Adjusted the original files to tacle benchmark requirements Created the input serials in void powerwindow_input_initialize(void) to cover the real life scenarios 23-03-2016: Deleted folder powerwindow_SourceFiles moved all the contained c files to PowerWindow folder Created headerfile powerwindow.h Added #ifndef NULL #define NULL ((void *) 0) #endif to header file powerwindow.h Deleted #include in all files replaced with headerfile powerwindow.h Deleted function powerwindow_GetErrorStatus(void) and the related code Commented long tic, toc, tictoc; tic = powerwindow_get_cycles(); toc = powerwindow_get_cycles(); tictoc = toc-tic; printf("%ld\n",tictoc ); in the int main(void). Uncomment can print the execution time of the powerwindow benchmark. Adjusted the description of all the files 21-04-2016 Adjusted the author and license 18-04-2017: Annotated powerwindow_main as entry-point for timing analysis 10-07-2017 - Fix changelog order so dates are correctly sorted. - Fix input array length to avoid possible buffer overflow.