/* This program is part of the TACLeBench benchmark suite. Version V 1.x Name: powerwindow_const_params.c Author: CoSys-Lab, University of Antwerp Function: the lookup table for stateflow chart in powerwindow_powerwindow_control Source: https://github.com/tacle/tacle-bench/blob/master/bench/app/PowerWindow/powerwindow_const_params.c Changes: a brief summary of major functional changes and formatting) License: GNU General Public License */ #include "powerwindow_HeaderFiles/powerwindow_rtwtypes.h" extern const powerwindow_boolean_T powerwindow_rtCP_pooled_6bUUQf1tASYw[12]; const powerwindow_boolean_T powerwindow_rtCP_pooled_6bUUQf1tASYw[12] = { 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0 } ;