Require Import Coqlib AST Maps. Require Import Op Registers. Require Import RTL BTL. Require Import BTL_SEsimuref BTL_SEtheory OptionMonad. Require Import Impure.ImpHCons. Import Notations. Import HConsing. Local Open Scope option_monad_scope. Local Open Scope impure. Import ListNotations. Local Open Scope list_scope. (** Tactics *) Ltac simplify_SOME x := repeat inversion_SOME x; try_simplify_someHyps. (** Notations to make lemmas more readable *) Notation "'sval_refines' ctx sv1 sv2" := (eval_sval ctx sv1 = eval_sval ctx sv2) (only parsing, at level 0, ctx at next level, sv1 at next level, sv2 at next level): hse. Local Open Scope hse. Notation "'list_sval_refines' ctx lsv1 lsv2" := (eval_list_sval ctx lsv1 = eval_list_sval ctx lsv2) (only parsing, at level 0, ctx at next level, lsv1 at next level, lsv2 at next level): hse. Notation "'smem_refines' ctx sm1 sm2" := (eval_smem ctx sm1 = eval_smem ctx sm2) (only parsing, at level 0, ctx at next level, sm1 at next level, sm2 at next level): hse. (** Debug printer *) Definition XDEBUG {A} (x:A) (k: A -> ?? pstring): ?? unit := RET tt. (* TO REMOVE DEBUG INFO *) (*Definition XDEBUG {A} (x:A) (k: A -> ?? pstring): ?? unit := DO s <~ k x;; println ("DEBUG simu_check:" +; s). (* TO INSERT DEBUG INFO *)*) Definition DEBUG (s: pstring): ?? unit := XDEBUG tt (fun _ => RET s). (** * Implementation of Data-structure use in Hash-consing *) Definition sval_get_hid (sv: sval): hashcode := match sv with | Sundef hid => hid | Sinput _ hid => hid | Sop _ _ hid => hid | Sload _ _ _ _ _ hid => hid end. Definition list_sval_get_hid (lsv: list_sval): hashcode := match lsv with | Snil hid => hid | Scons _ _ hid => hid end. Definition smem_get_hid (sm: smem): hashcode := match sm with | Sinit hid => hid | Sstore _ _ _ _ _ hid => hid end. Definition sval_set_hid (sv: sval) (hid: hashcode): sval := match sv with | Sundef _ => Sundef hid | Sinput r _ => Sinput r hid | Sop o lsv _ => Sop o lsv hid | Sload sm trap chunk addr lsv _ => Sload sm trap chunk addr lsv hid end. Definition list_sval_set_hid (lsv: list_sval) (hid: hashcode): list_sval := match lsv with | Snil _ => Snil hid | Scons sv lsv _ => Scons sv lsv hid end. Definition smem_set_hid (sm: smem) (hid: hashcode): smem := match sm with | Sinit _ => Sinit hid | Sstore sm chunk addr lsv srce _ => Sstore sm chunk addr lsv srce hid end. (** * Implementation of symbolic execution *) Section CanonBuilding. Variable hC_sval: hashinfo sval -> ?? sval. Hypothesis hC_sval_correct: forall s, WHEN hC_sval s ~> s' THEN forall ctx, sval_refines ctx (hdata s) s'. Variable hC_list_sval: hashinfo list_sval -> ?? list_sval. Hypothesis hC_list_sval_correct: forall lh, WHEN hC_list_sval lh ~> lh' THEN forall ctx, list_sval_refines ctx (hdata lh) lh'. Variable hC_smem: hashinfo smem -> ?? smem. Hypothesis hC_smem_correct: forall hm, WHEN hC_smem hm ~> hm' THEN forall ctx, smem_refines ctx (hdata hm) hm'. (* First, we wrap constructors for hashed values !*) Definition reg_hcode := 1. Definition op_hcode := 2. Definition load_hcode := 3. Definition undef_code := 4. Definition hSinput_hcodes (r: reg) := DO hc <~ hash reg_hcode;; DO hv <~ hash r;; RET [hc;hv]. Extraction Inline hSinput_hcodes. Definition hSinput (r:reg): ?? sval := DO hv <~ hSinput_hcodes r;; hC_sval {| hdata:=Sinput r unknown_hid; hcodes :=hv; |}. Lemma hSinput_correct r: WHEN hSinput r ~> hv THEN forall ctx, sval_refines ctx hv (Sinput r unknown_hid). Proof. wlp_simplify. Qed. Global Opaque hSinput. Local Hint Resolve hSinput_correct: wlp. Definition hSop_hcodes (op:operation) (lsv: list_sval) := DO hc <~ hash op_hcode;; DO hv <~ hash op;; RET [hc;hv;list_sval_get_hid lsv]. Extraction Inline hSop_hcodes. Definition hSop (op:operation) (lsv: list_sval): ?? sval := DO hv <~ hSop_hcodes op lsv;; hC_sval {| hdata:=Sop op lsv unknown_hid; hcodes :=hv |}. Lemma hSop_fSop_correct op lsv: WHEN hSop op lsv ~> hv THEN forall ctx, sval_refines ctx hv (fSop op lsv). Proof. wlp_simplify. Qed. Global Opaque hSop. Local Hint Resolve hSop_fSop_correct: wlp_raw. Lemma hSop_correct op lsv1: WHEN hSop op lsv1 ~> hv THEN forall ctx lsv2 (LR: list_sval_refines ctx lsv1 lsv2), sval_refines ctx hv (Sop op lsv2 unknown_hid). Proof. wlp_xsimplify ltac:(intuition eauto with wlp wlp_raw). rewrite <- LR. erewrite H; eauto. Qed. Local Hint Resolve hSop_correct: wlp. Definition hSload_hcodes (sm: smem) (trap: trapping_mode) (chunk: memory_chunk) (addr: addressing) (lsv: list_sval):= DO hc <~ hash load_hcode;; DO hv1 <~ hash trap;; DO hv2 <~ hash chunk;; DO hv3 <~ hash addr;; RET [hc; smem_get_hid sm; hv1; hv2; hv3; list_sval_get_hid lsv]. Extraction Inline hSload_hcodes. Definition hSload (sm: smem) (trap: trapping_mode) (chunk: memory_chunk) (addr: addressing) (lsv: list_sval): ?? sval := DO hv <~ hSload_hcodes sm trap chunk addr lsv;; hC_sval {| hdata := Sload sm trap chunk addr lsv unknown_hid; hcodes := hv |}. Lemma hSload_correct sm1 trap chunk addr lsv1: WHEN hSload sm1 trap chunk addr lsv1 ~> hv THEN forall ctx lsv2 sm2 (LR: list_sval_refines ctx lsv1 lsv2) (MR: smem_refines ctx sm1 sm2), sval_refines ctx hv (Sload sm2 trap chunk addr lsv2 unknown_hid). Proof. wlp_simplify. rewrite <- LR, <- MR. auto. Qed. Global Opaque hSload. Local Hint Resolve hSload_correct: wlp. Definition hSundef_hcodes := DO hc <~ hash undef_code;; RET [hc]. Extraction Inline hSundef_hcodes. Definition hSundef : ?? sval := DO hv <~ hSundef_hcodes;; hC_sval {| hdata:=Sundef unknown_hid; hcodes :=hv; |}. Lemma hSundef_correct: WHEN hSundef ~> hv THEN forall ctx, sval_refines ctx hv (Sundef unknown_hid). Proof. wlp_simplify. Qed. Global Opaque hSundef. Local Hint Resolve hSundef_correct: wlp. Definition hSnil (_: unit): ?? list_sval := hC_list_sval {| hdata := Snil unknown_hid; hcodes := nil |}. Lemma hSnil_correct: WHEN hSnil() ~> hv THEN forall ctx, list_sval_refines ctx hv (Snil unknown_hid). Proof. wlp_simplify. Qed. Global Opaque hSnil. Local Hint Resolve hSnil_correct: wlp. Definition hScons (sv: sval) (lsv: list_sval): ?? list_sval := hC_list_sval {| hdata := Scons sv lsv unknown_hid; hcodes := [sval_get_hid sv; list_sval_get_hid lsv] |}. Lemma hScons_correct sv1 lsv1: WHEN hScons sv1 lsv1 ~> lsv1' THEN forall ctx sv2 lsv2 (VR: sval_refines ctx sv1 sv2) (LR: list_sval_refines ctx lsv1 lsv2), list_sval_refines ctx lsv1' (Scons sv2 lsv2 unknown_hid). Proof. wlp_simplify. rewrite <- VR, <- LR. auto. Qed. Global Opaque hScons. Local Hint Resolve hScons_correct: wlp. Definition hSinit (_: unit): ?? smem := hC_smem {| hdata := Sinit unknown_hid; hcodes := nil |}. Lemma hSinit_correct: WHEN hSinit() ~> hm THEN forall ctx, smem_refines ctx hm (Sinit unknown_hid). Proof. wlp_simplify. Qed. Global Opaque hSinit. Local Hint Resolve hSinit_correct: wlp. Definition hSstore_hcodes (sm: smem) (chunk: memory_chunk) (addr: addressing) (lsv: list_sval) (srce: sval):= DO hv1 <~ hash chunk;; DO hv2 <~ hash addr;; RET [smem_get_hid sm; hv1; hv2; list_sval_get_hid lsv; sval_get_hid srce]. Extraction Inline hSstore_hcodes. Definition hSstore (sm: smem) (chunk: memory_chunk) (addr: addressing) (lsv: list_sval) (srce: sval): ?? smem := DO hv <~ hSstore_hcodes sm chunk addr lsv srce;; hC_smem {| hdata := Sstore sm chunk addr lsv srce unknown_hid; hcodes := hv |}. Lemma hSstore_correct sm1 chunk addr lsv1 sv1: WHEN hSstore sm1 chunk addr lsv1 sv1 ~> sm1' THEN forall ctx lsv2 sm2 sv2 (LR: list_sval_refines ctx lsv1 lsv2) (MR: smem_refines ctx sm1 sm2) (VR: sval_refines ctx sv1 sv2), smem_refines ctx sm1' (Sstore sm2 chunk addr lsv2 sv2 unknown_hid). Proof. wlp_simplify. rewrite <- LR, <- MR, <- VR. auto. Qed. Global Opaque hSstore. Local Hint Resolve hSstore_correct: wlp. Definition hrs_sreg_eval ctx hrs r := eval_sval ctx (ris_sreg_get hrs r). Definition hrs_sreg_get (hrs: ristate) r: ?? sval := match PTree.get r hrs with | None => if ris_input_init hrs then hSinput r else hSundef | Some sv => RET sv end. Coercion hrs_sreg_get: ristate >-> Funclass. Lemma hrs_sreg_get_correct hrs r: WHEN hrs_sreg_get hrs r ~> sv THEN forall ctx (f: reg -> sval) (RR: forall r, hrs_sreg_eval ctx hrs r = eval_sval ctx (f r)), sval_refines ctx sv (f r). Proof. unfold hrs_sreg_eval, ris_sreg_get. wlp_simplify; rewrite <- RR; rewrite H; auto; rewrite H0, H1; simpl; auto. Qed. Global Opaque hrs_sreg_get. Local Hint Resolve hrs_sreg_get_correct: wlp. Fixpoint hlist_args (hrs: ristate) (l: list reg): ?? list_sval := match l with | nil => hSnil() | r::l => DO v <~ hrs_sreg_get hrs r;; DO lsv <~ hlist_args hrs l;; hScons v lsv end. Lemma hlist_args_correct hrs l: WHEN hlist_args hrs l ~> lsv THEN forall ctx (f: reg -> sval) (RR: forall r, hrs_sreg_eval ctx hrs r = eval_sval ctx (f r)), list_sval_refines ctx lsv (list_sval_inj ( f l)). Proof. induction l; wlp_simplify. Qed. Global Opaque hlist_args. Local Hint Resolve hlist_args_correct: wlp. (** Convert a "fake" hash-consed term into a "real" hash-consed term *) Fixpoint fsval_proj sv: ?? sval := match sv with | Sundef hc => DO b <~ phys_eq hc unknown_hid;; if b then hSundef else RET sv | Sinput r hc => DO b <~ phys_eq hc unknown_hid;; if b then hSinput r (* was not yet really hash-consed *) else RET sv (* already hash-consed *) | Sop op hl hc => DO b <~ phys_eq hc unknown_hid;; if b then (* was not yet really hash-consed *) DO hl' <~ fsval_list_proj hl;; hSop op hl' else RET sv (* already hash-consed *) | Sload hm t chk addr hl _ => RET sv (* FIXME TODO gourdinl ? *) end with fsval_list_proj sl: ?? list_sval := match sl with | Snil hc => DO b <~ phys_eq hc unknown_hid;; if b then hSnil() (* was not yet really hash-consed *) else RET sl (* already hash-consed *) | Scons hv hl hc => DO b <~ phys_eq hc unknown_hid;; if b then (* was not yet really hash-consed *) DO hv' <~ fsval_proj hv;; DO hl' <~ fsval_list_proj hl;; hScons hv' hl' else RET sl (* already hash-consed *) end. Lemma fsval_proj_correct sv: WHEN fsval_proj sv ~> sv' THEN forall ctx, eval_sval ctx sv = eval_sval ctx sv'. Proof. induction sv using sval_mut with (P0 := fun lsv => WHEN fsval_list_proj lsv ~> lsv' THEN forall ctx, eval_list_sval ctx lsv = eval_list_sval ctx lsv') (P1 := fun sm => True); try (wlp_simplify; tauto). - wlp_xsimplify ltac:(intuition eauto with wlp_raw wlp). rewrite H, H0; auto. - wlp_simplify; erewrite H0, H1; eauto. Qed. Global Opaque fsval_proj. Local Hint Resolve fsval_proj_correct: wlp. Lemma fsval_list_proj_correct lsv: WHEN fsval_list_proj lsv ~> lsv' THEN forall ctx, eval_list_sval ctx lsv = eval_list_sval ctx lsv'. Proof. induction lsv; wlp_simplify. erewrite H0, H1; eauto. Qed. Global Opaque fsval_list_proj. Local Hint Resolve fsval_list_proj_correct: wlp. (** ** Assignment of memory *) Definition hrexec_store chunk addr args src hrs: ?? ristate := DO hargs <~ hlist_args hrs args;; DO hsrc <~ hrs_sreg_get hrs src;; DO hm <~ hSstore hrs chunk addr hargs hsrc;; RET (rset_smem hm hrs). Lemma hrexec_store_correct chunk addr args src hrs: WHEN hrexec_store chunk addr args src hrs ~> hrs' THEN forall ctx sis (REF: ris_refines ctx hrs sis), ris_refines ctx hrs' (sexec_store chunk addr args src sis). Proof. wlp_simplify. eapply rset_mem_correct; simpl; eauto. - intros X; erewrite H1; eauto. rewrite X. simplify_SOME z. - intros X; inversion REF. erewrite H1; eauto. Qed. (** ** Assignment of registers *) (** locally new symbolic values during symbolic execution *) Inductive root_sval: Type := | Rop (op: operation) | Rload (trap: trapping_mode) (chunk: memory_chunk) (addr: addressing) . Definition root_apply (rsv: root_sval) (lr: list reg) (st: sistate): sval := let lsv := list_sval_inj ( (si_sreg st) lr) in let sm := si_smem st in match rsv with | Rop op => fSop op lsv | Rload trap chunk addr => fSload sm trap chunk addr lsv end. Coercion root_apply: root_sval >-> Funclass. Definition root_happly (rsv: root_sval) (lr: list reg) (hrs: ristate): ?? sval := DO lsv <~ hlist_args hrs lr;; match rsv with | Rop op => hSop op lsv | Rload trap chunk addr => hSload hrs trap chunk addr lsv end. Lemma root_happly_correct (rsv: root_sval) lr hrs: WHEN root_happly rsv lr hrs ~> sv THEN forall ctx st (REF: ris_refines ctx hrs st) (OK: ris_ok ctx hrs), sval_refines ctx sv (rsv lr st). Proof. unfold root_apply, root_happly; destruct rsv; wlp_simplify; inv REF; erewrite H0, H; eauto. Qed. Global Opaque root_happly. Hint Resolve root_happly_correct: wlp. Local Open Scope lazy_bool_scope. (* NB: return [false] if the rsv cannot fail *) Definition may_trap (rsv: root_sval) (lr: list reg): bool := match rsv with | Rop op => is_trapping_op op ||| negb (Nat.eqb (length lr) (args_of_operation op)) (* cf. lemma is_trapping_op_sound *) | Rload TRAP _ _ => true | _ => false end. Lemma lazy_orb_negb_false (b1 b2:bool): (b1 ||| negb b2) = false <-> (b1 = false /\ b2 = true). Proof. unfold negb. repeat autodestruct; simpl; intuition (try congruence). Qed. Lemma eval_list_sval_length ctx (f: reg -> sval) (l:list reg): forall l', eval_list_sval ctx (list_sval_inj ( f l)) = Some l' -> Datatypes.length l = Datatypes.length l'. Proof. induction l. - simpl. intros. inv H. reflexivity. - simpl. intros. destruct (eval_sval _ _); [|discriminate]. destruct (eval_list_sval _ _) eqn:SLS; [|discriminate]. inv H. simpl. erewrite IHl; eauto. Qed. Lemma may_trap_correct ctx (rsv: root_sval) (lr: list reg) st: may_trap rsv lr = false -> eval_list_sval ctx (list_sval_inj ( (si_sreg st) lr)) <> None -> eval_smem ctx (si_smem st) <> None -> eval_sval ctx (rsv lr st) <> None. Proof. destruct rsv; simpl; try congruence. - rewrite lazy_orb_negb_false. intros (TRAP1 & LEN) OK1 OK2. autodestruct; try congruence. intros. eapply is_trapping_op_sound; eauto. erewrite <- eval_list_sval_length; eauto. apply Nat.eqb_eq in LEN. assumption. - intros X OK1 OK2. repeat autodestruct; try congruence. Qed. (** simplify a symbolic value before assignment to a register *) Definition simplify (rsv: root_sval) (lr: list reg) (hrs: ristate): ?? sval := match rsv with | Rop op => match is_move_operation op lr with | Some arg => hrs_sreg_get hrs arg (* optimization of Omove *) | None => DO lsv <~ hlist_args hrs lr;; hSop op lsv (* TODO gourdinl match target_op_simplify op lr hst with | Some fhv => fsval_proj fhv | None => hSop op lhsv end*) end | Rload _ chunk addr => DO lhsv <~ hlist_args hrs lr;; hSload hrs NOTRAP chunk addr lhsv end. Lemma simplify_correct rsv lr hrs: WHEN simplify rsv lr hrs ~> hv THEN forall ctx st (REF: ris_refines ctx hrs st) (OK0: ris_ok ctx hrs) (OK1: eval_sval ctx (rsv lr st) <> None), sval_refines ctx hv (rsv lr st). Proof. destruct rsv; simpl; auto. - (* Rop *) destruct (is_move_operation _ _) eqn: Hmove. { wlp_simplify; exploit is_move_operation_correct; eauto. intros (Hop & Hlsv); subst; simpl in *. inv REF. simplify_SOME z; erewrite H; eauto. } wlp_simplify; inv REF. erewrite H0; eauto. - (* Rload *) destruct trap; wlp_simplify; inv REF. + erewrite H0, H, MEM_EQ; eauto. repeat simplify_SOME z. * destruct (Memory.Mem.loadv _ _ _); try congruence. * rewrite H1 in OK1; congruence. + erewrite H0; eauto. Qed. Definition some_or_fail {A} (o: option A) (msg: pstring): ?? A := match o with | Some x => RET x | None => FAILWITH msg end. Definition hris_init: ?? ristate := DO hm <~ hSinit ();; RET {| ris_smem := hm; ris_input_init := true; ok_rsval := nil; ris_sreg := PTree.empty _ |}. Lemma ris_init_correct: WHEN hris_init ~> hris THEN forall ctx, ris_refines ctx hris sis_init. Proof. unfold hris_init, sis_init; wlp_simplify. econstructor; simpl in *; eauto. + split; destruct 1; econstructor; simpl in *; try rewrite H; try congruence; trivial. + destruct 1; simpl in *. unfold ris_sreg_get; simpl. intros; rewrite PTree.gempty; eauto. Qed. (* Definition hrexec f ib := hrexec_rec f ib hris_init (fun _ => Rabort). Definition hsexec (f: function) (pc:node): ?? ristate := DO path <~ some_or_fail ((fn_code f)!pc) "hsexec.internal_error.1";; DO hinit <~ init_ristate;; DO hst <~ hsiexec_path path.(psize) f hinit;; DO i <~ some_or_fail ((fn_code f)!(hst.(hsi_pc))) "hsexec.internal_error.2";; DO ohst <~ hsiexec_inst i hst;; match ohst with | Some hst' => RET {| hinternal := hst'; hfinal := HSnone |} | None => DO hsvf <~ hsexec_final i hst.(hsi_local);; RET {| hinternal := hst; hfinal := hsvf |} end.*) End CanonBuilding.