open Maps open BTL open RTL open Camlcoq open RTLcommonaux open DebugPrint open PrintBTL open BTLcommonaux open BTLtypes open BTLRenumber let get_inumb iinfo = P.of_int iinfo.inumb let get_ib_num ib = P.of_int (get_inumb_or_next ib) let translate_function btl entry = let rtl_code = ref PTree.empty in let rec translate_btl_block ib k = debug "Entering translate_btl_block...\n"; print_btl_inst stderr ib; let rtli = match ib with | Bcond (cond, lr, BF (Bgoto s1, _), Bnop None, iinfo) -> Some ( Icond (cond, lr, s1, get_ib_num (get_some k), iinfo.pcond), get_inumb iinfo ) | Bcond (_, _, _, _, _) -> failwith "translate_function: unsupported Bcond" | Bseq (ib1, ib2) -> translate_btl_block ib1 (Some ib2); translate_btl_block ib2 None; None | Bnop (Some iinfo) -> Some (Inop (get_ib_num (get_some k)), get_inumb iinfo) | Bnop None -> failwith "translate_function: Bnop None can only be in the right child of \ Bcond" | Bop (op, lr, rd, iinfo) -> Some (Iop (op, lr, rd, get_ib_num (get_some k)), get_inumb iinfo) | Bload (trap, chk, addr, lr, rd, iinfo) -> Some ( Iload (trap, chk, addr, lr, rd, get_ib_num (get_some k)), get_inumb iinfo ) | Bstore (chk, addr, lr, src, iinfo) -> Some ( Istore (chk, addr, lr, src, get_ib_num (get_some k)), get_inumb iinfo ) | BF (Bcall (sign, fn, lr, rd, s), iinfo) -> Some (Icall (sign, fn, lr, rd, s), get_inumb iinfo) | BF (Btailcall (sign, fn, lr), iinfo) -> Some (Itailcall (sign, fn, lr), get_inumb iinfo) | BF (Bbuiltin (ef, lr, rd, s), iinfo) -> Some (Ibuiltin (ef, lr, rd, s), get_inumb iinfo) | BF (Bjumptable (arg, tbl), iinfo) -> Some (Ijumptable (arg, tbl), get_inumb iinfo) | BF (Breturn oreg, iinfo) -> Some (Ireturn oreg, get_inumb iinfo) | BF (Bgoto s, iinfo) -> None in match rtli with | Some (inst, inumb) -> rtl_code := PTree.set inumb inst !rtl_code | None -> () in List.iter (fun (n, ibf) -> ibf.binfo.visited <- true; let ib = ibf.entry in translate_btl_block ib None) (PTree.elements btl); !rtl_code let btl2rtl (f : BTL.coq_function) = (*debug_flag := true;*) let btl = f.fn_code in let entry = f.fn_entrypoint in let ordered_btl, new_entry = renumber btl entry in let rtl = translate_function ordered_btl new_entry in let dm = (fun n i -> n) btl in debug "Entry %d\n" (p2i entry); debug "RTL Code: "; print_code rtl; debug "Dupmap:\n"; print_ptree print_pint dm; debug "\n"; (*debug_flag := false;*) ((rtl, entry), dm)