(* *********************************************************************) (* *) (* The Compcert verified compiler *) (* *) (* Xavier Leroy, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt *) (* *) (* Copyright Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en *) (* Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *) (* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *) (* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or *) (* (at your option) any later version. This file is also distributed *) (* under the terms of the INRIA Non-Commercial License Agreement. *) (* *) (* *********************************************************************) (* Preprocessor for .vp files *) open Printf (* Error reporting *) let error file line msg = eprintf "%s:%d: Error: %s\n" file line msg; exit 2 (* Replace newlines with spaces *) let oneline s = String.map (function '\n' -> ' ' | c -> c) s (* Trim leading and terminating spaces, and compress multiple spaces *) let re_trim_1 = Str.regexp "^[ \t]+\\|[ \t]+$" let re_trim_2 = Str.regexp " +" let trim s = Str.global_replace re_trim_2 " " (Str.global_replace re_trim_1 "" s) (* A nicer interface to Str.match_string, with automatic trimming *) let str_match n re s = if not (Str.string_match re s 0) then [||] else begin let res = Array.make (n+1) "" in for i = 1 to n do res.(i) <- (try Str.matched_group i s with Not_found -> "") done; for i = 1 to n do res.(i) <- trim res.(i) done; res end (* List all occurrences of the given regexp in the given string *) let str_grep re s = let rec occs pos = try let pos1 = Str.search_forward re s pos in let pos2 = Str.match_end() in String.sub s pos1 (pos2 - pos1) :: occs pos2 with Not_found -> [] in occs 0 (* Auxiliary transformations *) let re_comma = Str.regexp ", *" let remove_commas args = Str.global_replace re_comma " " args (* "x, y, z" -> "x as zz1, y as zz2, z as zz3" *) let re_arg = Str.regexp "\\([a-z][a-z0-9_]*\\)" let match_args args = let n = ref 0 in let subst s = incr n; sprintf "%s as zz%d" (Str.matched_group 1 s) !n in Str.global_substitute re_arg subst args (* "x, y, z" -> "zz1 zz2 zz3" *) let match_temps args = let n = ref 0 in let subst s = incr n; sprintf "zz%d" !n in Str.global_substitute re_arg subst (remove_commas args) (* "foo, bar, gee" -> "(foo) (bar) (gee)" *) let parenpats p = "(" ^ Str.global_replace re_comma ") (" p ^ ")" (* "foo, bar, gee" -> "_ _ _" *) let underscores_for s = Str.global_replace re_arg "_" (remove_commas s) (* Extract the bound variables in a pattern. Heuristic: any identifier that starts with a lowercase letter and is not "nil". *) let re_ident = Str.regexp "\\([A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]*\\)" let boundvarspat p = String.concat " " (List.filter (fun id -> id <> "nil" && Str.string_match re_arg id 0) (str_grep re_ident p)) (* Given a match argument "id1, id2, id3" and a parameter list "(id0: ty0) (id1: ty1) (id2: ty2) (id3: ty3)" produce "(id1: ty1) (id2: ty2) (id3: ty3)". *) let re_param = Str.regexp "(\\([A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]*\\):[^)]*) *" let matched_params params args = let arglist = Str.split re_comma args in let filter_param s = if List.mem (Str.matched_group 1 s) arglist then Str.matched_string s else "" in Str.global_substitute re_param filter_param params (* Translation of a "Nondetfunction" *) let re_nd = Str.regexp( "Nondetfunction +\\([a-z][a-z0-9_]*\\) +\\(.+\\):=" (* name, params *) ^ "\\(.*\\)" (* prefix code *) ^ "\\bmatch\\b\\(.*\\)\\bwith\\b" (* match arguments *) ^ "\\(.*\\)\\bend\\." (* match cases *) ) let re_split_cases = Str.regexp "|" let re_case = Str.regexp "\\([^?]*\\)\\(\\?\\?\\(.*\\)\\)?=>\\(.*\\)" let re_default_pat = Str.regexp "[ _,]*$" let transl_ndfun filename lineno s = (* Decompose as follows: Nondetfunction := match with end. *) let res = str_match 5 re_nd (oneline s) in if Array.length res = 0 then error filename lineno "ill-formed 'Nondetfunction'"; let name = res.(1) and params = res.(2) and prefix = res.(3) and args = res.(4) and cases = res.(5) in let mparams = matched_params params args in (*** printf "name = '%s'\n" name; printf "params = '%s'\n" params; printf "prefix = '%s'\n" prefix; printf "args = '%s'\n" args; printf "cases = '%s'\n" cases; ***) let a = Buffer.create 2048 (* inductive declaration *) and b = Buffer.create 2048 (* matching function *) and c = Buffer.create 2048 in (* computational function *) (* Beginning of code *) bprintf a "Inductive %s_cases: forall %s, Type :=\n" name mparams; bprintf b "Definition %s_match %s :=\n" name mparams; bprintf b " match %s return %s_cases %s with\n" (match_args args) name (match_temps args); bprintf c "Definition %s %s :=\n" name params; bprintf c " %s match %s_match %s with\n" prefix name (remove_commas args); (* Adding each case *) let numcase = ref 0 in let transl_case s = let res = str_match 4 re_case s in if Array.length res = 0 then error filename lineno ("ill-formed case: " ^ s); let patlist = res.(1) and guard = res.(3) and rhs = res.(4) in let bv = boundvarspat patlist in if not (Str.string_match re_default_pat patlist 0) then begin incr numcase; bprintf a " | %s_case%d: forall %s, %s_cases %s\n" name !numcase bv name (parenpats patlist); if guard = "" then bprintf b " | %s => %s_case%d %s\n" patlist name !numcase bv else bprintf b " | %s => if %s then %s_case%d %s else %s_default %s\n" patlist guard name !numcase bv name (underscores_for args); bprintf c " | %s_case%d %s => (* %s *) \n" name !numcase bv patlist; bprintf c " %s\n" rhs end else begin let bv = remove_commas args in bprintf a " | %s_default: forall %s, %s_cases %s.\n\n" name mparams name bv; bprintf b " | %s => %s_default %s\n" args name bv; bprintf b " end.\n\n"; bprintf c " | %s_default %s =>\n" name bv; bprintf c " %s\n" rhs; bprintf c " end.\n\n" end in List.iter transl_case (Str.split re_split_cases cases); (* Generate the output *) printf "(** Original definition:\n<<\n%s>>\n*)\n\n" s; Buffer.output_buffer stdout a; Buffer.output_buffer stdout b; Buffer.output_buffer stdout c (* Main loop: translate "Nondetfunction ... end." fragments in the given file. Copy the rest to standard output. *) let re_begin_nd_fun = Str.regexp "Nondetfunction\\b" let re_end_nd_fun = Str.regexp ".*\\bend\\." let transl_file f = let ic = open_in f in let b = Buffer.create 2048 in let in_nd = ref false in let line_no = ref 0 in let line_start = ref 0 in try while true do incr line_no; let l = input_line ic in if !in_nd then begin Buffer.add_string b l; Buffer.add_char b '\n'; if Str.string_match re_end_nd_fun l 0 then begin transl_ndfun f !line_start (Buffer.contents b); Buffer.clear b; in_nd := false end end else begin if Str.string_match re_begin_nd_fun l 0 then begin Buffer.clear b; Buffer.add_string b l; Buffer.add_char b '\n'; in_nd := true; line_start := !line_no end else begin output_string stdout l; output_char stdout '\n' end end done with End_of_file -> close_in ic; if !in_nd then error f !line_start "unterminated 'Nondetfunction'" (* Entry point *) let _ = for i = 1 to Array.length Sys.argv - 1 do transl_file Sys.argv.(i) done