Require Import Coqlib. Require Import Asmvliw. Require Import Values. Require Import Integers. Require Compopts. Definition gpreg_q_list : list gpreg_q := R0R1 :: R2R3 :: R4R5 :: R6R7 :: R8R9 :: R10R11 :: R12R13 :: R14R15 :: R16R17 :: R18R19 :: R20R21 :: R22R23 :: R24R25 :: R26R27 :: R28R29 :: R30R31 :: R32R33 :: R34R35 :: R36R37 :: R38R39 :: R40R41 :: R42R43 :: R44R45 :: R46R47 :: R48R49 :: R50R51 :: R52R53 :: R54R55 :: R56R57 :: R58R59 :: R60R61 :: R62R63 :: nil. Definition gpreg_o_list : list gpreg_o := R0R1R2R3 :: R4R5R6R7 :: R8R9R10R11 :: R12R13R14R15 :: R16R17R18R19 :: R20R21R22R23 :: R24R25R26R27 :: R28R29R30R31 :: R32R33R34R35 :: R36R37R38R39 :: R40R41R42R43 :: R44R45R46R47 :: R48R49R50R51 :: R52R53R54R55 :: R56R57R58R59 :: R60R61R62R63 :: nil. Fixpoint gpreg_q_search_rec r0 r1 l := match l with | h :: t => let (s0, s1) := gpreg_q_expand h in if (gpreg_eq r0 s0) && (gpreg_eq r1 s1) then Some h else gpreg_q_search_rec r0 r1 t | nil => None end. Fixpoint gpreg_o_search_rec r0 r1 r2 r3 l := match l with | h :: t => match gpreg_o_expand h with | (((s0, s1), s2), s3) => if (gpreg_eq r0 s0) && (gpreg_eq r1 s1) && (gpreg_eq r2 s2) && (gpreg_eq r3 s3) then Some h else gpreg_o_search_rec r0 r1 r2 r3 t end | nil => None end. Definition gpreg_q_search (r0 : gpreg) (r1 : gpreg) : option gpreg_q := gpreg_q_search_rec r0 r1 gpreg_q_list. Definition gpreg_o_search r0 r1 r2 r3 : option gpreg_o := gpreg_o_search_rec r0 r1 r2 r3 gpreg_o_list. Parameter print_found_store: forall A, Z -> A -> A. Definition coalesce_octuples := true. Fixpoint coalesce_mem (insns : list basic) : list basic := match insns with | nil => nil | h0 :: t0 => match t0 with | h1 :: t1 => match h0, h1 with | (PStoreRRO Psd_a rs0 ra0 ofs0), (PStoreRRO Psd_a rs1 ra1 ofs1) => match gpreg_q_search rs0 rs1 with | Some rs0rs1 => let zofs0 := Ptrofs.signed ofs0 in let zofs1 := Ptrofs.signed ofs1 in if (zofs1 =? zofs0 + 8) && (ireg_eq ra0 ra1) then if coalesce_octuples then match t1 with | (PStoreRRO Psd_a rs2 ra2 ofs2) :: (PStoreRRO Psd_a rs3 ra3 ofs3) :: t3 => match gpreg_o_search rs0 rs1 rs2 rs3 with | Some octuple => let zofs2 := Ptrofs.signed ofs2 in let zofs3 := Ptrofs.signed ofs3 in if (zofs2 =? zofs0 + 16) && (ireg_eq ra0 ra2) && (zofs3 =? zofs0 + 24) && (ireg_eq ra0 ra3) then (PStore (PStoreORRO octuple ra0 ofs0)) :: Pnop :: Pnop :: Pnop :: (coalesce_mem t3) else (PStore (PStoreQRRO rs0rs1 ra0 ofs0)) :: Pnop :: (coalesce_mem t1) | None => (PStore (PStoreQRRO rs0rs1 ra0 ofs0)) :: Pnop :: (coalesce_mem t1) end | _ => (PStore (PStoreQRRO rs0rs1 ra0 ofs0)) :: Pnop :: (coalesce_mem t1) end else (PStore (PStoreQRRO rs0rs1 ra0 ofs0)) :: Pnop :: (coalesce_mem t1) else h0 :: (coalesce_mem t0) | None => h0 :: (coalesce_mem t0) end | (PLoadRRO Pld_a rd0 ra0 ofs0), (PLoadRRO Pld_a rd1 ra1 ofs1) => match gpreg_q_search rd0 rd1 with | Some rd0rd1 => let zofs0 := Ptrofs.signed ofs0 in let zofs1 := Ptrofs.signed ofs1 in if (zofs1 =? zofs0 + 8) && (ireg_eq ra0 ra1) && negb (ireg_eq ra0 rd0) then if coalesce_octuples then match t1 with | (PLoadRRO Pld_a rd2 ra2 ofs2) :: (PLoadRRO Pld_a rd3 ra3 ofs3) :: t3 => match gpreg_o_search rd0 rd1 rd2 rd3 with | Some octuple => let zofs2 := Ptrofs.signed ofs2 in let zofs3 := Ptrofs.signed ofs3 in if (zofs2 =? zofs0 + 16) && (ireg_eq ra0 ra2) && (zofs3 =? zofs0 + 24) && (ireg_eq ra0 ra3) && negb (ireg_eq ra0 rd1) && negb (ireg_eq ra0 rd2) then (PLoad (PLoadORRO octuple ra0 ofs0)) :: Pnop :: Pnop :: Pnop :: (coalesce_mem t3) else (PLoad (PLoadQRRO rd0rd1 ra0 ofs0)) :: Pnop :: (coalesce_mem t1) | None => (PLoad (PLoadQRRO rd0rd1 ra0 ofs0)) :: Pnop :: (coalesce_mem t1) end | _ => (PLoad (PLoadQRRO rd0rd1 ra0 ofs0)) :: Pnop :: (coalesce_mem t1) end else (PLoad (PLoadQRRO rd0rd1 ra0 ofs0)) :: Pnop :: (coalesce_mem t1) else h0 :: (coalesce_mem t0) | None => h0 :: (coalesce_mem t0) end | _, _ => h0 :: (coalesce_mem t0) end | nil => h0 :: nil end end. Definition optimize_body (insns : list basic) := if Compopts.optim_coalesce_mem tt then coalesce_mem insns else insns. Program Definition optimize_bblock (bb : bblock) := let optimized := optimize_body (body bb) in let wf_ok := wf_bblockb optimized (exit bb) in {| header := header bb; body := if wf_ok then optimized else (body bb); exit := exit bb |}. Next Obligation. destruct (wf_bblockb (optimize_body (body bb))) eqn:Rwf. - rewrite Rwf. simpl. trivial. - exact (correct bb). Qed.