(** Schedule instructions on a synchronized pipeline by David Monniaux, CNRS, VERIMAG *) (** A latency constraint: instruction number [instr_to] should be scheduled at least [latency] clock ticks before [instr_from]. It is possible to specify [latency]=0, meaning that [instr_to] can be scheduled at the same clock tick as [instr_from], but not before. [instr_to] can be the special value equal to the number of instructions, meaning that it refers to the final output latency. *) type latency_constraint = { instr_from : int; instr_to : int; latency : int; } (** A scheduling problem. In addition to the latency constraints, the resource constraints should be satisfied: at every clock tick, the sum of vectors of resources used by the instructions scheduled at that tick does not exceed the resource bounds. *) type problem = { max_latency : int; (** An optional maximal total latency of the problem, after which the problem is deemed not schedulable. -1 means there should be no maximum. *) resource_bounds : int array; (** An array of number of units available indexed by the kind of resources to be allocated. It can be empty, in which case the problem is scheduling without resource constraints. *) instruction_usages: int array array; (** At index {i i} the vector of resources used by instruction number {i i}. It must be the same length as [resource_bounds] *) latency_constraints : latency_constraint list (** The latency constraints that must be satisfied *) };; (** Print problem for human readability. *) val print_problem : out_channel -> problem -> unit;; (** Scheduling solution. For {i n} instructions to schedule, and 0≤{i i}<{i n}, position {i i} contains the time to which instruction {i i} should be scheduled. Position {i n} contains the final output latency. *) type solution = int array (** A scheduling algorithm. The return value [Some x] is a solution [x]. [None] means that scheduling failed. *) type scheduler = problem -> solution option;; (* DISABLED (** Schedule the problem optimally by constraint solving using the Gecode solver. *) external gecode_scheduler : problem -> solution option = "caml_gecode_schedule_instr" *) (** Get the number the last scheduling time used for an instruction in a solution. @return The last clock tick used *) val maximum_slot_used : solution -> int (** Validate that a solution is truly a solution of a scheduling problem. @raise Failure if validation fails *) val check_schedule : problem -> solution -> unit (** Schedule the problem using a greedy list scheduling algorithm, from the start. The first (according to instruction ordering) instruction that is ready (according to the latency constraints) is scheduled at the current clock tick. Once a clock tick is full go to the next. @return [Some solution] when a solution is found, [None] if not. *) val list_scheduler : problem -> solution option (** Schedule a problem using a scheduler applied in the opposite direction, e.g. for list scheduling from the end instead of the start. BUGGY *) val schedule_reversed : scheduler -> problem -> int array option (** Schedule a problem from the end using a list scheduler. BUGGY *) val reverse_list_scheduler : problem -> int array option (** Check that a problem is well-formed. @raise Failure if validation fails *) val check_problem : problem -> unit (** Apply a scheduler and validate the result against the input problem. @return The solution found @raise Failure if validation fails *) val validated_scheduler : scheduler -> problem -> solution option;; (** Get max latency from solution @return Max latency *) val get_max_latency : solution -> int;; (** Get the length of a maximal critical path @return Max length *) val maximum_critical_path : problem -> int;; (** Apply line scheduler then advanced solver @return A solution if found *) val cascaded_scheduler : problem -> solution option;; val show_date_ranges : problem -> unit;; type pseudo_boolean_problem_type = | SATISFIABILITY | OPTIMIZATION;; type pseudo_boolean_mapper val pseudo_boolean_print_problem : out_channel -> problem -> pseudo_boolean_problem_type -> pseudo_boolean_mapper;; val pseudo_boolean_read_solution : pseudo_boolean_mapper -> in_channel -> solution;; val pseudo_boolean_scheduler : pseudo_boolean_problem_type -> problem -> solution option;; val smt_print_problem : out_channel -> problem -> unit;; val ilp_print_problem : out_channel -> problem -> pseudo_boolean_problem_type -> pseudo_boolean_mapper;; val ilp_scheduler : pseudo_boolean_problem_type -> problem -> solution option;;