# Benchmarking `CompCert` and GCC ## Compiling `CompCert` The first step to benchmark `CompCert` is to compile it - the `INSTALL.md` instructions of the project root folder should guide you on installing it. For the benchmarks to work, the compiler `ccomp` should be on your `$PATH`, with the runtime libraries installed correctly (with a successful `make install` on the project root directory). ## Using the harness `rules.mk` contains generic rules to compile with `gcc` and `ccomp`, with different optimizations, and producing different binaries. It also produces a `measures.csv` file containing the different timings given by the bench. Up to 5 different sets of optimizations per compiler can be used. To use this `rules.mk`, create a folder, put inside all the .c/.h source files, and write a Makefile resembling: ```make TARGET=float_mat MEASURES="c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7 c8" include ../rules.mk ``` This is all that is required to write, the `rules.mk` handles everything. There is the possibility to define some variables to fine tune what you want. For instance, `ALL_CFILES` describes the .c source files whose objects are to be linked. Here is an exhaustive list of the variables: - `TARGET`: name of the binary to produce - `MEASURES`: list of the different timings. This supposes that the program prints something of the form `c3 cycles: 44131`. - `ALL_CFILES`: list of .c files to compile. By default, `$(wildcard *.c)` - `CLOCK`: `basename` of the clock file to compile. Default `../clock` - `ALL_CFLAGS`: `cflags` that are to be included for all compilers - `ALL_GCCFLAGS`: same, but GCC specific - `ALL_CCOMPFLAGS`: same, but `ccomp` specific - `K1C_CC`: GCC compiler (default `k1-cos-gcc`) - `K1C_CCOMP`: `CompCert` compiler (default `ccomp`) - `EXECUTE_CYCLES`: running command (default is `k1-cluster --syscall=libstd_scalls.so --cycle-based --`) - `EXECUTE_ARGS`: execution arguments. You can use a macro `__BASE__` which expands to the name of the binary being executed. - `GCCiFLAGS` with `i` from 0 to 4: the wanted optimizations. If one of these flags is empty, nothing is done. Same for `CCOMPiFLAGS`. Look at `rules.mk` to see the default values. You might find something like this: ``` # You can define up to GCC4FLAGS and CCOMP4FLAGS GCC0FLAGS?= GCC1FLAGS?=$(ALL_GCCFLAGS) -O1 GCC2FLAGS?=$(ALL_GCCFLAGS) -O2 GCC3FLAGS?=$(ALL_GCCFLAGS) -O3 GCC4FLAGS?= CCOMP0FLAGS?= CCOMP1FLAGS?=$(ALL_CCOMPFLAGS) -fno-postpass CCOMP2FLAGS?=$(ALL_CCOMPFLAGS) CCOMP3FLAGS?= CCOMP4FLAGS?= # Prefix names GCC0PREFIX?= GCC1PREFIX?=.gcc.o1 GCC2PREFIX?=.gcc.o2 GCC3PREFIX?=.gcc.o3 GCC4PREFIX?= CCOMP0PREFIX?= CCOMP1PREFIX?=.ccomp.o1 CCOMP2PREFIX?=.ccomp.o2 CCOMP3PREFIX?= CCOMP4PREFIX?= ``` The `PREFIX` are the prefixes to add to the secondary produced files (assembly, object, executable, ..). You should be careful that if a `FLAGS` is set, then the according `PREFIX` should be set as well. Assembly files are generated in `asm/`, objects in `obj/`, binaries in `bin/` and outputs in `out/`. To compile and execute all the benches : `make` while in the `monniaux` directory (without any `-j` flag). Doing so will compile CompCert, install it, and then proceed to execute each bench. To compile and/or execute a single bench, `cd` to the bench directory, then: - `make` for compiling the bench - `make run` for running it You can use `-j` flag when in a single bench directory. ## Individual scripts If you want to run the building and running scripts individually without having to use the `Makefile` from `test/monniaux`, you can run the `build_benches.sh` script which builds each bench using all the available cores on your machine. Once the benches are built, you can then run `run_benches.sh file.csv` where `file.csv` is where you want to store the timings of the benchmarks. `run_benches.sh` also uses all the available cores of your machine. ## Adding timings to a benchmark If you just add a benchmark without any timing function, the resulting `measures.csv` file will be empty for lack of timing output. TODO - how to add timings