(* *********************************************************************) (* *) (* The Compcert verified compiler *) (* *) (* Xavier Leroy, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt *) (* *) (* Copyright Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en *) (* Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *) (* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *) (* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or *) (* (at your option) any later version. This file is also distributed *) (* under the terms of the INRIA Non-Commercial License Agreement. *) (* *) (* *********************************************************************) (* Expand assignments between structs and between unions *) (* Assumes: simplified code. Preserves: simplified code, unblocked code *) open C open Machine open Cutil open Env open Errors let maxsize = ref 8 let memcpy_decl = ref (None : ident option) let memcpy_type = TFun(TPtr(TVoid [], []), Some [(Env.fresh_ident "", TPtr(TVoid [], [])); (Env.fresh_ident "", TPtr(TVoid [AConst], [])); (Env.fresh_ident "", TInt(size_t_ikind, []))], false, []) let memcpy_ident env = try fst (Env.lookup_ident env "__builtin_memcpy") with Env.Error _ -> try fst (Env.lookup_ident env "memcpy") with Env.Error _ -> match !memcpy_decl with | Some id -> id | None -> let id = Env.fresh_ident "memcpy" in memcpy_decl := Some id; id let memcpy_words_ident env = try fst (Env.lookup_ident env "__builtin_memcpy_words") with Env.Error _ -> memcpy_ident env let transf_assign env loc lhs rhs = let num_assign = ref 0 in let assign l r = incr num_assign; if !num_assign > !maxsize then raise Exit else sassign loc l r in let rec transf l r = match unroll env l.etyp with | TStruct(id, attr) -> let ci = Env.find_struct env id in if ci.ci_sizeof = None then error "%a: Error: incomplete struct '%s'" formatloc loc id.name; transf_struct l r ci.ci_members | TUnion(id, attr) -> raise Exit | TArray(ty_elt, Some sz, attr) -> transf_array l r ty_elt 0L sz | TArray(ty_elt, None, attr) -> error "%a: Error: array of unknown size" formatloc loc; sskip (* will be ignored later *) | _ -> assign l r and transf_struct l r = function | [] -> sskip | f :: fl -> sseq loc (transf {edesc = EUnop(Odot f.fld_name, l); etyp = f.fld_typ} {edesc = EUnop(Odot f.fld_name, r); etyp = f.fld_typ}) (transf_struct l r fl) and transf_array l r ty idx sz = if idx >= sz then sskip else begin let e = intconst idx size_t_ikind in sseq loc (transf {edesc = EBinop(Oindex, l, e, ty); etyp = ty} {edesc = EBinop(Oindex, r, e, ty); etyp = ty}) (transf_array l r ty (Int64.add idx 1L) sz) end in try transf lhs rhs with Exit -> let by_words = match Cutil.sizeof env lhs.etyp with | Some n -> n mod !config.sizeof_ptr = 0 | None -> false in let ident = if by_words then memcpy_word_ident() else memcpy_ident() in let memcpy = {edesc = EVar(ident); etyp = memcpy_type} in let e_lhs = {edesc = EUnop(Oaddrof, lhs); etyp = TPtr(lhs.etyp, [])} in let e_rhs = {edesc = EUnop(Oaddrof, rhs); etyp = TPtr(rhs.etyp, [])} in let e_size = {edesc = ESizeof(lhs.etyp); etyp = TInt(size_t_ikind, [])} in {sdesc = Sdo {edesc = ECall(memcpy, [e_lhs; e_rhs; e_size]); etyp = TVoid[]}; sloc = loc} let rec transf_stmt env s = match s.sdesc with | Sskip -> s | Sdo {edesc = EBinop(Oassign, lhs, rhs, _)} when is_composite_type env lhs.etyp -> transf_assign env s.sloc lhs rhs | Sdo _ -> s | Sseq(s1, s2) -> {s with sdesc = Sseq(transf_stmt env s1, transf_stmt env s2)} | Sif(e, s1, s2) -> {s with sdesc = Sif(e, transf_stmt env s1, transf_stmt env s2)} | Swhile(e, s1) -> {s with sdesc = Swhile(e, transf_stmt env s1)} | Sdowhile(s1, e) -> {s with sdesc = Sdowhile(transf_stmt env s1, e)} | Sfor(s1, e, s2, s3) -> {s with sdesc = Sfor(transf_stmt env s1, e, transf_stmt env s2, transf_stmt env s3)} | Sbreak -> s | Scontinue -> s | Sswitch(e, s1) -> {s with sdesc = Sswitch(e, transf_stmt env s1)} | Slabeled(lbl, s1) -> {s with sdesc = Slabeled(lbl, transf_stmt env s1)} | Sgoto lbl -> s | Sreturn _ -> s | Sblock sl -> {s with sdesc = Sblock(List.map (transf_stmt env) sl)} | Sdecl d -> s let transf_fundef env fd = {fd with fd_body = transf_stmt env fd.fd_body} let program p = memcpy_decl := None; let p' = Transform.program ~fundef:transf_fundef p in match !memcpy_decl with | None -> p' | Some id -> {gdesc = Gdecl(Storage_extern, id, memcpy_type, None); gloc = no_loc} :: p'