open Printf open Camlcoq open Datatypes open Maps open AST open BTL open PrintAST (* Printing of BTL code *) let reg pp r = fprintf pp "x%d" (P.to_int r) let rec regs pp = function | [] -> () | [r] -> reg pp r | r1::rl -> fprintf pp "%a, %a" reg r1 regs rl let ros pp = function | Coq_inl r -> reg pp r | Coq_inr s -> fprintf pp "\"%s\"" (extern_atom s) let print_succ pp s = fprintf pp "\tsucc %d\n" (P.to_int s) let print_pref pp pref = fprintf pp "%s" pref let rec print_iblock pp is_rec pref ib = match ib with | Bnop -> print_pref pp pref; fprintf pp "Bnop\n" | Bop(op, args, res) -> print_pref pp pref; fprintf pp "Bop: %a = %a\n" reg res (PrintOp.print_operation reg) (op, args) | Bload(trap, chunk, addr, args, dst) -> print_pref pp pref; fprintf pp "Bload: %a = %s[%a]%a\n" reg dst (name_of_chunk chunk) (PrintOp.print_addressing reg) (addr, args) print_trapping_mode trap | Bstore(chunk, addr, args, src) -> print_pref pp pref; fprintf pp "Bstore: %s[%a] = %a\n" (name_of_chunk chunk) (PrintOp.print_addressing reg) (addr, args) reg src | BF (Bcall(sg, fn, args, res, s)) -> print_pref pp pref; fprintf pp "Bcall: %a = %a(%a)\n" reg res ros fn regs args; print_succ pp s | BF (Btailcall(sg, fn, args)) -> print_pref pp pref; fprintf pp "Btailcall: %a(%a)\n" ros fn regs args | BF (Bbuiltin(ef, args, res, s)) -> print_pref pp pref; fprintf pp "Bbuiltin: %a = %s(%a)\n" (print_builtin_res reg) res (name_of_external ef) (print_builtin_args reg) args; print_succ pp s | Bcond(cond, args, ib1, ib2, info) -> print_pref pp pref; fprintf pp "Bcond: (%a) (prediction: %s)\n" (PrintOp.print_condition reg) (cond, args) (match info with None -> "none" | Some true -> "branch" | Some false -> "fallthrough"); let pref' = pref ^ " " in fprintf pp "%sifso = [\n" pref; if is_rec then print_iblock pp is_rec pref' ib1 else fprintf pp "...\n"; fprintf pp "%s]\n" pref; fprintf pp "%sifnot = [\n" pref; if is_rec then print_iblock pp is_rec pref' ib2 else fprintf pp "...\n"; fprintf pp "%s]\n" pref | BF (Bjumptable(arg, tbl)) -> let tbl = Array.of_list tbl in print_pref pp pref; fprintf pp "Bjumptable: (%a)\n" reg arg; for i = 0 to Array.length tbl - 1 do fprintf pp "\t\tcase %d: goto %d\n" i (P.to_int tbl.(i)) done | BF (Breturn None) -> print_pref pp pref; fprintf pp "Breturn\n" | BF (Breturn (Some arg)) -> print_pref pp pref; fprintf pp "Breturn: %a\n" reg arg | BF (Bgoto s) -> print_pref pp pref; fprintf pp "Bgoto: %d\n" (P.to_int s) | Bseq (ib1, ib2) -> if is_rec then ( print_iblock pp is_rec pref ib1; print_iblock pp is_rec pref ib2) else fprintf pp "Bseq...\n" let print_btl_inst pp ib = print_iblock pp false " " ib let print_btl_code pp btl is_rec = fprintf pp "\n"; List.iter (fun (n,ibf) -> fprintf pp "[BTL block %d]\n" (P.to_int n); print_iblock pp is_rec " " ibf.entry; fprintf pp "\n") (PTree.elements btl); fprintf pp "\n" let print_function pp id f = fprintf pp "%s(%a) {\n" (extern_atom id) regs f.fn_params; let instrs = (fun (n,i) -> i.entry) (PTree.elements f.fn_code) in List.iter (print_iblock pp true "") instrs; fprintf pp "}\n\n" let print_globdef pp (id, gd) = match gd with | Gfun(Internal f) -> print_function pp id f | _ -> () let print_program pp (prog: BTL.program) = List.iter (print_globdef pp) prog.prog_defs