Require Import ZArith. Require Import Bool. Require Import List. Require Coq.Logic.Eqdep_dec. (* begin from Maps *) Fixpoint prev_append (i j: positive) {struct i} : positive := match i with | xH => j | xI i' => prev_append i' (xI j) | xO i' => prev_append i' (xO j) end. Definition prev (i: positive) : positive := prev_append i xH. Lemma prev_append_prev i j: prev (prev_append i j) = prev_append j i. Proof. revert j. unfold prev. induction i as [i IH|i IH|]. 3: reflexivity. intros j. simpl. rewrite IH. reflexivity. intros j. simpl. rewrite IH. reflexivity. Qed. Lemma prev_involutive i : prev (prev i) = i. Proof (prev_append_prev i xH). Lemma prev_append_inj i j j' : prev_append i j = prev_append i j' -> j = j'. Proof. revert j j'. induction i as [i Hi|i Hi|]; intros j j' H; auto; specialize (Hi _ _ H); congruence. Qed. (* end from Maps *) Lemma orb_idem: forall b, orb b b = b. Proof. destruct b; reflexivity. Qed. Lemma andb_idem: forall b, andb b b = b. Proof. destruct b; reflexivity. Qed. Lemma andb_negb_false: forall b, andb b (negb b) = false. Proof. destruct b; reflexivity. Qed. Hint Rewrite orb_false_r andb_false_r andb_true_r orb_true_r orb_idem andb_idem andb_negb_false : pmap. Parameter T : Type. Parameter T_eq_dec : forall (x y : T), {x = y} + {x <> y}. Inductive pmap : Type := | Empty : pmap | Node : pmap -> option T -> pmap -> pmap. Definition empty := Empty. Definition is_empty x := match x with | Empty => true | Node _ _ _ => false end. Definition is_some (x : option T) := match x with | Some _ => true | None => false end. Fixpoint wf x := match x with | Empty => true | Node b0 f b1 => (wf b0) && (wf b1) && ((negb (is_empty b0)) || (is_some f) || (negb (is_empty b1))) end. Definition iswf x := (wf x)=true. Lemma empty_wf : iswf empty. Proof. reflexivity. Qed. Definition pmap_eq : forall s s': pmap, { s=s' } + { s <> s' }. Proof. generalize T_eq_dec. induction s; destruct s'; repeat decide equality. Qed. Fixpoint get (i : positive) (s : pmap) {struct i} : option T := match s with | Empty => None | Node b0 f b1 => match i with | xH => f | xO ii => get ii b0 | xI ii => get ii b1 end end. Lemma gempty : forall i : positive, get i Empty = None. Proof. destruct i; simpl; reflexivity. Qed. Hint Resolve gempty : pmap. Hint Rewrite gempty : pmap. Definition node (b0 : pmap) (f : option T) (b1 : pmap) : pmap := match b0, f, b1 with | Empty, None, Empty => Empty | _, _, _ => Node b0 f b1 end. Lemma wf_node : forall b0 f b1, iswf b0 -> iswf b1 -> iswf (node b0 f b1). Proof. destruct b0; destruct f; destruct b1; simpl. all: unfold iswf; simpl; intros; trivial. all: autorewrite with pmap; trivial. all: rewrite H. all: rewrite H0. all: reflexivity. Qed. Hint Resolve wf_node: pmap. Lemma gnode : forall b0 f b1 i, get i (node b0 f b1) = get i (Node b0 f b1). Proof. destruct b0; simpl; trivial. destruct f; simpl; trivial. destruct b1; simpl; trivial. intro. rewrite gempty. destruct i; simpl; trivial. all: symmetry; apply gempty. Qed. Hint Rewrite gnode : pmap. Fixpoint set (i : positive) (j : T) (s : pmap) {struct i} : pmap := match s with | Empty => match i with | xH => Node Empty (Some j) Empty | xO ii => Node (set ii j Empty) None Empty | xI ii => Node Empty None (set ii j Empty) end | Node b0 f b1 => match i with | xH => Node b0 (Some j) b1 | xO ii => Node (set ii j b0) f b1 | xI ii => Node b0 f (set ii j b1) end end. Lemma set_nonempty: forall i j s, is_empty (set i j s) = false. Proof. induction i; destruct s; simpl; trivial. Qed. Hint Rewrite set_nonempty : pmap. Hint Resolve set_nonempty : pmap. Lemma wf_set: forall i j s, (iswf s) -> (iswf (set i j s)). Proof. induction i; destruct s; simpl; trivial. all: unfold iswf in *; simpl. all: autorewrite with pmap; simpl; trivial. 1,3: auto with pmap. all: intro Z. all: repeat rewrite andb_true_iff in Z. all: intuition. Qed. Hint Resolve wf_set : pset. Theorem gss : forall (i : positive) (j : T) (s : pmap), get i (set i j s) = Some j. Proof. induction i; destruct s; simpl; auto. Qed. Hint Resolve gss : pmap. Hint Rewrite gss : pmap. Theorem gso : forall (i j : positive) (k : T) (s : pmap), i <> j -> get j (set i k s) = get j s. Proof. induction i; destruct j; destruct s; simpl; intro; auto with pmap. 5, 6: congruence. all: rewrite IHi by congruence. all: trivial. all: apply gempty. Qed. Hint Resolve gso : pmap. Fixpoint remove (i : positive) (s : pmap) { struct i } : pmap := match i with | xH => match s with | Empty => Empty | Node b0 f b1 => node b0 None b1 end | xO ii => match s with | Empty => Empty | Node b0 f b1 => node (remove ii b0) f b1 end | xI ii => match s with | Empty => Empty | Node b0 f b1 => node b0 f (remove ii b1) end end. Lemma wf_remove : forall i s, (iswf s) -> (iswf (remove i s)). Proof. induction i; destruct s; simpl; trivial. all: unfold iswf in *; simpl. all: intro Z. all: repeat rewrite andb_true_iff in Z. all: apply wf_node. all: intuition. all: apply IHi. all: assumption. Qed. Fixpoint remove_noncanon (i : positive) (s : pmap) { struct i } : pmap := match i with | xH => match s with | Empty => Empty | Node b0 f b1 => Node b0 None b1 end | xO ii => match s with | Empty => Empty | Node b0 f b1 => Node (remove_noncanon ii b0) f b1 end | xI ii => match s with | Empty => Empty | Node b0 f b1 => Node b0 f (remove_noncanon ii b1) end end. Lemma remove_noncanon_same: forall i j s, (get j (remove i s)) = (get j (remove_noncanon i s)). Proof. induction i; destruct s; simpl; trivial. all: rewrite gnode. 3: reflexivity. all: destruct j; simpl; trivial. Qed. Lemma remove_empty : forall i, remove i Empty = Empty. Proof. induction i; simpl; trivial. Qed. Hint Rewrite remove_empty : pmap. Hint Resolve remove_empty : pmap. Lemma gremove_noncanon_s : forall i : positive, forall s : pmap, get i (remove_noncanon i s) = None. Proof. induction i; destruct s; simpl; trivial. Qed. Theorem grs : forall i : positive, forall s : pmap, get i (remove i s) = None. Proof. intros. rewrite remove_noncanon_same. apply gremove_noncanon_s. Qed. Hint Resolve grs : pmap. Hint Rewrite grs : pmap. Lemma gremove_noncanon_o : forall i j : positive, forall s : pmap, i<>j -> get j (remove_noncanon i s) = get j s. Proof. induction i; destruct j; destruct s; simpl; intro; trivial. 1, 2: rewrite IHi by congruence. 1, 2: reflexivity. congruence. Qed. Theorem gro : forall (i j : positive) (s : pmap), i<>j -> get j (remove i s) = get j s. Proof. intros. rewrite remove_noncanon_same. apply gremove_noncanon_o. assumption. Qed. Hint Resolve gro : pmap. Section MAP2. Variable f : option T -> option T -> option T. Section NONE_NONE. Hypothesis f_none_none : f None None = None. Fixpoint map2_Empty (b : pmap) := match b with | Empty => Empty | Node b0 bf b1 => node (map2_Empty b0) (f None bf) (map2_Empty b1) end. Lemma gmap2_Empty: forall i b, get i (map2_Empty b) = f None (get i b). Proof. induction i; destruct b as [ | b0 bf b1]; intros; simpl in *. all: try congruence. - replace (match node (map2_Empty b0) (f None bf) (map2_Empty b1) with | Empty => None | Node _ _ c1 => get i c1 end) with (get (xI i) (node (map2_Empty b0) (f None bf) (map2_Empty b1))). + rewrite gnode. simpl. apply IHi. + destruct node; auto with pmap. - replace (match node (map2_Empty b0) (f None bf) (map2_Empty b1) with | Empty => None | Node c0 _ _ => get i c0 end) with (get (xO i) (node (map2_Empty b0) (f None bf) (map2_Empty b1))). + rewrite gnode. simpl. apply IHi. + destruct node; auto with pmap. - change (match node (map2_Empty b0) (f None bf) (map2_Empty b1) with | Empty => None | Node _ cf _ => cf end) with (get xH (node (map2_Empty b0) (f None bf) (map2_Empty b1))). rewrite gnode. reflexivity. Qed. Fixpoint map2 (a b : pmap) := match a with | Empty => map2_Empty b | (Node a0 af a1) => match b with | (Node b0 bf b1) => node (map2 a0 b0) (f af bf) (map2 a1 b1) | Empty => node (map2 a0 Empty) (f af None) (map2 a1 Empty) end end. Lemma gmap2: forall a b i, get i (map2 a b) = f (get i a) (get i b). Proof. induction a as [ | a0 IHa0 af a1 IHa1]; intros; simpl. { rewrite gmap2_Empty. rewrite gempty. reflexivity. } destruct b as [ | b0 bf b1 ]; simpl; rewrite gnode. - destruct i; simpl. + rewrite IHa1. rewrite gempty. reflexivity. + rewrite IHa0. rewrite gempty. reflexivity. + reflexivity. - destruct i; simpl; congruence. Qed. End NONE_NONE. Section IDEM. Hypothesis f_idem : forall x, f x x = x. Fixpoint map2_idem (a b : pmap) := if pmap_eq a b then a else match a with | Empty => map2_Empty b | (Node a0 af a1) => match b with | (Node b0 bf b1) => node (map2_idem a0 b0) (f af bf) (map2_idem a1 b1) | Empty => node (map2_idem a0 Empty) (f af None) (map2_idem a1 Empty) end end. Lemma gmap2_idem: forall a b i, get i (map2_idem a b) = f (get i a) (get i b). Proof. induction a as [ | a0 IHa0 af a1 IHa1]; intros; simpl. { destruct pmap_eq. - subst b. rewrite gempty. congruence. - rewrite gempty. rewrite gmap2_Empty by congruence. reflexivity. } destruct pmap_eq. { subst b. congruence. } destruct b as [ | b0 bf b1 ]; simpl; rewrite gnode. - destruct i; simpl. + rewrite IHa1. rewrite gempty. reflexivity. + rewrite IHa0. rewrite gempty. reflexivity. + reflexivity. - destruct i; simpl; congruence. Qed. End IDEM. End MAP2.