(** Impure Config for UNTRUSTED backend !!! *) Require Import ImpMonads. Require Extraction. (** Pure computations (used for extraction !) We keep module [Impure] opaque in order to check that Coq proof do not depend on the implementation of [Impure]. *) Module Type ImpureView. Include MayReturnMonad. (* WARNING: THIS IS REALLY UNSAFE TO DECOMMENT THE "UnsafeImpure" module ! unsafe_coerce coerces an impure computation into a pure one ! *) (* Module UnsafeImpure. Parameter unsafe_coerce: forall {A}, t A -> A. Parameter unsafe_coerce_not_really_correct: forall A (k: t A) (x:A), (unsafe_coerce k)=x -> mayRet k x. End UnsafeImpure. *) End ImpureView. Module Impure: ImpureView. Include IdentityMonad. Module UnsafeImpure. Definition unsafe_coerce {A} (x:t A) := x. Lemma unsafe_coerce_not_really_correct: forall A (k: t A) x, (unsafe_coerce k)=x -> mayRet k x. Proof. unfold unsafe_coerce, mayRet; auto. Qed. End UnsafeImpure. End Impure. (** Comment the above code and decomment this to test that coq proofs still work with an impure monad ! - this should fail only on extraction or if unsafe_coerce is used ! *) (* Module Impure: MayReturnMonad := PowerSetMonad. *) Export Impure. Extraction Inline ret mk_annot. (* WARNING. The following directive is unsound. Extraction Inline bind For example, it may lead to extract the following code as "true" (instead of an error raising code) failwith "foo";;true *) Extract Inlined Constant bind => "(|>)". Extract Constant t "" => "". (* This weird directive extracts [t] as "'a" instead of "'a t" *) Extraction Inline t. Global Opaque t.