Require Import Coqlib. Require Import Integers. Require Import Values. Require Import Floats. Definition bitwise_select_int b vtrue vfalse := Val.or (Val.and (Val.neg b) vtrue) (Val.and (Val.sub b Vone) vfalse). Lemma bitwise_select_int_true : forall vtrue vfalse, bitwise_select_int (Val.of_optbool (Some true)) (Vint vtrue) (Vint vfalse) = Vint vtrue. Proof. intros. cbn. f_equal. change (Int.neg with Int.mone. rewrite Int.and_commut. rewrite Int.and_mone. rewrite Int.sub_idem. rewrite Int.and_commut. rewrite Int.and_zero. apply Int.or_zero. Qed. Lemma bitwise_select_int_false : forall vtrue vfalse, bitwise_select_int (Val.of_optbool (Some false)) (Vint vtrue) (Vint vfalse) = Vint vfalse. Proof. intros. cbn. f_equal. rewrite Int.neg_zero. rewrite Int.and_commut. rewrite Int.and_zero. rewrite Int.sub_zero_r. change (Int.neg with Int.mone. rewrite Int.and_commut. rewrite Int.and_mone. rewrite Int.or_commut. apply Int.or_zero. Qed. Definition bitwise_select_long b vtrue vfalse := let b' := Val.longofint b in Val.orl (Val.andl (Val.negl b') vtrue) (Val.andl (Val.subl b' (Vlong vfalse). Lemma bitwise_select_long_true : forall vtrue vfalse, bitwise_select_long (Val.of_optbool (Some true)) (Vlong vtrue) (Vlong vfalse) = Vlong vtrue. Proof. intros. cbn. f_equal. change (Int64.neg with Int64.mone. rewrite Int64.and_commut. rewrite Int64.and_mone. rewrite Int64.sub_idem. rewrite Int64.and_commut. rewrite Int64.and_zero. apply Int64.or_zero. Qed. Lemma bitwise_select_long_false : forall vtrue vfalse, bitwise_select_long (Val.of_optbool (Some false)) (Vlong vtrue) (Vlong vfalse) = Vlong vfalse. Proof. intros. cbn. f_equal. change (Int64.repr (Int.signed with rewrite Int64.neg_zero. rewrite Int64.and_commut. rewrite Int64.and_zero. rewrite Int64.sub_zero_r. change (Int64.neg with Int64.mone. rewrite Int64.and_commut. rewrite Int64.and_mone. rewrite Int64.or_commut. apply Int64.or_zero. Qed.