Require Import AST Linking Values Maps Globalenvs Smallstep Registers. Require Import Coqlib Maps Events Errors Op. Require Import RTL RTLpath RTLpathLivegen RTLpathLivegenproof RTLpathSE_theory. Require Import RTLpathScheduler. Definition match_prog (p tp: program) := match_program (fun _ f tf => transf_fundef f = OK tf) eq p tp. Lemma transf_program_match: forall prog tprog, transf_program prog = OK tprog -> match_prog prog tprog. Proof. intros. eapply match_transform_partial_program_contextual; eauto. Qed. Section PRESERVATION. Variable prog: program. Variable tprog: program. Hypothesis TRANSL: match_prog prog tprog. Let pge := Genv.globalenv prog. Let tpge := Genv.globalenv tprog. Hypothesis all_fundef_liveness_ok: forall b fd, Genv.find_funct_ptr pge b = Some fd -> liveness_ok_fundef fd. Lemma symbols_preserved s: Genv.find_symbol tpge s = Genv.find_symbol pge s. Proof. rewrite <- (Genv.find_symbol_match TRANSL). reflexivity. Qed. Lemma senv_preserved: Senv.equiv pge tpge. Proof. eapply (Genv.senv_match TRANSL). Qed. Lemma functions_preserved: forall (v: val) (f: fundef), Genv.find_funct pge v = Some f -> exists tf cunit, transf_fundef f = OK tf /\ Genv.find_funct tpge v = Some tf /\ linkorder cunit prog. Proof. intros. exploit (Genv.find_funct_match TRANSL); eauto. intros (cu & tf & A & B & C). repeat eexists; intuition eauto. + unfold incl; auto. + eapply linkorder_refl. Qed. Lemma function_ptr_preserved: forall v f, Genv.find_funct_ptr pge v = Some f -> exists tf, Genv.find_funct_ptr tpge v = Some tf /\ transf_fundef f = OK tf. Proof. intros. exploit (Genv.find_funct_ptr_transf_partial TRANSL); eauto. Qed. Lemma function_sig_preserved: forall f tf, transf_fundef f = OK tf -> funsig tf = funsig f. Proof. intros. destruct f. - simpl in H. monadInv H. destruct (transf_function f) as [res H]; simpl in * |- *; auto. destruct (H _ EQ). intuition subst; auto. symmetry. eapply match_function_preserves. eassumption. - simpl in H. monadInv H. reflexivity. Qed. Theorem transf_initial_states: forall s1, initial_state prog s1 -> exists s2, initial_state tprog s2 /\ match_states s1 s2. Proof. intros. inv H. exploit function_ptr_preserved; eauto. intros (tf & FIND & TRANSF). exists (Callstate nil tf nil m0). split. - econstructor; eauto. + intros; apply (Genv.init_mem_match TRANSL); assumption. + replace (prog_main tprog) with (prog_main prog). rewrite symbols_preserved. eauto. symmetry. eapply match_program_main. eauto. + destruct f. * monadInv TRANSF. rewrite <- H3. destruct (transf_function f) as [res H]; simpl in * |- *; auto. destruct (H _ EQ). intuition subst; auto. symmetry; eapply match_function_preserves. eassumption. * monadInv TRANSF. assumption. - constructor; eauto. + constructor. + apply transf_fundef_correct; auto. (* + eapply all_fundef_liveness_ok; eauto. *) Qed. Theorem transf_final_states s1 s2 r: final_state s1 r -> match_states s1 s2 -> final_state s2 r. Proof. unfold final_state. intros H; inv H. intros H; inv H; simpl in * |- *; try congruence. inv H1. destruct st; simpl in * |- *; try congruence. inv STACKS. constructor. Qed. Let ge := Genv.globalenv (RTLpath.transf_program prog). Let tge := Genv.globalenv (RTLpath.transf_program tprog). Lemma senv_sym x y: Senv.equiv x y -> Senv.equiv y x. Proof. unfold Senv.equiv. intuition congruence. Qed. Lemma senv_transitivity x y z: Senv.equiv x y -> Senv.equiv y z -> Senv.equiv x z. Proof. unfold Senv.equiv. intuition congruence. Qed. Lemma senv_preserved_RTL: Senv.equiv ge tge. Proof. eapply senv_transitivity. { eapply senv_sym; eapply RTLpath.senv_preserved. } eapply senv_transitivity. { eapply senv_preserved. } eapply RTLpath.senv_preserved. Qed. Lemma symbols_preserved_RTL s: Genv.find_symbol tge s = Genv.find_symbol ge s. Proof. unfold tge, ge. erewrite RTLpath.symbols_preserved; eauto. rewrite symbols_preserved. erewrite RTLpath.symbols_preserved; eauto. Qed. Program Definition mkctx sp rs0 m0 {f1: RTLpath.function} (hyp: liveness_ok_function f1) : simu_proof_context f1 := {| the_ge1:= ge; the_ge2 := tge; the_sp:=sp; the_rs0:=rs0; the_m0:=m0 |}. Obligation 2. erewrite symbols_preserved_RTL. eauto. Qed. Lemma s_find_function_fundef f sp svos rs0 m0 fd (LIVE: liveness_ok_function f): sfind_function pge ge sp svos rs0 m0 = Some fd -> liveness_ok_fundef fd. Proof. unfold sfind_function. destruct svos; simpl. + destruct (seval_sval _ _ _ _); try congruence. eapply find_funct_liveness_ok; eauto. + destruct (Genv.find_symbol _ _); try congruence. intros. eapply all_fundef_liveness_ok; eauto. Qed. Local Hint Resolve s_find_function_fundef: core. Lemma s_find_function_preserved f sp svos1 svos2 rs0 m0 fd (LIVE: liveness_ok_function f): (svident_simu f (mkctx sp rs0 m0 LIVE) svos1 svos2) -> sfind_function pge ge sp svos1 rs0 m0 = Some fd -> exists fd', sfind_function tpge tge sp svos2 rs0 m0 = Some fd' /\ transf_fundef fd = OK fd'. Proof. Local Hint Resolve symbols_preserved_RTL: core. unfold sfind_function. intros [sv1 sv2 SIMU|]; simpl in *. + rewrite !(seval_preserved ge tge) in *; eauto. destruct (seval_sval _ _ _ _); try congruence. erewrite <- SIMU; try congruence. clear SIMU. intros; exploit functions_preserved; eauto. intros (fd' & cunit & (X1 & X2 & X3)). eexists. repeat split; eauto. + subst. rewrite symbols_preserved. destruct (Genv.find_symbol _ _); try congruence. intros; exploit function_ptr_preserved; eauto. Qed. Lemma sistate_simu f dupmap outframe sp st st' rs m is (LIVE: liveness_ok_function f): ssem_internal ge sp st rs m is -> sistate_simu dupmap f outframe st st' (mkctx sp rs m LIVE)-> exists is', ssem_internal tge sp st' rs m is' /\ istate_simu f dupmap outframe is is'. Proof. intros SEM X; eapply X; eauto. Qed. Lemma seval_builtin_sval_preserved sp rs m: forall bs, seval_builtin_sval ge sp bs rs m = seval_builtin_sval tge sp bs rs m. Proof. induction bs. all: try (simpl; try reflexivity; erewrite seval_preserved by eapply symbols_preserved_RTL; reflexivity). all: simpl; rewrite IHbs1; rewrite IHbs2; reflexivity. Qed. Lemma seval_list_builtin_sval_preserved sp rs m: forall lbs, seval_list_builtin_sval ge sp lbs rs m = seval_list_builtin_sval tge sp lbs rs m. Proof. induction lbs; [simpl; reflexivity|]. simpl. rewrite seval_builtin_sval_preserved. rewrite IHlbs. reflexivity. Qed. Lemma ssem_final_simu dm f f' stk stk' sp st st' rs0 m0 sv sv' rs m t s (LIVE: liveness_ok_function f): match_function dm f f' -> list_forall2 match_stackframes stk stk' -> sfval_simu dm f st.(si_pc) st'.(si_pc) (mkctx sp rs0 m0 LIVE) sv sv' -> ssem_final pge ge sp st.(si_pc) stk f rs0 m0 sv rs m t s -> exists s', ssem_final tpge tge sp st'.(si_pc) stk' f' rs0 m0 sv' rs m t s' /\ match_states s s'. Proof. Local Hint Resolve transf_fundef_correct: core. intros FUN STK SFV. destruct SFV; intros SEM; inv SEM; simpl in *. - (* Snone *) exploit initialize_path. { eapply dupmap_path_entry1; eauto. } intros (path & PATH). eexists; split; econstructor; eauto. eapply eqlive_reg_refl. - (* Scall *) exploit s_find_function_preserved; eauto. intros (fd' & FIND & TRANSF). erewrite <- function_sig_preserved; eauto. exploit initialize_path. { eapply dupmap_path_entry1; eauto. } intros (path & PATH). eexists; split; econstructor; eauto. + eapply eq_trans; try eassumption; auto. + simpl. repeat (econstructor; eauto). - (* Stailcall *) exploit s_find_function_preserved; eauto. intros (fd' & FIND & TRANSF). erewrite <- function_sig_preserved; eauto. eexists; split; econstructor; eauto. + erewrite <- preserv_fnstacksize; eauto. + eapply eq_trans; try eassumption; auto. - (* Sbuiltin *) pose senv_preserved_RTL as SRTL. exploit initialize_path. { eapply dupmap_path_entry1; eauto. } intros (path & PATH). eexists; split; econstructor; eauto. + eapply seval_builtin_args_preserved; eauto. eapply seval_list_builtin_sval_correct; eauto. rewrite H0. erewrite seval_list_builtin_sval_preserved; eauto. + eapply external_call_symbols_preserved; eauto. + eapply eqlive_reg_refl. - (* Sjumptable *) exploit ptree_get_list_nth_rev; eauto. intros (p2 & LNZ & DM). exploit initialize_path. { eapply dupmap_path_entry1; eauto. } intros (path & PATH). eexists; split; econstructor; eauto. + eapply eq_trans; try eassumption; auto. + eapply eqlive_reg_refl. - (* Sreturn *) eexists; split; econstructor; eauto. erewrite <- preserv_fnstacksize; eauto. - (* Sreturn bis *) eexists; split; econstructor; eauto. + erewrite <- preserv_fnstacksize; eauto. + rewrite <- H. erewrite <- seval_preserved; eauto. Qed. (* TODO: deux lemmes à deplacer dans RTLpathLivegen ou RTLpathLivegenproof ? *) Lemma iinst_checker_default_succ f alive i res: iinst_checker (fn_path f) alive i = Some res -> default_succ i = Some (snd res). Proof. destruct i; simpl; try_simplify_someHyps. + destruct (list_mem _ _); try_simplify_someHyps. + destruct (list_mem _ _); try_simplify_someHyps. + destruct (Regset.mem _ _); try_simplify_someHyps. destruct (list_mem _ _); try_simplify_someHyps. + destruct (list_mem _ _); try_simplify_someHyps. unfold exit_checker. inversion_SOME path. destruct (Regset.subset _ _); try_simplify_someHyps. Qed. Lemma ipath_checker_default_succ (f: RTLpath.function) path: forall alive pc res, ipath_checker path f (fn_path f) alive pc = Some res -> nth_default_succ (fn_code f) path pc = Some (snd res). Proof. induction path; simpl. + try_simplify_someHyps. + intros alive pc res. inversion_SOME i; intros INST. inversion_SOME res0; intros ICHK IPCHK. rewrite INST. erewrite iinst_checker_default_succ; eauto. Qed. Lemma siexec_snone_por_correct rs' is t s alive path0 i sp s0 st0 stk stk' f rs0 m0: forall (SSEM2 : ssem_final pge ge sp (si_pc s0) stk f rs0 m0 Snone (irs is) (imem is) t s) (SIEXEC : siexec_inst i st0 = Some s0) (ICHK : inst_checker (fn_path f) alive (pre_output_regs path0) i = Some tt), (liveness_ok_function f) -> list_forall2 match_stackframes stk stk' -> eqlive_reg (fun r : Regset.elt => Regset.In r (pre_output_regs path0)) (irs is) rs' -> exists s' : state, ssem_final pge ge sp (si_pc s0) stk f rs0 m0 Snone rs' (imem is) t s' /\ eqlive_states s s'. Proof. Local Hint Resolve eqlive_stacks_refl: core. intros ? ? ? LIVE STK EQLIVE. inversion SSEM2; subst; clear SSEM2. eexists; split. * econstructor. * generalize ICHK. unfold inst_checker. destruct i; simpl in *; unfold exit_checker; try discriminate. all: try destruct (list_mem _ _); simpl; try (destruct (Regset.subset _ _) eqn:SUB_ALIVE; try congruence; fail). 4,5: destruct (Regset.mem _ _); destruct (Regset.subset _ _) eqn:SUB_ALIVE; try congruence. 1,2,3,4: assert (NPC: n=(si_pc s0)). all: try (inv SIEXEC; simpl; auto; fail). 1,2,3,4: try (destruct (Regset.subset _ _) eqn:SUB_ALIVE; try congruence); simpl; inversion_SOME p; destruct (Regset.subset (input_regs p) (pre_output_regs path0)) eqn:SUB_PATH; try congruence; intros NPATH _; econstructor; eauto; try (instantiate (1:=p); rewrite <- NPC; auto; fail). 1,2,3,4: eapply eqlive_reg_monotonic; eauto; simpl; intros; apply Regset.subset_2 in SUB_PATH; unfold Regset.Subset in SUB_PATH; apply SUB_PATH in H; auto. assert (NPC: n0=(si_pc s0)). { inv SIEXEC; simpl; auto. } inversion_SOME p. 2: { destruct (Regset.subset _ _) eqn:?; try congruence. } destruct (Regset.subset _ _) eqn:SUB_ALIVE; try congruence. 2: { destruct (Regset.subset (pre_output_regs path0) alive) eqn:?; try congruence. } simpl. destruct (Regset.subset (pre_output_regs path0) alive) eqn:SUB_ALIVE'; try congruence. inversion_SOME p'. destruct (Regset.subset (input_regs p') (pre_output_regs path0)) eqn:SUB_PATH; try congruence. intros NPATH NPATH' _. econstructor; eauto. instantiate (1:=p'). rewrite <- NPC; auto. eapply eqlive_reg_monotonic; eauto; simpl. intros. apply Regset.subset_2 in SUB_PATH. unfold Regset.Subset in SUB_PATH. apply SUB_PATH in H; auto. Qed. Lemma pre_output_regs_correct f pc0 path0 stk stk' sp (st:sstate) rs0 m0 t s is rs': (liveness_ok_function f) -> (fn_path f) ! pc0 = Some path0 -> (* path_step ge pge path0.(psize) stk f sp rs0 m0 pc0 t s -> *) (* NB: should be useless *) sexec f pc0 = Some st -> (* icontinue is = true -> *) list_forall2 match_stackframes stk stk' -> (* ssem_internal ge sp st rs0 m0 is -> *) ssem_final pge ge sp (si_pc st) stk f rs0 m0 (final st) (irs is) (imem is) t s -> eqlive_reg (fun r : Regset.elt => Regset.In r (pre_output_regs path0)) (irs is) rs' -> exists s', ssem_final pge ge sp (si_pc st) stk f rs0 m0 (final st) rs' (imem is) t s' /\ eqlive_states s s'. Proof. Local Hint Resolve eqlive_stacks_refl: core. intros LIVE PATH0 (*PSTEP*) SEXEC (*CONT*) STK (*SSEM1*) SSEM2 EQLIVE. (* start decomposing path_checker *) generalize (LIVE pc0 path0 PATH0). unfold path_checker. inversion_SOME res; intros IPCHK. inversion_SOME i; intros INST ICHK. exploit ipath_checker_default_succ; eauto. intros DEFSUCC. (* start decomposing SEXEC *) generalize SEXEC; clear SEXEC. unfold sexec; rewrite PATH0. inversion_SOME st0; intros SEXEC_PATH. exploit siexec_path_default_succ; eauto. simpl. rewrite DEFSUCC. clear DEFSUCC. destruct res as [alive pc1]. simpl in *. try_simplify_someHyps. destruct (siexec_inst i st0) eqn: SIEXEC; try_simplify_someHyps; intros. (* Snone *) eapply siexec_snone_por_correct; eauto. destruct i; try_simplify_someHyps; try congruence; inversion SSEM2; subst; clear SSEM2; simpl in *. + (* Scall *) eexists; split. * econstructor; eauto. * econstructor; eauto. econstructor; eauto. (* wf *) generalize ICHK. unfold inst_checker; simpl in *. destruct (Regset.subset _ _) eqn:SUB_ALIVE; try congruence. destruct (list_mem _ _); try congruence. destruct (reg_sum_mem _ _); try congruence. intros EXIT. exploit exit_checker_eqlive_ext1; eauto. intros. destruct H as [p [PATH EQLIVE']]. econstructor; eauto. + (* Stailcall *) eexists; split. * econstructor; eauto. * econstructor; eauto. + (* Sbuiltin *) eexists; split. * econstructor; eauto. * (* wf *) generalize ICHK. unfold inst_checker; simpl in *. destruct (Regset.subset _ _) eqn:SUB_ALIVE; try congruence. destruct (list_mem _ _); try congruence. intros EXIT. exploit exit_checker_eqlive_builtin_res; eauto. intros. destruct H as [p [PATH EQLIVE']]. econstructor; eauto. + (* Sjumptable *) eexists; split. * econstructor; eauto. * (* wf *) generalize ICHK. unfold inst_checker; simpl in *. destruct (Regset.subset _ _) eqn:SUB_ALIVE; try congruence. destruct (Regset.mem _ _); try congruence. destruct (exit_list_checker _ _ _) eqn:EQL; try congruence. exploit exit_list_checker_eqlive; eauto. intros. destruct H as [p [PATH EQLIVE']]. econstructor; eauto. + (* Sreturn *) eexists; split. * econstructor; eauto. * econstructor; eauto. Qed. (* The main theorem on simulation of symbolic states ! *) Theorem ssem_sstate_simu dm f f' pc0 path0 stk stk' sp st st' rs m t s: (fn_path f) ! pc0 = Some path0 -> (* path_step ge pge (psize path0) stk f sp rs m pc0 t s -> *) sexec f pc0 = Some st -> match_function dm f f' -> liveness_ok_function f -> list_forall2 match_stackframes stk stk' -> ssem pge ge sp st stk f rs m t s -> (forall ctx: simu_proof_context f, sstate_simu dm f (pre_output_regs path0) st st' ctx) -> exists s', ssem tpge tge sp st' stk' f' rs m t s' /\ match_states s s'. Proof. intros PATH0 (*STEP*) SEXEC MFUNC LIVE STACKS SEM SIMU. destruct (SIMU (mkctx sp rs m LIVE)) as (SIMU1 & SIMU2); clear SIMU. destruct SEM as [is CONT SEM|is t s' CONT SEM1 SEM2]; simpl in *. - (* sem_early *) exploit sistate_simu; eauto. unfold istate_simu; rewrite CONT. intros (is' & SEM' & (path & PATH & (CONT' & RS' & M') & PC')). exists (State stk' f' sp (ipc is') (irs is') (imem is')). split. + eapply ssem_early; auto. congruence. + rewrite M'. econstructor; eauto. - (* sem_normal *) exploit sistate_simu; eauto. unfold istate_simu; rewrite CONT. intros (is' & SEM' & (CONT' & RS' & M')). exploit pre_output_regs_correct; eauto. clear SEM2; intros (s0 & SEM2 & EQLIVE). exploit ssem_final_simu; eauto. clear SEM2; intros (s1 & SEM2 & MATCH0). exploit ssem_final_equiv; eauto. clear SEM2; rewrite M'; rewrite CONT' in CONT; intros (s2 & EQ & SEM2). exists s2; split. + eapply ssem_normal; eauto. + eapply eqlive_match_states; eauto. eapply match_states_equiv; eauto. Qed. Lemma exec_path_simulation dupmap path stk stk' f f' sp rs m pc pc' t s: (fn_path f)!pc = Some path -> path_step ge pge path.(psize) stk f sp rs m pc t s -> list_forall2 match_stackframes stk stk' -> dupmap ! pc' = Some pc -> match_function dupmap f f' -> liveness_ok_function f -> exists path' s', (fn_path f')!pc' = Some path' /\ path_step tge tpge path'.(psize) stk' f' sp rs m pc' t s' /\ match_states s s'. Proof. intros PATH STEP STACKS DUPPC MATCHF LIVE. exploit initialize_path. { eapply dupmap_path_entry2; eauto. } intros (path' & PATH'). exists path'. exploit (sexec_correct f pc pge ge sp path stk rs m t s); eauto. intros (st & SYMB & SEM). exploit dupmap_correct; eauto. intros (path0 & st' & PATH0 & SYMB' & SIMU). rewrite PATH0 in PATH; inversion PATH; subst. exploit ssem_sstate_simu; eauto. intros (s0 & SEM0 & MATCH). exploit (sexec_exact f'); eauto. intros (s' & STEP' & EQ). exists s'; intuition. eapply match_states_equiv; eauto. Qed. Lemma step_simulation s1 t s1' s2: step ge pge s1 t s1' -> match_states s1 s2 -> exists s2', step tge tpge s2 t s2' /\ match_states s1' s2'. Proof. Local Hint Resolve eqlive_stacks_refl transf_fundef_correct: core. destruct 1 as [path stack f sp rs m pc t s PATH STEP | | | ]; intros MS; inv MS. (* exec_path *) - try_simplify_someHyps. intros. exploit path_step_eqlive; eauto. (* { intros. eapply all_fundef_liveness_ok; eauto. } *) clear STEP EQUIV rs; intros (s2 & STEP & EQLIVE). exploit exec_path_simulation; eauto. clear STEP; intros (path' & s' & PATH' & STEP' & MATCH'). exists s'; split. + eapply exec_path; eauto. + eapply eqlive_match_states; eauto. (* exec_function_internal *) - inv LIVE. exploit initialize_path. { eapply (fn_entry_point_wf f). } destruct 1 as (path & PATH). inversion TRANSF as [f0 xf tf MATCHF|]; subst. eexists. split. + eapply exec_function_internal. erewrite <- preserv_fnstacksize; eauto. + erewrite preserv_fnparams; eauto. econstructor; eauto. { apply preserv_entrypoint; auto. } { apply eqlive_reg_refl. } (* exec_function_external *) - inversion TRANSF as [|]; subst. eexists. split. + econstructor. eapply external_call_symbols_preserved; eauto. apply senv_preserved_RTL. + constructor. assumption. (* exec_return *) - inv STACKS. destruct b1 as [res' f' sp' pc' rs']. eexists. split. + constructor. + inv H1. econstructor; eauto. Qed. Theorem transf_program_correct: forward_simulation (semantics prog) (semantics tprog). Proof. eapply forward_simulation_step with match_states. - eapply senv_preserved. - eapply transf_initial_states. - intros; eapply transf_final_states; eauto. - intros; eapply step_simulation; eauto. Qed. End PRESERVATION.