(* *********************************************************************) (* *) (* The Compcert verified compiler *) (* *) (* Xavier Leroy, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt *) (* Jacques-Henri Jourdan, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt *) (* *) (* Copyright Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en *) (* Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *) (* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *) (* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or *) (* (at your option) any later version. This file is also distributed *) (* under the terms of the INRIA Non-Commercial License Agreement. *) (* *) (* *********************************************************************) (** Architecture-dependent parameters for ARM *) Require Import ZArith List. (*From Flocq*) Require Import Binary Bits. Definition ptr64 := false. Parameter big_endian: bool. Definition align_int64 := 8%Z. Definition align_float64 := 8%Z. Definition splitlong := true. Lemma splitlong_ptr32: splitlong = true -> ptr64 = false. Proof. unfold splitlong, ptr64; congruence. Qed. Definition default_nan_64 := (false, iter_nat 51 _ xO xH). Definition default_nan_32 := (false, iter_nat 22 _ xO xH). (** Choose the first signaling NaN, if any; otherwise choose the first NaN; otherwise use default. *) Definition choose_nan (is_signaling: positive -> bool) (default: bool * positive) (l0: list (bool * positive)) : bool * positive := let fix choose_snan (l1: list (bool * positive)) := match l1 with | nil => match l0 with nil => default | n :: _ => n end | ((s, p) as n) :: l1 => if is_signaling p then n else choose_snan l1 end in choose_snan l0. Lemma choose_nan_idem: forall is_signaling default n, choose_nan is_signaling default (n :: n :: nil) = choose_nan is_signaling default (n :: nil). Proof. intros. destruct n as [s p]; unfold choose_nan; simpl. destruct (is_signaling p); auto. Qed. Definition choose_nan_64 := choose_nan (fun p => negb (Pos.testbit p 51)) default_nan_64. Definition choose_nan_32 := choose_nan (fun p => negb (Pos.testbit p 22)) default_nan_32. Lemma choose_nan_64_idem: forall n, choose_nan_64 (n :: n :: nil) = choose_nan_64 (n :: nil). Proof. intros; apply choose_nan_idem. Qed. Lemma choose_nan_32_idem: forall n, choose_nan_32 (n :: n :: nil) = choose_nan_32 (n :: nil). Proof. intros; apply choose_nan_idem. Qed. Definition float_of_single_preserves_sNaN := false. Global Opaque ptr64 big_endian splitlong default_nan_64 choose_nan_64 default_nan_32 choose_nan_32 float_of_single_preserves_sNaN. (** Which ABI to use: either the standard ARM EABI with floats passed in integer registers, or the "hardfloat" variant of the EABI that uses FP registers instead. *) Inductive abi_kind := Softfloat | Hardfloat. Parameter abi: abi_kind. (** Whether instructions added with Thumb2 are supported. True for ARMv6T2 and above. *) Parameter thumb2_support: bool.