/* This program is part of the TACLeBench benchmark suite. Version V 1.x Name: powerwindow_controlexclusion.h Author: CoSys-Lab, University of Antwerp Function: headerfile Source: https://github.com/tacle/tacle-bench/blob/master/bench/app/PowerWindow/powerwindow_HeaderFiles/powerwindow_controlexclusion.h Changes: a brief summary of major functional changes and formatting) License: GNU General Public License */ #ifndef powerwindow_RTW_HEADER_controlexclusion_h_ #define powerwindow_RTW_HEADER_controlexclusion_h_ #ifndef powerwindow_controlexclusion_COMMON_INCLUDES_ #define powerwindow_controlexclusion_COMMON_INCLUDES_ #include "../powerwindow_HeaderFiles/powerwindow_rtwtypes.h" #include "../powerwindow_HeaderFiles/powerwindow_rtw_solver.h" #endif /* powerwindow_controlexclusion_COMMON_INCLUDES_ */ #include "../powerwindow_HeaderFiles/powerwindow_controlexclusion_types.h" /* Shared type includes */ #include "../powerwindow_HeaderFiles/powerwindow_model_reference_types.h" /* user code (top of header file) */ /* Model reference registration function */ extern void powerwindow_controlexclusion_initialize(void); extern void powerwindow_controlexclusion_terminate(void); extern void powerwindow_controlexclusion_main(const powerwindow_boolean_T *rtu_Up_DRV, const powerwindow_boolean_T *rtu_Down_DRV, const powerwindow_boolean_T *rtu_Up_PSG, const powerwindow_boolean_T *rtu_Down_PSG, powerwindow_boolean_T *rty_Up, powerwindow_boolean_T *rty_Down); /*- * The generated code includes comments that allow you to trace directly * back to the appropriate location in the model. The basic format * is /block_name, where system is the system number (uniquely * assigned by Simulink) and block_name is the name of the block. * * Use the MATLAB hilite_system command to trace the generated code back * to the model. For example, * * hilite_system('') - opens system 3 * hilite_system('/Kp') - opens and selects block Kp which resides in S3 * * Here is the system hierarchy for this model * * '' : 'ControlExclusion' * '' : 'ControlExclusion/Control_Clock_TicToc' * '' : 'ControlExclusion/Control_Clock_TicToc/ControlEx_PSG' * '' : 'ControlExclusion/Control_Clock_TicToc/Tic' * '' : 'powerwindow_controlexclusion_main/Control_Clock_TicToc/Toc' * '' : 'ControlExclusion/Control_Clock_TicToc/Tic/Tic_T' * '' : 'ControlExclusion/Control_Clock_TicToc/Toc/Toc_T' */ #endif /* RTW_HEADER_ControlExclusion_h_ */ /* * File trailer for generated code. * * [EOF] */