(** Syntax and Sequential Semantics of Abstract Basic Blocks. *) Module Type PseudoRegisters. Parameter t: Type. Parameter eq_dec: forall (x y: t), { x = y } + { x<>y }. End PseudoRegisters. (** * Parameters of the language of Basic Blocks *) Module Type LangParam. Declare Module R: PseudoRegisters. Parameter value: Type. (** Declare the type of operations *) Parameter op: Type. (* type of operations *) Parameter genv: Type. (* environment to be used for evaluating an op *) (* NB: possible generalization - relation after/before. *) Parameter op_eval: genv -> op -> list value -> option value. Parameter is_constant: op -> bool. Parameter is_constant_correct: forall ge o, is_constant o = true -> op_eval ge o nil <> None. End LangParam. (** * Syntax and (sequential) semantics of "basic blocks" *) Module MkSeqLanguage(P: LangParam). Export P. Local Open Scope list. Section SEQLANG. Variable ge: genv. Definition mem := R.t -> value. Definition assign (m: mem) (x:R.t) (v: value): mem := fun y => if R.eq_dec x y then v else m y. Inductive exp := | PReg (x:R.t) | Op (o:op) (le: list_exp) | Old (e: exp) with list_exp := | Enil | Econs (e:exp) (le:list_exp) | LOld (le: list_exp) . Fixpoint exp_eval (e: exp) (m old: mem): option value := match e with | PReg x => Some (m x) | Op o le => match list_exp_eval le m old with | Some lv => op_eval ge o lv | _ => None end | Old e => exp_eval e old old end with list_exp_eval (le: list_exp) (m old: mem): option (list value) := match le with | Enil => Some nil | Econs e le' => match exp_eval e m old, list_exp_eval le' m old with | Some v, Some lv => Some (v::lv) | _, _ => None end | LOld le => list_exp_eval le old old end. Definition inst := list (R.t * exp). (* = a sequence of assignments *) Fixpoint inst_run (i: inst) (m old: mem): option mem := match i with | nil => Some m | (x, e)::i' => match exp_eval e m old with | Some v' => inst_run i' (assign m x v') old | None => None end end. Definition bblock := list inst. Fixpoint run (p: bblock) (m: mem): option mem := match p with | nil => Some m | i::p' => match inst_run i m m with | Some m' => run p' m' | None => None end end. (* A few useful lemma *) Lemma assign_eq m x v: (assign m x v) x = v. Proof. unfold assign. destruct (R.eq_dec x x); try congruence. Qed. Lemma assign_diff m x y v: x<>y -> (assign m x v) y = m y. Proof. unfold assign. destruct (R.eq_dec x y); try congruence. Qed. Lemma assign_skips m x y: (assign m x (m x)) y = m y. Proof. unfold assign. destruct (R.eq_dec x y); try congruence. Qed. Lemma assign_swap m x1 v1 x2 v2 y: x1 <> x2 -> (assign (assign m x1 v1) x2 v2) y = (assign (assign m x2 v2) x1 v1) y. Proof. intros; destruct (R.eq_dec x2 y). - subst. rewrite assign_eq, assign_diff; auto. rewrite assign_eq; auto. - rewrite assign_diff; auto. destruct (R.eq_dec x1 y). + subst; rewrite! assign_eq. auto. + rewrite! assign_diff; auto. Qed. (** A small theory of bblockram equality *) (* equalities on bblockram outputs *) Definition res_eq (om1 om2: option mem): Prop := match om1 with | Some m1 => exists m2, om2 = Some m2 /\ forall x, m1 x = m2 x | None => om2 = None end. Scheme exp_mut := Induction for exp Sort Prop with list_exp_mut := Induction for list_exp Sort Prop. Lemma exp_equiv e old1 old2: (forall x, old1 x = old2 x) -> forall m1 m2, (forall x, m1 x = m2 x) -> (exp_eval e m1 old1) = (exp_eval e m2 old2). Proof. intros H1. induction e using exp_mut with (P0:=fun l => forall m1 m2, (forall x, m1 x = m2 x) -> list_exp_eval l m1 old1 = list_exp_eval l m2 old2); simpl; try congruence; auto. - intros; erewrite IHe; eauto. - intros; erewrite IHe, IHe0; auto. Qed. Definition bblock_equiv (p1 p2: bblock): Prop := forall m, res_eq (run p1 m) (run p2 m). Lemma alt_inst_equiv_refl i old1 old2: (forall x, old1 x = old2 x) -> forall m1 m2, (forall x, m1 x = m2 x) -> res_eq (inst_run i m1 old1) (inst_run i m2 old2). Proof. intro H; induction i as [ | [x e]]; simpl; eauto. intros m1 m2 H1. erewrite exp_equiv; eauto. destruct (exp_eval e m2 old2); simpl; auto. apply IHi. unfold assign; intro y. destruct (R.eq_dec x y); auto. Qed. Lemma alt_bblock_equiv_refl p: forall m1 m2, (forall x, m1 x = m2 x) -> res_eq (run p m1) (run p m2). Proof. induction p as [ | i p']; simpl; eauto. intros m1 m2 H; lapply (alt_inst_equiv_refl i m1 m2); auto. intros X; lapply (X m1 m2); auto; clear X. destruct (inst_run i m1 m1); simpl. - intros [m3 [H1 H2]]; rewrite H1; simpl; auto. - intros H1; rewrite H1; simpl; auto. Qed. Lemma res_eq_sym om1 om2: res_eq om1 om2 -> res_eq om2 om1. Proof. destruct om1; simpl. - intros [m2 [H1 H2]]; subst; simpl. eauto. - intros; subst; simpl; eauto. Qed. Lemma res_eq_trans (om1 om2 om3: option mem): (res_eq om1 om2) -> (res_eq om2 om3) -> (res_eq om1 om3). Proof. destruct om1; simpl. - intros [m2 [H1 H2]]; subst; simpl. intros [m3 [H3 H4]]; subst; simpl. eapply ex_intro; intuition eauto. rewrite H2; auto. - intro; subst; simpl; auto. Qed. Lemma bblock_equiv_alt p1 p2: bblock_equiv p1 p2 <-> (forall m1 m2, (forall x, m1 x = m2 x) -> res_eq (run p1 m1) (run p2 m2)). Proof. unfold bblock_equiv; intuition. intros; eapply res_eq_trans. eapply alt_bblock_equiv_refl; eauto. eauto. Qed. Lemma run_app p1: forall m1 p2, run (p1++p2) m1 = match run p1 m1 with | Some m2 => run p2 m2 | None => None end. Proof. induction p1; simpl; try congruence. intros; destruct (inst_run _ _ _); simpl; auto. Qed. Lemma run_app_None p1 m1 p2: run p1 m1 = None -> run (p1++p2) m1 = None. Proof. intro H; rewrite run_app. rewrite H; auto. Qed. Lemma run_app_Some p1 m1 m2 p2: run p1 m1 = Some m2 -> run (p1++p2) m1 = run p2 m2. Proof. intros H; rewrite run_app. rewrite H; auto. Qed. End SEQLANG. End MkSeqLanguage. Module Type SeqLanguage. Declare Module LP: LangParam. Include MkSeqLanguage LP. End SeqLanguage.