(* *********************************************************************) (* *) (* The Compcert verified compiler *) (* *) (* Xavier Leroy, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt *) (* *) (* Copyright Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en *) (* Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *) (* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *) (* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or *) (* (at your option) any later version. This file is also distributed *) (* under the terms of the INRIA Non-Commercial License Agreement. *) (* *) (* *********************************************************************) open Printf open Commandline open Clflags open CommonOptions open Driveraux open Frontend open Diagnostics let tool_name = "Clight generator" (* clightgen-specific options *) let option_normalize = ref false (* From CompCert C AST to Clight *) let compile_c_ast sourcename csyntax ofile = let loc = file_loc sourcename in let clight = match SimplExpr.transl_program csyntax with | Errors.OK p -> begin match SimplLocals.transf_program p with | Errors.OK p' -> if !option_normalize then Clightnorm.norm_program p' else p' | Errors.Error msg -> fatal_error loc "%a" print_error msg end | Errors.Error msg -> fatal_error loc "%a" print_error msg in (* Dump Clight in C syntax if requested *) PrintClight.print_if_2 clight; (* Print Clight in Coq syntax *) let oc = open_out ofile in ExportClight.print_program (Format.formatter_of_out_channel oc) clight sourcename !option_normalize; close_out oc (* From C source to Clight *) let compile_c_file sourcename ifile ofile = let set_dest dst opt ext = dst := if !opt then Some (output_filename sourcename ".c" ext) else None in set_dest Cprint.destination option_dparse ".parsed.c"; set_dest PrintCsyntax.destination option_dcmedium ".compcert.c"; set_dest PrintClight.destination option_dclight ".light.c"; compile_c_ast sourcename (parse_c_file sourcename ifile) ofile let output_filename sourcename suff = let prefixname = Filename.chop_suffix sourcename suff in output_filename_default (prefixname ^ ".v") (* Processing of a .c file *) let process_c_file sourcename = ensure_inputfile_exists sourcename; let ofile = output_filename sourcename ".c" in if !option_E then begin preprocess sourcename "-" end else begin let preproname = if !option_dprepro then Driveraux.output_filename sourcename ".c" ".i" else Driveraux.tmp_file ".i" in preprocess sourcename preproname; compile_c_file sourcename preproname ofile end (* Processing of a .i file *) let process_i_file sourcename = ensure_inputfile_exists sourcename; let ofile = output_filename sourcename ".i" in compile_c_file sourcename sourcename ofile let usage_string = version_string tool_name^ {|Usage: clightgen [options] Recognized source files: .c C source file .i or .p C source file that should not be preprocessed Processing options: -normalize Normalize the generated Clight code w.r.t. loads in expressions -E Preprocess only, send result to standard output -o Generate output in |} ^ prepro_help ^ language_support_help ^ {|Tracing options: -dprepro Save C file after preprocessing in .i -dparse Save C file after parsing and elaboration in .parsed.c -dc Save generated Compcert C in .compcert.c -dclight Save generated Clight in .light.c -dall Save all generated intermediate files in . |} ^ general_help ^ warning_help let print_usage_and_exit () = printf "%s" usage_string; exit 0 let set_all opts () = List.iter (fun r -> r := true) opts let unset_all opts () = List.iter (fun r -> r := false) opts let actions : ((string -> unit) * string) list ref = ref [] let push_action fn arg = actions := (fn, arg) :: !actions let perform_actions () = let rec perform = function | [] -> () | (fn,arg) :: rem -> fn arg; perform rem in perform (List.rev !actions) let num_input_files = ref 0 let cmdline_actions = [ (* Getting help *) Exact "-help", Unit print_usage_and_exit; Exact "--help", Unit print_usage_and_exit;] (* Getting version info *) @ version_options tool_name @ (* Processing options *) [ Exact "-E", Set option_E; Exact "-normalize", Set option_normalize; Exact "-o", String(fun s -> option_o := Some s); Prefix "-o", Self (fun s -> let s = String.sub s 2 ((String.length s) - 2) in option_o := Some s);] (* Preprocessing options *) @ prepro_actions @ (* Tracing options *) [ Exact "-dprepro", Set option_dprepro; Exact "-dparse", Set option_dparse; Exact "-dc", Set option_dcmedium; Exact "-dclight", Set option_dclight; Exact "-dall", Self (fun _ -> option_dprepro := true; option_dparse := true; option_dcmedium := true; option_dclight := true;); ] @ general_options (* Diagnostic options *) @ warning_options @ language_support_options @ (* Catch options that are not handled *) [Prefix "-", Self (fun s -> fatal_error no_loc "Unknown option `%s'" s); (* File arguments *) Suffix ".c", Self (fun s -> incr num_input_files; push_action process_c_file s); Suffix ".i", Self (fun s -> incr num_input_files; push_action process_i_file s); Suffix ".p", Self (fun s -> incr num_input_files; push_action process_i_file s); ] let _ = try Gc.set { (Gc.get()) with Gc.minor_heap_size = 524288; (* 512k *) Gc.major_heap_increment = 4194304 (* 4M *) }; Printexc.record_backtrace true; Frontend.init (); parse_cmdline cmdline_actions; if !option_o <> None && !num_input_files >= 2 then fatal_error no_loc "Ambiguous '-o' option (multiple source files)"; if !num_input_files = 0 then fatal_error no_loc "no input file"; perform_actions () with | Sys_error msg | CmdError msg -> error no_loc "%s" msg; exit 2 | Abort -> exit 2 | e -> crash e