Require Import Coqlib Maps. Require Import AST Integers Values Events Memory Globalenvs Smallstep. Require Import RTL Op Registers OptionMonad BTL. Require Import Errors Linking BTLtoRTL. (*****************************) (* Put this in an other file *) Require Import Linking. Lemma transf_function_correct f f': transf_function f = OK f' -> exists dupmap, match_function dupmap f f'. Proof. unfold transf_function; unfold bind. repeat autodestruct. intros H _ _ X. inversion X; subst; clear X. eexists; eapply verify_function_correct; simpl; eauto. Qed. Lemma transf_fundef_correct f f': transf_fundef f = OK f' -> match_fundef f f'. Proof. intros TRANSF; destruct f; simpl; monadInv TRANSF. + exploit transf_function_correct; eauto. intros (dupmap & MATCH_F). eapply match_Internal; eauto. + eapply match_External. Qed. Definition match_prog (p: program) (tp: RTL.program) := match_program (fun _ f tf => transf_fundef f = OK tf) eq p tp. Lemma transf_program_match: forall prog tprog, transf_program prog = OK tprog -> match_prog prog tprog. Proof. intros. eapply match_transform_partial_program_contextual; eauto. Qed. Section RTL_SIMULATES_BTL. Variable prog: program. Variable tprog: RTL.program. Hypothesis TRANSL: match_prog prog tprog. Let ge := Genv.globalenv prog. Let tge := Genv.globalenv tprog. Lemma symbols_preserved s: Genv.find_symbol tge s = Genv.find_symbol ge s. Proof. rewrite <- (Genv.find_symbol_match TRANSL). reflexivity. Qed. Lemma senv_preserved: Senv.equiv ge tge. Proof. eapply (Genv.senv_match TRANSL). Qed. Lemma functions_translated (v: val) (f: fundef): Genv.find_funct ge v = Some f -> exists tf cunit, transf_fundef f = OK tf /\ Genv.find_funct tge v = Some tf /\ linkorder cunit prog. Proof. intros. exploit (Genv.find_funct_match TRANSL); eauto. intros (cu & tf & A & B & C). repeat eexists; intuition eauto. + unfold incl; auto. + eapply linkorder_refl. Qed. Lemma function_ptr_translated v f: Genv.find_funct_ptr ge v = Some f -> exists tf, Genv.find_funct_ptr tge v = Some tf /\ transf_fundef f = OK tf. Proof. intros. exploit (Genv.find_funct_ptr_transf_partial TRANSL); eauto. Qed. Lemma function_sig_translated f tf: transf_fundef f = OK tf -> RTL.funsig tf = funsig f. Proof. intros H; apply transf_fundef_correct in H; destruct H; simpl; eauto. erewrite preserv_fnsig; eauto. Qed. Lemma transf_initial_states s1: initial_state prog s1 -> exists s2, RTL.initial_state tprog s2 /\ match_states s1 s2. Proof. intros. inv H. exploit function_ptr_translated; eauto. intros (tf & FIND & TRANSF). eexists. split. - econstructor; eauto. + eapply (Genv.init_mem_transf_partial TRANSL); eauto. + replace (prog_main tprog) with (prog_main prog). rewrite symbols_preserved. eauto. symmetry. eapply match_program_main. eauto. + erewrite function_sig_translated; eauto. - constructor; eauto. constructor. apply transf_fundef_correct; auto. Qed. Lemma transf_final_states s1 s2 r: match_states s1 s2 -> final_state s1 r -> RTL.final_state s2 r. Proof. intros. inv H0. inv H. inv STACKS. constructor. Qed. (* suggestion *) Lemma iblock_stepi_simulation sp dupmap stack' f' rs0 m0 ib rs1 m1 ofin (IBIS: iblock_istep ge sp rs0 m0 ib rs1 m1 ofin): forall cfg' pc0 opc isfst (MIB: match_iblock dupmap cfg' isfst pc0 ib opc) , match ofin with | None => exists pc1,(opc = Some pc1) /\ plus RTL.step tge (RTL.State stack' f' sp pc0 rs0 m0) E0 (RTL.State stack' f' sp pc1 rs1 m1) | Some fin => True (* TODO: A CHANGER *) end. Proof. induction IBIS; simpl; auto. Admitted. Inductive iblock_istep_gen sp dupmap stack f rs0 m0 pc0 cfg: state -> trace -> bool -> option final -> option node -> Prop := | ibis_synced ib rs1 m1 opc pc1 (IBIS: iblock_istep ge sp rs0 m0 ib rs1 m1 None) (HOPC: opc = Some pc1) (MIB : match_iblock dupmap cfg true pc0 ib opc) : iblock_istep_gen sp dupmap stack f rs0 m0 pc0 cfg (State stack f sp pc0 rs0 m0) E0 true None opc | ibis_stutter ib rs1 m1 fin ofin s t (IBIS: iblock_istep ge sp rs0 m0 ib rs1 m1 (Some fin)) (HFIN: ofin = Some fin) (MIB : match_iblock dupmap cfg false pc0 ib None) (FS : final_step ge stack f sp rs1 m1 fin t s) : iblock_istep_gen sp dupmap stack f rs0 m0 pc0 cfg s t false ofin None. Lemma iblock_step_simulation sp dupmap stack stack' f f' rs0 m0 ofin pc0 opc t s isfst (STACKS: list_forall2 match_stackframes stack stack') (TRANSF: match_function dupmap f f') (*(IBIS: iblock_istep ge sp rs0 m0 ib rs1 m1 ofin)*) (*(MIB : match_iblock dupmap cfg' isfst pc0 ib opc)*) (*(FS : final_step ge stack f sp rs1 m1 fin t s)*) (*FNC : (fn_code f) ! pc = Some ib*) (IBGEN: iblock_istep_gen sp dupmap stack f rs0 m0 pc0 (RTL.fn_code f') s t isfst ofin opc) :exists s', (if isfst then plus RTL.step else star RTL.step) tge (RTL.State stack' f' sp pc0 rs0 m0) t s' /\ match_states s s'. Proof. (* TODO: généraliser ce lemme pour pouvoir le prouver par induction sur IBIS: => il faut en particulier généraliser l'hypothèse MIB qui relie le iblock_istep ib en cours d'exécution. avec le code RTL à partir de pc0. => ici, le "isfst" a déjà été généralisé: quand il vaut "false", ça veut dire qu'on a le droit de faire du "stuttering" côté RTL. => il reste à comprendre comment généraliser le "None" en "opc" ainsi que l'hypothese OFIN pour autoriser le cas "ofin=None" (nécessaire pour l'induction). Idée: si "ofin = None" alors il y a un pc1 tq "opc = Some pc1" qui permet d'exécuter la suite du bloc... Au final, il faut sans doute introduire un "Inductive" pour capturer ces idées dans un prédicat "lisible"/"manipulable"... *) (* XXX keep IBIS, MIB, and FS ? *) induction IBGEN. - inv IBIS. + inv MIB. eexists. split. apply plus_one. eapply exec_Inop; eauto. econstructor; eauto. try_simplify_someHyps. admit. + admit. + admit. + admit. + admit. + admit. - admit. (* induction IBIS. - (* exec_final *) try_simplify_someHyps. (* TODO: introduire un lemme pour ce cas specifique ? *) admit. - (* exec_nop *) try_simplify_someHyps. (* cas absurde car hypothese OFIN trop restrictive *) - (* exec_op *) try_simplify_someHyps. (* cas absurde car hypothese OFIN trop restrictive *) - (* exec_load_TRAP *) try_simplify_someHyps. (* cas absurde car hypothese OFIN trop restrictive *) - (* exec_load_store *) try_simplify_someHyps. (* cas absurde car hypothese OFIN trop restrictive *) - (* exec_seq_stop *) try_simplify_someHyps. inv MIB. eapply IHIBIS; eauto. (* TODO: c'est ici qu'on voit que l'hypothèse MIB est trop restrictive actuellement normalement, l'hypothèse d'induction IHIBIS devrait permettre de conclure quasi-directement ici. *) admit. - (* exec_seq_continue *) (* TODO: ici l'hypothèse d'induction IHIBIS1 n'est pas utilisable à cause de OFIN trop restrictive *) try_simplify_someHyps. inv MIB. admit. - (* exec_cond *) try_simplify_someHyps. inv MIB. admit.*) Admitted. Theorem plus_simulation s1 t s1': step ge s1 t s1' -> forall s2 (MS: match_states s1 s2), exists s2', plus RTL.step tge s2 t s2' /\ match_states s1' s2'. Proof. destruct 1; intros; inv MS. - eapply dupmap_correct in DUPLIC; eauto. destruct DUPLIC as (ib' & FNC & MIB). try_simplify_someHyps. destruct STEP as (rs' & m' & fin & IBIS & FS). admit. (*intros; exploit iblock_step_simulation; eauto.*) (* exec_function_internal *) - inversion TRANSF as [dupmap f0 f0' MATCHF|]; subst. eexists. split. + eapply plus_one. apply RTL.exec_function_internal. erewrite <- preserv_fnstacksize; eauto. + erewrite <- preserv_fnparams; eauto. eapply match_states_intro; eauto. apply dupmap_entrypoint. assumption. (* exec_function_external *) - inversion TRANSF as [|]; subst. eexists. split. + eapply plus_one. econstructor. eapply external_call_symbols_preserved; eauto. apply senv_preserved. + constructor. assumption. (* exec_return *) - inversion STACKS as [|a1 al b1 bl H1 HL]; subst. destruct b1 as [res' f' sp' pc' rs']. eexists. split. + eapply plus_one. constructor. + inv H1. econstructor; eauto. (*Qed.*) Admitted. Theorem transf_program_correct: forward_simulation (semantics prog) (RTL.semantics tprog). Proof. eapply forward_simulation_plus with match_states. - eapply senv_preserved. - eapply transf_initial_states. - eapply transf_final_states. - eapply plus_simulation. Qed. End RTL_SIMULATES_BTL.