(AND, a1, a2) -> elab_logical_operator "&&" Ologand a1 a2 | BINARY(OR, a1, a2) -> elab_logical_operator "||" Ologor a1 a2 (* 6.5.15 Conditional expressions *) | QUESTION(a1, a2, a3) -> let b1,env = elab env a1 in let b2,env = elab env a2 in let b3,env = elab env a3 in if not (is_scalar_type env b1.etyp) then error "first argument of '?:' is not a scalar type (invalid %a)" (print_typ env) b1.etyp; begin match pointer_decay env b2.etyp, pointer_decay env b3.etyp with | (TInt _ | TFloat _ | TEnum _), (TInt _ | TFloat _ | TEnum _) -> { edesc = EConditional(b1, b2, b3); etyp = binary_conversion env b2.etyp b3.etyp },env | (TPtr(ty1, a1) as pty1), (TPtr(ty2, a2) as pty2) -> let tyres = if is_void_type env ty1 || is_void_type env ty2 then TPtr(TVoid (add_attributes a1 a2), []) else match combine_types AttrIgnoreAll env (TPtr(ty1, a1)) (TPtr(ty2, a2)) with | None -> warning Pointer_type_mismatch "the second and third argument of '?:' have incompatible pointer types (%a and %a)" (print_typ env) pty1 (print_typ env) pty2; (* tolerance *) TPtr(TVoid (add_attributes a1 a2), []) | Some ty -> ty in { edesc = EConditional(b1, b2, b3); etyp = tyres },env | TPtr(ty1, a1), TInt _ when is_literal_0 b3 -> { edesc = EConditional(b1, b2, nullconst); etyp = TPtr(ty1, []) },env | TInt _, TPtr(ty2, a2) when is_literal_0 b2 -> { edesc = EConditional(b1, nullconst, b3); etyp = TPtr(ty2, []) },env | ty1, ty2 -> match combine_types AttrIgnoreAll env ty1 ty2 with | None -> fatal_error "the second and third argument of '?:' incompatible types (%a and %a)" (print_typ env) ty1 (print_typ env) ty2 | Some tyres -> { edesc = EConditional(b1, b2, b3); etyp = tyres },env end (* 6.5.16 Assignment expressions *) | BINARY(ASSIGN, a1, a2) -> let b1,env = elab env a1 in let b2,env = elab env a2 in if List.mem AConst (attributes_of_type env b1.etyp) then error "left-hand side of assignment has 'const' type"; if not (is_modifiable_lvalue env b1) then error "expression is not assignable"; if not (wrap2 valid_assignment loc env b2 b1.etyp) then begin if wrap2 valid_cast loc env b2.etyp b1.etyp then if wrap2 int_pointer_conversion loc env b2.etyp b1.etyp then warning Int_conversion "incompatible integer-pointer conversion: assigning to %a from %a" (print_typ env) b1.etyp (print_typ env) b2.etyp else warning Unnamed "incompatible conversion: assigning to %a from %a" (print_typ env) b1.etyp (print_typ env) b2.etyp else error "assigning to %a from incompatible type %a" (print_typ env) b1.etyp (print_typ env) b2.etyp; end; { edesc = EBinop(Oassign, b1, b2, b1.etyp); etyp = b1.etyp },env | BINARY((ADD_ASSIGN | SUB_ASSIGN | MUL_ASSIGN | DIV_ASSIGN | MOD_ASSIGN | BAND_ASSIGN | BOR_ASSIGN | XOR_ASSIGN | SHL_ASSIGN | SHR_ASSIGN as op), a1, a2) -> let (sop, top) = match op with | ADD_ASSIGN -> (ADD, Oadd_assign) | SUB_ASSIGN -> (SUB, Osub_assign) | MUL_ASSIGN -> (MUL, Omul_assign) | DIV_ASSIGN -> (DIV, Odiv_assign) | MOD_ASSIGN -> (MOD, Omod_assign) | BAND_ASSIGN -> (BAND, Oand_assign) | BOR_ASSIGN -> (BOR, Oor_assign) | XOR_ASSIGN -> (XOR, Oxor_assign) | SHL_ASSIGN -> (SHL, Oshl_assign) | SHR_ASSIGN -> (SHR, Oshr_assign) | _ -> assert false in begin match elab env (BINARY(sop, a1, a2)) with | ({ edesc = EBinop(_, b1, b2, _); etyp = ty } as b),env -> if List.mem AConst (attributes_of_type env b1.etyp) then error "left-hand side of assignment has 'const' type"; if not (is_modifiable_lvalue env b1) then error "expression is not assignable"; if not (wrap2 valid_assignment loc env b b1.etyp) then begin if wrap2 valid_cast loc env ty b1.etyp then if wrap2 int_pointer_conversion loc env ty b1.etyp then warning Int_conversion "incompatible integer-pointer conversion: assigning to %a from %a" (print_typ env) b1.etyp (print_typ env) ty else warning Unnamed "incompatible conversion: assigning to %a from %a" (print_typ env) b1.etyp (print_typ env) ty else error "assigning to %a from incompatible type %a" (print_typ env) b1.etyp (print_typ env) ty; end; { edesc = EBinop(top, b1, b2, ty); etyp = b1.etyp },env | _ -> assert false end (* 6.5.17 Sequential expressions *) | BINARY(COMMA, a1, a2) -> let b1,env = elab env a1 in let b2,env = elab env a2 in let ty2 = pointer_decay env b2.etyp in { edesc = EBinop (Ocomma, b1, b2, ty2); etyp = ty2 },env (* Elaboration of pre- or post- increment/decrement *) and elab_pre_post_incr_decr op msg a1 = let b1,env = elab env a1 in if not (is_modifiable_lvalue env b1) then error "expression is not assignable"; if not (is_scalar_type env b1.etyp) then error "cannot %s value of type %a" msg (print_typ env) b1.etyp; { edesc = EUnop(op, b1); etyp = b1.etyp },env (* Elaboration of binary operators over integers *) and elab_binary_integer msg op a1 a2 = let b1,env = elab env a1 in let b2,env = elab env a2 in if not ((is_integer_type env b1.etyp) && (is_integer_type env b2.etyp)) then fatal_error "invalid operands to binary '%s' (%a and %a)" msg (print_typ env) b1.etyp (print_typ env) b2.etyp; let tyres = binary_conversion env b1.etyp b2.etyp in { edesc = EBinop(op, b1, b2, tyres); etyp = tyres },env (* Elaboration of binary operators over arithmetic types *) and elab_binary_arithmetic msg op a1 a2 = let b1,env = elab env a1 in let b2,env = elab env a2 in if not ((is_arith_type env b1.etyp) && (is_arith_type env b2.etyp)) then fatal_error "invalid operands to binary '%s' (%a and %a)" msg (print_typ env) b1.etyp (print_typ env) b2.etyp; let tyres = binary_conversion env b1.etyp b2.etyp in { edesc = EBinop(op, b1, b2, tyres); etyp = tyres },env (* Elaboration of shift operators *) and elab_shift msg op a1 a2 = let b1,env = elab env a1 in let b2,env = elab env a2 in if not ((is_integer_type env b1.etyp) && (is_integer_type env b2.etyp)) then fatal_error "invalid operands to '%s' (%a and %a)" msg (print_typ env) b1.etyp (print_typ env) b2.etyp; let tyres = unary_conversion env b1.etyp in { edesc = EBinop(op, b1, b2, tyres); etyp = tyres },env (* Elaboration of comparisons *) and elab_comparison op a1 a2 = let b1,env = elab env a1 in let b2,env = elab env a2 in let resdesc = match pointer_decay env b1.etyp, pointer_decay env b2.etyp with | (TInt _ | TFloat _ | TEnum _), (TInt _ | TFloat _ | TEnum _) -> EBinop(op, b1, b2, binary_conversion env b1.etyp b2.etyp) | TInt _, TPtr(ty, _) when is_literal_0 b1 -> EBinop(op, nullconst, b2, TPtr(ty, [])) | TPtr(ty, _), TInt _ when is_literal_0 b2 -> EBinop(op, b1, nullconst, TPtr(ty, [])) | TPtr(ty1, _), TPtr(ty2, _) when is_void_type env ty1 -> EBinop(op, b1, b2, TPtr(ty2, [])) | TPtr(ty1, _), TPtr(ty2, _) when is_void_type env ty2 -> EBinop(op, b1, b2, TPtr(ty1, [])) | TPtr(ty1, _), TPtr(ty2, _) -> if not (compatible_types AttrIgnoreAll env ty1 ty2) then warning Compare_distinct_pointer_types "comparison of distinct pointer types (%a and %a)" (print_typ env) b1.etyp (print_typ env) b2.etyp; let incomp_ty1 = wrap incomplete_type loc env ty1 and incomp_ty2 = wrap incomplete_type loc env ty2 in if incomp_ty1 <> incomp_ty2 then warning Unnamed "comparison of complete and incomplete pointers"; EBinop(op, b1, b2, TPtr(ty1, [])) | TPtr _, (TInt _ | TEnum _) | (TInt _ | TEnum _), TPtr _ -> warning Unnamed "comparison between pointer and integer (%a and %a)" (print_typ env) b1.etyp (print_typ env) b2.etyp; EBinop(op, b1, b2, TPtr(TVoid [], [])) | ty1, ty2 -> fatal_error "illegal comparison between types@ %a@ and %a" (print_typ env) b1.etyp (print_typ env) b2.etyp; in { edesc = resdesc; etyp = TInt(IInt, []) },env (* Elaboration of && and || *) and elab_logical_operator msg op a1 a2 = let b1,env = elab env a1 in let b2,env = elab env a2 in if not ((is_scalar_type env b1.etyp) && (is_scalar_type env b2.etyp)) then fatal_error "invalid operands to binary '%s' (%a and %a)" msg (print_typ env) b1.etyp (print_typ env) b2.etyp; { edesc = EBinop(op, b1, b2, TInt(IInt, [])); etyp = TInt(IInt, []) },env (* Type-checking of function arguments *) and elab_arguments argno args params vararg = match args, params with | ([],env), [] -> [],env | ([],env), _::_ -> let found = argno - 1 in let expected = List.length params + found in let vararg = if vararg then "at least " else "" in error "too few arguments to function call, expected %s%d, have %d" vararg expected found; [],env | (_::_,env), [] -> if vararg then args else let expected = argno - 1 in let found = List.length (fst args) + expected in (error "too many arguments to function call, expected %d, have %d" expected found; args) | (arg1 :: argl,env), (_, ty_p) :: paraml -> let ty_a = argument_conversion env arg1.etyp in if not (wrap2 valid_assignment loc env {arg1 with etyp = ty_a} ty_p) then begin if wrap2 valid_cast loc env ty_a ty_p then begin if wrap2 int_pointer_conversion loc env ty_a ty_p then warning Int_conversion "incompatible integer-pointer conversion: passing %a to parameter %d of type %a" (print_typ env) ty_a argno (print_typ env) ty_p else warning Unnamed "incompatible conversion: passing %a to parameter %d of type %a" (print_typ env) ty_a argno (print_typ env) ty_p end else error "passing %a to parameter %d of incompatible type %a" (print_typ env) ty_a argno (print_typ env) ty_p end; let rest,env = elab_arguments (argno + 1) (argl,env) paraml vararg in arg1 :: rest,env in elab env a (* Filling in forward declaration *) let _ = elab_expr_f := (elab_expr ctx_constexp) let elab_opt_expr ctx loc env = function | None -> None,env | Some a -> let a,env = (elab_expr ctx loc env a) in Some a,env let elab_for_expr ctx loc env = function | None -> { sdesc = Sskip; sloc = elab_loc loc },env | Some a -> let a,env = elab_expr ctx loc env a in { sdesc = Sdo a; sloc = elab_loc loc },env (* Handling of __func__ (section *) let __func__type_and_init s = (TArray(TInt(IChar, [AConst]), Some(Int64.of_int (String.length s + 1)), []), init_char_array_string None s) (* Elaboration of top-level and local definitions *) let enter_typedefs loc env sto dl = if sto <> Storage_default then error loc "non-default storage class on 'typedef' definition"; if dl = [] then warning loc Missing_declarations "typedef requires a name"; List.fold_left (fun env (s, ty, init) -> if init <> NO_INIT then error loc "initializer in typedef"; if has_std_alignas env ty then error loc "alignment specified for typedef '%s'" s; match previous_def Env.lookup_typedef env s with | Some (s',ty') when Env.in_current_scope env s' -> if equal_types env ty ty' then begin warning loc Celeven_extension "redefinition of typedef '%s' is a C11 extension" s; env end else begin error loc "typedef redefinition with different types (%a vs %a)" (print_typ env) ty (print_typ env) ty'; env end | _ -> if redef Env.lookup_ident env s then error loc "redefinition of '%s' as different kind of symbol" s; let (id, env') = Env.enter_typedef env s ty in check_reduced_alignment loc env' ty; emit_elab env loc (Gtypedef(id, ty)); env') env dl let enter_decdefs local nonstatic_inline loc env sto dl = (* Sanity checks on storage class *) if (sto = Storage_auto || sto = Storage_register) && not local then fatal_error loc "illegal storage class %s on file-scoped variable" (name_of_storage_class sto); if sto <> Storage_default && dl = [] then warning loc Missing_declarations "declaration does not declare anything"; let enter_decdef (decls, env) (s, ty, init) = let isfun = is_function_type env ty in if sto = Storage_register && has_std_alignas env ty then error loc "alignment specified for 'register' object '%s'" s; if sto = Storage_extern && init <> NO_INIT then error loc "'extern' declaration variable has an initializer"; if local && isfun then begin match sto with | Storage_static -> error loc "function declared in block scope cannot have 'static' storage class" | Storage_auto | Storage_register -> error loc "illegal storage class %s on function" (name_of_storage_class sto) | _ -> () end; if is_qualified_array ty then error loc "type qualifier used in array declarator outside of function prototype"; (* Local variable declarations with default storage are treated as 'auto'. Local function declarations with default storage remain with default storage. *) let sto1 = if local && sto = Storage_default && not isfun then Storage_auto else sto in (* enter ident in environment with declared type, because initializer can refer to the ident *) let (id, sto', env1, ty, linkage) = enter_or_refine_ident local loc env s sto1 ty in if init <> NO_INIT && not local then add_global_define loc s; if not isfun && is_void_type env ty then fatal_error loc "'%s' has incomplete type" s; (* process the initializer *) let (ty', init') = elab_initializer loc env1 s ty init in (* update environment with refined type *) let env2 = Env.add_ident env1 id sto' ty' in (* check for incomplete type *) if not isfun && wrap incomplete_type loc env ty' then if not local && sto' = Storage_static then begin warning loc Tentative_incomplete_static "tentative static definition with incomplete type"; end else if local && sto' <> Storage_extern then error loc "variable has incomplete type %a" (print_typ env) ty'; (* check if alignment is reduced *) check_reduced_alignment loc env ty'; (* check for static variables in nonstatic inline functions *) if local && nonstatic_inline && sto' = Storage_static && not (List.mem AConst (attributes_of_type env ty')) then warning loc Static_in_inline "non-constant static local variable '%s' in inline function may be different in different files" s; if local && not isfun && sto' <> Storage_extern && sto' <> Storage_static then (* Local definition *) ((sto', id, ty', init') :: decls, env2) else begin (* Global definition *) emit_elab ~linkage env2 loc (Gdecl(sto', id, ty', init')); (* Make sure the initializer is constant. *) begin match init' with | Some i when not (Ceval.is_constant_init env2 i) -> error loc "initializer is not a compile-time constant" | _ -> () end; (decls, env2) end in let (decls, env') = List.fold_left enter_decdef ([], env) dl in (List.rev decls, env') (* Processing of K&R-style function definitions. Synopsis: T f(X1, ..., Xn) T1 Y1; ...; Tm Ym; { ... } "params" is the list [X1; ...; Xn] "defs" is the list of declarations [T1 Y1; ... Tm Ym] We need to match the names Xi's with the Yj's so as to find the types Ti' of the Xi and produce a typed argument list in prototyped style. Owing to default argument promotion, the types Ti' and Tj may not match, in which case we need to declare a local variable with the correct type. Consider: float f(x) float x; { return x; } Since float arguments are promoted by default to double, this must be converted as float f(double x) { float x1 = x; return x1; } *) let elab_KR_function_parameters env params defs loc = (* Check that the parameters have unique names *) List.iter (fun id -> if List.length (List.filter ((=) id) params) > 1 then fatal_error loc "redefinition of parameter '%s'" id) params; (* Check that the declarations only declare parameters *) let extract_name (Init_name(Name(s, dty, attrs, loc') as name, ie)) = if not (List.mem s params) then error loc' "declaration of '%s' which is not a function parameter" s; if ie <> NO_INIT then error loc' "illegal initialization of parameter '%s'" s; name in (* Extract names and types from the declarations *) let elab_param_def env = function | DECDEF((spec', name_init_list), loc') -> let name_list = List.map extract_name name_init_list in if name_list = [] then error loc' "declaration does not declare a parameter"; let (paramsenv, sto) = elab_name_group loc' env (spec', name_list) in if sto <> Storage_default && sto <> Storage_register then error loc' (* NB: 'auto' not allowed *) "invalid storage class %s for function parameter" (name_of_storage_class sto); paramsenv | d -> (* Should never be produced by the parser *) fatal_error (Cabshelper.get_definitionloc d) "illegal declaration of function parameter" in let kr_params_defs,paramsenv = let params,paramsenv = mmap elab_param_def env defs in List.concat params,paramsenv in (* Find the type of a parameter *) let type_of_param param = match List.filter (fun (p, _) -> p = param) kr_params_defs with | [] -> (* Parameter is not declared, defaults to "int" in ISO C90, is an error in ISO C99. Just emit a warning. *) warning loc Implicit_int "type of '%s' defaults to 'int'" param; TInt (IInt, []) | (_, ty) :: rem -> if rem <> [] then error loc "redefinition of parameter '%s'" param; ty in (* Match parameters against declarations *) let rec match_params params' extra_decls = function | [] -> (List.rev params', List.rev extra_decls) | p :: ps -> let ty = type_of_param p in let ty_var = argument_conversion env ty and ty_param = default_argument_conversion env ty in if compatible_types AttrIgnoreTop env ty_var ty_param then begin (* No need for an extra conversion *) let id = Env.fresh_ident p in match_params ((id, ty_var) :: params') extra_decls ps end else begin (* Local variable of type ty_var is to be initialized from the parameter of type ty_param *) let id_param = Env.fresh_ident p in let id_var = Env.fresh_ident p in let init = Init_single { edesc = EVar id_param; etyp = ty_param } in match_params ((id_param, ty_param) :: params') ((Storage_default, id_var, ty_var, Some init) :: extra_decls) ps end in let a,b = match_params [] [] params in a,b,paramsenv (* Look for varargs flag in previous definitions of a function *) let inherit_vararg env s sto ty = match previous_def Env.lookup_ident env s with | Some(id, Env.II_ident(_, old_ty)) when sto = Storage_extern || Env.in_current_scope env id -> begin match old_ty, ty with | TFun(_, _, true, _), TFun(_, _, _, _) -> true | _, _ -> false end | _ -> false (* Function definitions *) let elab_fundef genv spec name defs body loc = (* We maintain two environments: - genv is the "global", file-scope environment. It is enriched with the declaration of the function, and also with structs and unions defined as part of its return type. - lenv is the "local" environment used to elaborate the function body. It contains everything that genv contains, including a declaration for the function, so as to support recursive calls. In addition, it contains declarations for function parameters and structs and unions defined in the parameter list. *) let (fun_id, sto, inline, noret, ty, kr_params, genv, lenv) = elab_fundef_name genv spec name in let s = fun_id.C.name in if sto = Storage_auto || sto = Storage_register then fatal_error loc "invalid storage class %s on function" (name_of_storage_class sto); begin match kr_params, defs with | None, d::_ -> error (Cabshelper.get_definitionloc d) "old-style parameter declarations in prototyped function definition" | _ -> () end; (* Process the parameters and the K&R declarations, if any, to obtain: - [ty]: the full, prototyped type of the function - [extra_decls]: extra declarations to be inserted at the beginning of the function - [lenv]: a first cut at the local environment, containing in particular the structs and unions defined in the parameter list. *) let (ty, extra_decls, lenv) = match ty, kr_params with | TFun(ty_ret, None, vararg, attr), None -> (TFun(ty_ret, Some [], vararg, attr), [], lenv) | ty, None -> (ty, [], lenv) | TFun(ty_ret, None, false, attr), Some params -> warning loc CompCert_conformance "non-prototype, pre-standard function definition, converting to prototype form"; let (params', extra_decls, lenv) = elab_KR_function_parameters lenv params defs loc in (TFun(ty_ret, Some params', inherit_vararg genv s sto ty, attr), extra_decls, lenv) | _, Some params -> assert false in (* Extract infos from the type of the function. Checks on the return type must be done in the global environment. *) let (ty_ret, params, vararg, attr) = match ty with | TFun(ty_ret, Some params, vararg, attr) -> if has_std_alignas genv ty then error loc "alignment specified for function '%s'" s; if wrap incomplete_type loc genv ty_ret && not (is_void_type genv ty_ret) then fatal_error loc "incomplete result type %a in function definition" (print_typ genv) ty_ret; (ty_ret, params, vararg, attr) | _ -> fatal_error loc "wrong type for function definition" in (* Enter function in the global environment *) let (fun_id, sto1, genv, new_ty, _) = enter_or_refine_function loc genv fun_id sto ty in add_global_define loc s; (* Also enter it in the local environment, for recursive references *) let lenv = Env.add_ident lenv fun_id sto new_ty in (* Take into account attributes from previous declarations of the function *) let attr = attributes_of_type genv new_ty in (* Additional checks on function parameters. They should have a complete type and additionally they should have an identifier. In both cases a fatal error is raised in order to avoid problems at later places. *) let add_param env (id, ty) = if wrap incomplete_type loc env ty then fatal_error loc "parameter has incomplete type"; if id.C.name = "" then fatal_error loc "parameter name omitted"; Env.add_ident env id Storage_default ty in (* Enter parameters and extra declarations in the local environment. For K&R functions this hasn't been done yet. For prototyped functions this has been done by [elab_fundef_name] already, but some parameter may have been shadowed by the function name, while it should be the other way around, e.g. [int f(int f) { return f+1; }], with [f] refering to the parameter [f] and not to the function [f] within the body of the function. *) let lenv = List.fold_left add_param lenv params in let lenv = List.fold_left (fun e (sto, id, ty, init) -> Env.add_ident e id sto ty) lenv extra_decls in (* Define "__func__" and enter it in the local environment *) let (func_ty, func_init) = __func__type_and_init s in let (func_id, _, lenv, func_ty, _) = enter_or_refine_ident true loc lenv "__func__" Storage_static func_ty in emit_elab ~debuginfo:false lenv loc (Gdecl(Storage_static, func_id, func_ty, Some func_init)); (* Elaborate function body *) let body1 = !elab_funbody_f ty_ret vararg (inline && sto <> Storage_static) lenv body in (* Analyse it for returns *) let (can_return, can_fallthrough) = Cflow.function_returns lenv body1 in (* Special treatment of the "main" function. *) let body2 = if s = "main" then begin if inline then error loc "'main' is not allowed to be declared inline"; if noret then warning loc Unnamed "'main' is not allowed to be declared _Noreturn"; match unroll genv ty_ret with | TInt(IInt, []) -> (* Add implicit "return 0;" at end of function body. If we trusted the return analysis, we would do this only if this control point is reachable, i.e if can_fallthrough is true. *) sseq no_loc body1 {sdesc = Sreturn(Some(intconst 0L IInt)); sloc = no_loc} | _ -> warning loc Main_return_type "return type of 'main' should be 'int'"; body1 end else begin (* For non-"main" functions, warn if the body can fall through and the return type is not "void". *) if can_fallthrough && not (is_void_type genv ty_ret) then warning loc Return_type "control reaches end of non-void function"; body1 end in (* Add the extra declarations if any *) let body3 = if extra_decls = [] then body2 else begin let mkdecl d = { sdesc = Sdecl d; sloc = no_loc } in { sdesc = Sblock (List.map mkdecl extra_decls @ [body2]); sloc = no_loc } end in (* Handling of _Noreturn and of attribute("noreturn") *) if noret then warning loc Celeven_extension "_Noreturn functions are a C11 extension"; if (noret || find_custom_attributes ["noreturn"; "__noreturn__"] attr <> []) && can_return then warning loc Invalid_noreturn "function '%s' declared 'noreturn' should not return" s; (* Build and emit function definition *) let fn = { fd_storage = sto1; fd_inline = inline; fd_name = fun_id; fd_attrib = if noret then add_attributes [Attr("noreturn",[])] attr else attr; fd_ret = ty_ret; fd_params = params; fd_vararg = vararg; fd_locals = []; fd_body = body3 } in emit_elab ~linkage:true genv loc (Gfundef fn); genv (* Definitions *) let elab_definition (for_loop: bool) (local: bool) (nonstatic_inline: bool) (env: Env.t) (def: Cabs.definition) : decl list * Env.t = match def with (* "int f(int x) { ... }" *) (* "int f(x, y) double y; { ... }" *) | FUNDEF(spec, name, defs, body, loc) -> if local then error loc "function definition is not allowed here"; let env1 = elab_fundef env spec name defs body loc in ([], env1) (* "int x = 12, y[10], *z" *) | DECDEF(init_name_group, loc) -> let ((dl, env1), sto, tydef) = elab_init_name_group loc env init_name_group in if for_loop then begin let fun_declaration = List.exists (fun (_, ty, _) -> is_function_type env ty) dl in if fun_declaration || sto = Storage_extern || sto = Storage_static || tydef then error loc "declaration of non-local variable in 'for' loop" ; end; if tydef then let env2 = enter_typedefs loc env1 sto dl in ([], env2) else enter_decdefs local nonstatic_inline loc env1 sto dl (* pragma *) | PRAGMA(s, loc) -> emit_elab env loc (Gpragma s); ([], env) (* Extended asm *) let elab_asm_operand ctx loc env (ASMOPERAND(label, wide, chars, e)) = let s = elab_simple_string loc wide chars in let e',env = elab_expr ctx loc env e in (label, s, e'),env (* Operations over contexts *) let stmt_labels stmt = let lbls = ref StringSet.empty in let rec do_stmt = function | BLOCK(b, _) -> do_block b | If(_, s1, Some s2, _) -> do_stmt s1; do_stmt s2 | If(_, s1, None, _) -> do_stmt s1 | WHILE(_, s1, _) -> do_stmt s1 | DOWHILE(_, s1, _) -> do_stmt s1 | FOR(_, _, _, s1, _) -> do_stmt s1 | SWITCH(_, s1, _) -> do_stmt s1 | CASE(_, s1, _) -> do_stmt s1 | DEFAULT(s1, _) -> do_stmt s1 | LABEL(lbl, s1, loc) -> if StringSet.mem lbl !lbls then error loc "redefinition of label '%s'\n" lbl; lbls := StringSet.add lbl !lbls; do_stmt s1 | _ -> () and do_block b = List.iter do_stmt b in do_stmt stmt; !lbls let ctx_loop ctx = { ctx with ctx_break = true; ctx_continue = true } let ctx_switch ctx = { ctx with ctx_break = true; ctx_in_switch = true } (* Check the uniqueness of 'case' and 'default' in a 'switch' *) module Int64Set = Set.Make(Int64) let check_switch_cases switch_body = let cases = ref Int64Set.empty and default = ref false in let rec check s = match s.sdesc with | Sskip -> () | Sdo _ -> () | Sseq(s1, s2) -> check s1; check s2 | Sif(_, s1, s2) -> check s1; check s2 | Swhile(_, s1) -> check s1 | Sdowhile(s1, _) -> check s1 | Sfor(s1, _, s2, s3) -> check s1; check s2; check s3 | Sbreak -> () | Scontinue -> () | Sswitch(_, _) -> () (* already checked during elaboration of this switch *) | Slabeled(lbl, s1) -> begin match lbl with | Slabel _ -> () | Scase(_, n) -> if Int64Set.mem n !cases then Diagnostics.error s.sloc "duplicate case value '%Ld'" n else cases := Int64Set.add n !cases | Sdefault -> if !default then Diagnostics.error s.sloc "multiple default labels in one switch" else default := true end; check s1 | Sgoto _ -> () | Sreturn _ -> () | Sblock sl -> List.iter check sl | Sdecl _ -> () | Sasm _ -> () in check switch_body (* Elaboration of statements *) let rec elab_stmt env ctx s = match s with (* 6.8.3 Expression statements *) | COMPUTATION(a, loc) -> let a,env = elab_expr ctx loc env a in { sdesc = Sdo a; sloc = elab_loc loc },env (* 6.8.1 Labeled statements *) | LABEL(lbl, s1, loc) -> let s1,env = elab_stmt env ctx s1 in { sdesc = Slabeled(Slabel lbl, s1); sloc = elab_loc loc },env | CASE(a, s1, loc) -> if not ctx.ctx_in_switch then error loc "'case' statement not in switch statement"; let a',env = elab_expr ctx loc env a in let n = match Ceval.integer_expr env a' with | None -> error loc "expression of 'case' label is not an integer constant expression"; 0L | Some n -> n in let s1,env = elab_stmt env ctx s1 in { sdesc = Slabeled(Scase(a', n), s1); sloc = elab_loc loc },env | DEFAULT(s1, loc) -> if not ctx.ctx_in_switch then error loc "'case' statement not in switch statement"; let s1,env = elab_stmt env ctx s1 in { sdesc = Slabeled(Sdefault, s1); sloc = elab_loc loc },env (* 6.8.2 Compound statements *) | BLOCK(b, loc) -> elab_block loc env ctx b (* 6.8.4 Conditional statements *) | If(a, s1, s2, loc) -> let a',env = elab_expr ctx loc env a in if not (is_scalar_type env a'.etyp) then error loc "controlling expression of 'if' does not have scalar type (%a invalid)" (print_typ env) a'.etyp; let s1',env = elab_stmt env ctx s1 in let s2',env = match s2 with | None -> sskip,env | Some s2 -> elab_stmt env ctx s2 in { sdesc = Sif(a', s1', s2'); sloc = elab_loc loc },env (* 6.8.5 Iterative statements *) | WHILE(a, s1, loc) -> let a',env = elab_expr ctx loc env a in if not (is_scalar_type env a'.etyp) then error loc "controlling expression of 'while' does not have scalar type (%a invalid)" (print_typ env) a'.etyp; let s1',env = elab_stmt env (ctx_loop ctx) s1 in { sdesc = Swhile(a', s1'); sloc = elab_loc loc },env | DOWHILE(a, s1, loc) -> let s1',env = elab_stmt env (ctx_loop ctx) s1 in let a',env = elab_expr ctx loc env a in if not (is_scalar_type env a'.etyp) then error loc "controlling expression of 'while' does not have scalar type (%a invalid)" (print_typ env) a'.etyp; { sdesc = Sdowhile(s1', a'); sloc = elab_loc loc },env | FOR(fc, a2, a3, s1, loc) -> let (a1', env_decls, decls') = match fc with | Some (FC_EXP a1) -> let a1,env = elab_for_expr ctx loc env (Some a1) in (a1, env, None) | None -> let a1,env = elab_for_expr ctx loc env None in (a1, env, None) | Some (FC_DECL def) -> let (dcl, env') = elab_definition true true ctx.ctx_nonstatic_inline (Env.new_scope env) def in let loc = elab_loc (Cabshelper.get_definitionloc def) in (sskip, env', Some(List.map (fun d -> {sdesc = Sdecl d; sloc = loc}) dcl)) in let a2',env_test = match a2 with | None -> intconst 1L IInt,env_decls | Some a2 -> elab_expr ctx loc env_decls a2 in if not (is_scalar_type env_test a2'.etyp) then error loc "controlling expression of 'for' does not have scalar type (%a invalid)" (print_typ env) a2'.etyp; let a3',env_for = elab_for_expr ctx loc env_test a3 in let s1',env_body = elab_stmt env_for (ctx_loop ctx) s1 in let sfor = { sdesc = Sfor(a1', a2', a3', s1'); sloc = elab_loc loc } in begin match decls' with | None -> sfor,env | Some sl -> { sdesc = Sblock (sl @ [sfor]); sloc = elab_loc loc },env end (* 6.8.4 Switch statement *) | SWITCH(a, s1, loc) -> let a',env = elab_expr ctx loc env a in if not (is_integer_type env a'.etyp) then error loc "controlling expression of 'switch' does not have integer type (%a invalid)" (print_typ env) a'.etyp; let s1',env = elab_stmt env (ctx_switch ctx) s1 in check_switch_cases s1'; { sdesc = Sswitch(a', s1'); sloc = elab_loc loc },env (* 6.8.6 Break and continue statements *) | BREAK loc -> if not ctx.ctx_break then error loc "'break' statement not in loop or switch statement"; { sdesc = Sbreak; sloc = elab_loc loc },env | CONTINUE loc -> if not ctx.ctx_continue then error loc "'continue' statement not in loop statement"; { sdesc = Scontinue; sloc = elab_loc loc },env (* 6.8.6 Return statements *) | RETURN(a, loc) -> let a',env = elab_opt_expr ctx loc env a in begin match (unroll env ctx.ctx_return_typ, a') with | TVoid _, None -> () | TVoid _, Some _ -> error loc "'return' with a value in a function returning void" | _, None -> warning loc Return_type "'return' with no value, in a function returning non-void" | _, Some b -> if not (wrap2 valid_assignment loc env b ctx.ctx_return_typ) then begin if wrap2 valid_cast loc env b.etyp ctx.ctx_return_typ then if wrap2 int_pointer_conversion loc env b.etyp ctx.ctx_return_typ then warning loc Int_conversion "incompatible integer-pointer conversion: returning %a from a function with result type %a" (print_typ env) b.etyp (print_typ env) ctx.ctx_return_typ else warning loc Unnamed "incompatible conversion: returning %a from a function with result type %a" (print_typ env) b.etyp (print_typ env) ctx.ctx_return_typ else error loc "returning %a from a function with incompatible result type %a" (print_typ env) b.etyp (print_typ env) ctx.ctx_return_typ end end; { sdesc = Sreturn a'; sloc = elab_loc loc },env (* 6.8.6 Goto statements *) | GOTO(lbl, loc) -> if not (StringSet.mem lbl ctx.ctx_labels) then error loc "use of undeclared label '%s'" lbl; { sdesc = Sgoto lbl; sloc = elab_loc loc },env (* 6.8.3 Null statements *) | NOP loc -> { sdesc = Sskip; sloc = elab_loc loc },env (* Traditional extensions *) | ASM(cv_specs, wide, chars, outputs, inputs, flags, loc) -> let a = elab_cvspecs env cv_specs in let s = elab_simple_string loc wide chars in let outputs,env = mmap (elab_asm_operand ctx loc) env outputs in List.iter (fun (lbl, cst, e) -> if not (is_modifiable_lvalue env e) then error loc "asm output is not a modifiable l-value";) outputs; let inputs ,env= mmap (elab_asm_operand ctx loc) env inputs in let flags = List.map (fun (w,c) -> elab_simple_string loc w c) flags in { sdesc = Sasm(a, s, outputs, inputs, flags); sloc = elab_loc loc },env (* Unsupported *) | DEFINITION def -> error (Cabshelper.get_definitionloc def) "ill-placed definition"; sskip,env and elab_block loc env ctx b = let b',_ = elab_block_body (Env.new_scope env) ctx b in { sdesc = Sblock b'; sloc = elab_loc loc },env and elab_block_body env ctx sl = match sl with | [] -> [],env | DEFINITION def :: sl1 -> let (dcl, env') = elab_definition false true ctx.ctx_nonstatic_inline env def in let loc = elab_loc (Cabshelper.get_definitionloc def) in let dcl = List.map (fun ((sto,id,ty,_) as d) -> Debug.insert_local_declaration sto id ty loc; {sdesc = Sdecl d; sloc = loc}) dcl in let sl1',env' = elab_block_body env' ctx sl1 in dcl @ sl1',env' | s :: sl1 -> let s',env = elab_stmt env ctx s in let sl1',env = elab_block_body env ctx sl1 in s' :: sl1',env (* Elaboration of a function body. Return the corresponding C statement. *) let elab_funbody return_typ vararg nonstatic_inline env b = let ctx = { ctx_return_typ = return_typ; ctx_labels = stmt_labels b; ctx_break = false; ctx_continue = false; ctx_in_switch = false; ctx_vararg = vararg; ctx_nonstatic_inline = nonstatic_inline } in (* The function body appears as a block in the AST but should not create a new scope. Instead, the scope used for function parameters must be used for the body. *) match b with | BLOCK (b,loc) -> let b',_ = elab_block_body env ctx b in { sdesc = Sblock b'; sloc = elab_loc loc } | _ -> assert false (* Filling in forward declaration *) let _ = elab_funbody_f := elab_funbody (** * Entry point *) let elab_file prog = reset(); let env = Builtins.environment () in let elab_def env d = snd (elab_definition false false false env d) in ignore (List.fold_left elab_def env prog); let p = elaborated_program () in Checks.unused_variables p; Checks.unknown_attrs_program p; p