(** Schedule instructions on a synchronized pipeline @author David Monniaux, CNRS, VERIMAG *) type latency_constraint = { instr_from : int; instr_to : int; latency : int };; type problem = { max_latency : int; resource_bounds : int array; instruction_usages : int array array; latency_constraints : latency_constraint list; } let get_nr_instructions problem = Array.length problem.instruction_usages;; let get_nr_resources problem = Array.length problem.resource_bounds;; type solution = int array type scheduler = problem -> solution option (* DISABLED (** Schedule the problem optimally by constraint solving using the Gecode solver. *) external gecode_scheduler : problem -> solution option = "caml_gecode_schedule_instr";; *) let maximum_slot_used times = let maxi = ref (-1) in for i=0 to (Array.length times)-2 do maxi := max !maxi times.(i) done; !maxi;; let check_schedule (problem : problem) (times : solution) = let nr_instructions = get_nr_instructions problem in (if Array.length times <> nr_instructions+1 then failwith (Printf.sprintf "check_schedule: %d times expected, got %d" (nr_instructions+1) (Array.length times))); (if problem.max_latency >= 0 && times.(nr_instructions)> problem.max_latency then failwith "check_schedule: max_latency exceeded"); (Array.iteri (fun i time -> (if time < 0 then failwith (Printf.sprintf "time[%d] < 0" i))) times); let slot_resources = Array.init ((maximum_slot_used times)+1) (fun _ -> Array.copy problem.resource_bounds) in for i=0 to nr_instructions -1 do let remaining_resources = slot_resources.(times.(i)) and used_resources = problem.instruction_usages.(i) in for resource=0 to (Array.length used_resources)-1 do let after = remaining_resources.(resource) - used_resources.(resource) in (if after < 0 then failwith (Printf.sprintf "check_schedule: instruction %d exceeds resource %d at slot %d" i resource times.(i))); remaining_resources.(resource) <- after done done; List.iter (fun ctr -> if times.(ctr.instr_to) - times.(ctr.instr_from) < ctr.latency then failwith (Printf.sprintf "check_schedule: time[%d]=%d - time[%d]=%d < %d" ctr.instr_to times.(ctr.instr_to) ctr.instr_from times.(ctr.instr_from) ctr.latency) ) problem.latency_constraints;; let bound_max_time problem = let total = ref(Array.length problem.instruction_usages) in List.iter (fun ctr -> total := !total + ctr.latency) problem.latency_constraints; !total;; let vector_less_equal a b = try Array.iter2 (fun x y -> if x>y then raise Exit) a b; true with Exit -> false;; let vector_subtract a b = assert ((Array.length a) = (Array.length b)); for i=0 to (Array.length a)-1 do b.(i) <- b.(i) - a.(i) done;; (* The version with critical path ordering is much better! *) type list_scheduler_order = (* | INSTRUCTION_ORDER *) | CRITICAL_PATH_ORDER;; let int_max (x : int) (y : int) = if x > y then x else y;; let int_min (x : int) (y : int) = if x < y then x else y;; let get_predecessors problem = let nr_instructions = get_nr_instructions problem in let predecessors = Array.make (nr_instructions+1) [] in List.iter (fun ctr -> predecessors.(ctr.instr_to) <- (ctr.instr_from, ctr.latency)::predecessors.(ctr.instr_to)) problem.latency_constraints; predecessors;; let get_successors problem = let nr_instructions = get_nr_instructions problem in let successors = Array.make nr_instructions [] in List.iter (fun ctr -> successors.(ctr.instr_from) <- (ctr.instr_to, ctr.latency)::successors.(ctr.instr_from)) problem.latency_constraints; successors;; let critical_paths successors = let nr_instructions = Array.length successors in let path_lengths = Array.make nr_instructions (-1) in let rec compute i = if i=nr_instructions then 0 else match path_lengths.(i) with | -2 -> failwith "InstructionScheduler: the dependency graph has cycles" | -1 -> path_lengths.(i) <- -2; let x = List.fold_left (fun cur (j, latency)-> int_max cur (latency+(compute j))) 1 successors.(i) in path_lengths.(i) <- x; x | x -> x in for i = nr_instructions-1 downto 0 do ignore (compute i) done; path_lengths;; (* let maximum_critical_path problem = let paths = critical_paths (get_successors problem) in Array.fold_left int_max 0 paths;; *) let get_earliest_dates predecessors = let nr_instructions = (Array.length predecessors)-1 in let path_lengths = Array.make (nr_instructions+1) (-1) in let rec compute i = match path_lengths.(i) with | -2 -> failwith "InstructionScheduler: the dependency graph has cycles" | -1 -> path_lengths.(i) <- -2; let x = List.fold_left (fun cur (j, latency)-> int_max cur (latency+(compute j))) 0 predecessors.(i) in path_lengths.(i) <- x; x | x -> x in for i = 0 to nr_instructions do ignore (compute i) done; for i = 0 to nr_instructions - 1 do path_lengths.(nr_instructions) <- int_max path_lengths.(nr_instructions) (1 + path_lengths.(i)) done; path_lengths;; exception Unschedulable let get_latest_dates deadline successors = let nr_instructions = Array.length successors and path_lengths = critical_paths successors in Array.init (nr_instructions + 1) (fun i -> if i < nr_instructions then let path_length = path_lengths.(i) in assert (path_length >= 1); (if path_length > deadline then raise Unschedulable); deadline - path_length else deadline);; let priority_list_scheduler (order : list_scheduler_order) (problem : problem) : solution option = let nr_instructions = get_nr_instructions problem in let successors = get_successors problem and predecessors = get_predecessors problem and times = Array.make (nr_instructions+1) (-1) in let priorities = match order with (* | INSTRUCTION_ORDER -> None *) | CRITICAL_PATH_ORDER -> Some (critical_paths successors) in let module InstrSet = Set.Make (struct type t=int let compare = match priorities with | None -> (fun x y -> x - y) | Some p -> (fun x y -> (match p.(y)-p.(x) with | 0 -> x - y | z -> z)) end) in let max_time = bound_max_time problem in let ready = Array.make max_time InstrSet.empty in Array.iteri (fun i preds -> if i if times.(j) < 0 then raise Exit else let t = times.(j) + latency in if t > !time then time := t) predecessors.(i); assert(!time >= 0); !time with Exit -> -1 in let advance_time() = begin (if !current_time < max_time-1 then begin Array.blit problem.resource_bounds 0 current_resources 0 (Array.length current_resources); ready.(!current_time + 1) <- InstrSet.union (ready.(!current_time)) (ready.(!current_time + 1)); ready.(!current_time) <- InstrSet.empty; end); incr current_time end in let attempt_scheduling ready usages = let result = ref (-1) in try InstrSet.iter (fun i -> (* Printf.printf "trying scheduling %d\n" i; pr int_vector usages.(i); print _vector current_resources; *) if vector_less_equal usages.(i) current_resources then begin vector_subtract usages.(i) current_resources; result := i; raise Exit end) ready; -1 with Exit -> !result in while !current_time < max_time do if (InstrSet.is_empty ready.(!current_time)) then advance_time() else match attempt_scheduling ready.(!current_time) problem.instruction_usages with | -1 -> advance_time() | i -> begin assert(times.(i) < 0); times.(i) <- !current_time; ready.(!current_time) <- InstrSet.remove i (ready.(!current_time)); List.iter (fun (instr_to, latency) -> if instr_to < nr_instructions then match earliest_time instr_to with | -1 -> () | to_time -> ready.(to_time) <- InstrSet.add instr_to ready.(to_time)) successors.(i); successors.(i) <- [] end done; try let final_time = ref (-1) in for i=0 to nr_instructions-1 do (if times.(i) < 0 then raise Exit); (if !final_time < times.(i)+1 then final_time := times.(i)+1) done; List.iter (fun (i, latency) -> let target_time = latency + times.(i) in if target_time > !final_time then final_time := target_time ) predecessors.(nr_instructions); times.(nr_instructions) <- !final_time; Some times with Exit -> None;; let list_scheduler = priority_list_scheduler CRITICAL_PATH_ORDER;; (* alternate implementation let swap_array_elements a i j = let x = a.(i) in a.(i) <- a.(j); a.(j) <- x;; let array_reverse_slice a first last = let i = ref first and j = ref last in while i < j do swap_array_elements a !i !j; incr i; decr j done;; let array_reverse a = let a' = Array.copy a in array_reverse_slice a' 0 ((Array.length a)-1); a';; *) let array_reverse a = let n=Array.length a in Array.init n (fun i -> a.(n-1-i));; let reverse_constraint nr_instructions ctr = if ctr.instr_to < nr_instructions then Some { instr_to = nr_instructions -1 -ctr.instr_from; instr_from = nr_instructions -1 - ctr.instr_to; latency = ctr.latency } else None;; let rec list_map_filter f = function | [] -> [] | h::t -> (match f h with | None -> list_map_filter f t | Some x -> x :: (list_map_filter f t));; let reverse_problem problem = let nr_instructions = get_nr_instructions problem in { max_latency = problem.max_latency; resource_bounds = problem.resource_bounds; instruction_usages = array_reverse problem.instruction_usages; latency_constraints = list_map_filter (reverse_constraint nr_instructions) problem.latency_constraints };; let max_scheduled_time solution = let time = ref (-1) in for i = 0 to ((Array.length solution) - 2) do time := max !time solution.(i) done; !time;; let schedule_reversed (scheduler : problem -> solution option) (problem : problem) = match scheduler (reverse_problem problem) with | None -> None | Some solution -> let nr_instructions = get_nr_instructions problem and maxi = max_scheduled_time solution in Some (Array.init (Array.length solution) (fun i -> if i < nr_instructions then maxi-solution.(nr_instructions-1-i) else solution.(i)));; (** Schedule the problem using a greedy list scheduling algorithm, from the end. *) let reverse_list_scheduler = schedule_reversed list_scheduler;; let check_problem problem = (if (Array.length problem.instruction_usages) < 1 then failwith "length(problem.instruction_usages) < 1");; let validated_scheduler (scheduler : problem -> solution option) (problem : problem) = check_problem problem; match scheduler problem with | None -> None | (Some solution) as ret -> check_schedule problem solution; ret;; let get_max_latency solution = solution.((Array.length solution)-1);; let show_date_ranges problem = let deadline = problem.max_latency in assert(deadline >= 0); let successors = get_successors problem and predecessors = get_predecessors problem in let earliest_dates : int array = get_earliest_dates predecessors and latest_dates : int array = get_latest_dates deadline successors in assert ((Array.length earliest_dates) = (Array.length latest_dates)); Array.iteri (fun i early -> let late = latest_dates.(i) in Printf.printf "t[%d] in %d..%d\n" i early late) earliest_dates;; type pseudo_boolean_problem_type = | SATISFIABILITY | OPTIMIZATION;; type pseudo_boolean_mapper = { mapper_pb_type : pseudo_boolean_problem_type; mapper_nr_instructions : int; mapper_nr_pb_variables : int; mapper_earliest_dates : int array; mapper_latest_dates : int array; mapper_var_offsets : int array; mapper_final_predecessors : (int * int) list };; (* Latency constraints are: presence of instr-to at each t <= sum of presences of instr-from at compatible times if dual_encoding presence of instr-from at each t <= sum of presences of instr-to at compatible times *) (* Experiments show dual_encoding=true multiplies time by 2 without making hard instances easier *) let dual_encoding = false let pseudo_boolean_print_problem channel problem pb_type = let deadline = problem.max_latency in assert (deadline > 0); let nr_instructions = get_nr_instructions problem and nr_resources = get_nr_resources problem and successors = get_successors problem and predecessors = get_predecessors problem in let earliest_dates = get_earliest_dates predecessors and latest_dates = get_latest_dates deadline successors in let var_offsets = Array.make (match pb_type with | OPTIMIZATION -> nr_instructions+1 | SATISFIABILITY -> nr_instructions) 0 in let nr_pb_variables = (let nr = ref 0 in for i=0 to (match pb_type with | OPTIMIZATION -> nr_instructions | SATISFIABILITY -> nr_instructions-1) do var_offsets.(i) <- !nr; nr := !nr + latest_dates.(i) - earliest_dates.(i) + 1 done; !nr) and nr_pb_constraints = (match pb_type with | OPTIMIZATION -> nr_instructions+1 | SATISFIABILITY -> nr_instructions) + (let count = ref 0 in for t=0 to deadline-1 do for j=0 to nr_resources-1 do try for i=0 to nr_instructions-1 do let usage = problem.instruction_usages.(i).(j) in if t >= earliest_dates.(i) && t <= latest_dates.(i) && usage > 0 then raise Exit done with Exit -> incr count done done; !count) + (let count=ref 0 in List.iter (fun ctr -> if ctr.instr_to < nr_instructions then count := !count + 1 + latest_dates.(ctr.instr_to) - earliest_dates.(ctr.instr_to) + (if dual_encoding then 1 + latest_dates.(ctr.instr_from) - earliest_dates.(ctr.instr_from) else 0) ) problem.latency_constraints; !count) + (match pb_type with | OPTIMIZATION -> (1 + deadline - earliest_dates.(nr_instructions)) * nr_instructions | SATISFIABILITY -> 0) and measured_nr_constraints = ref 0 in let pb_var i t = assert(t >= earliest_dates.(i)); assert(t <= latest_dates.(i)); let v = 1+var_offsets.(i)+t-earliest_dates.(i) in assert(v <= nr_pb_variables); Printf.sprintf "x%d" v in let end_constraint () = begin output_string channel ";\n"; incr measured_nr_constraints end in let gen_latency_constraint i_to i_from latency t_to = Printf.fprintf channel "* t[%d] - t[%d] >= %d when t[%d]=%d\n" i_to i_from latency i_to t_to; for t_from=earliest_dates.(i_from) to int_min latest_dates.(i_from) (t_to - latency) do Printf.fprintf channel "+1 %s " (pb_var i_from t_from) done; Printf.fprintf channel "-1 %s " (pb_var i_to t_to); Printf.fprintf channel ">= 0"; end_constraint() and gen_dual_latency_constraint i_to i_from latency t_from = Printf.fprintf channel "* t[%d] - t[%d] >= %d when t[%d]=%d\n" i_to i_from latency i_to t_from; for t_to=int_max earliest_dates.(i_to) (t_from + latency) to latest_dates.(i_to) do Printf.fprintf channel "+1 %s " (pb_var i_to t_to) done; Printf.fprintf channel "-1 %s " (pb_var i_from t_from); Printf.fprintf channel ">= 0"; end_constraint() in Printf.fprintf channel "* #variable= %d #constraint= %d\n" nr_pb_variables nr_pb_constraints; Printf.fprintf channel "* nr_instructions=%d deadline=%d\n" nr_instructions deadline; begin match pb_type with | SATISFIABILITY -> () | OPTIMIZATION -> output_string channel "min:"; for t=earliest_dates.(nr_instructions) to deadline do Printf.fprintf channel " %+d %s" t (pb_var nr_instructions t) done; output_string channel ";\n"; end; for i=0 to (match pb_type with | OPTIMIZATION -> nr_instructions | SATISFIABILITY -> nr_instructions-1) do let early = earliest_dates.(i) and late= latest_dates.(i) in Printf.fprintf channel "* t[%d] in %d..%d\n" i early late; for t=early to late do Printf.fprintf channel "+1 %s " (pb_var i t) done; Printf.fprintf channel "= 1"; end_constraint() done; for t=0 to deadline-1 do for j=0 to nr_resources-1 do let bound = problem.resource_bounds.(j) and coeffs = ref [] in for i=0 to nr_instructions-1 do let usage = problem.instruction_usages.(i).(j) in if t >= earliest_dates.(i) && t <= latest_dates.(i) && usage > 0 then coeffs := (i, usage) :: !coeffs done; if !coeffs <> [] then begin Printf.fprintf channel "* resource #%d at t=%d <= %d\n" j t bound; List.iter (fun (i, usage) -> Printf.fprintf channel "%+d %s " (-usage) (pb_var i t)) !coeffs; Printf.fprintf channel ">= %d" (-bound); end_constraint(); end done done; List.iter (fun ctr -> if ctr.instr_to < nr_instructions then begin for t_to=earliest_dates.(ctr.instr_to) to latest_dates.(ctr.instr_to) do gen_latency_constraint ctr.instr_to ctr.instr_from ctr.latency t_to done; if dual_encoding then for t_from=earliest_dates.(ctr.instr_from) to latest_dates.(ctr.instr_from) do gen_dual_latency_constraint ctr.instr_to ctr.instr_from ctr.latency t_from done end ) problem.latency_constraints; begin match pb_type with | SATISFIABILITY -> () | OPTIMIZATION -> let final_latencies = Array.make nr_instructions 1 in List.iter (fun (i, latency) -> final_latencies.(i) <- int_max final_latencies.(i) latency) predecessors.(nr_instructions); for t_to=earliest_dates.(nr_instructions) to deadline do for i_from = 0 to nr_instructions -1 do gen_latency_constraint nr_instructions i_from final_latencies.(i_from) t_to done done end; assert (!measured_nr_constraints = nr_pb_constraints); { mapper_pb_type = pb_type; mapper_nr_instructions = nr_instructions; mapper_nr_pb_variables = nr_pb_variables; mapper_earliest_dates = earliest_dates; mapper_latest_dates = latest_dates; mapper_var_offsets = var_offsets; mapper_final_predecessors = predecessors.(nr_instructions) };; type pb_answer = | Positive | Negative | Unknown let line_to_pb_solution sol line nr_pb_variables = let assign s v = begin let i = int_of_string s in sol.(i-1) <- v end in List.iter begin function "" -> () | item -> (match String.get item 0 with | '+' -> assert ((String.length item) >= 3); assert ((String.get item 1) = 'x'); assign (String.sub item 2 ((String.length item)-2)) Positive | '-' -> assert ((String.length item) >= 3); assert ((String.get item 1) = 'x'); assign (String.sub item 2 ((String.length item)-2)) Negative | 'x' -> assert ((String.length item) >= 2); assign (String.sub item 1 ((String.length item)-1)) Positive | c -> failwith @@ Printf.sprintf "line_to_pb_solution: unrecognized character: %c" c ) end (String.split_on_char ' ' (String.sub line 2 ((String.length line)-2)));; let pb_solution_to_schedule mapper pb_solution = Array.mapi (fun i offset -> let first = mapper.mapper_earliest_dates.(i) and last = mapper.mapper_latest_dates.(i) and time = ref (-1) in for t=first to last do match pb_solution.(t - first + offset) with | Positive -> (if !time = -1 then time:=t else failwith "duplicate time in pseudo boolean solution") | Negative -> () | Unknown -> failwith "unknown value in pseudo boolean solution" done; (if !time = -1 then failwith "no time in pseudo boolean solution"); !time ) mapper.mapper_var_offsets;; let pseudo_boolean_read_solution mapper channel = let optimum = ref (-1) and optimum_found = ref false and solution = Array.make mapper.mapper_nr_pb_variables Unknown in try while true do match input_line channel with | "" -> () | line -> begin match String.get line 0 with | 'c' -> () | 'o' -> assert ((String.length line) >= 2); assert ((String.get line 1) = ' '); optimum := int_of_string (String.sub line 2 ((String.length line)-2)) | 's' -> (match line with | "s OPTIMUM FOUND" -> optimum_found := true | "s SATISFIABLE" -> () | "s UNSATISFIABLE" -> close_in channel; raise Unschedulable | _ -> failwith line) | 'v' -> line_to_pb_solution solution line mapper.mapper_nr_pb_variables | x -> Printf.printf "unknown: %s\n" line end done; assert false with End_of_file -> close_in channel; begin let sol = pb_solution_to_schedule mapper solution in sol end;; let recompute_max_latency mapper solution = let maxi = ref (-1) in for i=0 to (mapper.mapper_nr_instructions-1) do maxi := int_max !maxi (1+solution.(i)) done; List.iter (fun (i, latency) -> maxi := int_max !maxi (solution.(i) + latency)) mapper.mapper_final_predecessors; !maxi;; let adjust_check_solution mapper solution = match mapper.mapper_pb_type with | OPTIMIZATION -> let max_latency = recompute_max_latency mapper solution in assert (max_latency = solution.(mapper.mapper_nr_instructions)); solution | SATISFIABILITY -> let max_latency = recompute_max_latency mapper solution in Array.init (mapper.mapper_nr_instructions+1) (fun i -> if i < mapper.mapper_nr_instructions then solution.(i) else max_latency);; (* let pseudo_boolean_solver = ref "/local/monniaux/progs/naps/naps" *) (* let pseudo_boolean_solver = ref "/local/monniaux/packages/sat4j/org.sat4j.pb.jar CuttingPlanes" *) (* let pseudo_boolean_solver = ref "java -jar /usr/share/java/org.sat4j.pb.jar CuttingPlanes" *) (* let pseudo_boolean_solver = ref "java -jar /usr/share/java/org.sat4j.pb.jar" *) (* let pseudo_boolean_solver = ref "clasp" *) (* let pseudo_boolean_solver = ref "/home/monniaux/progs/CP/open-wbo/open-wbo_static -formula=1" *) (* let pseudo_boolean_solver = ref "/home/monniaux/progs/CP/naps/naps" *) (* let pseudo_boolean_solver = ref "/home/monniaux/progs/CP/minisatp/build/release/bin/minisatp" *) let pseudo_boolean_solver = ref "java -jar sat4j-pb.jar CuttingPlanesStar" let pseudo_boolean_scheduler pb_type problem = try let filename_in = "problem.opb" (* and filename_out = "problem.sol" *) in let opb_problem = open_out filename_in in let mapper = pseudo_boolean_print_problem opb_problem problem pb_type in close_out opb_problem; let opb_solution = Unix.open_process_in (!pseudo_boolean_solver ^ " " ^ filename_in) in let ret = adjust_check_solution mapper (pseudo_boolean_read_solution mapper opb_solution) in close_in opb_solution; Some ret with | Unschedulable -> None;; let rec reoptimizing_scheduler (scheduler : scheduler) (previous_solution : solution) (problem : problem) = Printf.printf "reoptimizing < %d\n" (get_max_latency previous_solution); flush stdout; match scheduler { problem with max_latency = (get_max_latency previous_solution)-1 } with | None -> previous_solution | Some solution -> reoptimizing_scheduler scheduler solution problem;; let cascaded_scheduler (problem : problem) = match validated_scheduler list_scheduler problem with | None -> None | Some initial_solution -> let solution = reoptimizing_scheduler (validated_scheduler (pseudo_boolean_scheduler SATISFIABILITY)) initial_solution problem in begin let latency2 = get_max_latency solution and latency1 = get_max_latency initial_solution in if latency2 < latency1 then Printf.printf "%d < %d\n" latency2 latency1 else if latency2 = latency1 then Printf.printf "%d unchanged\n" latency1 else failwith "optimizing not optimizing" end; Some solution;; (* old match validated_scheduler list_scheduler problem with | None -> None | (Some solution1) as some1 -> let latency1 = get_max_latency solution1 in begin match validated_scheduler pseudo_boolean_scheduler { problem with max_latency = latency1-1 } with | None -> Printf.printf "%d unchanged\n" latency1; some1 | (Some solution2) as some2 -> let latency2 = get_max_latency solution2 in Printf.printf "%d < %d\n" latency2 latency1; some2 end;; *) let smt_var i = Printf.sprintf "t%d" i let is_resource_used problem j = try Array.iter (fun usages -> if usages.(j) > 0 then raise Exit) problem.instruction_usages; false with Exit -> true;; let smt_use_quantifiers = false let smt_print_problem channel problem = let nr_instructions = get_nr_instructions problem in let gen_smt_resource_constraint time j = output_string channel "(<= (+"; Array.iteri (fun i usages -> let usage=usages.(j) in if usage > 0 then Printf.fprintf channel " (ite (= %s %s) %d 0)" time (smt_var i) usage) problem.instruction_usages; Printf.fprintf channel ") %d)" problem.resource_bounds.(j) in output_string channel "(set-option :produce-models true)\n"; for i=0 to nr_instructions do Printf.fprintf channel "(declare-const %s Int)\n" (smt_var i); Printf.fprintf channel "(assert (>= %s 0))\n" (smt_var i) done; for i=0 to nr_instructions-1 do Printf.fprintf channel "(assert (< %s %s))\n" (smt_var i) (smt_var nr_instructions) done; (if problem.max_latency > 0 then Printf.fprintf channel "(assert (<= %s %d))\n" (smt_var nr_instructions) problem.max_latency); List.iter (fun ctr -> Printf.fprintf channel "(assert (>= (- %s %s) %d))\n" (smt_var ctr.instr_to) (smt_var ctr.instr_from) ctr.latency) problem.latency_constraints; for j=0 to (Array.length problem.resource_bounds)-1 do if is_resource_used problem j then begin if smt_use_quantifiers then begin Printf.fprintf channel "; resource #%d <= %d\n(assert (forall ((t Int)) " j problem.resource_bounds.(j); gen_smt_resource_constraint "t" j; output_string channel "))\n" end else begin (if problem.max_latency < 0 then failwith "quantifier explosion needs max latency"); for t=0 to problem.max_latency do Printf.fprintf channel "; resource #%d <= %d at t=%d\n(assert " j problem.resource_bounds.(j) t; gen_smt_resource_constraint (string_of_int t) j; output_string channel ")\n" done end end done; output_string channel "(check-sat)(get-model)\n";;