#!/usr/bin/python3.4 """ Custom Makefile generator Generates the Makefiles for the various benches, including extra rules for each different optimization options and/or compilers. See the source for more info. """ from collections import namedtuple import sys import yaml Optim = namedtuple("Optim", ["short", "full"]) Env = namedtuple("Env", ["compiler", "optimizations", "target"]) Compiler = namedtuple("Compiler", ["short", "full"]) ## # Variables you can change. ## # Defining the compilers and optimizations gcc_x86 = Env(compiler = Compiler("gcc", "$(CC)"), optimizations = [Optim("", "$(CFLAGS)")], target = "host") gcc_k1c = Env(compiler = Compiler("gcc", "$(K1C_CC)"), optimizations = [Optim("", "$(K1C_CFLAGS)"), Optim("o1", "$(K1C_CFLAGS_O1)")], target = "k1c") ccomp_x86 = Env(compiler = Compiler("ccomp", "$(CCOMP)"), optimizations = [Optim("", "$(CCOMPFLAGS)")], target = "host") ccomp_k1c = Env(compiler = Compiler("ccomp", "$(K1C_CCOMP)"), optimizations = [Optim("", "$(K1C_CCOMPFLAGS)")], target = "k1c") environments = [gcc_x86, gcc_k1c, ccomp_x86, ccomp_k1c] ## # Argument parsing ## if len(sys.argv) != 2: raise Exception("Only 1 argument should be given to this script: the make.proto file") yaml_file = sys.argv[1] with open(yaml_file, "r") as f: settings = yaml.load(f.read()) basename = settings["target"] objdeps = settings["objdeps"] if "objdeps" in settings else [] intro = settings["intro"] if "intro" in settings else "" sources = settings["sources"] if "sources" in settings else None measures = settings["measures"] if "measures" in settings else [] name = settings["name"] if "name" in settings else None if sources: intro += "\nsrc=" + sources for objdep in objdeps: if objdep["compiler"] not in ("gcc", "ccomp", "both"): raise Exception('Invalid compiler specified in make.proto:objdeps, should be either "gcc" or "ccomp" or "both"') ## # Printing the rules ## def make_product(env, optim): return basename + "." + env.compiler.short + (("." + optim.short) if optim.short != "" else "") + "." + env.target def make_obj(name, env, compiler_short): return name + "." + compiler_short + "." + env.target + ".o" def make_clock(env, optim): return "clock.gcc." + env.target def make_sources(env, optim): if sources: return "$(src:.c=." + env.compiler.short + (("." + optim.short) if optim.short != "" else "") + "." + env.target + ".o)" else: return "{product}.o".format(product = make_product(env, optim)) def print_rule(env, optim): print("{product}: {sources} ../{clock}.o " .format(product = make_product(env, optim), sources = make_sources(env, optim), clock = make_clock(env, optim)) + " ".join([make_obj(objdep["name"], env, (objdep["compiler"] if objdep["compiler"] != "both" else env.compiler.short)) for objdep in objdeps])) print(" {compiler} {flags} $+ -o $@" .format(compiler = env.compiler.full, flags = optim.full)) def make_env_list(envs): return ",".join([(env.compiler.short + ((" " + optim.short) if optim.short != "" else "") + " " + env.target) for env in environments for optim in env.optimizations]) def print_measure_rule(environments, measures): print("measures.csv: $(PRODUCTS_OUT)") print(' echo ", {}" > $@'.format(make_env_list(environments))) for measure in measures: print(' echo "{name} {measure}"'.format(name=basename if not name else name, measure=measure if len(measures) > 1 else ""), end="") for env in environments: for optim in env.optimizations: print(", $$(grep '{measure}' {outfile} | cut -d':' -f2)".format( measure=measure, outfile=make_product(env, optim) + ".out"), end="") print('>> $@') products = [] for env in environments: for optim in env.optimizations: products.append(make_product(env, optim)) print(""" include ../rules.mk {intro} PRODUCTS?={prod} PRODUCTS_OUT=$(addsuffix .out,$(PRODUCTS)) all: $(PRODUCTS) .PHONY: run: measures.csv """.format(intro=intro, prod=" ".join(products))) for env in environments: for optim in env.optimizations: print_rule(env, optim) print_measure_rule(environments, measures) print(""" .PHONY: clean: rm -f *.o *.s *.k1c *.csv """)