open Maps open BTL open BTLtypes open Machine open DebugPrint open PrintBTL open RTLcommonaux open ExpansionOracle open PrepassSchedulingOracle let flatten_blk_basics ibf = let ib = ibf.entry in let last = ref None in let rec traverse_blk ib = match ib with | BF (_, _) -> last := Some ib; [] | Bseq ((Bcond (_, _, _, _, iinfo) as ib1), ib2) -> ( match iinfo.pcond with | Some _ -> [ ib1 ] @ traverse_blk ib2 | None -> last := Some ib; []) | Bseq (ib1, ib2) -> traverse_blk ib1 @ traverse_blk ib2 | _ -> [ ib ] in let ibl = traverse_blk ib in (Array.of_list ibl, !last) let is_a_cb = function Bcond _ -> true | _ -> false let is_a_load = function Bload _ -> true | _ -> false module SI = Set.Make (Int) let find_array arr n = let index = ref None in (try Array.iteri (fun i n' -> match !index with | Some _ -> raise Exit | None -> if n = n' then index := Some i) arr with Exit -> ()); get_some @@ !index let count_cbs bseq olast indexes = let current_cbs = ref SI.empty in let cbs_above = Hashtbl.create 100 in let update_cbs n ib = print_btl_inst stderr ib; if is_a_cb ib then current_cbs := SI.add indexes.(n) !current_cbs else if is_a_load ib then Hashtbl.add cbs_above indexes.(n) !current_cbs in Array.iteri (fun n ib -> update_cbs n ib) bseq; (match olast with | Some last -> update_cbs (Array.length bseq) last | None -> ()); cbs_above let apply_schedule bseq olast positions = let bseq_new = (fun i -> bseq.(i)) positions in (if !config.has_non_trapping_loads then let fmap n = find_array positions n in let seq = Array.init (Array.length positions) (fun i -> i) in let fseq = fmap seq in let cbs_above_old = count_cbs bseq olast fseq in let cbs_above_new = count_cbs bseq_new olast seq in Array.iteri (fun n ib -> let n' = fseq.(n) in match ib with | Bload (t, a, b, c, d, e) -> let set_old = Hashtbl.find cbs_above_old n' in let set_new = Hashtbl.find cbs_above_new n' in if SI.subset set_old set_new then bseq_new.(n') <- Bload (AST.TRAP, a, b, c, d, e) else assert !config.has_non_trapping_loads | _ -> ()) bseq); let ibl = Array.to_list bseq_new in let rec build_iblock = function | [] -> failwith "build_iblock: empty list" | [ ib ] -> ( match olast with Some last -> Bseq (ib, last) | None -> ib) | ib1 :: ib2 :: k -> Bseq (ib1, build_iblock (ib2 :: k)) in build_iblock ibl let schedule_blk n ibf btl = if not !Clflags.option_fprepass then btl else let bseq, olast = flatten_blk_basics ibf in match schedule_sequence bseq btl with | Some positions -> let new_ib = apply_schedule bseq olast positions in let new_ibf = { entry = new_ib; binfo = ibf.binfo; input_regs = ibf.input_regs } in PTree.set n new_ibf btl | None -> btl let turn_all_loads_nontrap n ibf btl = if not !config.has_non_trapping_loads then btl else let rec traverse_rec ib = match ib with | Bseq (ib1, ib2) -> Bseq (traverse_rec ib1, traverse_rec ib2) | Bload (t, a, b, c, d, e) -> Bload (AST.NOTRAP, a, b, c, d, e) | _ -> ib in let ib' = traverse_rec ibf.entry in let ibf' = { entry = ib'; input_regs = ibf.input_regs; binfo = ibf.binfo } in PTree.set n ibf' btl let rec do_schedule btl = function | [] -> btl | (n, ibf) :: blks -> let code_exp = expanse n ibf btl in let code_nt = turn_all_loads_nontrap n ibf code_exp in let btl' = schedule_blk n ibf code_nt in do_schedule btl' blks let btl_scheduler f = let btl = f.fn_code in (*debug_flag := true;*) let elts = PTree.elements btl in find_last_reg elts; let btl' = do_schedule btl elts in debug "Scheduled BTL Code:\n"; print_btl_code stderr btl'; (*debug_flag := false;*) btl'