(* *********************************************************************) (* *) (* The Compcert verified compiler *) (* *) (* Xavier Leroy, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt *) (* *) (* Copyright Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en *) (* Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *) (* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *) (* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or *) (* (at your option) any later version. This file is also distributed *) (* under the terms of the INRIA Non-Commercial License Agreement. *) (* *) (* *********************************************************************) (* Timing the execution of a command, with more options than the standard Unix "time" utility. *) open Printf let outfile = ref "" let errfile = ref "" let command_name = ref "" let num_runs = ref 1 let min_runs = ref 0 let min_time = ref 0.0 let print_sys = ref false let error fmt = eprintf "Error: "; kfprintf (fun _ -> exit 2) stderr fmt let open_file out dfl = if out = "" then dfl else Unix.(openfile out [O_WRONLY; O_CREAT; O_TRUNC] 0o666) let close_file out fd = if out <> "" then Unix.close fd let run1 (cmd, args) = let fd_out = open_file !outfile Unix.stdout in let fd_err = open_file !errfile Unix.stderr in let pid = Unix.create_process cmd (Array.of_list (cmd :: args)) Unix.stdin fd_out fd_err in close_file !outfile fd_out; close_file !errfile fd_err; let (_, st) = Unix.waitpid [] pid in match st with | Unix.WEXITED 127 -> error "cannot execute '%s'\n" cmd | Unix.WSIGNALED signo -> error "terminated by signal %d\n" signo | _ -> () let run (cmd, arg) = let rec repeat n = run1 (cmd, arg); if (!min_time > 0.0 && Unix.((times()).tms_cutime) < !min_time) || (!min_runs > 0 && n < !min_runs) || n < !num_runs then repeat (n + 1) else n in let n = repeat 1 in let ts = Unix.times() in let cmdname = if !command_name <> "" then !command_name else cmd in if !print_sys then Printf.printf "%.3f usr + %.3f sys %s\n" (ts.Unix.tms_cutime /. float n) (ts.Unix.tms_cstime /. float n) cmdname else Printf.printf "%.3f %s\n" (ts.Unix.tms_cutime /. float n) cmdname let _ = let cmd_and_args = ref [] in Arg.parse [ "-o", Arg.Set_string outfile, " Redirect standard output of command to "; "-e", Arg.Set_string outfile, " Redirect standard error of command to "; "-name", Arg.Set_string command_name, " Name of command to report along with the time"; "-repeat", Arg.Int (fun n -> num_runs := n), " Run the command N times"; "-mintime", Arg.Float (fun f -> min_time := f), " Repeatedly run the command for a total duration of at least T seconds"; "-minruns", Arg.Int (fun n -> num_runs := n), " Run the command at least N times (to be used in conjunction with -mintime)"; "-sys", Arg.Set print_sys, " Print system time (spent in the OS) in addition to user time (spent in the command)"; "--", Arg.Rest (fun s -> cmd_and_args := s :: !cmd_and_args), " Specify the executable to time, with its arguments" ] (fun s -> raise (Arg.Bad (sprintf "Don't know what to do with '%s'" s))) "Usage: xtime [options] -- [arguments].\n\nOptions are:"; match List.rev !cmd_and_args with | [] -> error "No command to execute\n" | cmd :: args -> Unix.handle_unix_error run (cmd, args)