/* This file was generated by lv6 version master.737 (2727a7744111c84f7984634d2bd3ad6f7c6c7ff9). */ /* lv6 -2c -en -2cgc -n main convertible.lus */ /* on vanoise the 09/05/2019 at 15:28:26 */ #ifndef _SOC2C_PREDEF_TYPES #define _SOC2C_PREDEF_TYPES typedef int _boolean; typedef int _integer; typedef char* _string; typedef double _real; typedef double _double; typedef float _float; #define _false 0 #define _true 1 #endif // end of _SOC2C_PREDEF_TYPES // User typedef #ifndef _convertible_main_TYPES #define _convertible_main_TYPES typedef _integer convertible_eq_case; typedef _integer convertible_roof_speed_state; typedef _integer convertible_roof_state; typedef struct { _integer i; _integer j; _real v; } convertible_update_acc; typedef _integer convertible_vehicle_state; #endif // enf of _convertible_main_TYPES // Memoryless soc ctx typedef // Memoryfull soc ctx typedef /* Lustre_pre_ctx */ typedef struct { /*Memory cell*/ _real _memory ; } Lustre_pre_ctx_type; /* Lustre_arrow_ctx */ typedef struct { /*Memory cell*/ _boolean _memory ; } Lustre_arrow_ctx_type; /* Lustre_pre_2_ctx */ typedef struct { /*Memory cell*/ _integer _memory ; } Lustre_pre_2_ctx_type; /* Lustre_arrow_2_ctx */ typedef struct { /*Memory cell*/ _boolean _memory ; } Lustre_arrow_2_ctx_type; /* Lustre_arrow_3_ctx */ typedef struct { /*Memory cell*/ _boolean _memory ; } Lustre_arrow_3_ctx_type; /* Lustre_pre_3_ctx */ typedef struct { /*Memory cell*/ _real _memory[50] ; } Lustre_pre_3_ctx_type; /* convertible_main_ctx */ typedef struct { /*INSTANCES*/ Lustre_pre_3_ctx_type Lustre_pre_3_ctx_tab[2]; Lustre_pre_ctx_type Lustre_pre_ctx_tab[6]; Lustre_pre_2_ctx_type Lustre_pre_2_ctx_tab[5]; Lustre_arrow_3_ctx_type Lustre_arrow_3_ctx_tab[2]; Lustre_arrow_ctx_type Lustre_arrow_ctx_tab[6]; Lustre_arrow_2_ctx_type Lustre_arrow_2_ctx_tab[5]; } convertible_main_ctx_type; // Defining array and extern types assignments #ifndef _assign_rp50 #define _assign_rp50(dest, source, size) memcpy(dest, source, size) #endif