(* *********************************************************************) (* *) (* The Compcert verified compiler *) (* *) (* Xavier Leroy, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt *) (* Bernhard Schommer, AbsInt Angewandte Informatik GmbH *) (* Prashanth Mundkur, SRI International *) (* *) (* Copyright Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en *) (* Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *) (* under the terms of the INRIA Non-Commercial License Agreement. *) (* *) (* The contributions by Prashanth Mundkur are reused and adapted *) (* under the terms of a Contributor License Agreement between *) (* SRI International and INRIA. *) (* *) (* *********************************************************************) (* Expanding built-ins and some pseudo-instructions by rewriting of the RISC-V assembly code. *) open Asm open Asmexpandaux open AST open Camlcoq open! Integers exception Error of string (* Useful constants and helper functions *) let _0 = Integers.Int.zero let _1 = Integers.Int.one let _2 = coqint_of_camlint 2l let _4 = coqint_of_camlint 4l let _8 = coqint_of_camlint 8l let _16 = coqint_of_camlint 16l let _m1 = coqint_of_camlint (-1l) let wordsize = if Archi.ptr64 then 8 else 4 let align n a = (n + a - 1) land (-a) (* Emit instruction sequences that set or offset a register by a constant. *) let expand_loadimm32 dst n = List.iter emit (Asmgen.loadimm32 dst n []) let expand_addptrofs dst src n = List.iter emit (Asmgen.addptrofs dst src n []) let expand_storeind_ptr src base ofs = List.iter emit (Asmgen.storeind_ptr src base ofs []) (* Built-ins. They come in two flavors: - annotation statements: take their arguments in registers or stack locations; generate no code; - inlined by the compiler: take their arguments in arbitrary registers. *) (* Fix-up code around calls to variadic functions. Floating-point arguments residing in FP registers need to be moved to integer registers. *) let int_param_regs = [| X10; X11; X12; X13; X14; X15; X16; X17 |] let float_param_regs = [| F10; F11; F12; F13; F14; F15; F16; F17 |] let rec fixup_variadic_call ri rf tyl = if ri < 8 then match tyl with | [] -> () | (Tint | Tany32) :: tyl -> fixup_variadic_call (ri + 1) rf tyl | Tsingle :: tyl -> let rs = float_param_regs.(rf) and rd = int_param_regs.(ri) in emit (Pfmvxs(rd, rs)); fixup_variadic_call (ri + 1) (rf + 1) tyl | Tlong :: tyl -> let ri' = if Archi.ptr64 then ri + 1 else align ri 2 + 2 in fixup_variadic_call ri' rf tyl | (Tfloat | Tany64) :: tyl -> if Archi.ptr64 then begin let rs = float_param_regs.(rf) and rd = int_param_regs.(ri) in emit (Pfmvxd(rd, rs)); fixup_variadic_call (ri + 1) (rf + 1) tyl end else begin let ri = align ri 2 in if ri < 8 then begin let rs = float_param_regs.(rf) and rd1 = int_param_regs.(ri) and rd2 = int_param_regs.(ri + 1) in emit (Paddiw(X2, X X2, Integers.Int.neg _16)); emit (Pfsd(rs, X2, Ofsimm _0)); emit (Plw(rd1, X2, Ofsimm _0)); emit (Plw(rd2, X2, Ofsimm _4)); emit (Paddiw(X2, X X2, _16)); fixup_variadic_call (ri + 2) (rf + 1) tyl end end let fixup_call sg = if sg.sig_cc.cc_vararg then fixup_variadic_call 0 0 sg.sig_args (* Handling of annotations *) let expand_annot_val kind txt targ args res = emit (Pbuiltin (EF_annot(kind,txt,[targ]), args, BR_none)); match args, res with | [BA(IR src)], BR(IR dst) -> if dst <> src then emit (Pmv (dst, src)) | [BA(FR src)], BR(FR dst) -> if dst <> src then emit (Pfmv (dst, src)) | _, _ -> raise (Error "ill-formed __builtin_annot_val") (* Handling of memcpy *) (* Unaligned accesses are slow on RISC-V, so don't use them *) let offset_in_range ofs = let ofs = Z.to_int64 ofs in -2048L <= ofs && ofs < 2048L let memcpy_small_arg sz arg tmp = match arg with | BA (IR r) -> (r, _0) | BA_addrstack ofs -> if offset_in_range ofs && offset_in_range (Ptrofs.add ofs (Ptrofs.repr (Z.of_uint sz))) then (X2, ofs) else begin expand_addptrofs tmp X2 ofs; (tmp, _0) end | _ -> assert false let expand_builtin_memcpy_small sz al src dst = let (tsrc, tdst) = if dst <> BA (IR X5) then (X5, X6) else (X6, X5) in let (rsrc, osrc) = memcpy_small_arg sz src tsrc in let (rdst, odst) = memcpy_small_arg sz dst tdst in let rec copy osrc odst sz = if sz >= 8 && al >= 8 then begin emit (Pfld (F0, rsrc, Ofsimm osrc)); emit (Pfsd (F0, rdst, Ofsimm odst)); copy (Ptrofs.add osrc _8) (Ptrofs.add odst _8) (sz - 8) end else if sz >= 4 && al >= 4 then begin emit (Plw (X31, rsrc, Ofsimm osrc)); emit (Psw (X31, rdst, Ofsimm odst)); copy (Ptrofs.add osrc _4) (Ptrofs.add odst _4) (sz - 4) end else if sz >= 2 && al >= 2 then begin emit (Plh (X31, rsrc, Ofsimm osrc)); emit (Psh (X31, rdst, Ofsimm odst)); copy (Ptrofs.add osrc _2) (Ptrofs.add odst _2) (sz - 2) end else if sz >= 1 then begin emit (Plb (X31, rsrc, Ofsimm osrc)); emit (Psb (X31, rdst, Ofsimm odst)); copy (Ptrofs.add osrc _1) (Ptrofs.add odst _1) (sz - 1) end in copy osrc odst sz let memcpy_big_arg sz arg tmp = match arg with | BA (IR r) -> if r <> tmp then emit (Pmv(tmp, r)) | BA_addrstack ofs -> expand_addptrofs tmp X2 ofs | _ -> assert false let expand_builtin_memcpy_big sz al src dst = assert (sz >= al); assert (sz mod al = 0); let (s, d) = if dst <> BA (IR X5) then (X5, X6) else (X6, X5) in memcpy_big_arg sz src s; memcpy_big_arg sz dst d; (* Use X7 as loop count, X1 and F0 as ld/st temporaries. *) let (load, store, chunksize) = if al >= 8 then (Pfld (F0, s, Ofsimm _0), Pfsd (F0, d, Ofsimm _0), 8) else if al >= 4 then (Plw (X31, s, Ofsimm _0), Psw (X31, d, Ofsimm _0), 4) else if al = 2 then (Plh (X31, s, Ofsimm _0), Psh (X31, d, Ofsimm _0), 2) else (Plb (X31, s, Ofsimm _0), Psb (X31, d, Ofsimm _0), 1) in expand_loadimm32 X7 (Z.of_uint (sz / chunksize)); let delta = Z.of_uint chunksize in let lbl = new_label () in emit (Plabel lbl); emit load; expand_addptrofs s s delta; emit (Paddiw(X7, X X7, _m1)); emit store; expand_addptrofs d d delta; emit (Pbnew (X X7, X0, lbl)) let expand_builtin_memcpy sz al args = let (dst, src) = match args with [d; s] -> (d, s) | _ -> assert false in if sz <= 32 then expand_builtin_memcpy_small sz al src dst else expand_builtin_memcpy_big sz al src dst (* Handling of volatile reads and writes *) let expand_builtin_vload_common chunk base ofs res = match chunk, res with | Mint8unsigned, BR(IR res) -> emit (Plbu (res, base, Ofsimm ofs)) | Mint8signed, BR(IR res) -> emit (Plb (res, base, Ofsimm ofs)) | Mint16unsigned, BR(IR res) -> emit (Plhu (res, base, Ofsimm ofs)) | Mint16signed, BR(IR res) -> emit (Plh (res, base, Ofsimm ofs)) | Mint32, BR(IR res) -> emit (Plw (res, base, Ofsimm ofs)) | Mint64, BR(IR res) -> emit (Pld (res, base, Ofsimm ofs)) | Mint64, BR_splitlong(BR(IR res1), BR(IR res2)) -> let ofs' = Ptrofs.add ofs _4 in if base <> res2 then begin emit (Plw (res2, base, Ofsimm ofs)); emit (Plw (res1, base, Ofsimm ofs')) end else begin emit (Plw (res1, base, Ofsimm ofs')); emit (Plw (res2, base, Ofsimm ofs)) end | Mfloat32, BR(FR res) -> emit (Pfls (res, base, Ofsimm ofs)) | Mfloat64, BR(FR res) -> emit (Pfld (res, base, Ofsimm ofs)) | _ -> assert false let expand_builtin_vload chunk args res = match args with | [BA(IR addr)] -> expand_builtin_vload_common chunk addr _0 res | [BA_addrstack ofs] -> if offset_in_range (Z.add ofs (Memdata.size_chunk chunk)) then expand_builtin_vload_common chunk X2 ofs res else begin expand_addptrofs X31 X2 ofs; (* X31 <- sp + ofs *) expand_builtin_vload_common chunk X31 _0 res end | [BA_addptr(BA(IR addr), (BA_int ofs | BA_long ofs))] -> if offset_in_range (Z.add ofs (Memdata.size_chunk chunk)) then expand_builtin_vload_common chunk addr ofs res else begin expand_addptrofs X31 addr ofs; (* X31 <- addr + ofs *) expand_builtin_vload_common chunk X31 _0 res end | _ -> assert false let expand_builtin_vstore_common chunk base ofs src = match chunk, src with | (Mint8signed | Mint8unsigned), BA(IR src) -> emit (Psb (src, base, Ofsimm ofs)) | (Mint16signed | Mint16unsigned), BA(IR src) -> emit (Psh (src, base, Ofsimm ofs)) | Mint32, BA(IR src) -> emit (Psw (src, base, Ofsimm ofs)) | Mint64, BA(IR src) -> emit (Psd (src, base, Ofsimm ofs)) | Mint64, BA_splitlong(BA(IR src1), BA(IR src2)) -> let ofs' = Ptrofs.add ofs _4 in emit (Psw (src2, base, Ofsimm ofs)); emit (Psw (src1, base, Ofsimm ofs')) | Mfloat32, BA(FR src) -> emit (Pfss (src, base, Ofsimm ofs)) | Mfloat64, BA(FR src) -> emit (Pfsd (src, base, Ofsimm ofs)) | _ -> assert false let expand_builtin_vstore chunk args = match args with | [BA(IR addr); src] -> expand_builtin_vstore_common chunk addr _0 src | [BA_addrstack ofs; src] -> if offset_in_range (Z.add ofs (Memdata.size_chunk chunk)) then expand_builtin_vstore_common chunk X2 ofs src else begin expand_addptrofs X31 X2 ofs; (* X31 <- sp + ofs *) expand_builtin_vstore_common chunk X31 _0 src end | [BA_addptr(BA(IR addr), (BA_int ofs | BA_long ofs)); src] -> if offset_in_range (Z.add ofs (Memdata.size_chunk chunk)) then expand_builtin_vstore_common chunk addr ofs src else begin expand_addptrofs X31 addr ofs; (* X31 <- addr + ofs *) expand_builtin_vstore_common chunk X31 _0 src end | _ -> assert false (* Handling of varargs *) (* Size in words of the arguments to a function. This includes both arguments passed in registers and arguments passed on stack. *) let rec args_size sz = function | [] -> sz | (Tint | Tsingle | Tany32) :: l -> args_size (sz + 1) l | (Tlong | Tfloat | Tany64) :: l -> args_size (if Archi.ptr64 then sz + 1 else align sz 2 + 2) l let arguments_size sg = args_size 0 sg.sig_args let save_arguments first_reg base_ofs = for i = first_reg to 7 do expand_storeind_ptr int_param_regs.(i) X2 (Ptrofs.repr (Z.add base_ofs (Z.of_uint ((i - first_reg) * wordsize)))) done let vararg_start_ofs : Z.t option ref = ref None let expand_builtin_va_start r = match !vararg_start_ofs with | None -> invalid_arg "Fatal error: va_start used in non-vararg function" | Some ofs -> expand_addptrofs X31 X2 (Ptrofs.repr ofs); expand_storeind_ptr X31 r Ptrofs.zero (* Auxiliary for 64-bit integer arithmetic built-ins. They expand to two instructions, one computing the low 32 bits of the result, followed by another computing the high 32 bits. In cases where the first instruction would overwrite arguments to the second instruction, we must go through X31 to hold the low 32 bits of the result. *) let expand_int64_arith conflict rl fn = if conflict then (fn X31; emit (Pmv(rl, X31))) else fn rl (* Byte swaps. There are no specific instructions, so we use standard, not-very-efficient formulas. *) let expand_bswap16 d s = (* d = (s & 0xFF) << 8 | (s >> 8) & 0xFF *) emit (Pandiw(X31, X s, coqint_of_camlint 0xFFl)); emit (Pslliw(X31, X X31, _8)); emit (Psrliw(d, X s, _8)); emit (Pandiw(d, X d, coqint_of_camlint 0xFFl)); emit (Porw(d, X X31, X d)) let expand_bswap32 d s = (* d = (s << 24) | (((s >> 8) & 0xFF) << 16) | (((s >> 16) & 0xFF) << 8) | (s >> 24) *) emit (Pslliw(X1, X s, coqint_of_camlint 24l)); emit (Psrliw(X31, X s, _8)); emit (Pandiw(X31, X X31, coqint_of_camlint 0xFFl)); emit (Pslliw(X31, X X31, _16)); emit (Porw(X1, X X1, X X31)); emit (Psrliw(X31, X s, _16)); emit (Pandiw(X31, X X31, coqint_of_camlint 0xFFl)); emit (Pslliw(X31, X X31, _8)); emit (Porw(X1, X X1, X X31)); emit (Psrliw(X31, X s, coqint_of_camlint 24l)); emit (Porw(d, X X1, X X31)) let expand_bswap64 d s = (* d = s << 56 | (((s >> 8) & 0xFF) << 48) | (((s >> 16) & 0xFF) << 40) | (((s >> 24) & 0xFF) << 32) | (((s >> 32) & 0xFF) << 24) | (((s >> 40) & 0xFF) << 16) | (((s >> 48) & 0xFF) << 8) | s >> 56 *) emit (Psllil(X1, X s, coqint_of_camlint 56l)); List.iter (fun (n1, n2) -> emit (Psrlil(X31, X s, coqint_of_camlint n1)); emit (Pandil(X31, X X31, coqint_of_camlint 0xFFl)); emit (Psllil(X31, X X31, coqint_of_camlint n2)); emit (Porl(X1, X X1, X X31))) [(8l,48l); (16l,40l); (24l,32l); (32l,24l); (40l,16l); (48l,8l)]; emit (Psrlil(X31, X s, coqint_of_camlint 56l)); emit (Porl(d, X X1, X X31)) (* Count leading zeros. Algorithm 5-7 from Hacker's Delight, re-rolled as a loop to produce more compact code. *) let expand_clz ~sixtyfour ~splitlong = (* Input: X in X5 or (X5, X6) if splitlong Result: N in X7 Temporaries: S in X8, Y in X9 *) let lbl1 = new_label() in let lbl2 = new_label() in (* N := bitsize of X's type (32 or 64) *) expand_loadimm32 X7 (coqint_of_camlint (if sixtyfour || splitlong then 64l else 32l)); (* S := initial shift amount (16 or 32) *) expand_loadimm32 X8 (coqint_of_camlint (if sixtyfour then 32l else 16l)); if splitlong then begin (* if (Xhigh == 0) goto lbl1 *) emit (Pbeqw(X X6, X0, lbl1)); (* N := 32 *) expand_loadimm32 X7 (coqint_of_camlint 32l); (* X := Xhigh *) emit (Pmv(X5, X6)) end; (* lbl1: *) emit (Plabel lbl1); (* Y := X >> S *) emit (if sixtyfour then Psrll(X9, X X5, X X8) else Psrlw(X9, X X5, X X8)); (* if (Y == 0) goto lbl2 *) emit (if sixtyfour then Pbeql(X X9, X0, lbl2) else Pbeqw(X X9, X0, lbl2)); (* N := N - S *) emit (Psubw(X7, X X7, X X8)); (* X := Y *) emit (Pmv(X5, X9)); (* lbl2: *) emit (Plabel lbl2); (* S := S / 2 *) emit (Psrliw(X8, X X8, _1)); (* if (S != 0) goto lbl1; *) emit (Pbnew(X X8, X0, lbl1)); (* N := N - X *) emit (Psubw(X7, X X7, X X5)) (* Count trailing zeros. Algorithm 5-14 from Hacker's Delight, re-rolled as a loop to produce more compact code. *) let expand_ctz ~sixtyfour ~splitlong = (* Input: X in X6 or (X5, X6) if splitlong Result: N in X7 Temporaries: S in X8, Y in X9 *) let lbl1 = new_label() in let lbl2 = new_label() in (* N := bitsize of X's type (32 or 64) *) expand_loadimm32 X7 (coqint_of_camlint (if sixtyfour || splitlong then 64l else 32l)); (* S := initial shift amount (16 or 32) *) expand_loadimm32 X8 (coqint_of_camlint (if sixtyfour then 32l else 16l)); if splitlong then begin (* if (Xlow == 0) goto lbl1 *) emit (Pbeqw(X X5, X0, lbl1)); (* N := 32 *) expand_loadimm32 X7 (coqint_of_camlint 32l); (* X := Xlow *) emit (Pmv(X6, X5)) end; (* lbl1: *) emit (Plabel lbl1); (* Y := X >> S *) emit (if sixtyfour then Pslll(X9, X X6, X X8) else Psllw(X9, X X6, X X8)); (* if (Y == 0) goto lbl2 *) emit (if sixtyfour then Pbeql(X X9, X0, lbl2) else Pbeqw(X X9, X0, lbl2)); (* N := N - S *) emit (Psubw(X7, X X7, X X8)); (* X := Y *) emit (Pmv(X6, X9)); (* lbl2: *) emit (Plabel lbl2); (* S := S / 2 *) emit (Psrliw(X8, X X8, _1)); (* if (S != 0) goto lbl1; *) emit (Pbnew(X X8, X0, lbl1)); (* N := N - most significant bit of X *) emit (if sixtyfour then Psrlil(X6, X X6, coqint_of_camlint 63l) else Psrliw(X6, X X6, coqint_of_camlint 31l)); emit (Psubw(X7, X X7, X X6)) (* Handling of compiler-inlined builtins *) let expand_builtin_inline name args res = match name, args, res with (* Synchronization *) | "__builtin_membar", [], _ -> () | "__builtin_fence", [], _ -> emit Pfence (* Vararg stuff *) | "__builtin_va_start", [BA(IR a)], _ -> expand_builtin_va_start a (* Byte swaps *) | "__builtin_bswap16", [BA(IR a1)], BR(IR res) -> expand_bswap16 res a1 | ("__builtin_bswap"| "__builtin_bswap32"), [BA(IR a1)], BR(IR res) -> expand_bswap32 res a1 | "__builtin_bswap64", [BA(IR a1)], BR(IR res) -> expand_bswap64 res a1 | "__builtin_bswap64", [BA_splitlong(BA(IR ah), BA(IR al))], BR_splitlong(BR(IR rh), BR(IR rl)) -> assert (ah = X6 && al = X5 && rh = X5 && rl = X6); expand_bswap32 X5 X5; expand_bswap32 X6 X6 (* Count zeros *) | "__builtin_clz", [BA(IR a)], BR(IR res) -> assert (a = X5 && res = X7); expand_clz ~sixtyfour:false ~splitlong:false | "__builtin_clzl", [BA(IR a)], BR(IR res) -> assert (a = X5 && res = X7); expand_clz ~sixtyfour:Archi.ptr64 ~splitlong:false | "__builtin_clzll", [BA(IR a)], BR(IR res) -> assert (a = X5 && res = X7); expand_clz ~sixtyfour:true ~splitlong:false | "__builtin_clzll", [BA_splitlong(BA(IR ah), BA(IR al))], BR(IR res) -> assert (al = X5 && ah = X6 && res = X7); expand_clz ~sixtyfour:false ~splitlong:true | "__builtin_ctz", [BA(IR a)], BR(IR res) -> assert (a = X6 && res = X7); expand_ctz ~sixtyfour:false ~splitlong:false | "__builtin_ctzl", [BA(IR a)], BR(IR res) -> assert (a = X6 && res = X7); expand_ctz ~sixtyfour:Archi.ptr64 ~splitlong:false | "__builtin_ctzll", [BA(IR a)], BR(IR res) -> assert (a = X6 && res = X7); expand_ctz ~sixtyfour:true ~splitlong:false | "__builtin_ctzll", [BA_splitlong(BA(IR ah), BA(IR al))], BR(IR res) -> assert (al = X5 && ah = X6 && res = X7); expand_ctz ~sixtyfour:false ~splitlong:true (* Float arithmetic *) | ("__builtin_fsqrt" | "__builtin_sqrt"), [BA(FR a1)], BR(FR res) -> emit (Pfsqrtd(res, a1)) | "__builtin_fmadd", [BA(FR a1); BA(FR a2); BA(FR a3)], BR(FR res) -> emit (Pfmaddd(res, a1, a2, a3)) | "__builtin_fmsub", [BA(FR a1); BA(FR a2); BA(FR a3)], BR(FR res) -> emit (Pfmsubd(res, a1, a2, a3)) | "__builtin_fnmadd", [BA(FR a1); BA(FR a2); BA(FR a3)], BR(FR res) -> emit (Pfnmaddd(res, a1, a2, a3)) | "__builtin_fnmsub", [BA(FR a1); BA(FR a2); BA(FR a3)], BR(FR res) -> emit (Pfnmsubd(res, a1, a2, a3)) | "__builtin_fmin", [BA(FR a1); BA(FR a2)], BR(FR res) -> emit (Pfmind(res, a1, a2)) | "__builtin_fmax", [BA(FR a1); BA(FR a2)], BR(FR res) -> emit (Pfmaxd(res, a1, a2)) (* 64-bit integer arithmetic for a 32-bit platform *) | "__builtin_negl", [BA_splitlong(BA(IR ah), BA(IR al))], BR_splitlong(BR(IR rh), BR(IR rl)) -> expand_int64_arith (rl = ah) rl (fun rl -> emit (Psltuw (X1, X0, X al)); emit (Psubw (rl, X0, X al)); emit (Psubw (rh, X0, X ah)); emit (Psubw (rh, X rh, X X1))) | "__builtin_addl", [BA_splitlong(BA(IR ah), BA(IR al)); BA_splitlong(BA(IR bh), BA(IR bl))], BR_splitlong(BR(IR rh), BR(IR rl)) -> expand_int64_arith (rl = bl || rl = ah || rl = bh) rl (fun rl -> emit (Paddw (rl, X al, X bl)); emit (Psltuw (X1, X rl, X bl)); emit (Paddw (rh, X ah, X bh)); emit (Paddw (rh, X rh, X X1))) | "__builtin_subl", [BA_splitlong(BA(IR ah), BA(IR al)); BA_splitlong(BA(IR bh), BA(IR bl))], BR_splitlong(BR(IR rh), BR(IR rl)) -> expand_int64_arith (rl = ah || rl = bh) rl (fun rl -> emit (Psltuw (X1, X al, X bl)); emit (Psubw (rl, X al, X bl)); emit (Psubw (rh, X ah, X bh)); emit (Psubw (rh, X rh, X X1))) | "__builtin_mull", [BA(IR a); BA(IR b)], BR_splitlong(BR(IR rh), BR(IR rl)) -> expand_int64_arith (rl = a || rl = b) rl (fun rl -> emit (Pmulw (rl, X a, X b)); emit (Pmulhuw (rh, X a, X b))) | "__builtin_nop", [], _ -> emit Pnop (* Catch-all *) | _ -> raise (Error ("unrecognized builtin " ^ name)) (* Expansion of instructions *) let expand_instruction instr = match instr with | Pselectl(rd, rb, rt, rf) -> if not (ireg0_eq rt rf) then if (ireg0_eq (X rd) rt) || (ireg0_eq (X rd) rf) then failwith "Pselectl" else begin emit (Psubl(X31, X0, rb)); emit (Paddil(rd, rb, Int64.mone)); emit (Pandl(X31, X X31, rt)); emit (Pandl(rd, X rd, rf)); emit (Porl(rd, X rd, X X31)) end | Pallocframe (sz, ofs) -> let sg = get_current_function_sig() in emit (Pmv (X30, X2)); if sg.sig_cc.cc_vararg then begin let n = arguments_size sg in let extra_sz = if n >= 8 then 0 else align ((8 - n) * wordsize) 16 in let full_sz = Z.add sz (Z.of_uint extra_sz) in expand_addptrofs X2 X2 (Ptrofs.repr (Z.neg full_sz)); expand_storeind_ptr X30 X2 ofs; let va_ofs = Z.add full_sz (Z.of_sint ((n - 8) * wordsize)) in vararg_start_ofs := Some va_ofs; save_arguments n va_ofs end else begin expand_addptrofs X2 X2 (Ptrofs.repr (Z.neg sz)); expand_storeind_ptr X30 X2 ofs; vararg_start_ofs := None end | Pfreeframe (sz, ofs) -> let sg = get_current_function_sig() in let extra_sz = if sg.sig_cc.cc_vararg then begin let n = arguments_size sg in if n >= 8 then 0 else align ((8 - n) * wordsize) 16 end else 0 in expand_addptrofs X2 X2 (Ptrofs.repr (Z.add sz (Z.of_uint extra_sz))) | Pseqw(rd, rs1, rs2) -> (* emulate based on the fact that x == 0 iff x (* emulate based on the fact that x != 0 iff 0 (* emulate based on the fact that x == 0 iff x (* emulate based on the fact that x != 0 iff 0 assert Archi.ptr64; emit (Paddiw(rd, rs, Int.zero)) (* 32-bit sign extension *) | Pcvtw2l(r) -> assert Archi.ptr64 (* no-operation because the 32-bit integer was kept sign extended already *) | Pjal_r(r, sg) -> fixup_call sg; emit instr | Pjal_s(symb, sg) -> fixup_call sg; emit instr | Pj_r(r, sg) when r <> X1 -> fixup_call sg; emit instr | Pj_s(symb, sg) -> fixup_call sg; emit instr | Pbuiltin (ef,args,res) -> begin match ef with | EF_builtin (name,sg) -> expand_builtin_inline (camlstring_of_coqstring name) args res | EF_vload chunk -> expand_builtin_vload chunk args res | EF_vstore chunk -> expand_builtin_vstore chunk args | EF_annot_val (kind,txt,targ) -> expand_annot_val kind txt targ args res | EF_memcpy(sz, al) -> expand_builtin_memcpy (Z.to_int sz) (Z.to_int al) args | EF_annot _ | EF_debug _ | EF_inline_asm _ -> emit instr | _ -> assert false end | _ -> emit instr (* NOTE: Dwarf register maps for RV32G are not yet specified officially. This is just a placeholder. *) let int_reg_to_dwarf = function | X1 -> 1 | X2 -> 2 | X3 -> 3 | X4 -> 4 | X5 -> 5 | X6 -> 6 | X7 -> 7 | X8 -> 8 | X9 -> 9 | X10 -> 10 | X11 -> 11 | X12 -> 12 | X13 -> 13 | X14 -> 14 | X15 -> 15 | X16 -> 16 | X17 -> 17 | X18 -> 18 | X19 -> 19 | X20 -> 20 | X21 -> 21 | X22 -> 22 | X23 -> 23 | X24 -> 24 | X25 -> 25 | X26 -> 26 | X27 -> 27 | X28 -> 28 | X29 -> 29 | X30 -> 30 | X31 -> 31 let float_reg_to_dwarf = function | F0 -> 32 | F1 -> 33 | F2 -> 34 | F3 -> 35 | F4 -> 36 | F5 -> 37 | F6 -> 38 | F7 -> 39 | F8 -> 40 | F9 -> 41 | F10 -> 42 | F11 -> 43 | F12 -> 44 | F13 -> 45 | F14 -> 46 | F15 -> 47 | F16 -> 48 | F17 -> 49 | F18 -> 50 | F19 -> 51 | F20 -> 52 | F21 -> 53 | F22 -> 54 | F23 -> 55 | F24 -> 56 | F25 -> 57 | F26 -> 58 | F27 -> 59 | F28 -> 60 | F29 -> 61 | F30 -> 62 | F31 -> 63 let preg_to_dwarf = function | IR r -> int_reg_to_dwarf r | FR r -> float_reg_to_dwarf r | _ -> assert false let expand_function id fn = try set_current_function fn; expand id (* sp= *) 2 preg_to_dwarf expand_instruction fn.fn_code; Errors.OK (get_current_function ()) with Error s -> Errors.Error (Errors.msg (coqstring_of_camlstring s)) let expand_fundef id = function | Internal f -> begin match expand_function id f with | Errors.OK tf -> Errors.OK (Internal tf) | Errors.Error msg -> Errors.Error msg end | External ef -> Errors.OK (External ef) let expand_program (p: Asm.program) : Asm.program Errors.res = AST.transform_partial_program2 expand_fundef (fun id v -> Errors.OK v) p