#include #include #define NDATA (int *)malloc(ncol * sizeof(int)) #define NLIST (struct _list *)malloc(sizeof(struct _list)) #define NPLAY (struct _play *)malloc(sizeof(struct _play)) struct _list { int *data; struct _list *next; } *wanted; struct _play { int value; int *state; struct _list *first; struct _play *next; } *game_tree; int nrow,ncol; /* global so as to avoid passing them all over the place */ int *copy_data(int* data) /* creates a duplicate of a given -data list */ { int *new = NDATA; int counter = ncol; while (counter --) new[counter] = data[counter]; return new; } int next_data(int *data) /* gives the next logical setup to the one passed */ /* new setup replaces the old. Returns 0 if no valid */ { /* setup exists after the one passed */ int counter = 0; int valid = 0; /* default to none */ while ((counter != ncol) && (! valid)) /* until its done */ { if (data[counter] == nrow) /* if we hit a border */ { data[counter] = 0; /* reset it to zero */ counter ++; /* and take next column */ } else { data[counter] ++; /* otherwise, just increment row number */ valid = 1; /* and set valid to true. */ } } return valid; /* return whether or not */ } /* a next could be found */ void melt_data(int *data1,int *data2) /* melts 2 _data's into the first one. */ { int counter = ncol; while (counter --) /* do every column */ { if (data1[counter] > data2[counter]) /* take the lowest one */ data1[counter] = data2[counter]; /* and put in first _data */ } } int equal_data(int *data1,int *data2) /* check if both _data's are equal */ { int counter = ncol; while ((counter --) && (data1[counter] == data2[counter])); return (counter < 0); } int valid_data(int *data) /* checks if the play could ever be achieved. */ { int low; /* var to hold the current height */ int counter = 0; low = nrow; /* default to top of board */ while (counter != ncol) /* for every column */ { if (data[counter] > low) break; /* if you get something higher */ low = data[counter]; /* set this as current height */ counter ++; } return (counter == ncol); } void dump_list(struct _list *list) /* same for a _list structure */ { if (list != NULL) { dump_list(list -> next); /* dump the rest of it */ free(list -> data); /* and its _data structure */ free(list); } } void dump_play(struct _play *play) /* and for the entire game tree */ { if (play != NULL) { dump_play(play -> next); /* dump the rest of the _play */ dump_list(play -> first); /* its _list */ free(play -> state); /* and its _data */ free(play); } } int get_value(int *data) /* get the value (0 or 1) for a specific _data */ { struct _play *search; search = game_tree; /* start at the beginning */ while (! equal_data(search -> state,data)) /* until you find a match */ search = search -> next; /* take next element */ return search -> value; /* return its value */ } void show_data(int *data) /* little display routine to give off results */ { int counter = 0; while (counter != ncol) { printf("%d",data[counter ++]); if (counter != ncol) putchar(','); } } void show_move(int *data) /* puts in the "(" and ")" for show_data() */ { putchar('('); show_data(data); printf(")\n"); } void show_list(struct _list *list) /* show the entire list of moves */ { while (list != NULL) { show_move(list -> data); list = list -> next; } } void show_play(struct _play *play) /* to display the whole tree */ { while (play != NULL) { printf("For state :\n"); show_data(play -> state); printf(" value = %d\n",play -> value); printf("We get, in order :\n"); show_list(play -> first); play = play -> next; } } int in_wanted(int *data) /* checks if the current _data is in the wanted list */ { struct _list *current; current = wanted; /* start at the beginning */ while (current != NULL) /* unitl the last one */ { if (equal_data(current -> data,data)) break; /* break if found */ current = current -> next; /* take next element */ } if (current == NULL) return 0; /* if at the end, not found */ return 1; } int *make_data(int row,int col) /* creates a new _data with the correct */ /* contents for the specified row & col */ { int count; int *new = NDATA; for (count = 0;count != col;count ++) /* creates col-1 cells with nrow */ new[count] = nrow; for (;count != ncol;count ++) /* and the rest with row as value */ new[count] = row; return new; /* and return pointer to first element */ } struct _list *make_list(int *data,int *value,int *all) /* create the whole _list of moves */ /* for the _data structure data */ { int row,col; int *temp; struct _list *head,*current; *value = 1; /* set to not good to give */ head = NLIST; /* create dummy header */ head -> next = NULL; /* set NULL as next element */ current = head; /* start from here */ for (row = 0;row != nrow;row ++) /* for every row */ { for (col = 0;col != ncol;col ++) /* for every column */ { temp = make_data(row,col); /* create _data for this play */ melt_data(temp,data); /* melt it with the current one */ if (! equal_data(temp,data)) /* if they are different, it good */ { current -> next = NLIST; /* create new element in list */ current -> next -> data = copy_data(temp); /* copy data, and place in list */ current -> next -> next = NULL; /* NULL the next element */ current = current -> next; /* advance pointer */ if (*value == 1) /* if still not found a good one */ *value = get_value(temp); /* look at this value */ if ((! *all) && (*value == 0)) { /* if we found it, and all is not set */ col = ncol - 1; /* do what it take sto break out now */ row = nrow - 1; if (in_wanted(temp)) /* if in the wanted list */ *all = 2; /* flag it */ } } else /* if its not a valid move */ { if (col == 0) row = nrow - 1; /* break out if at first column */ col = ncol - 1; /* but make sure you break out */ } /* of the col for-loop anyway */ free(temp); /* dump this unneeded space */ } } current = head -> next; /* skip first element */ free(head); /* dump it */ if (current != NULL) *value = 1 - *value; /* invert value if its */ return current; /* not the empty board */ } struct _play *make_play(int all) /* make up the entire tree-like stuff */ { int val; int *temp; struct _play *head,*current; head = NPLAY; /* dummy header again */ current = head; /* start here */ game_tree = NULL; /* no elements yet */ temp = make_data(0,0); /* new data, for empty board */ temp[0] --; /* set it up at (-1,xx) so that next_data() returns (0,xx) */ while (next_data(temp)) /* take next one, and break if none */ { if (valid_data(temp)) /* if board position is possible */ { current -> next = NPLAY; /* create a new _play cell */ if (game_tree == NULL) game_tree = current -> next; /* set up game_tree if it was previously NULL */ current -> next -> state = copy_data(temp); /* make a copy of temp */ current -> next -> first = make_list(temp,&val,&all); /* make up its whole list of possible moves */ current -> next -> value = val; /* place its value */ current -> next -> next = NULL; /* no next element */ current = current -> next; /* advance pointer */ if (all == 2) /* if found flag is on */ { free(temp); /* dump current temp */ temp = make_data(nrow,ncol); /* and create one that will break */ } } } current = head -> next; /* skip first element */ free(head); /* dump it */ return current; /* and return pointer to start of list */ } void make_wanted(int *data) /* makes up the list of positions from the full board */ { /* everything here is almost like in the previous function. */ /* The reason its here, is that it does not do as much as */ /* the one before, and thus goes faster. Also, it saves the */ /* results directly in wanted, which is a global variable. */ int row,col; int *temp; struct _list *head,*current; head = NLIST; head -> next = NULL; current = head; for (row = 0;row != nrow;row ++) { for (col = 0;col != ncol;col ++) { temp = make_data(row,col); melt_data(temp,data); if (! equal_data(temp,data)) { current -> next = NLIST; current -> next -> data = copy_data(temp); current -> next -> next = NULL; current = current -> next; } else { if (col == 0) row = nrow - 1; col = ncol - 1; } free(temp); } } current = head -> next; free(head); wanted = current; } int *get_good_move(struct _list *list) /* gets the first good move from a _list */ { if (list == NULL) return NULL; /* if list is NULL, say so */ /* until end-of-list or a good one is found */ /* a good move is one that gives off a zero value */ while ((list -> next != NULL) && (get_value(list -> data))) list = list -> next; return copy_data(list -> data); /* return the value */ } int *get_winning_move(struct _play *play) /* just scans for the first good move */ /* in the last _list of a _play. This */ { /* is the full board */ int *temp; while (play -> next != NULL) play = play -> next; /* go to end of _play */ temp = get_good_move(play -> first); /* get good move */ return temp; /* return it */ } struct _list *where(int *data,struct _play *play) { while (! equal_data(play -> state,data)) /* search for given _data */ play = play -> next; return play -> first; /* return the pointer */ } void get_real_move(int *data1,int *data2,int *row,int *col) /* returns row & col of the move */ /* which created data1 from data2 */ { *col = 0; while (data1[*col] == data2[*col]) /* until there is a change */ (*col) ++; /* and increment col number */ *row = data1[*col]; /* row is given by the content of the structure */ } int main(void) { int row,col,player; int *current,*temp; struct _play *tree; ncol = 4; nrow = 4; tree = make_play(1); /* create entire tree structure, not just the */ player = 0; /* needed part for first move */ current = make_data(nrow,ncol); /* start play at full board */ while (current != NULL) { temp = get_good_move(where(current,tree)); /* get best move */ if (temp != NULL) /* temp = NULL when the poison pill is taken */ { get_real_move(temp,current,&row,&col); /* calculate coordinates */ /* print it out nicely */ printf("player %d plays at (%d,%d)\n",player,row,col); player = 1 - player; /* next player to do the same */ free(current); /* dump for memory management */ } current = temp; /* update board */ } dump_play(tree); /* dump unneeded tree */ printf("player %d loses\n",1 - player); /* display winning player */ return 0; } /*****************************************************************************/