(* *********************************************************************) (* *) (* The Compcert verified compiler *) (* *) (* Bernhard Schommer, AbsInt Angewandte Informatik GmbH *) (* *) (* AbsInt Angewandte Informatik GmbH. All rights reserved. This file *) (* is distributed under the terms of the INRIA Non-Commercial *) (* License Agreement. *) (* *) (* *********************************************************************) open BinNums open C open Camlcoq open Cutil open Debug open DebugTypes open Sections (* This implements an interface for the collection of debugging information. *) (* Simple id generator *) let id = ref 0 let next_id () = let nid = !id in incr id; nid (* Auximilary functions *) let list_replace c f l = List.map (fun a -> if c a then f a else a) l (* The name of the current compilation unit *) let file_name: string ref = ref "" (** All files used in the debug entries *) module StringSet = Set.Make(String) let all_files : StringSet.t ref = ref StringSet.empty let add_file file = all_files := StringSet.add file !all_files (* All types encountered *) let types: (int,debug_types) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 7 let get_type = Hashtbl.find types let fold_types f a = Hashtbl.fold f types a (* Lookup table for types *) let lookup_types: (string, int) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 7 (* Translate a C.typ to a string needed for hashing *) let typ_to_string ty = Cprint.print_debug_idents := true; let s = Format.asprintf "%a" Cprint.typ ty in Cprint.print_debug_idents := false; s (* Helper functions for the attributes *) let strip_attributes typ = strip_attributes_type typ [AConst; AVolatile] (* Find the type id to an type *) let find_type ty = (* We are only interested in Const and Volatile *) let ty = strip_attributes ty in Hashtbl.find lookup_types (typ_to_string ty) (* Add type and information *) let insert_type ty = let insert d_ty ty = let id = next_id () and name = typ_to_string ty in Hashtbl.add types id d_ty; Hashtbl.add lookup_types name id; id in (* We are only interested in Const and Volatile *) let ty = strip_attributes ty in let rec typ_aux ty = try find_type ty with | Not_found -> let d_ty = match ty with | TVoid _ -> Void | TInt (k,_) -> IntegerType ({int_kind = k }) | TFloat (k,_) -> FloatType ({float_kind = k}) | TPtr (t,_) -> let id = attr_aux t in PointerType ({pts = id}) | TArray (t,s,_) -> let rec size acc t = (match t with | TArray (child,s,_) -> size (s::acc) child | _ -> t,List.rev acc) in let t,s = size [s] t in let id = attr_aux t in let arr = { arr_type = id; arr_size= s; } in ArrayType arr | TFun (t,param,_,_) -> let param,prot = (match param with | None -> [],false | Some p -> List.map (fun (i,t) -> let t = attr_aux t in { param_type = t; param_name = i.name; }) p,true) in let ret = (match t with | TVoid _ -> None | _ -> Some (attr_aux t)) in let ftype = { fun_type_return_type = ret; fun_type_prototyped = prot; fun_type_params = param; } in FunctionType ftype | TNamed (id,_) -> let typ = try let _,t = List.find (fun a -> fst a = id.name) CBuiltins.builtins.Builtins.typedefs in Some (attr_aux t) with Not_found -> None in let t = { td_file_loc = None; td_name = id.name; typ = typ; } in Typedef t | TStruct (id,_) -> let str = { ct_name = id.name; ct_sou = Struct; ct_file_loc = None; ct_members = []; ct_declaration = true; ct_sizeof = None; } in CompositeType str | TUnion (id,_) -> let union = { ct_name = id.name; ct_sou = Union; ct_file_loc = None; ct_members = []; ct_declaration = true; ct_sizeof = None; } in CompositeType union | TEnum (id,_) -> let enum = { enum_name = id.name; enum_byte_size = None; enum_file_loc = None; enum_enumerators = []; } in EnumType enum in insert d_ty ty and attr_aux ty = try find_type ty with Not_found -> match strip_last_attribute ty with | Some AConst,t -> let id = attr_aux t in let const = { cst_type = id} in insert (ConstType const) ty | Some AVolatile,t -> let id = attr_aux t in let volatile = {vol_type = id} in insert (VolatileType volatile) ty | Some (ARestrict|AAlignas _| Attr(_,_)),t -> attr_aux t | None,t -> typ_aux t in attr_aux ty (* Replace the composite information *) let replace_composite id f = let str = Hashtbl.find types id in match str with | CompositeType comp -> let comp' = f comp in if comp <> comp' then Hashtbl.replace types id (CompositeType comp') | _ -> assert false (* This should never happen *) (* Replace the enum information *) let replace_enum id f = let str = Hashtbl.find types id in match str with | EnumType comp -> let comp' = f comp in if comp <> comp' then Hashtbl.replace types id (EnumType comp') | _ -> assert false (* This should never happen *) (* Replace the typdef information *) let replace_typedef id f = let typdef = Hashtbl.find types id in match typdef with | Typedef typ -> let typ' = f typ in if typ <> typ' then Hashtbl.replace types id (Typedef typ') | _ -> assert false (* This should never happen *) (* All global definitions encountered *) let definitions: (int,definition_type) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 7 let fold_definitions f a = Hashtbl.fold f definitions a (* Mapping from stamp to debug id *) let stamp_to_definition: (int,int) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 7 (* Mapping from name to debug id *) let name_to_definition: (string,int) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 7 (* Mapping from atom to debug id *) let atom_to_definition: (atom, int) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 7 (* Various lookup functions for defintions *) let find_gvar_stamp id = let id = (Hashtbl.find stamp_to_definition id) in let var = Hashtbl.find definitions id in match var with | GlobalVariable var -> id,var | _ -> assert false let find_fun_stamp id = let id = (Hashtbl.find stamp_to_definition id) in let f = Hashtbl.find definitions id in match f with | Function f -> id,f | _ -> assert false let find_fun_atom id = let id = (Hashtbl.find atom_to_definition id) in let f = Hashtbl.find definitions id in match f with | Function f -> id,f | _ -> assert false let replace_var id var = let var = GlobalVariable var in Hashtbl.replace definitions id var let replace_fun id f = let f = Function f in Hashtbl.replace definitions id f (* All local variables *) let local_variables: (int, local_information) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 7 let get_local_variable id = Hashtbl.find local_variables id (* Mapping from stamp to the debug id of the local variable *) let stamp_to_local: (int,int) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 7 (* Map from function id + scope id to debug id *) let scope_to_local: (int * int,int) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 7 (* Map from function atom + scope id atom to debug id *) let atom_to_scope: (atom * int,int) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 7 let find_lvar_stamp id = let id = (Hashtbl.find stamp_to_local id) in let v = Hashtbl.find local_variables id in match v with | LocalVariable v -> id,v | _ -> assert false let replace_lvar id var = let var = LocalVariable var in Hashtbl.replace local_variables id var let find_scope_id fid id = let id = Hashtbl.find scope_to_local (fid,id) in let v = Hashtbl.find local_variables id in match v with | Scope v -> id,v | _ -> assert false let replace_scope id var = let var = Scope var in Hashtbl.replace local_variables id var let gen_comp_typ sou id at = if sou = Struct then TStruct (id,at) else TUnion (id,at) let remove_unused id = try let id' = Hashtbl.find stamp_to_definition id.stamp in let var = Hashtbl.find definitions id' in match var with | Function _ -> () | _ -> Hashtbl.remove definitions id'; Hashtbl.remove stamp_to_definition id.stamp with Not_found -> () let remove_unused_function id = try let id' = Hashtbl.find stamp_to_definition id.stamp in Hashtbl.remove definitions id'; Hashtbl.remove stamp_to_definition id.stamp with Not_found -> () let insert_global_declaration env dec = add_file (fst dec.gloc); let insert d_dec stamp = let id = next_id () in Hashtbl.add definitions id d_dec; Hashtbl.add stamp_to_definition stamp id in match dec.gdesc with | Gdecl (sto,id,ty,init) -> if not (is_function_type env ty) then begin if not (Hashtbl.mem stamp_to_definition id.stamp) then begin let at_decl,ext = (match sto with | Storage_extern -> init = None,true | Storage_static -> false,false | _ -> false,true) in let ty = insert_type ty in let decl = { gvar_name = id.name; gvar_atom = None; gvar_file_loc = dec.gloc; gvar_declaration = at_decl; gvar_external = ext; gvar_type = ty; } in insert (GlobalVariable decl) id.stamp end else if init <> None || sto <> Storage_extern then begin (* It is a definition *) let id,var = find_gvar_stamp id.stamp in replace_var id ({var with gvar_declaration = false;}) end end else begin (* Implict declarations need special handling *) let id' = try Hashtbl.find name_to_definition id.name with Not_found -> let id' = next_id () in Hashtbl.add name_to_definition id.name id';id' in Hashtbl.add stamp_to_definition id.stamp id' end | Gfundef f -> let ret = (match f.fd_ret with | TVoid _ -> None | _ -> Some (insert_type f.fd_ret)) in let ext = (match f.fd_storage with | Storage_static -> false | _ -> true) in let params = List.map (fun (p,ty) -> let ty = insert_type ty in { parameter_name = p.name; parameter_ident = p.stamp; parameter_atom = None; parameter_type = ty; }) f.fd_params in let fd = { fun_name = f.fd_name.name; fun_atom = None; fun_file_loc = dec.gloc; fun_external = ext; fun_return_type = ret; fun_vararg = f.fd_vararg; fun_parameter = params; fun_low_pc = None; fun_high_pc = None; fun_scope = None; } in begin let id' = try Hashtbl.find name_to_definition f.fd_name.name with Not_found -> let id' = next_id () in Hashtbl.add name_to_definition f.fd_name.name id';id' in Hashtbl.add stamp_to_definition f.fd_name.stamp id'; Hashtbl.add definitions id' (Function fd) end | Gcompositedecl (sou,id,at) -> ignore (insert_type (gen_comp_typ sou id at)); let id = find_type (gen_comp_typ sou id []) in replace_composite id (fun comp -> if comp.ct_file_loc = None then {comp with ct_file_loc = Some (dec.gloc);} else comp) | Gcompositedef (sou,id,at,fi) -> ignore (insert_type (gen_comp_typ sou id at)); let id = find_type (gen_comp_typ sou id []) in let fi = List.filter (fun f -> f.fld_name <> "") fi in (* Fields without names need no info *) let fields = List.map (fun f -> { cfd_name = f.fld_name; cfd_anon = f.fld_anonymous; cfd_typ = insert_type f.fld_typ; cfd_bit_size = f.fld_bitfield; cfd_bit_offset = None; cfd_byte_offset = None; cfd_byte_size = None; cfd_bitfield = None; }) fi in replace_composite id (fun comp -> let loc = if comp.ct_file_loc = None then Some dec.gloc else comp.ct_file_loc in {comp with ct_file_loc = loc; ct_members = fields; ct_declaration = false;}) | Gtypedef (id,t) -> let id = insert_type (TNamed (id,[])) in let tid = insert_type t in replace_typedef id (fun typ -> {typ with td_file_loc = Some dec.gloc; typ = Some tid;}); | Genumdef (n,at,e) -> ignore(insert_type (TEnum (n,at))); let id = find_type (TEnum (n,[])) in let enumerator = List.map (fun (i,c,_) -> { e_name = i.name; e_const = c; }) e in replace_enum id (fun en -> {en with enum_file_loc = Some dec.gloc; enum_enumerators = enumerator;}) | Gpragma _ -> () let set_member_offset str field offset = let id = find_type (TStruct (str,[])) in replace_composite id (fun comp -> let name f = f.cfd_name = field || match f.cfd_bitfield with Some n -> n = field | _ -> false in let members = list_replace name (fun a -> {a with cfd_byte_offset = Some offset;}) comp.ct_members in {comp with ct_members = members;}) let set_composite_size comp sou size = let id = find_type (gen_comp_typ sou comp []) in replace_composite id (fun comp -> {comp with ct_sizeof = size;}) let set_bitfield_offset str field offset underlying size = let id = find_type (TStruct (str,[])) in replace_composite id (fun comp -> let name f = f.cfd_name = field in let members = list_replace name (fun a -> {a with cfd_bit_offset = Some offset; cfd_bitfield = Some underlying; cfd_byte_size = Some size}) comp.ct_members in {comp with ct_members = members;}) let atom_global id atom = try let id' = (Hashtbl.find stamp_to_definition id.stamp) in let g = Hashtbl.find definitions id' in match g with | Function f -> replace_fun id' ({f with fun_atom = Some atom;}); Hashtbl.add atom_to_definition atom id'; Hashtbl.iter (fun (fid,sid) tid -> if fid = id.stamp then Hashtbl.add atom_to_scope (atom,sid) tid) scope_to_local | GlobalVariable var -> replace_var id' ({var with gvar_atom = Some atom;}) with Not_found -> () let atom_parameter fid id atom = try let fid',f = find_fun_stamp fid.stamp in let name p = p.parameter_ident = id.stamp in let params = list_replace name (fun p -> {p with parameter_atom = Some atom;}) f.fun_parameter in replace_fun fid' ({f with fun_parameter = params;}) with Not_found -> () let add_fun_addr atom (high,low) = try let id,f = find_fun_atom atom in replace_fun id ({f with fun_high_pc = Some high; fun_low_pc = Some low;}) with Not_found -> () let atom_local_variable id atom = try let id,var = find_lvar_stamp id.stamp in replace_lvar id ({var with lvar_atom = Some atom;}) with Not_found -> () let add_lvar_scope f_id var_id s_id = try let s_id',scope = find_scope_id f_id s_id in let var_id,_ = find_lvar_stamp var_id.stamp in replace_scope s_id' ({scope_variables = var_id::scope.scope_variables;}) with Not_found -> () let insert_local_declaration sto id ty loc = add_file (fst loc); let ty = insert_type ty in let var = { lvar_name = id.name; lvar_atom = None; lvar_file_loc = loc; lvar_type = ty; lvar_static = sto = Storage_static; } in let id' = next_id () in Hashtbl.add local_variables id' (LocalVariable var); Hashtbl.add stamp_to_local id.stamp id' let new_scope f_id sc_id = let scope = {scope_variables = [];} in let id = next_id () in Hashtbl.add local_variables id (Scope scope); Hashtbl.add scope_to_local (f_id,sc_id) id; id let enter_function_scope fun_id sc_id = try let id = new_scope fun_id sc_id in let fun_id,f = find_fun_stamp fun_id in replace_fun fun_id ({f with fun_scope = Some id}) with Not_found -> () let enter_scope f_id p_id id = try let id' = new_scope f_id id in let p_id',scope = find_scope_id f_id p_id in replace_scope p_id' ({scope_variables = id'::scope.scope_variables;}) with Not_found -> () let var_locations: (atom * atom,var_location) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 7 let variable_location var f = Hashtbl.find var_locations (var,f) let scope_ranges: (int,scope_range list) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 7 let get_scope_ranges = Hashtbl.find scope_ranges let label_translation: (atom * positive, int) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 7 let translate_label f l = Hashtbl.find label_translation (f,l) let add_label atom p i = Hashtbl.add label_translation (atom,p) i let open_scope atom s_id lbl = try let s_id = Hashtbl.find atom_to_scope (atom,s_id) in let old_r = try Hashtbl.find scope_ranges s_id with Not_found -> [] in let n_scop = { start_addr = Some lbl; end_addr = None;} in Hashtbl.replace scope_ranges s_id (n_scop::old_r) with Not_found -> () let close_scope atom s_id lbl = try let s_id = Hashtbl.find atom_to_scope (atom,s_id) in let old_r = try Hashtbl.find scope_ranges s_id with Not_found -> [] in let last_r,rest = begin match old_r with | a::rest -> a,rest | _ -> assert false (* We must have an opening scope *) end in let new_r = if last_r.start_addr = Some lbl then rest else ({last_r with end_addr = Some lbl;})::rest in Hashtbl.replace scope_ranges s_id new_r with Not_found -> () let start_live_range (f,v) lbl loc = let old_r = begin try Hashtbl.find var_locations (f,v) with Not_found -> (RangeLoc []) end in match old_r with | RangeLoc old_r -> let n_r = { range_start = Some lbl; range_end = None; var_loc = loc } in Hashtbl.replace var_locations (f,v) (RangeLoc (n_r::old_r)) | _ -> () (* Parameter that is passed as variable *) let end_live_range (f,v) lbl = try let old_r = Hashtbl.find var_locations (f,v) in match old_r with | RangeLoc (n_r::old_r) -> if n_r.range_end = None then (* We can skip non open locations *) let n_r = {n_r with range_end = Some lbl} in Hashtbl.replace var_locations (f,v) (RangeLoc (n_r::old_r)) | _ -> () with Not_found -> () let stack_variable (f,v) (sp,loc) = Hashtbl.add var_locations (f,v) (FunctionLoc (sp,loc)) let compilation_section_start: (string,int) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 7 let compilation_section_end: (string,int) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 7 let section_start n = Hashtbl.find compilation_section_start n let fold_section_start f a = Hashtbl.fold f compilation_section_start a let section_end n = Hashtbl.find compilation_section_end n let diab_additional: (string,int * int * section_name) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 7 let diab_additional_section s = let line_start,debug_start,_ = Hashtbl.find diab_additional s in line_start,debug_start let section_to_string = function | Section_user (n,_,_) -> n | _ -> ".text" let add_diab_info sec addr1 add2 addr3 = let sec' = section_to_string sec in Hashtbl.add compilation_section_start sec' addr3; Hashtbl.add diab_additional sec' (addr1,add2,sec) let diab_add_fun_addr name _ addr = add_fun_addr name addr let gnu_add_fun_addr name sec (high,low) = let sec = section_to_string sec in if not (Hashtbl.mem compilation_section_start sec) then Hashtbl.add compilation_section_start sec low; Hashtbl.replace compilation_section_end sec high; add_fun_addr name (high,low) let exists_section sec = Hashtbl.mem compilation_section_start (section_to_string sec) let filenum: (string * string,int) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 7 let diab_file_loc f l = Hashtbl.find filenum (f,l) let compute_diab_file_enum end_label entry_label line_end = Hashtbl.iter (fun sec (_,_,secname) -> Hashtbl.add compilation_section_end sec (end_label secname); StringSet.iter (fun file -> let lbl = entry_label file in Hashtbl.add filenum (sec,file) lbl) !all_files; line_end ()) diab_additional let compute_gnu_file_enum f = StringSet.iter f !all_files let all_files_iter f = StringSet.iter f !all_files let printed_symbols: StringSet.t ref = ref StringSet.empty let is_symbol_printed id = StringSet.mem id !printed_symbols let symbol_printed id = printed_symbols := StringSet.add id !printed_symbols let init name = id := 0; file_name := name; Hashtbl.reset types; Hashtbl.reset lookup_types; Hashtbl.reset definitions; Hashtbl.reset stamp_to_definition; Hashtbl.reset name_to_definition; Hashtbl.reset atom_to_definition; Hashtbl.reset local_variables; Hashtbl.reset stamp_to_local; Hashtbl.reset scope_to_local; Hashtbl.reset atom_to_scope; Hashtbl.reset compilation_section_start; Hashtbl.reset compilation_section_end; Hashtbl.reset diab_additional; Hashtbl.reset filenum; Hashtbl.reset var_locations; Hashtbl.reset scope_ranges; Hashtbl.reset label_translation; all_files := StringSet.singleton name; printed_symbols := StringSet.empty let default_debug = { init = init; atom_global = atom_global; set_composite_size = set_composite_size; set_member_offset = set_member_offset; set_bitfield_offset = set_bitfield_offset; insert_global_declaration = insert_global_declaration; add_fun_addr = (fun _ _ _ -> ()); generate_debug_info = (fun _ _ -> None); all_files_iter = all_files_iter; insert_local_declaration = insert_local_declaration; atom_local_variable = atom_local_variable; enter_scope = enter_scope; enter_function_scope = enter_function_scope; add_lvar_scope = add_lvar_scope; open_scope = open_scope; close_scope = close_scope; start_live_range = start_live_range; end_live_range = end_live_range; stack_variable = stack_variable; add_label = add_label; atom_parameter = atom_parameter; compute_diab_file_enum = compute_diab_file_enum; compute_gnu_file_enum = compute_gnu_file_enum; exists_section = exists_section; remove_unused = remove_unused; remove_unused_function = remove_unused_function; symbol_printed = symbol_printed; add_diab_info = (fun _ _ _ _ -> ()); }